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Super Mario Odyssey trailer (October 27th)


Thought I'd colorize the map:


Just like the shrine system shouldve allowed nintendo to make puzzles that people can actually get stumped on. I wouldn't put that much faith in nintendo in making a difficult game here.

Have you played Galaxy 2 or the unlockable worlds in SM3DW? I trust Koizumi and team to put in some difficult content.
The fact that both Pauline and Peach are in this game makes me so happy. And this game looks like it'll have a stronger story/plot than 3D World.



It's strange to see a realistic T-rex in a Mario game especially when considering the existence of Yoshi. Is Mario going to recognize Yoshi as a dinosaur versus the T-rex that is in the game?

That's a tough question [laughs]. In the past, I've seen Hollywood movies where a dinosaur looks like Yoshi and I thought, ”That's not a dinosaur. It's more like a lizard." But I do think Mario recognizes the difference in the dinosaur and Yoshi [laughs]. And he can possess the T-rex and I guess he sort of rides Yoshi, so it kind of works out.

Can Mario possess a T-rex, and then can the T-rex ride Yoshi?

It's too much stress on Yoshi. Please don't do that [laughs].

Nice little Miyamoto interview on new games and nostalgia for old etc.


Now that Pauline is in a mainline 3D Mario game, will she get the Rosalina treatment and start showing up in every spinoff? I'd be down with that — a jazzy city girl is a nice change of pace from the usual princesses (I know Rosie is a space goddess, but she's still dressed like a princess).

Also, an upshot to Smash coming out later: We can get stages (and music!) for Odyssey and BotW. :-O
Thought I'd colorize the map:



I can see at least four more potential kingdom areas.

-Crystal continent near the center
-Small round island at the top of the map
-Large area under the Sand Kingdom
-Continent under the word "Switch" on the far right

That would bring the total to 10, and then if they also do the Moon and a Mushroom Kingdom stage, that'd be 12.

Or, if the area under Sand Kingdom isn't another world, then that's 9, plus the Moon for 10.

Edit: There's also a group of small islands in the bottom left. There's no reason whatsoever to assume there's only 6 worlds in this game. At the absolute minimum there's obviously one more in the crystal snowflake shine area.


Neo Member
Is there any news on the resolution of this game? I remember in Jan it was 720p, 60fps; wondering if they've managed to get it higher? Looks awesome.


i'm guessing that this has already been linked previously in the thread but whatever:


The ”sandbox" term has been used to describe many different games for many years, and Super Mario 64 certainly wasn't the first, but the definition of ”sandbox gameplay" has evolved quite a bit over time, to the point where it can now mean very different things to different people, and also very different things in different games.

The use of the term ”sandbox" in relation to the Super Mario games actually originates from a Japanese word: Hakoniwa (pronounced Hah-koh Nee-Wah) Hakoniwa is a Japanese term that literally means ”box garden" or a garden-in-box. In Japan, Hakoniwa is a style of gardening that became popular in the late Edo and early Meiji periods of Japanese history, and it shares some similarities with Bonsai gardening.

This approach to gardening focuses on creating miniaturized landscapes in small containers, often using tiny figures, buildings, bridges, and paths to create the illusion of intricately crafted landscapes and scenes. For those who peek in on these gardens, it is often surprising to see the intricacies, the depth of layers, and the realism on display within these tiny scenes.

Super Mario 64 took some of its game-design inspiration from the Hakoniwa gardening style, and that inspiration is carried on in Super Mario Odyssey. In Super Mario 64, it meant creating these fully realized worlds in which it felt like you were peering in on Mario as you controlled him, much the way you peer into the miniaturized worlds represented in Hakoniwa. Shigeru Miyamoto recounted on a past Treehouse Live how this inspiration was then expanded when he let his pet hamster loose in his room around the time of Super Mario 64. This inspired him to want to make controlling Mario feel like you were controlling a hamster running around in and exploring the landscape.

The Odyssey development team has taken further inspiration from the Hakoniwa tradition and applied intricacy of design and many layers of texture and depth to the game's diverse landscapes, but they've done so in large, sprawling kingdoms that are packed with areas to explore and surprises to uncover, rather than in miniaturized spaces. It is an approach that is different from the goal of creating a vast world in an open-air style that was taken during the development of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Instead, Super Mario Odyssey expands on the Garden-in-a-box approach to design and uses it to build upon the objective-based approach to level design from Super Mario 64 by filling each space with multiple objectives hidden both along the main path and off the beaten path.

This approach helps the kingdoms Mario visits on his journey come to life. It gives almost every surface in Super Mario Odyssey a unique feel, it encourages random interaction and exploration, and it rewards the player's experimentation with surprise and delight, which is one of the original themes of what has come to be called sandbox gameplay in the West. In Super Mario Odyssey, this approach will leave with you surprises down every path, under every tree, and across every bridge, if you just take the time to peek into this intricate garden-in-a-box.

—Bill T.


Is there any news on the resolution of this game? I remember in Jan it was 720p, 60fps; wondering if they've managed to get it higher? Looks awesome.

