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The state of NeoGAF

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Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Fitting the bill? Fitting what bill?

I'll continue to call it like I see it: you are and were the problem.

Not the only problem, but a major problem. You attack -anyone- who disagrees with you with things like that: your "fitting the bill" is code for calling me a racist / sexist/ nazi / or whatever, even though -nothing- I've said is any such thing. Even though I've spent the majority of my life fighting such things.

My only crime is I disagree with you. So I must be the worst. I must be scum. And you will paint me as such. That's low. You're low.

And all the posts here - doing the same thing. 'Oh, look at all the [insults] coming out of the woodwork' and claiming oppression...

Well, yeah. This forum was protected by a shield of people like you that shouted down any opposing viewpoint with harsh slurs. Who wants to be accused of being something they're not? So most people stayed quiet. They weren't alt-rights hiding, waiting for something [I'm sure a couple were]... but in general, people just did not feel safe speaking their mind.

You are part of a culture of fear. Fear of speaking. Fear of putting forth one's own opinion because they might get piled on as being a [whatever]. People can't even use common phrases, for fear they're taboo... 'free speech', in this case. Use the wrong phrase, get lumped in with Nazis. So people stay silent.

And now, yes, the shields are down. So people -are- speaking their mind. And because you're so used to painting anyone you didn't agree with as the worst of the worst, you suddenly think you're surrounded by the worst of the worst.

No. You're just exposed. You're just the emperor with no clothes. You think you are wearing the shining outfit of progressive thought, and you used it to paint everyone else as degenerates. But you were just naked, and low. "Then stop fitting the bill" my ass. You try to silence through accusation, thinking you're the higher ground when you can barely breath through the muck.

Don't get me wrong - I believe in many of the same things as you. I believe we always need to work towards a better world. I think many people are ignorant, and a surprising number of people entertain quite vile ideas. But where we differ is I don't assume anyone that disagrees with me must be one of those people, and I certainly don't accuse people of it on the drop of a dime. If someone asks me a question, I answer and try to educate [even if it's the tenth time I'm asked] instead of shaming them.

I know this won't stick, today. But maybe, someday... something in here will make it past your ideological shield and you'll realize I'm on your side. I'm trying to help you understand that we grow through discussion, not silence. I'm not saying we should have the scum of the earth here - we agree on that. But the issue is your brush is far too broad. Vile people exist. And they should certainly be dealt with - I'm perfectly fine with giving no quarter for abusive behavior. But that's not what was happening here [and your 'stop fitting the bill' comment is a perfect example of that].

Ooh this a good one.

The way the internet has been in recent years feels like global gaslighting at times until you walk away from the keyboard and realise the rest of the world has lives outside of the pathetic race to be Ideological Purist #1 and just does not care and cares even less the more shrill that noise becomes.


The way the internet has been in recent years feels like global gaslighting at times until you walk away from the keyboard and realise the rest of the world has lives outside of the pathetic race to be Ideological Purist #1 and just does not care and cares even less the more shrill that noise becomes.

Yup, this is a great point. I often think about this as I walk through the real world in my real life, and contrast it with the internet cesspool.

You keep parroting this idea that disagreeing with someone lead to ostracizing or bans.


You were banned for poorly wording your position and it came off as toxic. That's it. Y'all just couldn't articulate well enough where what you said didn't express toxicity directly indirectly or directly. You guys remove any and all context for why the bans took place and cover it with a blanket, "they ban you for disagreeing" when that's not even true. You do this to reinforce that you yourself are a victim of injustice so you can go on with a clean slate.

You really just don't get it. What an absolutely stunning lack of self awareness. Go back and re-read autoduelist's post because it is perfection. I'll repeat that yes, you are indeed the poster child for so many things that were wrong with gaf.

Parallel with autoduelists's points... what's that phrase you guys like to use? "When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression." Well, hope you like this taste of your own medicine.

And now, yes, the shields are down. So people -are- speaking their mind. And because you're so used to painting anyone you didn't agree with as the worst of the worst, you suddenly think you're surrounded by the worst of the worst.

No. You're just exposed. You're just the emperor with no clothes. You think you are wearing the shining outfit of progressive thought, and you used it to paint everyone else as degenerates. But you were just naked, and low.
Evilore just shot himself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about game forum culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is on Twitter where you can become successful by being a shameless creep. If you sexually assault someone in real life and try to discredit the victim, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance and rotting in jail.

What this means is the general public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to associate with GAF for any topic, nor will they support any of Evilore's future initiatives. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Evilore has alienated an entire community with this move.

