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Soul Sacrifice (Vita) Demo impressions

pretty cool game.

I just did a cerberus fight with 3 randoms. Ended up sacrificing everyone (because they asked me to do it). and when the last sacrifice bent the boss on his knees, I "ultima fire"'d him. Mission successful.

I was 6/9, so it's quite a feat.


It makes you Neutral where you have the same offense and defense one Sigil so far (that you place on your arm) has a extra effect if you are Neutral. Seems more the like game wants you to choose a path where you can have crazy defense but shit for offense, crazy offense but shit defense or a weird middle like line where one doesn't overwhelm the other.

Plus once you reach level 20 you can basically re-spec

Its the same character you will use for online so all of that stuff should carry over (meter level, sigils, offerings, load-out)
Thanks for the info!

I'm really struggling on the last demo quest. Is there a dodge?? I seem to get constantly hit.
I played the first 3 levels and I am pleasantly surprised so far. Is the mulitplayer, like MonHun, going to be the main draw to this game?

I'm just worried about the longevity of the game considering how small the levels seem.

It'll have 100 levels from what I heard and multiple difficulty levels. It's pretty overwhelming really if there is 10 ranks of each skill. Plenty of longevity to me.
Thanks for the info!

I'm really struggling on the last demo quest. Is there a dodge?? I seem to get constantly hit.

I tweaked my eariler post a bit about the sigils as there are others in the demo that gives an extra buff when you are neutral.

Yes there is a dodge, direction + X and the character does a roll. Also you can get a powerup that turns that roll into a badass teleport.


I tweaked my eariler post a bit about the sigils as there are others in the demo that gives an extra buff when you are neutral.

Yes there is a dodge, direction + X and the character does a roll. Also you can get a powerup that turns that roll into a badass teleport.
Thanks again. Knowing how to dodge sure helps haha. I'm really loving this! Just unlocked network. I guess I'm not on the last quest like I thought.
Thanks again. Knowing how to dodge sure helps haha. I'm really loving this! Just unlocked network. I guess I'm not on the last quest like I thought.

No problem and yea you are not done yet.

Once you unlock Avalon there are four quests in there to tackle and at that point you can battle with friends (AI if you are playing solo, real people if you are playing online).

The enemies in those quests are the same as what you were fighting except for one and that thing in particular seems to be a real handful given some of the reactions.

Edit: Tried Cerberus again and the amount of life he takes off (without my Black Rite effect) is fucking ridiculous lol plus those AIs are pretty much worthless in the fight.


Tried Cerberus with two friends last night and he completely rocked us. We're all going to have to level up some more. We have a third friend who is going to beat chapter 6 soon so hopefully when they join it will be a lot easier.

I can't believe how good of a demo this is. It's convinced all of my friends to buy the game and all my vita friends have played the demo. Even at my local EB games when I went to preorder SS, we were told that a lot of people were coming in to preorder it.
Tried Cerberus with two friends last night and he completely rocked us. We're all going to have to level up some more. We have a third friend who is going to beat chapter 6 soon so hopefully when they join it will be a lot easier.

I can't believe how good of a demo this is. It's convinced all of my friends to buy the game and all my vita friends have played the demo. Even at my local EB games when I went to preorder SS, we were told that a lot of people were coming in to preorder it.

Honestly I was not interested because of how morbid the title seemed but after playing it, it has changed my opinion of the tone and delivery and the game is awesome fun. The demo did a great job of changing my opinion.


Honestly I was not interested because of how morbid the title seemed but after playing it, it has changed my opinion of the tone and delivery and the game is awesome fun. The demo did a great job of changing my opinion.

It's pretty morbid. But it's done in a fairly mature manner, it kinda gives me the feeling that the whole game and story could have came from a fantasy novel.


This demo is so good that I don't even want to wait another week and a half for the full game. I just want to start progressing further right now.


I should really beat Cerberus before complaining about wanting the full game, I guess. I'm supposed to be studying for finals right now but screw it. It's time to level up. I still need to get the golem too...


I tweaked my eariler post a bit about the sigils as there are others in the demo that gives an extra buff when you are neutral.

Yes there is a dodge, direction + X and the character does a roll. Also you can get a powerup that turns that roll into a badass teleport.

And a dodge that tunnels you underground! Mole Claw I think it's called.