Like with Splatoon 2 and the other games they have revealed, they'll probably continue to optimize the game until it's 110%. I did notice some slowdown in the Yoshi demo, along with a few hiccups in Odyssey's demo when I tried it at Metrotown mall.
Alright kids.


10 glorious minutes of Mario Odyssey parkour and ninja-like movement.

I tried to address everything in the commentary of the video. Let me know on here if you have any questions.

Also, LOAD UP THE GIFS. No lag after a dive feels WONDERFUL.

The spin jump is in but it works differently from Sunshine, at least as far as I could tell.

I did 360 + a (same exact timing from Sunshine's spin jump) and nothing happened. I tried spinning in mid air and nothing happened. The way it works now is you charge the spin by rotating the analog stick rapidly while grounded, then you jump and Mario continues to spin. I could see it being useful in the full game, but it definitely lacks the height/distance of the crazy spin jump from Sunshine.

Wow, thanks for the video.


Alright kids.


10 glorious minutes of Mario Odyssey parkour and ninja-like movement.

I tried to address everything in the commentary of the video. Let me know on here if you have any questions.

Thanks for doing this!

It's very informative and it's a joy to see someone competent move around in the game! Looks so much more fun and more like what you see when you play yourself. Your comment about it being the smoothest controlling Mario since Sunshine makes me really happy. Sunshine controlled like solid gold!

Hahaha, when you dunk into the wall when trying to do wall jump from long jump <3 (I miss that)
I think that there are shades of all the 3D Mario games in this new New Mario Moveset. The Hat mechanics as they pertain to combat and hovering remind me of Galaxy and the multitasking that the game asked with its pointer. The Roll is obviously from 3D Land and World and much like those games, combining it with long jumps is highly optimal for vast increases in speed. The Spin from Sunshine returns, albeit not as insanely powerful though useful for certain gaps most likely, the spin jump in 3D world did get some use after all. And all this building on the base Super Mario 64 jumping toolkit which seems as tight as it's always been.

What Odyssey brings that's so exciting is that it's trying to turn every object, inanimate or not into something that is able to be interacted with in a meaningful fashion, either for pure platforming, fast traversal or puzzle solving. And that's unbelievable, hugely ambitious for any game to try to attempt. And yet it's such a Tokyo EAD brand of design that I can't help but smile. Having literally every object in the world be a part of Mario's toolset seems like an incredibly powerful tool for both level design and player expression. I'm so giddy.


So, I'm sure this has been addressed... But gameplay wise: Is collection moons the main goal to power up your rocket, and are they all scattered like in the Treehouse demo? One world where each of the moons is kind of like a separate challenge (With a few being more gauntlet-like as the prior Mario games' stars).

Judging from the Treehouse video, it felt like part of the main gameplay was missing and all there was were 'challenges'.


Alright kids.


10 glorious minutes of Mario Odyssey parkour and ninja-like movement.

I tried to address everything in the commentary of the video. Let me know on here if you have any questions.

Also, LOAD UP THE GIFS. No lag after a dive feels WONDERFUL.

The spin jump is in but it works differently from Sunshine, at least as far as I could tell.

I did 360 + a (same exact timing from Sunshine's spin jump) and nothing happened. I tried spinning in mid air and nothing happened. The way it works now is you charge the spin by rotating the analog stick rapidly while grounded, then you jump and Mario continues to spin. I could see it being useful in the full game, but it definitely lacks the height/distance of the crazy spin jump from Sunshine.
Nice video. The spin jump was in 3D World and had the crazy height from Sunshine. Looks like it works the same way it did in 3D World but they nerfed it. The ground pound lag cancel high jump is also from 3D World. The roll, too, but they've removed the lag between uses; though you could chain rolls by doing rolling long jumps.
Good fucking god this games looks good. Like...greatest game of all time good, with Breath of the Wild being close behind it. Cannot wait for this game to come out, the hype is unreal. Nintendo is on a role right now


Neo Member
Like with Splatoon 2 and the other games they have revealed, they'll probably continue to optimize the game until it's 110%. I did notice some slowdown in the Yoshi demo, along with a few hiccups in Odyssey's demo when I tried it at Metrotown mall.

Yeah but do you know if the resolution has been improved at all? I'm really struggling to figure it out from videos. It should be clear enough in person. I can easily tell the difference between a 720p and a 1080p game. Even BOTW's 900p bothers me when I'm playing on the TV.


Neo Member
Thanks for the video ! The moveset seems really great, glad it's on par with Sunshine level of controls.

Looks better than Sunshine controls. I wasn't a huge fan of FLUDD as a control gimmick. It made jumping too imprecise, and they had to make the jumping areas much bigger to compensate for the extra float.