Evilore, publicly apologize and resign from your position or you can kiss your business goodbye.


Fitting the bill? Fitting what bill?

I'll continue to call it like I see it: you are and were the problem.

Not the only problem, but a major problem. You attack -anyone- who disagrees with you with things like that: your "fitting the bill" is code for calling me a racist / sexist/ nazi / or whatever, even though -nothing- I've said is any such thing. Even though I've spent the majority of my life fighting such things.

My only crime is I disagree with you. So I must be the worst. I must be scum. And you will paint me as such. That's low. You're low.

And all the posts here - doing the same thing. 'Oh, look at all the [insults] coming out of the woodwork' and claiming oppression...

Well, yeah. This forum was protected by a shield of people like you that shouted down any opposing viewpoint with harsh slurs. Who wants to be accused of being something they're not? So most people stayed quiet. They weren't alt-rights hiding, waiting for something [I'm sure a couple were]... but in general, people just did not feel safe speaking their mind.

You are part of a culture of fear. Fear of speaking. Fear of putting forth one's own opinion because they might get piled on as being a [whatever]. People can't even use common phrases, for fear they're taboo... 'free speech', in this case. Use the wrong phrase, get lumped in with Nazis. So people stay silent.

And now, yes, the shields are down. So people -are- speaking their mind. And because you're so used to painting anyone you didn't agree with as the worst of the worst, you suddenly think you're surrounded by the worst of the worst.

No. You're just exposed. You're just the emperor with no clothes. You think you are wearing the shining outfit of progressive thought, and you used it to paint everyone else as degenerates. But you were just naked, and low. "Then stop fitting the bill" my ass. You try to silence through accusation, thinking you're the higher ground when you can barely breath through the muck.

Don't get me wrong - I believe in many of the same things as you. I believe we always need to work towards a better world. I think many people are ignorant, and a surprising number of people entertain quite vile ideas. But where we differ is I don't assume anyone that disagrees with me must be one of those people, and I certainly don't accuse people of it on the drop of a dime. If someone asks me a question, I answer and try to educate [even if it's the tenth time I'm asked] instead of shaming them.

I know this won't stick, today. But maybe, someday... something in here will make it past your ideological shield and you'll realize I'm on your side. I'm trying to help you understand that we grow through discussion, not silence. I'm not saying we should have the scum of the earth here - we agree on that. But the issue is your brush is far too broad. Vile people exist. And they should certainly be dealt with - I'm perfectly fine with giving no quarter for abusive behavior. But that's not what was happening here [and your 'stop fitting the bill' comment is a perfect example of that].

As someone who went through the same thing multiple times this is VERY recognizable and this kind of behaviour made me rethink posting anything if it could be considered controversial or misunderstood in any way.
Slayven was the worst?


Dude was once of the nicest fucking posters on GAF and you're upset because he called out racism when it fucking existed.

Had no issues when his friends were racist towards races he didn't like. Also the Hillary Clinton thing was utterly embarassing from a leftist outsider looking in, the bullying of the bernie people was disgusting.


The live cast is on ATM.

I'm not good at summarising things but this is the essence of it

Thanks for that! Good for them.

I like that GiantBomb tends to stay out of things like this but it's nice to see them address it for a moment. Look forward to listening to this tomorrow.
You disagreed with everything but politics. Running against the grain politically was the issue.

But Diablos survived? Why? 'Cause he kept the crazy in check until a point. Y'all's pride and ego couldn't handle not dropping "truth bombs".

Y'all never learned your words carried weight and that weight was toxic. Y'all believed it was just opinions and they're just opinions, man. That's where y'all failed. You never cared to look into why people were upset at y'all because you never cared. You never cared for discussion because reasonable, sensible people have a discussion and then move on. They don't argue it over and over because action comes next. You just want to keep trying to normalize a perspective and behavior.

Everyone saying they can finally breath and speak their mind never jumped ship before. They stayed silent. They grew bitter. That silence is telling. Even perpetuating the idea that disagreement lead to a ban is a lie you all want to desperately believe because you don't want to accept the realization that people dislike you for some views you hold. You want to be liked regardless of what you say and do. Now they've all left you guys and you will still be angry later when they're off in their own forum. I'm sure a lot of the gamergaters here can feel it slipping, they know they're back in the dirt. If they reflect privately for a bit, look into that void they call their soul they'll realize they're just chasing the acceptance of people they hate. They'll never admit it but their actions are telling: follow the ship jumpers. Y'all will never get their love cause you were never worthy.
You were never banned for disagreeing with someone. You were banned if you went in and went, "lol no" and peaced out in sensitive topics because that was a shit post.

