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The state of NeoGAF

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Kindly permaban my furry feline arse from NeoGAF.

Apologies for the lack of lulz final post or biting commentary.

However the owner of this site and what he has turned it into are just not worth the effort.
Hmnkay... i see people getting banned left and right but no requested permabans.
Unless people do some crazy shit. I'm not much for drama. i hate drama. So i don't want to make dramatic suicide threads or insult people.

So again, i respectfully request a permaban.
I'm a better man without this forum. And i don't have the self discipline to log out and not log in anymore.


Ooh this a good one.

The way the internet has been in recent years feels like global gaslighting at times until you walk away from the keyboard and realise the rest of the world has lives outside of the pathetic race to be Ideological Purist #1 and just does not care and cares even less the more shrill that noise becomes.

Nailed it.


You were if you were talking to evilore. It's happened loads of times.

My story:

Some poster made a thread calling Summer Lesson problematic.

I chimed in about the separation of reality from imagination.

CrossingEden comes in and denounces developers that make such games.

I said that developers should have the right to make the games they want.

CrossingEden calls people who play Summer Lesson paedophiles and sexual predators.

I argued that saying games make people sexual predators is the same as saying games make people murderers.

CrossingEden argued that there is no point in discussing video game violence because it is different because reasons.

I said that he is being hypocritical about it.

CrossingEden strawmanned me and suddenly made my position as "I support paedophilic content", and then summoned his lapdog besada (this is me jumping to conclusions due to my resentment with CrossingEden and for that I apologize; I don't know how to strikethrough so I just bolded it)

besada not only threatened to ban me, but also threatened to report me to authorities as well as report me to my work place (my registered e-mail was from my workplace)

Hmnkay... i see people getting banned left and right but no requested permabans.
Unless people do some crazy shit. I'm not much for drama. i hate drama. So i don't want to make dramatic suicide threads or insult people.

So again, i respectfully request a permaban.
I'm a better man without this forum. And i don't have the self discipline to log out and not log in anymore.

Sounds like a good reason to keep you around, no?


I'm really sad Neogaf is devloving this way. My girlfriend and I met here. The people of gaf helped me when I was homeless, when I came out of the closet, and when I needed a job.
GAF was my all in one stop for news stories, discoveries, games, and socializing online.

There's no chance of things being the way they were again is there?


Evilore just shot himself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about game forum culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is on Twitter where you can become successful by being a shameless creep. If you sexually assault someone in real life and try to discredit the victim, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance and rotting in jail.

What this means is the general public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to associate with GAF for any topic, nor will they support any of Evilore's future initiatives. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Evilore has alienated an entire community with this move.

Evilore, publicly apologize and resign from your position or you can kiss your business goodbye.

At long last, this meme has reached its final form.

And yet, rather than being funny, it's mostly sad. Because in this case, it's all 100% true. Well, except for DiipuSurotu being an expert on forum culture—I have no idea how knowledgable he is on the subject.
I have to agree. This is the ultimate form of this meme.
You know those threads had mod edits about not attacking Anita and argue her points right?

You didn't read.

You didn't learn a damn thing.

You shit posted to try and de-legitimize her whether you did it consciously or unconsciously.

Dude, that is exactly our point. Why is there some blanket mod policy that a certain person -- any person -- is above criticism? That is not right. Also, I've noticed dismissing something as a "shit post" is a favorite tactic of GAF's more censorious users. I was asking a legitimate question in a civil and courteous way. It's not a shit post.


Complete strawman.

If you're a Republican you are either completely uninformed, ok with racism, or supportive of racism. It's just facts... :/

Doesn't make you a nazi, but no need to cuddle your views.

Explain how a Republican is not one of three above and we can discuss.