I just put finishing touches to the Soul Sacrifice OT. It should be up on Tuesday. (Thanks again for the screenshots, Hasemo. :D)

Does anyone want to go through Cerberus sometime? I want the Cerberus sorcerer as an AI partner, but everyone I've met online so far chose to sacrifice him...


I just put finishing touches to the Soul Sacrifice OT. It should be up on Tuesday. (Thanks again for the screenshots, Hasemo. :D)

Does anyone want to go through Cerberus sometime? I want the Cerberus sorcerer as an AI partner, but everyone I've met online so far chose to sacrifice him...

I'd be glad to help later.
I'm rocking a 19 life lv, 1 magic lv build though.

EDIT: Just so you know, the AI partner you get from Ceberus is a Devil Arm II with lightning-based offerings. He keeps on leaving me because I save all of the bosses I fight. :b


I just put finishing touches to the Soul Sacrifice OT. It should be up on Tuesday. (Thanks again for the screenshots, Hasemo. :D)

Does anyone want to go through Cerberus sometime? I want the Cerberus sorcerer as an AI partner, but everyone I've met online so far chose to sacrifice him...
I'm always up for a good Cerberus run :D PSN ID is yoshiDeKiller.
Does anyone want to go through Cerberus sometime? I want the Cerberus sorcerer as an AI partner, but everyone I've met online so far chose to sacrifice him...

i'm down for this. my psn id is in my profile.

EDIT: Just so you know, the AI partner you get from Ceberus is a Devil Arm II with lightning-based offerings. He keeps on leaving me because I save all of the bosses I fight. :b

i believe he sacrificed me the first time i used him. i sat there waiting to see if 2 npc's could take down the harpy.


I've been purposely dying on Harpy so I can be sacrificed, hoping to get the golem. So what's with this mechanic where you can touch the screen to give attack or take away defense? I see the bar at the top of the screen. Do I have to hold my finger down on the boss to keep its defense down or does just tapping it once suffice?
And a dodge that tunnels you underground! Mole Claw I think it's called.

Yea I forgot about that one (I got one but haven't used it yet)

EDIT: Just so you know, the AI partner you get from Ceberus is a Devil Arm II with lightning-based offerings. He keeps on leaving me because I save all of the bosses I fight. :b

I guess that explains why he dishes out a fuckton of damage lol

I've been purposely dying on Harpy so I can be sacrificed, hoping to get the golem. So what's with this mechanic where you can touch the screen to give attack or take away defense? I see the bar at the top of the screen. Do I have to hold my finger down on the boss to keep its defense down or does just tapping it once suffice?

I did a hold and that seemed to work since it caused the bar to constantly drop but if you lose focus of the target it starts to fill again.


I've been purposely dying on Harpy so I can be sacrificed, hoping to get the golem. So what's with this mechanic where you can touch the screen to give attack or take away defense? I see the bar at the top of the screen. Do I have to hold my finger down on the boss to keep its defense down or does just tapping it once suffice?
I thought tapping was good enough at first but apparently the buffs/debuffs only last for as long as you hold.
I've been purposely dying on Harpy so I can be sacrificed, hoping to get the golem. So what's with this mechanic where you can touch the screen to give attack or take away defense? I see the bar at the top of the screen. Do I have to hold my finger down on the boss to keep its defense down or does just tapping it once suffice?

you can just fuse offerings to make the golems too. idk if your after the rock like one, but he doesn't have stone element like you think he would.

i just hold it down till it's empty/filled. i don't think continuing to hold leaves it empty.


Nice, thanks for the responses. I actually got the Timesand and fused the regular golem. I got another timesand just now, maybe I'll make the plant golem too.

edit- damn these golems are awesome


I've been purposely dying on Harpy so I can be sacrificed, hoping to get the golem. So what's with this mechanic where you can touch the screen to give attack or take away defense? I see the bar at the top of the screen. Do I have to hold my finger down on the boss to keep its defense down or does just tapping it once suffice?

You can hold down your finger to prolong the effect until the bar runs out. Tapping won't result in a permanent boost.

i believe he sacrificed me the first time i used him. i sat there waiting to see if 2 npc's could take down the harpy.

Same here lol. He just ran up and used me. Luckily the harpy was low on health and only took 30 minutes for the AI to kill.
30 minutes. :/

I guess that explains why he dishes out a fuckton of damage lol

Yeah, I love fighting alongside him during the Jack O Lantern fight since he can follow up a Frozen Hell with one of his lightning attacks for much more damage then me and my Life-focused build.