Articulate yourself without being demeaning, toxic, racist, misogynistic, or perpetuating hate and you'll be fine. Lotta y'all couldn't do that. Why? 'Cause almost always your positions were inherently that. Some of y'all couldn't handle your ideas weren't just benign opinions but helped fuel and cause damage.

I'm sorry friend, but this is just not true. GAF has been overmoderated to an absurd degree.

For example, the following post got me insta-banned for a month:


I'm not a sexist, I'm not a gamergater, I'm not even a conservative. I was just asking a fucking question. Going forward, that shit needs to stop. It's a discussion forum for god's sake.
This is why I like to stay in China, they are not into drama all the damn time like the west. Reminds me of my grandmother always telling me crap from my city and I have to tell her flat out that I don't need to hear it.

Just like the sexual (I will get sex,gf is cheating etc) threads in OT, people are so into it


thread has turned into a 'real housewives' reunion episode where everyone is calling out each others past behaviour and posting habits. fascinating really.
I don't get why people are so upset about GAF shitting on people with different opinions as if that doesn't happen fucking everywhere. Try to talk about feminism on 4chan or reddit lol. If you didn't like GAF, there's a million ~moderate~ websites you could get your gaming news from. No need to stick to this one.


Slayven was the worst?


Dude was once of the nicest fucking posters on GAF and you're upset because he called out racism when it fucking existed.

The extremists can't see their own extremism. They accuse others of it though since they are so far to one side that any sign of moderation and compassion is a form of extremism to them. I never got the impression of NeoGAF being far left in any way, it's just that the internet is riddled with the far right that in comparison it makes us all look like anarcho communists.


Neo Member
Fitting the bill? Fitting what bill?

I'll continue to call it like I see it: you are and were the problem.

Not the only problem, but a major problem. You attack -anyone- who disagrees with you with things like that: your "fitting the bill" is code for calling me a racist / sexist/ nazi / or whatever, even though -nothing- I've said is any such thing. Even though I've spent the majority of my life fighting such things.

My only crime is I disagree with you. So I must be the worst. I must be scum. And you will paint me as such. That's low. You're low.

And all the posts here - doing the same thing. 'Oh, look at all the [insults] coming out of the woodwork' and claiming oppression...

Well, yeah. This forum was protected by a shield of people like you that shouted down any opposing viewpoint with harsh slurs. Who wants to be accused of being something they're not? So most people stayed quiet. They weren't alt-rights hiding, waiting for something [I'm sure a couple were]... but in general, people just did not feel safe speaking their mind.

You are part of a culture of fear. Fear of speaking. Fear of putting forth one's own opinion because they might get piled on as being a [whatever]. People can't even use common phrases, for fear they're taboo... 'free speech', in this case. Use the wrong phrase, get lumped in with Nazis. So people stay silent.

And now, yes, the shields are down. So people -are- speaking their mind. And because you're so used to painting anyone you didn't agree with as the worst of the worst, you suddenly think you're surrounded by the worst of the worst.

No. You're just exposed. You're just the emperor with no clothes. You think you are wearing the shining outfit of progressive thought, and you used it to paint everyone else as degenerates. But you were just naked, and low. "Then stop fitting the bill" my ass. You try to silence through accusation, thinking you're the higher ground when you can barely breath through the muck.

Don't get me wrong - I believe in many of the same things as you. I believe we always need to work towards a better world. I think many people are ignorant, and a surprising number of people entertain quite vile ideas. But where we differ is I don't assume anyone that disagrees with me must be one of those people, and I certainly don't accuse people of it on the drop of a dime. If someone asks me a question, I answer and try to educate [even if it's the tenth time I'm asked] instead of shaming them.

I know this won't stick, today. But maybe, someday... something in here will make it past your ideological shield and you'll realize I'm on your side. I'm trying to help you understand that we grow through discussion, not silence. I'm not saying we should have the scum of the earth here - we agree on that. But the issue is your brush is far too broad. Vile people exist. And they should certainly be dealt with - I'm perfectly fine with giving no quarter for abusive behavior. But that's not what was happening here [and your 'stop fitting the bill' comment is a perfect example of that].

Great post! You are the type of people we need when it comes to moderating a forum. Leading by example and also helping people!
I'm sorry friend, but this is just not true

For example, the following post got me insta-banned for a month.