My sarcasm meter has always been a bit off. But the idea that this is a serious legitimate non-fallacious argument, or that it would be considered and defended as such by a large portion of the responding users in the usual NeoGAF kneejerk leftist echo chamber threads, which it would be, is simply ridiculous. It is the exact reason why such a large number of users either left, or like myself, relegated ourselves to complete silence except on the most innocuous of gaming related topics. And even then, one quickly learned which threads to avoid, like the Nintendo threads, due to ridiculous bans. One quickly learned to avoid threads with Amir0x, EviLore, and other angry mods/admins with an axe to grind, because you never knew what you might say that could offend the videogame fandoms, political/social leanings, sensibilities or previous grudges that a mod or admin had against you.

The pro-pedophile apologist posts and threads, Amir0x's LONG scummy history, the long standing over abuse of banning, the general vicious tenor of political threads if you failed to toe the tacitly and openly stated official progressive position on whatever topic was being discussed. All long standing reasons over which I would have been happy to leave. Except I had connections to fantastic people here and this was a contact point of last resort. I had also enjoyed great threads here and wanted the opportunity to be able to ask simple questions while keeping my head down. Of course, that kind of thinking resulted in a disconnect and then huge slowdown from my once normal numerous daily checkups. But I was just a "racist/bigot/xenophobe/misogynist/Republican", right? The basic response to that has been "who cares. leave." So keep your head down to survive, because not everyone is a NeoGAF style leftist who kneejerk hates you, and you might have reason to ask a question later on. Wonderful community sustaining and building sentiments to be the norm... And it is a joke to see people over the recent months and years argue that this hasn't been a major issue here as they continue to apply vicious BS labels denigrating people they disagree with.

The rot started from the head down.

Malka is very much like Harvey Weinstein. Someone who basically behaves like an incredibly petty vindictive asshole with delusions of grandeur. Someone who has little respect for anyone unless they conform to certain disingenuously applied convenient standards. Someone who abuses his position of authority, if you didn't want to lose access to your circle of friends within this community, you kept your head down and mouth shut, or you approved of and parroted back the officially approved positions. All bad behavior either openly approved of, because everyone else is either wrong or labeled as something that is socially unacceptable, rightly or wrongly, or bad behavior that is silently accepted, and through silence, tacitly approved of. If you brought up bad behavior or subject matter that involved criticism, you almost always could expect to be banned. Unless something was so obvious, like Amir0x literally editing other people's posts so he could win arguments, and even then, he wasn't permabanned. I guess I expected that to happened after Amir0x physically beat up his mother and was arrested and jailed for it and resisting arrest. But I guess bad behavior and shitty personalities are something to be ignored until they can't be any longer. Just spout leftist platitudes, label all opposition as "racists/bigots/homophobes/completely uninformed/misogynists/etc", crush all dissent, and hope people don't bother to actually hold you accountable for having a horrible personality or behavior, or being a pedophile or assaulter of women.

The ironic comeuppance for Evilore, the long-standing approving and blameworthy leadership, and the echo chamber aficionados, has been coming for years and is well-deserved. At least the decent people finally seem to have reason enough to seek shelter elsewhere. Eat and hang yourselves by your own hard shrill standards SJWs.
I'm really sad Neogaf is devloving this way. My girlfriend and I met here. The people of gaf helped me when I was homeless, when I came out of the closet, and when I needed a job.
GAF was my all in one stop for news stories, discoveries, games, and socializing online.

There's no chance of things being the way they were again is there?

No. And yes, it once was a great forum with great people. But it was long gone even before past weekend.
I'm really sad Neogaf is devloving this way. My girlfriend and I met here. The people of gaf helped me when I was homeless, when I came out of the closet, and when I needed a job.
GAF was my all in one stop for news stories, discoveries, games, and socializing online.

There's no chance of things being the way they were again is there?

No. Not the way they were. But they could be as good in a different way.

All it takes is for quality posters to get together and produce that environment. GAF has no shortage of those, and even with some of them taking a stand and leaving, I think you'll find what's left is every bit as interesting and worthy of your time as what came before. It has to be. Because otherwise it's all gone and it's never coming back. You could follow to one of the spin-offs, but do those truly ever succeed? No. And nothing will change that. This is what we have. We must work to make it worthy of its legacy. And we can.


