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Star Wars Battlefront gameplay


Nah I'm fairly certain were right :) After all how do you pronounce AT-ST, Atstu? Consistency man!t

Stop trying to inject logic into the equation. So weird, everyone I've ever spoken to about Star Wars from being 12 when ESB came out up and even over 30 years later pronounced it that way. Until now. And yeah I've always said Aytee-Estee. It just made sense my whole life and now everything is in flames.
Im a bit concerned about how many people are just

"day 1"

after the BF4 debacle I thought a more measured response would be coming... seems these companies can do anything they damn well please really.

...and I'm a huge BF fan , like BF3 was my most played game of my life. This is gonna be like 119 canadian for seasons pass for sure.

This is GAF, pre-order culture is only bad until a game comes along that you like the look of.
The HUD elements are terrible looking.. has this been brought up yet? They look like placeholder. And don't say "pre-alpha" unless you know they are placeholder.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Stop trying to inject logic into the equation. So weird, everyone I've ever spoken to about Star Wars from being 12 when ESB came out always pronounced it that way. Until now. And yeah I've always said Aytee-Estee. It just made sense my whole life and now everything is in flames.

It's gonna be a tough adjustment, the first step is to admit that you have a problem and get about fixing it.


Such a bummer that there is no intriguing single player campaign. Gosh that totally blows for us single player fanatics.

Nobody buys these games for the campaign.


Im a bit concerned about how many people are just

"day 1"

after the BF4 debacle I thought a more measured response would be coming... seems these companies can do anything they damn well please really.

...and I'm a huge BF fan , like BF3 was my most played game of my life. This is gonna be like 119 canadian for seasons pass for sure.

It's just another BF4 reskin; albeit a really nice one. And it's not a knock at all, but gives a lot of confidence that they're building off what is now an extremely solid back end. I didn't even hesitate to hit the preorder button on this one.

The deluxe edition is weird though. $10 for just a handful of weapons? Really?


Gold Member
Stop trying to inject logic into the equation. So weird, everyone I've ever spoken to about Star Wars from being 12 when ESB came out always pronounced it that way. Until now. And yeah I've always said Aytee-Estee. It just made sense my whole life and now everything is in flames.

Hahaha, if it makes you feel any better, both are mutually accepted in the Star Wars Universe.

And I heard both growing up as well.

Nobody buys these games for the campaign.


Yep. I never touched the single player campaigns in BF3 or 4.

And the Visceral/Amy Hennig project will probably be the single player experience for Star Wars games.


Neo Member
Hope it's more refined than BF4 was. That game was, after being relatively fixed, very unfocused ( things like the detrimental commander mode, gamemode clutter, pretty bad interactions between vehicle and infantry).


it looks like battlefield with star wars skins and sounds and average graphics.

That's... exactly what everyone wanted. Except I think it's crazy you thought the graphics were just average. It's running on a PS4 (PC will obviously look better and able to play 1440p and 4K resolutions) and it looked smooth as fuck. Sound design was just sublime.

Some people are just impossible to please.
That's... exactly what everyone wanted.

Some people are just impossible to please.

That's not what I wanted. Despite what everyone else seems to remember, Battlefront 1&2 didn't play like a Battlefield game. The only similarities they had were that they both had infantry and vehicle combat, they didn't feel anything like each other.

I also didn't want a progression system, and tons of 'XP-GOOD JOB BUDDY' popping up on the screen every time you do anything. All I wanted was another Battlefront game, and while this technically is that, it doesn't look as if it plays anything like the originals. Despite the player count, the demo felt very empty without the bots.
thought the game looked exactly like what I expected it to be. Will definitely be getting this. So far I am a little more interested in what Halo 5 has showed me but lets be honest I will be getting both.
You were naive to ever think there wouldn't be a progression system in place.

I prefer 'optimistic'.

So its Battlefront. Can we stop with this?

Battlefront always was just like Battlefield with a star Wars game. Oh and i didnt know that you can play in 3rd all the time in Battlefield.

Complaining for the sake of complaining.

It really wasn't and I have to wonder if any of the people who keep saying that have actually ever played a Battlefront game.
Looks like Battlefield with a Stars Wars mask on it.

Looks amazing regardless. Day one.

So its Battlefront. Can we stop with this?

Battlefront always was just like Battlefield with a star Wars "skin". Oh and i didnt know that you can play in 3rd person all the time in Battlefield.

Complaining for the sake of complaining.


Yea. Those icons really stood out. Looked like placeholders to me not sure they are or not

100% placeholders imo

Your HP being a massive red bar in the middle isnt DICEs style, regardless of game

I expect something similar to Battlefield

Minimap on the bottom left and HP/Grenades/Special Weapon on the bottom right


They/Them A-10 Warthog
This thread is actually making me angry so I am just going to post my thoughts and leave before I go off on someone and get banned.

Fucking incredible, I actually teared up watching the gameplay. Star Wars and its universe is sacred to me and having DICE, my favorite fps developer, make a Battlefront is a dream come true. It looks stunning, sounds beautiful, and will no doubt be another game I put 300+ hours into, just like Battlefield 4 (the current best shooter on ps4, Hardline being the second best).

Ps. Are people really complaining about Luke's look in a game that is designed to allow battles to play out differently than the movies?
Im not telling how to spend it. Im telling you learn from history... but thats ok man. Developers and publishers need ur money..

Thank god you're here to protect us from those evil pubs and devs.

If you weren't here to blow the whistle and keep this industry honest someone might be unfortunate enough to actually play a game, instead of doing what's right and sending a message to those corporate fatcats.


Looks like Battlefield with a Stars Wars mask on it.

Looks amazing regardless. Day one.

Well, since both are made by DICE I can understand some similarities. But just the fact of the non-existance of ADS in this Battlefront may be enough to distinguish a lot its gameplay from Battlefield!


Visually it looked great but I can't get excited for a scripted demo. Looking forward to seeing some actual gameplay.
Are people honestly so ignorant that they thought this wasn't going to be similar to Battlefield? Boggles the mind.

The game looks incredible though. It has been a long ten years.
I don't play Halo, so i am not familiar with said character but that thing (at least your avatar) looks like a penis to me with a face on it, i didn't mean to offend you or anything i was only curious so i apologize if i offended you.

That said... i am so hyped for this game.

I'm just joking with you my man. : D


Gold Member
you might wanna go back and watch the earlier trailers again dude

You mean the earlier trailers may have been the PC version maxed out, and this was the PS4?

Who would have thunk?! I still think it is pretty on par.

It still looks and sounds fan fucking tastic to me. To each their own.

This thread is actually making me angry so I am just going to post my thoughts and leave before I go off on someone and get banned.

Fucking incredible, I actually teared up watching the gameplay. Star Wars and its universe is sacred to me and having DICE, my favorite fps developer, make a Battlefront is a dream come true. It looks stunning, sounds beautiful, and will no doubt be another game I put 300+ hours into, just like Battlefield 4 (the current best shooter on ps4, Hardline being the second best).

Ps. Are people really complaining about Luke's look in a game that is designed to allow battles to play out differently than the movies?

I think people are hardwired to complain in the womb these days.

Here I am approaching 40 in a few years, remembering how wow'ed I was with Star Wars vector arcade, then Tie Fighter, then Jedi Knight 2, now this game that is the closest thing yet to realism that matches the look and sound of the films.


I don't play Halo, so i am not familiar with said character but that thing (at least your avatar) looks like a penis to me with a face on it, i didn't mean to offend you or anything i was only curious so i apologize if i offended you.

That said... i am so hyped for this game.

im dying lmao
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