I'm not a sexist, I'm not a gamergater, I'm not even a conservative. I was just asking a fucking question. Going forward, that shit needs to stop. It's a discussion forum for god's sake.

You know those threads had mod edits about not attacking Anita and argue her points right?

You didn't read.

You didn't learn a damn thing.

You shit posted to try and de-legitimize her whether you did it consciously or unconsciously.

I say unconsciously because people will barb people, places, or things if they dislike it but they do something good: "I don't like his games but it's nice he donated 100k to charity."

You know this.

You got caught.

Learn from your mistakes and move on.
I'm sorry friend, but this is just not true. GAF has been overmoderated to an absurd degree.

For example, the following post got me insta-banned for a month:


I'm not a sexist, I'm not a gamergater, I'm not even a conservative. I was just asking a fucking question. Going forward, that shit needs to stop. It's a discussion forum for god's sake.

You'd also get jumped on by people who expected you to know whats going on. People have a short temper for the uninformed. Not everyone can be caught up 24/7.

Thanks for proving my point.


So many good years of reading the latest news, enjoying conversations around games, movies, books and other things that I loved.

Wherever one falls on the political spectrum, allegations of sexual harassment matter. How those allegations are handled, matters. Sexual harassment, and the other things that often follow it, are never acceptable.

I cannot remain here in light of recent events.

We are all broken human beings, in one way or another. I hope that each of us would be willing to take a stand to be more respectful to others, to treat each person, whether man or woman, with dignity and honor. Love, unconditionally. To serve without expectation of reward. To not take advantage or steal from those around us. Cherish our families. Treat others as brothers and sisters, not objects or property.

It’s not always easy, but it is always right.

Namárië mellon-nin.
He called Evilore out on quadrupling down on attacking the character of the 'ex' (mental issues, she's a crazy bitch etc) and basically not even taking a moment to take account of his own actions and consider if he was in anyway untoward.

It's nothing which hasn't been brought up in this thread but I'm still glad to hear it from the guys on GB.

The allegations as they stand might be murky but admin has shown a lot of his true character these past few days and a lot of people are noticing it now
Ah okay, thanx

BruceLeeRoy, if you're reading this, the MGS4 OT to this day is still the greatest goddamn official thread for anything on the entire world wide web.


goddamn right.


Been around for a long time, but rarely posted. It’s really sad to see something that was a great aggregate for all things one could be interested in turn into this. What a clusterfuck.


I hope Tyler is reading this thread. I hope he sees some of the best members of this community bowing out in disgust and, even more, I hope he sees the sycophants and the alt-righters and Gamergater cowards who were hiding their true selves in the shadows until now spewing their vile hatred in here. These are the people you've empowered, Tyler. In one foul swoop you've pivoted your forum into a safe space for these cretins. So they can label people social justice warriors and lambast hive-minds and liberal agendas. The same kinds of people you'd have banned a few months back are now your only hope of salvaging your life's work which you ruined with your own selfishness.

I'm not sure if this is who you always were and the hateful rhetoric in American politics somehow empowered you to unmask your true twisted self. I'm not sure if you're just an opportunist, selling out your morals to hold onto the last bastion of power you have left. I'm not sure exactly what happened in that hotel room. What I am sure of is that you've utterly ruined what was a valuable community for thousands of people. You've further contributed to the oozing toxicity that the vast majority of the internet seems to be leaking these days. And you've demonstrated a history (which you tried to censor) of abusive attitudes towards women which gives you zero credibility when you're asking us to trust and believe you. I choose to believe women.

You banned a valuable member of the site only a few weeks ago for that belief and anyone else who wanted clarification on why he was banned. That was the first clear sign I saw of the imminent apocalypse of this site. Who could have imagined it would happen this quickly though.

Neogaf was once a great place to be. I came here every day. What made it great wasn't you, it was the amazing community which you have now decimated. I hope these communities can recover elsewhere and I hope you enjoy the rest of your days in the sad infamy you brought upon yourself - the head of a house full of hate-filled bottom feeders. And slowly watch your life's work die.

I have good and bad memories of Gaf. I'll try and not linger on the bad ones and focus on a new era somewhere else.
Strong words from Jeff on the bombcast this week.
I haven't listened to it yet and I like Jeff but the U.S. videogame journalism industry is located in San Francisco, a place where the huge majority seems to toe the extreme liberal puritan line for fear of becoming an outcast just because it's easier than getting into a shouting match on a daily basis because you disagree slightly with their rhetoric.
I don't get why people are so upset about GAF shitting on people with different opinions as if that doesn't happen fucking everywhere. Try to talk about feminism on 4chan or reddit lol. If you didn't like GAF, there's a million ~moderate~ websites you could get your gaming news from. No need to stick to this one.

