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Superhuman Kickstarter: Returning to Kickstarter a Second Time Round

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Dude add 4:00 Am to that date stat!

Haha, the (admittedly subtle) joke is that December 13, 2013 is the Friday closest to (Monday) December 16th, 2013. Which is the date a movie studio would actually release the film for marketing purposes.

OP probably never thought he would be asked to release it, so now he is writing a master thesis.

This is my guess too. I hope it's good.
The existence of God was proven at 4 am? That's useless information, you don't even mention what time zone that is. Until you can tell me when God was discovered in .beats, a flawless and logical system that I believe God would use, I can't take you seriously.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
The existence of God was proven at 4 am? That's useless information, you don't even mention what time zone that is. Until you can tell me when God was discovered in .beats, a flawless and logical system that I believe God would use, I can't take you seriously.

Pentagon is on the East coast, you can figure out the time zone on your own.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't want to give him any ideas, but if OP were really smart he'd never log in again to fuel the mystery. Maybe even go through and delete any previous post referencing any of this, and leave a cryptic message on his kickstarter page.


I don't want to give him any ideas, but if OP were really smart he'd never log in again to fuel the mystery. Maybe even go through and delete any previous post referencing any of this, and leave a cryptic message on his kickstarter page.

Damn it! You just gave the Pentagon the opportunity they needed to wipe OP from the face of the earth without arousing suspicion!
I don't want to give him any ideas, but if OP were really smart he'd never log in again to fuel the mystery. Maybe even go through and delete any previous post referencing any of this, and leave a cryptic message on his kickstarter page.
I see the pentagon lackeys have already infiltrated us.

It's The Event people!


Hey, what if the Pentagod was the "cloud" that the One connected to? Seems awfully strange we hear about them both within the space of a few months...


Junior Member
When I saw this, I lost it!



So I started a Kickstarter for my science fiction-action screenplay "Superhuman" about five months ago. Superhuman is a screenplay I have been working on for several years. I started the Kickstarter in the hopes of raising funds and generating interest in Superhuman as a project. The Kickstarter was a catastrophic failure. I received a record-low of three backers over the course of the month the Kickstarter was live.

So what's the point of this thread? I'm thinking of returning to Kickstarter and launching the Kickstarter again. I'm thinking of giving this another shot. I want to isolate and determine the precise reasons as to why the Kickstarter failed and then use this knowledge in an attempt to make the second attempt a resounding success. I have posted this thread here since Kickstarter has been quite popular on NeoGAF and I was hoping the members here may have some insight and advice on how to succeed with Kickstarter a second-time round.

To be clear this is not a thread asking for pledges. The Kickstarter that I'm talking about ended months and months ago. This is a thread asking for advice.

Here's the link to the Kickstarter if you're interested in reading about it.

Here's the first section of the pitch:

Again if you'd like to read more then please visit the now defunct Kickstarter page.

So why did the Kickstarter fail? And why did it fail to stupendously? I have had a lot of time to think about it and I have isolated several core areas that I will discuss here:

No video. This is probably the most important aspect that I overlooked. I was hoping that my writing talent alone could convey the power of the idea and screenplay of Superhuman and did not generate nor create a video for the pitch. This was actually a key factor that was previously criticised by NeoGAF members. Where's your video? In my defense my previous computer did not have a Webcam and I lacked the funds to get one. My Father recently bought me a new computer which does have a Webcam so if I were to launch the Kickstarter again the new pitch would absolutely have a video.

No concept art. In an unfortunate turn of events my concept artist who had previously generated some stunning artwork for Superhuman decided to hold said artwork hostage on the eve of the Kickstarter launch. He basically demanded that I pay him more money for his work. I had changed computers so I had lost the files he had previously sent me. This meant the Kickstarter went live without a single piece of artwork to convey the power and imagery of the screenplay. Even the main image for the Kickstarter was a haphazardly generated image I created using the "Bladerunner" font because I was desperate to have something, anything visual there. I'm almost certain this hurt the Kickstarter the most.

No press coverage. Around the halfway point of the Kickstarter after around two weeks had passed I realised that the Kickstarter was failing so I very rapidly started sending out a barrage of emails to anyone and everyone to whom I thought could help. This was basically hours and hours of sending pitch emails to film blogs and film websites begging them for coverage. A couple of kind souls complied and were kind-hearted enough to help me but ultimately the coverage fell short and was vastly insufficient. I sent out over a hundred and fifty emails and only two film blogs posted stories about Superhuman. If I were to hit this again I would try and get stories out significantly faster and ahead of time. Prior to the second Kickstarter even launching.

These are the three key areas that I think matter the most. It was a set of unfortunate circumstances that seemed to cascade in to the Kickstarter ultimately failing. It was so disheartening to see other Kickstarters launched around the same time becoming overnight successes when my own personal Kickstarter based on a labour of love I have worked on for several years failing to get any backers at all. I'm hoping that if I can somehow learn from the experience and execute and infuse that knowledge in to a second Kickstarter then Superhuman may, may just have a second chance.