Not feeling the gameplay too much, but God damn the game reeks of quality. It feels like a full price console game, and the collecting of powers and choosing what your experience goes towards is fantastic. The menu system is overall really creative.

I'll give it a go again a little later, but so far I just felt like I was spamming attacks on cool designed monsters until the mission was over. I'm really enjoying getting powers after a mission, swapping them, and trying them out, so maybe something will click and I'll start loving the actual gameplay as much as everything else. That first battle against the face dragon was a huge turn off though, and almost made me stop playing completely.
Same here lol. He just ran up and used me. Luckily the harpy was low on health and only took 30 minutes for the AI to kill.
30 minutes. :/

my reaction when it happened was pretty much "wait what". while watching them finish the harpy they did incredibly dumb stuff. like stand next to a wall doing nothing at one point.

i still haven't seen them try to sacrifice each other. i'll probably laugh when i see that happening too.


hmm. I just hope the Single-Player isn't all just arenas after arenas of boss battles, it's fun but I wanna be able to explore dungeons/castle before finally meeting the boss

miss that Sotiara. why did she have to die :( but the story is pretty gripping
I was already in love with the game at the reveal and this demo it's nothing more than a final nail on my heart, I never played a demo so much, not even the mgs one for psx.

But I'm stuck for cerberus, I tried sacrificing allies or myself in almost all the stages as some change the prize for it (Soltiara gave me 2 different buff fruits and then a fire spell) but I only achieved to obtain only one rock/stone attack item (the axe) and was trying to find more with no luck, I didn't even find the timesink for the poison golem or the stuff for the rock one, anyone can give me a hint or two?
Man if I love a lot experimenting different item sets and naming them on the way
hmm. I just hope the Single-Player isn't all just arenas after arenas of boss battles, it's fun but I wanna be able to explore dungeons/castle before finally meeting the boss

miss that Sotiara. why did she have to die :( but the story is pretty gripping

Just to let you know, this isn't gonna happen. The areas get bigger and a bit more expansive, but you're never exploring dungeons or castles.

This is very much so a boss rush type of game.


can Cerberus be beaten alone cuz the AIs are doing jackshit here

Supposedly, yes although with the tools in the demo I believe it's very difficult. The only "stone" element weapons available in the demo (that I've seen) are the Stone Axe and the Grave Clod. I do know that Cerberus running into your shield (of any kind) causes him to bounce and fall down at which point you can get some free hits in. I also caused him to fall down several times myself with a full charge Stone Axe swing but that takes a few seconds.

I just beat the Cerberus myself in a full online group for the first time just now. My adrenaline is still spiking like crazy from the fight. My group managed to destroy all of the cursed parts and chose to save the NPC and I scored high enough to get the Sands of Time so it was a pretty great run.

Sands of Time seems like an interesting item. Haven't used it yet, obviously, but the description reads like it stops the target and drains your health for a short duration. Seems like a great Divine Build item but not as useful for my Dark build.


Can someone explain how being sacrificed gets you items? I thought it meant you miss out on the save or sacrifice boost?


Can someone explain how being sacrificed gets you items? I thought it meant you miss out on the save or sacrifice boost?

When you get sacrificed or use a Black Rite, you are awarded a unique Martyr reward offering for your sacrifice at the end of the mission.
EDIT: This reward is also randomized.
Sands of Time seems like an interesting item. Haven't used it yet, obviously, but the description reads like it stops the target and drains your health for a short duration. Seems like a great Divine Build item but not as useful for my Dark build.

I can tell you it drains health like a bitch. And unless your team understands the value of it, you're throwing away your life. You're bound to press the button to maintain the monster frozen in time.
Yeah my friend did it, bring a sheild.

Supposedly, yes although with the tools in the demo I believe it's very difficult. The only "stone" element weapons available in the demo (that I've seen) are the Stone Axe and the Grave Clod. I do know that Cerberus running into your shield (of any kind) causes him to bounce and fall down at which point you can get some free hits in.

Just tried this and honestly this changes the game :O

I might have a shot now


I can tell you it drains health like a bitch. And unless your team understands the value of it, you're throwing away your life. You're bound to press the button to maintain the monster frozen in time.

Yeah it definitely seems like the type of item that would require a good team that knows what's going on. And proper communication!
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