Weird post to make after the kind of subjects you're referencing have been effectively banned from the forum.
You keep parroting this idea that disagreeing with someone lead to ostracizing or bans.


You were banned for poorly wording your position and it came off as toxic. That's it. Y'all just couldn't articulate well enough where what you said didn't express toxicity directly indirectly or directly. You guys remove any and all context for why the bans took place and cover it with a blanket, "they ban you for disagreeing" when that's not even true. You do this to reinforce that you yourself are a victim of injustice so you can go on with a clean slate.

You're blind. I consider myself extremely liberal, but even I saw this happening to other posters. If they weren't banned, they were certainly piled on and insulted by other gaffers.

Hell, I still remember a couple of times where the subject of physical child punishment came up. I'm not in favour of it but I tried to make the argument that it's reductive to suggest that any form of physical punishment was abuse and that, having occasionally experienced it myself, it's not so black.and white.

All I, and everyone else who agreed with me was met with, was insults towards us, our parents and the elist rhetoric that our own personal, human experience mean nothing because of a few scientific studies posted on the internet. It's just complete disregard for different opinions that made off topic so toxic, and that nonsense was leaking into gaming side too.


You know those threads had mod edits about not attacking Anita and argue her points right?

You didn't read.

You didn't learn a damn thing.

You shit posted to try and de-legitimize her whether you did it consciously or unconsciously.

I say unconsciously because people will barb people, places, or things if they dislike it but they do something good: "I don't like his games but it's nice he donated 100k to charity."

You know this.

You got caught.

Learn from your mistakes and move on.

That's some strong ass kool aid you've got there.
Person doesn't want mexicans in the US.

Person opens discussion about border security and makes x y z claims.

Person is responded to by people who post a b c evidence contrary to those claims.

Person never responds to a b c, continues to make the same x y z claims while not engaging in any real discussion.

This goes on for 3 pages. Person is banned. It's not for having a different opinion. But it might look like it to those who are "concerned about border security."


Fitting the bill? Fitting what bill?

I'll continue to call it like I see it: you are and were the problem.

Not the only problem, but a major problem. You attack -anyone- who disagrees with you with things like that: your "fitting the bill" is code for calling me a racist / sexist/ nazi / or whatever, even though -nothing- I've said is any such thing. Even though I've spent the majority of my life fighting such things.

My only crime is I disagree with you. So I must be the worst. I must be scum. And you will paint me as such. That's low. You're low.

And all the posts here - doing the same thing. 'Oh, look at all the [insults] coming out of the woodwork' and claiming oppression...

Well, yeah. This forum was protected by a shield of people like you that shouted down any opposing viewpoint with harsh slurs. Who wants to be accused of being something they're not? So most people stayed quiet. They weren't alt-rights hiding, waiting for something [I'm sure a couple were]... but in general, people just did not feel safe speaking their mind.

You are part of a culture of fear. Fear of speaking. Fear of putting forth one's own opinion because they might get piled on as being a [whatever]. People can't even use common phrases, for fear they're taboo... 'free speech', in this case. Use the wrong phrase, get lumped in with Nazis. So people stay silent.

And now, yes, the shields are down. So people -are- speaking their mind. And because you're so used to painting anyone you didn't agree with as the worst of the worst, you suddenly think you're surrounded by the worst of the worst.

No. You're just exposed. You're just the emperor with no clothes. You think you are wearing the shining outfit of progressive thought, and you used it to paint everyone else as degenerates. But you were just naked, and low. "Then stop fitting the bill" my ass. You try to silence through accusation, thinking you're the higher ground when you can barely breath through the muck.

Don't get me wrong - I believe in many of the same things as you. I believe we always need to work towards a better world. I think many people are ignorant, and a surprising number of people entertain quite vile ideas. But where we differ is I don't assume anyone that disagrees with me must be one of those people, and I certainly don't accuse people of it on the drop of a dime. If someone asks me a question, I answer and try to educate [even if it's the tenth time I'm asked] instead of shaming them.

I know this won't stick, today. But maybe, someday... something in here will make it past your ideological shield and you'll realize I'm on your side. I'm trying to help you understand that we grow through discussion, not silence. I'm not saying we should have the scum of the earth here - we agree on that. But the issue is your brush is far too broad. Vile people exist. And they should certainly be dealt with - I'm perfectly fine with giving no quarter for abusive behavior. But that's not what was happening here [and your 'stop fitting the bill' comment is a perfect example of that].

