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The Last of Us Part II - Review Thread - *NO. SPOILERS. PERIOD.*

What will TLOU 2 average score be?

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this divine blessed GOTY was 6K 5-Star ratings on PSN a full month before release



Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
Loved the last of us but going to wait on part 2. Going through tons of shit already and don't need another depressing thing to bring me down. Will play it at some point though


So reviews came out, some say story and writing is good some say it's so bad and with the amount of restrictions Sony has put I find reviews to be somewhat pointless.


One thing worries me about the story...isn't the story itself.

But the fact that it's gonna be almost impossible to have a rational discussion about it in most areas of the internet. This is a game that's actively trying to stoke the flame and create discussion about it's characters and events. Yet because of the leaks, the nuance has already been thrown out the window and everyone will just be screaming whilst calling it the best/worst thing ever.

It's caught in the left wing/right wing culture war bullshit and console war bullshit. Meaning agendas that don't really have already to do with the story are already at play before it's even been experienced. Only made even more prominent by the fact that many of the game's events are designed to divide like the ending of part 1.
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The nicest person on this forum
This is just stupid, his actions in the game make him an anti hero and or actually a villain, Joel is a selfish characters that put humanity on hold because of his #feelings.
That so called “cure” wouldn’t save the world. 20 years passed since outbreak and the virus already done its damage and destroyed society, at that point the virus itself is no longer the biggest threat, other people are who fighting over resource.

I’m pretty sure the leader of the Fire Flies knows this she going used that “cure” as political power in order get more people join her group since we know from beginning of the game she losing men left and right.

And most important part, Joel lost her daughter not to the virus but killed by a human, Joel won’t lose Ellie same way she did Sarah.
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That so called “cure” wouldn’t save the world. 20 years passed since outbreak and the virus already done its damage and destroyed society, at that point the the virus itself is no longer the biggest thread, other people are who fighting over resource.

I’m pretty sure the leader of the Fire Flies knows this she going used that “cure” as political power in order get more people join her group since we from beginning of the game she losing men lever and righ.

And most important part, Joel lost her daughter not to the virus but killed by a human, Joel won’t lose Ellie same way she did Sarah.

thing is Joel at the start of the game (when he’s actually at his worst morally) probably would have happily given up Ellie. To say that the fact that he didn’t was evil in itself is very debatable. Most anyone with any kind of soul wouldn’t let that happen to a 14 year old girl - even if it meant a chance at creating a vaccine. It’s just not the way. Any parent who would sacrifice their kid like that would be a total fuck imo. The game feels completely like a redemption arc for his character not this villain narrative people are pushing now. [/SPOILER]
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This is just stupid, his actions in the game make him an anti hero and or actually a villain, Joel is a selfish characters that put humanity on hold because of his #feelings.

Neil and Bruce both said they did not write Joel's decision as a bad choice. They always said any parent would do the same thing. Calling him a villain is ridiculous and makes me think you have no idea what a villain is. He is not a great guy but he is NOT a villain


So reviews came out, some say story and writing is good some say it's so bad and with the amount of restrictions Sony has put I find reviews to be somewhat pointless.
They just are not allowed to talk about it. Its not that they can't base their score on the whole game. Very few are saying the story is bad


The Skill Up reviewer that doesn't like the game is on Twitter practically begging for forgiveness for the negative review. He is in fear for being honest. This is how bad it's gotten. I will not back down until things change. I will turn this shit inside out.
Is anyone actually surprised by these scores?

I mean there are so many reasons why even if a reviewer wanted to give it a lower score they still wouldn't ( fear being one, and if you lot think that it's beneath Sony to pay for reviews or threaten with lost support you don't know a lot about Sony. They're a scumfuck company. Or people simply don't want to cause a fuzz with their friends in the industry. ).
And these games are like the equivelant of Oscar bait in the game industry.

If you like these games then more power to you, but they do pander pretty hard to mainstream audiences where there's a lot of overlap between movies and very casually playing video games.
I am not saying that it makes the games bad, what I am saying is simply that there's a lot of unfair bias in favor of them.
Games with way better gameplay and more original ideas and writing don't get as much attention and love because they don't have the kinds of money Naughty Dog have to throw around wildly. Your game looking impressive in terms of graphical fidelity and not being broken is basically a guaranteed 10/10.