Have you played Galaxy 2 or the unlockable worlds in SM3DW? I trust Koizumi and team to put in some difficult content.

ive 100%-ed every 3d mario. it's not that i dont think some lvls reach a good difficulty. my issue is that the games dont often do so using complicated platform movement or stage elements with with difficult patterns of viable traversal. they instead shifted to a lazier design of artificial difficulty such as adding life challenges, or collecting things within a time limit, or collecting purple coins in a small hazardous area. I want difficulty in the 3d games to require controlling your jumps with a stronger element of timing. While being more focused in its gimmick and aesthetic and overall natural than say Champions road.
I have one concern about this game, but it's a pretty big one.

When Mario possesses those springy pylons in New Donk City, the game seems to require you to "flick" the analog stick to move.
ie. Pulling the analog stick all the way in one direction and just letting go.
This kind of control scheme is usually a design faux-pas because it degrades the stick tension and creates floppy sticks and/or deadzone widening.
Are the Switch's sticks designed to withstand this kind of usually avoided control scheme?


How many worlds have we seen thus far?

City World
Desert World
Forest World
Dino World
Polygonal world
And that Nightmare Before Christmas looking one (?)

Six is not bad. 2 more and I'd be happy with 8.


The Cheep Cheep part in the new trailer seems like a new world to me. Could be a part of the Cascade/dinosaur world but it seems to go for a Greek ruins theme.

Alright kids.


10 glorious minutes of Mario Odyssey parkour and ninja-like movement.

I tried to address everything in the commentary of the video. Let me know on here if you have any questions.

Great video. l don't know what the Gamexplain guys were talking about, they said Mario felt sluggish like in 3D World but it was immediately obvious to me just looking at videos his movements were snappy and 64-like.


Now that Pauline is in a mainline 3D Mario game, will she get the Rosalina treatment and start showing up in every spinoff? I'd be down with that &#8212; a jazzy city girl is a nice change of pace from the usual princesses (I know Rosie is a space goddess, but she's still dressed like a princess).
I hope so. I always felt she was strangely absent in those spinoff games while DK and the likes of Daisy are usually in. Showing up in a "main" entry like this probably gives her the push to finally become a fancy lookin' kart racer.

Also about Daisy, the very first trailer showed Mario riding around on a stone lion-like creature which quickly reminded me of the lion baddies in Super Mario Land. Doesn't seem like it's actually a desert world based off the one in SML now that I've seen more footage, but if the game would give other side characters like Daisey a cameo too then that'd be great.
Alright kids.


10 glorious minutes of Mario Odyssey parkour and ninja-like movement.

I tried to address everything in the commentary of the video. Let me know on here if you have any questions.

Also, LOAD UP THE GIFS. No lag after a dive feels WONDERFUL.
Ah, thanks for this. Looks amazing. A bit disappointing that you can't long jump into a wall kick, but that's just a minor thing and I wasn't really expecting it anyway. Looks like a pretty full set of movement options though, do I'm happy. ^^


This would be amazing.

After his exploits in New Donk City, the citizens, horrified by this little Italian man running around and jumping on things, start referring to him by one name:


At some point in the middle of the game, Mario loses his regular clothes and dresses with a blue shirt and red overalls.


Pretty sure we'll see a mural section with Donkey Kong stage(s). It makes too much sense not to do that.

Also loving the New Donk City name as I live a stone throw away from New (Nieuw) Donk myself. :D


Great video. l don't know what the Gamexplain guys were talking about, they said Mario felt sluggish like in 3D World but it was immediately obvious to me just looking at videos his movements were snappy and 64-like.

i think that this has to do with the fact that mario always has a peculiar feel in each game. The simple act of moving him with the analog stick just has "felt" a lot different over the years. From 64, to sunshine, galaxy, 3d world.

if you put someone who has only played the modern mario games in mario 64, he/she is probably going to find it weird (to say the least) at first.
Also about Daisy, the very first trailer showed Mario riding around on a stone lion-like creature which quickly reminded me of the lion baddies in Super Mario Land. Doesn't seem like it's actually a desert world based off the one in SML now that I've seen more footage, but if the game would give other side characters like Daisey a cameo too then that'd be great.

It'd be the best game of 2017 for that alone.
I hope so. I always felt she was strangely absent in those spinoff games while DK and the likes of Daisy are usually in. Showing up in a "main" entry like this probably gives her the push to finally become a fancy lookin' kart racer.

Also about Daisy, the very first trailer showed Mario riding around on a stone lion-like creature which quickly reminded me of the lion baddies in Super Mario Land. Doesn't seem like it's actually a desert world based off the one in SML now that I've seen more footage, but if the game would give other side characters like Daisey a cameo too then that'd be great.

Moai Mario also reminded me of this guy from Super Mario Land :


Original Donkey Kong Pauline is the singer, right? Has anybody got any screenshots of her?
In the original Donkey Kong she was just known as "lady"



She was first called Pauline in the Saturday Supercade cartoon:

And the Gameboy version of Donkey Kong was the first game to use the name Pauline and updated her appearance to the look she's had ever since:

And since then she's been using her status as a starlet to help sell the Minis toy line (and get kidnapped by DK repeatedly):

And now she's mayoring it up:
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