Well put. Couldn’t agree more.
You're blind. I consider myself extremely liberal, but even I saw this happening to other posters. If they weren't banned, they were certainly piled on and insulted by other gaffers.

Hell, I still remember a couple of times where the subject of physical child punishment came up. I'm not in favour of it but I tried to make the argument that it's reductive to suggest that any form of physical punishment was abuse and that, having occasionally experienced it myself, it's not so black.and white.

All I, and everyone else who agreed with me was met with, was insults towards us, our parents and the elist rhetoric that our own personal, human experience mean nothing because of a few scientific studies posted on the internet. It's just complete disregard for different opinions that made off topic so toxic, and that nonsense was leaking into gaming side too.

You were talking with people. Of course if people dislike your views they're going to not talk to you.

As for insults? Where? Being called out isn't an insult.

You even admit in the bolded where you fucked up. Like, you used personal experience as a way to combat studies. Did you really think people would give you the time of day?
why do you guys overreact when someone calls out something you say as racist/sexist/homophobic

it doesn't mean you're a demon.

just that something you said is problematic

you shouldn't interpret it as a mark against your character. no one is perfect
Evilore just shot himself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about game forum culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is on Twitter where you can become successful by being a shameless creep. If you sexually assault someone in real life and try to discredit the victim, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance and rotting in jail.

What this means is the general public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to associate with GAF for any topic, nor will they support any of Evilore's future initiatives. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Evilore has alienated an entire community with this move.

Evilore, publicly apologize and resign from your position or you can kiss your business goodbye.

At long last, this meme has reached its final form.

And yet, rather than being funny, it's mostly sad. Because in this case, it's all 100% true. Well, except for DiipuSurotu being an expert on forum culture—I have no idea how knowledgable he is on the subject.


I hope he sees the sycophants and the alt-righters and Gamergater cowards who were hiding their true selves in the shadows until now spewing their vile hatred in here.

Can you link me to this vile alt right hatred? I'm having a tough time finding it in here.


Hey Tyler,
I still remember when I first showed you the MGS4 OT almost 10 years ago and how excited we were to put it together. Staying up late into the night just trying to figure out if we could even fit the whole thing and then the insanity of the next morning when we posted it. It was a moment that I think defined how you always saw this place and why it was so beloved by its members. It makes me sad to think how different things are now. I truly hope that the site is able to go back to its roots, that something can be gained from everything that has transpired but I know it will do so without me being a part of it. I will always miss it and to all the members staying I wish you guys the best of luck. Thanks for giving me a creative outlet and a safe haven when we all needed it.







Bruceleeroy Out
Mods or Mod please give me a viking funeral
The permanent kind

I see you're already banned but it's been a fun ride here on Gaf. Good memories to cherish.

See you on the other side
Strong words from Jeff on the bombcast this week.

What happened?

Well, tell us.

In response to statements made in Patrick Klepek's Waypoint article and actions taken so far, Jeff said he lacks self-awareness to his situation and is "incredibly disrespectful" to what this community stands for. Suggests he should of stepped down and passed it on to those not involved in covering any of this behavior up.


You know those threads had mod edits about not attacking Anita and argue her points right?

You didn't read.

You didn't learn a damn thing.

You shit posted to try and de-legitimize her whether you did it consciously or unconsciously.

I say unconsciously because people will barb people, places, or things if they dislike it but they do something good: "I don't like his games but it's nice he donated 100k to charity."

You know this.

You got caught.

Learn from your mistakes and move on.

I literally have no idea how you can read his post and draw those conclusions, unless you give people ZERO benefit of the doubt and assume their intentions for no reason.


why do you guys overreact when someone calls out something you say as racist/sexist/homophobic

it doesn't mean you're a demon.

just that something you said is problematic

you shouldn't interpret it as a mark against your character. no one is perfect

Because they want to continue to say it.

Permanently A

Junior Member
Evilore just shot himself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about game forum culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is on Twitter where you can become successful by being a shameless creep. If you sexually assault someone in real life and try to discredit the victim, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance and rotting in jail.

What this means is the general public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to associate with GAF for any topic, nor will they support any of Evilore's future initiatives. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Evilore has alienated an entire community with this move.

Evilore, publicly apologize and resign from your position or you can kiss your business goodbye.

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