I sorta look at these games as the MCU or Oscar bait of the movie industry.
Pretty shallow and surface level but very high production value and caters hard to the average joe.
You're free to enjoy it, I enjoy a lot of dumb shit myself.
But considering how much praise these games and the MCU gets and how they take over all of the splotlight I feel like one is more justified to be more critical towards them.
The problem is not the game being good or bad, it is the Hive mind behavior behind it. Haters and defenders are fighting a meaningless war. But the Skill Up and other review mentioned something about the embargo being very restricted of what they could talk about, and that I don't like. But I'm still waiting to see the user reviews.
I'll stick with SkiilUps review on this as it seemed the most honest
And it seems like he’s almost on the brink of apologizing for not liking it via Twatter

Props to skillup for not blindly praising games just cuz he gets copy reviews. This is why I dont care about any critic, as long as you get paid for making reviews and you get copy reviews then you're automatically disqualified in my eyes as a true and valid opinion.

soooo... what did you guys feel bout this?

A lot of people are embarrassing and are being laughed at:

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Dreams in Digital
If that‘s what you think, god help you.

Weird, isn't it. I think there's a massive fanbase that stood far too far away from the narrative. It's a personal story about the 'characters' and Joel did what any other father would do. Yes, if you stand right back and judge it coldly, you could argue he's selfish but that's a 'morality' discussion that's separate from the narrative in TLOU. This is a father's story.


The nicest person on this forum
this divine blessed GOTY was 6K 5-Star ratings on PSN a full month before release

Have you played Shadow of the Colossus? You essentially sacrificing those Colossus for a ritual in order bring Mono back to life, the tragic part is Wander is doing the exact same thing that his village did to Mono.
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Jon Neu

For a last gen game? I honestly see it always used as one of the top best looking games of that generation. From what I've seen over the past few weeks, your actually in here to play a trigger game, and it's amused me that people in here react to you. Some things you say don't really ring right to me. But you have every right to use "i'm entitled to my opinionnnn" (everyone loves that line) you never liked the first game, you never will, you have some honest deep hate and irksome behaviour for some pixels and polygons and a game which just isn't for you. A sequel to a game you full on hate, and yet i'm sure i've seen you say your going to get it when it's "in the bargain bin" ....... yawn. Who does that? Slag a game off so much yet your still gonna wait till the games on sale because you think ND will take a hit to sales because you didn't buy it? You definitely don't want to play the sequel but today your saying your playing the original again and you LOAATHHHH it....... colour me very confused. Time to move on?

Actually I’ve said I’m going to buy the game and enjoy it to the fullest day one. I also predicted months ago the game was going to be so good it was going to get a 96 on Metacritic. Regarding the actual game, I made nothing but possitive comments.

And despite the incapability of running without the character constantly stopping for no reason and the somehow clunky controls, I think TLOU is quite good so far. The combat mechanics are fun.

Seems to me you, like many other fanboys, have made your own strawman in your head and you can stop attacking that made up person.

Jon Neu

I get so tired of this nonsense. I've reviewed games from near about every publisher in the world and have never seen any proof of someone being paid off to give a game a good score.

That still doesn’t mean there aren’t problems with the reviews and their objectivity. If you are a reviewer, you have to catter to the publisher or you run the risk of being blacklisted by said publisher. There’s people who have lost their jobs because their reviews and opinions didn’t make the publishers happy.

Big established journalists can in theory have more freedom in that regard, but even people like Jason Schreier are crying because they haven’t received their TLOU2 copy.


Seems to me you, like many other fanboys, have made your own strawman in your head and you can stop attacking that made up person.

Noooo, no, no, no, no........narrrr. You aren't doing that with me. You've done that with everyone.
This is what happens with you on here from my weeks of just checking out TLoU threads:
*you insert utter disgust with the first game/ disgust for "Neil Cuckman"/ disgust for the over the top and blown out of proportion leaks. Throw in a few "Forced down throat, Forced agenda, i'll get it in bargain bin" lines. (and rightly so! entitled opinion entitled opinions yada yada yada)
*someone will give their (rightly given) opinion/defence to your (wrong) opinion (lol jk). Whether they give you facts or statistics or the general populace opinion that more or less counteracts most of what you say*
*you then do the "omg wtf i was going to get this game, I liked the first game, i'm getting part 2 day one" and then do the table turning and bring up the whole "ugh shock fan boys don't get what i'm saying/ surprise surprise fanboys are coming at me wtf why am I being attacked" sort of comments*
Not kidding, there's no part in anything you actually say that have mixed feelings on this franchise. I wouldn't even call it trolling. You do not like this game, but you probably want to. Or it just bums you out Naughty Dog "get away with being praised so much", as a few like to say. Did your favourite game not get this hype or treatment? You aren't going to change anyones opinion or interests. But again your entitled to your opinion (TM)