So what is the purpose of this thread? NeoGAF in general is versed in Kickstarter. You guys watched as a remote and obscure platform suddenly hit the mainstream after Double Fine hit Kickstarter for their Double Fine Adventure game and many of you have backed many Kickstarters in the past. The purpose of this thread is to seek and gather advice, insight and potentially people who may want to help to ensure that attempting a re-launch of the Kickstarter for Superhuman succeeds a second time round.

Do you have any advice? Is it even a good idea to give Superhuman another shot on Kickstarter? Your feedback whether positive or negative would be deeply appreciated. I'm open to PMs from anyone who would like to help beyond replies to this thread.

Ultimately, should I give this another shot?

I'm loving it!
Hook me up as a script writer if you're in need of one.


No video.

No concept art.

No press coverage

These are the three key areas that I think matter the most.
No. No no no no no.

They matter, but the key missing things are NO PRODUCT and NO POINT.

No product: you say this is to produce visualization works to help sell the script to a major studio. Well says Johnny Kickstarter, what happens at the end of this? I put money in and the best case result is you can take this script you already made and pair up some concept art and maybe even a fake trailer for it to sell it, at which point it might become a movie or it might be stuck in development hell. Why don't I just like my money on fire? (BTW, minor thing, but a major studio might not be happy that you've presold DVDs of the movie for £15-tier backers, making it even less likely that they'll buy the movie...)

No point: Read what Cyan said on the first page. I'll quote it again here:
You're essentially asking for donations to shop around a screenplay. Not to make a movie or even a short film. There's no product.

Recall that nobody on kickstarter knows you. Your pitch does nothing to demonstrate that you have any ability to get a movie made, that you have any writing ability, or even that you'd know what to do with the money if you got it.
You wrote the script already. You know how spec movies get made? A really good script gets into agents' hands and then into studios' hands and then they buy it and make the movie.

In extremely hard-to-visualize cases - say, like the Matrix - director-writers like the Wachowski siblings will (1) establish their reps with low-effect indie films first, and (2) hire artists themselves out of their own pockets to create that concept art and storyboards.

And seriously, "development of pitches"???? Who needs funding for that? Get a day job. A pitch is you selling the film to a studio by talking. You should be able to get good at talking without spending any money.

Look, enter it in a screenwriting contest or something. Maybe you can get some useful feedback or even win and pick up some notoriety that way.

script feedback:
  • you're using sluglines as camera directions. Don't do that much direction in the screenplay. If the scene is some particular location that's all the slugline you need until the scene changes.
  • to repeat what beseda said: your use of semicolons is wrong and will annoy at least some people.
  • "The street as seen through God’s eyes;" - What does that mean? Birds eye view? False color? Slow motion? Don't give camera directions unless it's absolutely key and if you've got to do it, don't be vague about what you mean. Just be concrete.
  • "The Robots fake the human voice again. ROBOT VOICE" - everything about this is confusing. Up the page, it should just be "Policeman 1 [offscreen", etc and then just reveal one of the robots is Policeman 1, maybe with direction that it's a normal voice. The way you've written this is confusing for several reasons as it obscures who actually plays what, whether the 'robot voice' is speaking with a human-sounding voice or not, ... it's a mess.
You got a Masters in screenwriting? Couldn't they tell you to fix these kinds of problems?

... BTW, has anyone pointed out to you that real MI6 agents don't usually spill classified secrets to new-ish friends in a pub?
Hey, if The Da Vinci Code can actually get published and made into a movie, I don't see any reason this can't.

It'd probably be better.


So I've a friend who works in the Pentagon in intelligence....I just sent these ground-breaking revelations to him.

I doubt he'll be able to reply, but just know that those on the inside are now officially aware of it. If the Kickstarter is suddenly taken down and ThreeSixty and all traces of his existence are disappeared, then we'll know he was onto something.


You know what, normally I’ll be right there with you GAF: Laughing at the OP but I’m going to stick my neck out here. OP I’m going to believe you; you have my sword, For! etc etc

Come on OP lets have the last laugh…release the docs!
I wonder if all the uses of the word "Pentagon" have flagged this thread for review by the authorities. I like to imagine some terrorist analysts laughing their asses off reading this shit.

big ander

I think the key is Priest 3D, honestly. It's what we're all skimming over.
If you take the first letter of each of the director Scott Stewart's film projects, you get WLPD. Windsor Locks is a town in Connecticut. In 2004, a Pentagon defense contractor called Hamilton Sundstrand was accused of overcharging the government for "helicopter parts". Now clearly these weren't helicopter parts, they were tools used to access the photonic energy field. The company has since been swallowed up by a merger, and the trail runs cold there. But if you view the source html on the new company's page:
Holy shit

edit: it's been removed! it was right there minutes ago


:/ I love how everyone's mocking the OP while the poor bastard is probably in some Pentagon subbasement being waterboarded.

ok, this absolutely killed me... well done, good sir, well done indeed...

Guys I've spent the last couple of hours trying to decide whether to do this or not. It appears the vast majority of interest here in this thread is to elaborate on the knowledge I have regarding PentaGod. Hilarious name by the way. I think you really have to try and empathise with my position here. The only, only way I'm going to be able to deploy further knowledge on PentaGod is to not hold back and tell you everything. I would have to tell you everything in order for the truth to be believed.

Wait you're... you're serious?
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