I haven't said what I've said out of no where - your bipolar commentary on the franchise is all over the place. Pure hate for it then all of a sudden your quite fond of it when you gotta defend yourself? It's not even a 'read between the lines' with what you say kind of thing, it's just like crazy hate for a ex lover kind of behaviour. It's just BIZZARE. I mean I'll leave it at that. It's just interesting seeing your pattern is all.
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has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
I get so tired of this nonsense. I've reviewed games from near about every publisher in the world and have never seen any proof of someone being paid off to give a game a good score.
That's good to know. I guess they can't deal with reality so creating that nonsense is their way of coping lol

REE Machine

That so called “cure” wouldn’t save the world. 20 years passed since outbreak and the virus already done its damage and destroyed society, at that point the virus itself is no longer the biggest threat, other people are who fighting over resource.

I’m pretty sure the leader of the Fire Flies knows this she going used that “cure” as political power in order get more people join her group since we know from beginning of the game she losing men left and right.

And most important part, Joel lost her daughter not to the virus but killed by a human, Joel won’t lose Ellie same way she did Sarah.
Neil and Bruce both said they did not write Joel's decision as a bad choice. They always said any parent would do the same thing. Calling him a villain is ridiculous and makes me think you have no idea what a villain is. He is not a great guy but he is NOT a villain
If that‘s what you think, god help you.
Joel is a selfish characters with selfish motivation at the end of the game. Joel tried to replace Ellie with his own daughter and at the same time damned humanity for its chance at getting rid of the infected, the virus and even though it may take years get the world back to somewhat what it was before anything happened.

Joel was selfish by using his own emotions and daming humanity in the process for his own intentions becausr he is trying to replace his daughter.

it doesnt matter if the fireflies wanted to use it as political power, in the end there cpuld have been a cure used for the greater good, hell even Ellie alluded to this with her whole speech "it cant be for nothing" well for shit sake it was all for nothing. Joel killed the leading doctor and doctors that had the knowledge and ability to extract what they needed and then transform it into something useless that would not help one person, but an entire nation. Joel killed off the doctors and turned the world on its head and put himself first before millions of people.

he ripped away what eventually could have led to an infected free world and a return to a sense or normal and survival.

tough times dont last, people do.
?? So? A lot of big games do. You can rate a game once you pre order it on PSN. This isn’t anything new. Even cyberpunk and ghost of Tsushima have 5 stars.

first: it's plain wrong. Imagine giving an Oscar to a movie before watching. And to top it off: you can't change your rating afterwards - I know because I've previously given a game 2 starts after a really bad launch and couldn't change it after they fixed most issues (and it's such a common scene those days). Likewise, you give a game you never played a 5-star out of blind hype and can't change it to 1-star once you realize how lame it is...

second: Tsushima has so far 322 ratings. Months ago, when TLOU2 totaled 2K ratings already, it was around 100.

tldr; rating anything before experiencing it is just wrong, period

Jon Neu

*you insert utter disgust with the first game/

I have never said anything about the first game till right now that I’m actually playing it for real.

And so far the game it’s quite good.

disgust for "Neil Cuckman

I actually like Neil. He is a SJW cuck but doesn’t seem a bad person and also makes really good games.

I can like people who have different views than me, I can like people who I critizice their political views.

I know that’s a level of nuance you aren’t prepared for, but that’s how I am.
disgust for the over the top and blown out of proportion leaks

I don’t know what disgust are you talking about, the leaks were a massive source of fun for me.

Throw in a few "Forced down throat, Forced agenda, i'll get it in bargain bin" lines

I have never ever said I will get the game in bargain, I have literally said plenty of times I anticipate this game so much I will play it and utterly enjoy it since day one. I said nothing but good things about how good the actual game looks to be.

You somehow conflate criticism of Neil’s political agenda with criticism of the game, and that’s not the case at all.

You, like many others like you, simply jump to the damage control mode without any capability to discern even the most basic nuance.
Did your favourite game not get this hype or treatment

My favourite game this gen so far is a game called Uncharted 4. It was made by this developer called Naughty Dog and I opened a thread about it months ago. You should check it.

bipolar commentary on the franchise is all over the place. Pure hate for it then all of a sudden your quite fond of it when you gotta defend yourself? It's not even a 'read between the lines' with what you say kind of thing, it's just like crazy hate for a ex lover kind of behaviour. It's just BIZZARE. I mean I'll leave it at that. It's just interesting seeing your pattern is all.


It’s actually funny how I’m capable of triggering so hard this type of people without even trying it :messenger_grimmacing_

I understand that you think that criticising a tiny aspect of the game such as it’s political bias while praising the overall graphics, art, gameplay and everything else that does really matter in a videogame makes me somehow bipolar.

But it’s extremely funny that you believe I say I like the games to defend myself.
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The nicest person on this forum
Joel was selfish by using his own emotions and daming humanity in the process for his own intentions becausr he is trying to replace his daughter.
You are acting as if the "cure" would actually save humanity, I'm sorry it wouldn't and Ellie would die for nothing other than fuel Fire Flies political power. Joels is selfish same way any other humans are.



You are acting as if the "cure" would actually save humanity, I'm sorry it wouldn't and Ellie would die for nothing other than fuel Fire Flies political power. Joels is selfish same way any other humans are.

Whilst I don't disagree with this when you actually think about it, from Joel & Ellie's perspective a cure was possible. At no point did either of them really question it. It's pretty clear Joel does what he does because he's grown attached to Ellie and not because he questions the end result. As far as he's concerned at that point he was damning humanity (or at least stopping a cure from coming about) and he lies to Ellie because he knows she would have seen it that way too.
Joel is a selfish characters with selfish motivation at the end of the game. Joel tried to replace Ellie with his own daughter and at the same time damned humanity for its chance at getting rid of the infected, the virus and even though it may take years get the world back to somewhat what it was before anything happened.

Joel was selfish by using his own emotions and daming humanity in the process for his own intentions becausr he is trying to replace his daughter.

it doesnt matter if the fireflies wanted to use it as political power, in the end there cpuld have been a cure used for the greater good, hell even Ellie alluded to this with her whole speech "it cant be for nothing" well for shit sake it was all for nothing. Joel killed the leading doctor and doctors that had the knowledge and ability to extract what they needed and then transform it into something useless that would not help one person, but an entire nation. Joel killed off the doctors and turned the world on its head and put himself first before millions of people.

he ripped away what eventually could have led to an infected free world and a return to a sense or normal and survival.

tough times dont last, people do.

Oh because 14 year old Ellie said it was okay after the fact - he constantly has to protect her from herself. This means nothing. If anything the ending shows he’s willing to risk losing her affection because he loves her. This is a strangely twisted way to look at the narrative. If selfishness is loving a single person too much to let them die, even if it means saving the world and yourself. If that’s evil. I don’t know man. That’s a pretty cold way to look at it. Like I said anyway you slice it the games story is a redemption arc not the opposite.
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REE Machine

You are acting as if the "cure" would actually save humanity, I'm sorry it wouldn't and Ellie would die for nothing other than fuel Fire Flies political power. Joels is selfish same way any other humans are.

If it took away the virus how would it not...? No more infected, evetually all of them would be killed off and quarantine zones would be the safest place to go because of the military. Once the majority and or all infected are gone, things such as normalcy , and society can get back to normal. Remember in the game they were making the distinction that the cure would have the same cause an effect of finding penicillin back in the day. There would be a changing tide.

REE Machine

Oh because 14 year old Ellie said it was okay after the fact - he constantly has to protect her from herself. This means nothing. If anything the ending shows he’s willing to risk losing her affection because he loves her. This is a strangely twisted way to look at the narrative. If selfishness is loving a single person too much to let them die, even if it means saving the world and yourself. If that’s evil. I don’t know man. That’s a pretty cold way to look at it. Like I said anyway you slice it the games story is a redemption arc not the opposite.
Its shown and proven Ellie has saved Joel a bunch of times and risked dying for him as well because she cant swim dueing the bus situation, it was a 1 to 1 relationship. Joel had to adapt to the world, she was born in it and also taught how to fend for herself from the military.

Again its the choice of 1 vs all of humanity, is it nice he grew attatchment of her? Sure, but his daughter cant be replaced and his pain and actions caused even more pain around the world globally with people still getting infected and even more people dying just to save one person. His daughter cant be replaced, his character had selfish motivations near the end because he wanted to make it right for himself, not the world. Imagine if in the second game this is addressed and lots of people find out what he did?


The nicest person on this forum
from Joel & Ellie's perspective a cure was possible
The issue isn't if the cure is possible or not, even if cure is possible, its waaaaay too late to save humanity with it. after 20 years the society as we know is long gone and the virus is no longer the big threat, other crazy people are fighting over resource. Do you remember what bill said? He said at least the infected are predictable its other human that actually scares him.

If it took away the virus how would it not...? No more infected, evetually all of them would be killed off and quarantine zones would be the safest place to go because of the military. Once the majority and or all infected are gone, things such as normalcy , and society can get back to normal. Remember in the game they were making the distinction that the cure would have the same cause an effect of finding penicillin back in the day. There would be a changing tide.
Oh yes, those crazy people who are killing everybody would suddenly stop.....right?/s The big issue people are facing in Last of Us's world isn't the virus, its lack of food and other resources, it what people fighting and killing each other over.

Edit: On top of that "cure" only will cure the people who recently got bitten, not people are long infected, there are 1000 upon 1000 people are turn in to infected and some places are covered with spores. good luck clearing those places up. Trust me, even with the "cure" those infected still one of the problem they are going to have live with.
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REE Machine

The issue isn't if the cure is possible or not, even if cure is possible, its waaaaay too late to save humanity with it. after 20 years the society as we know is long gone and the virus is no longer the big threat, other crazy people are fighting over resource. Do you remember what bill said? He said at least the infected are predictable its other human that actually scares him.

Oh yes, those crazy people who are killing everybody would suddenly stop.....right?/s The big issue people are facing in Last of Us's world isn't the virus, its lack of food and other resources, it what people fighting and killing each other over.
You mean the same people killing to survive during a apocalypse....easy to survive say if there was a cure and no more apocalypse right? Also then if there was a cure military would move out and even potentially expand quaratine zones and arrest or killed people who decide to still loot, kill etc. If there reason for surival anymore when the one thing you ste surviving against is wiped out...?


The nicest person on this forum
You mean the same people killing to survive during a apocalypse....easy to survive say if there was a cure and no more apocalypse right? Also then if there was a cure military would move out and even potentially expand quaratine zones and arrest or killed people who decide to still loot, kill etc. If there reason for surival anymore when the one thing you ste surviving against is wiped out...?
After 20 year, apocalypse already happened, you are naive if you think "cure" going to stop the apocalypse that already happened. "cure" is only useful in early days of outbreak not after 20 years have passed.
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REE Machine

After 20 year, apocalypse already happened, you are naive if you think "cure" going to stop the apocalypse that already happened. "cure" is only useful in early days of outbreak not after 20 years have passed.
Your naive thinking a cure wont help society get back to normal life, will a cure help covid even though it may be a year or so away?

people do what they do in thr game to survive because they dont have a choice, now imagine if there was one because the virus is gone?

Joel took that sense of normalcy away.


The issue isn't if the cure is possible or not, even if cure is possible, its waaaaay too late to save humanity with it. after 20 years the society as we know is long gone and the virus is no longer the big threat, other crazy people are fighting over resource. Do you remember what bill said? He said at least the infected are predictable its other human that actually scares him.

Edit: On top of that "cure" only will cure the people who recently got bitten, not people are long infected, there are 1000 upon 1000 people are turn in to infected and some places are covered with spores. good luck clearing those places up. Trust me, even with the "cure" those infected still one of the problem they are going to have live with.
That's not really the point, though. Joel isn't thinking that far ahead, they hear "cure", they think something that can only be beneficial. That fact that Joel lies to Ellie is the game telling you that what he did is morally questionable.

REE Machine

That's not really the point, though. Joel isn't thinking that far ahead, they hear "cure", they think something that can only be beneficial. That fact that Joel lies to Ellie is the game telling you that what he did is morally questionable.
Yep, and again, eventually you can put an end to all the infected with time. Eventualt like how the virus broke out, nature would run its course and the infected would be eradicated and slowly things and society would change its mentality from surviving, to living daily life normally.


The nicest person on this forum
That's not really the point, though. Joel isn't thinking that far ahead, they hear "cure", they think something that can only be beneficial. That fact that Joel lies to Ellie is the game telling you that what he did is morally questionable.
Remember what Ellie told Sam, what she most scared of being alone and how she got so pissed off at Joel leaving her to Tomy? Don't you think it will be little selfish of Ellie leaving Joel all alone when he no one left.

Call it evil if you want but I cant sacrifice someone I care about in front my eyes even if its "good of humanity", I couldn't live with myself if I did.
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