Fitting the bill? Fitting what bill?

I'll continue to call it like I see it: you are and were the problem.

Not the only problem, but a major problem. You attack -anyone- who disagrees with you with things like that: your "fitting the bill" is code for calling me a racist / sexist/ nazi / or whatever, even though -nothing- I've said is any such thing. Even though I've spent the majority of my life fighting such things.

My only crime is I disagree with you. So I must be the worst. I must be scum. And you will paint me as such. That's low. You're low.

And all the posts here - doing the same thing. 'Oh, look at all the [insults] coming out of the woodwork' and claiming oppression...

Well, yeah. This forum was protected by a shield of people like you that shouted down any opposing viewpoint with harsh slurs. Who wants to be accused of being something they're not? So most people stayed quiet. They weren't alt-rights hiding, waiting for something [I'm sure a couple were]... but in general, people just did not feel safe speaking their mind.

You are part of a culture of fear. Fear of speaking. Fear of putting forth one's own opinion because they might get piled on as being a [whatever]. People can't even use common phrases, for fear they're taboo... 'free speech', in this case. Use the wrong phrase, get lumped in with Nazis. So people stay silent.

And now, yes, the shields are down. So people -are- speaking their mind. And because you're so used to painting anyone you didn't agree with as the worst of the worst, you suddenly think you're surrounded by the worst of the worst.

No. You're just exposed. You're just the emperor with no clothes. You think you are wearing the shining outfit of progressive thought, and you used it to paint everyone else as degenerates. But you were just naked, and low. "Then stop fitting the bill" my ass. You try to silence through accusation, thinking you're the higher ground when you can barely breath through the muck.

Don't get me wrong - I believe in many of the same things as you. I believe we always need to work towards a better world. I think many people are ignorant, and a surprising number of people entertain quite vile ideas. But where we differ is I don't assume anyone that disagrees with me must be one of those people, and I certainly don't accuse people of it on the drop of a dime. If someone asks me a question, I answer and try to educate [even if it's the tenth time I'm asked] instead of shaming them.

I know this won't stick, today. But maybe, someday... something in here will make it past your ideological shield and you'll realize I'm on your side. I'm trying to help you understand that we grow through discussion, not silence. I'm not saying we should have the scum of the earth here - we agree on that. But the issue is your brush is far too broad. Vile people exist. And they should certainly be dealt with - I'm perfectly fine with giving no quarter for abusive behavior. But that's not what was happening here [and your 'stop fitting the bill' comment is a perfect example of that].
This is exactly right. It's a fucking shame it took what happened for NeoGAF for everyone of those Toxic parts of NeoGAF to finally understand it was them that contributed to OT being a cesspit of sycophants running around agreeing verbatim with everything or not saying anything.

What's worse is because of what happened they won't get the chance to read these kinds of posts and maybe understand/learn that their hostile way of browbeating everyone didn't endear them to anyone but the same people they were in agreement with while everyone just became bitter that there was an in-crowd that decided the narrative of the forum down to the letter.

Instead everyone's moving to discord and everyone putting their chips on ResetEra but no one learned anything from their NeoGAF experience. ResetEra is going to have the exact same problems as GAF if everyone walks away from this without realizing the situation with Off-Topic was untenable.

But that lesson won't be learned, and the knee-jerk painting of "Us versus Them" will continue, especially since everyone's going to be on high alert for trolls on the ResetEra place.


I'm really sad Neogaf is devloving this way. My girlfriend and I met here. The people of gaf helped me when I was homeless, when I came out of the closet, and when I needed a job.
GAF was my all in one stop for news stories, discoveries, games, and socializing online.

There's no chance of things being the way they were again is there?

There is always a way



You had a very good discussion board with some flaws, including, but not limited to, 1) an overzealous moderation staff, 2) an unspoken bestowment of made poster status from the overzealous moderation staff to some prolific posters to where they could post with impunity, flaunting the understood rules of civility, and 3) the inflammatory, hostile, "if you're not in full agreement, you're with the enemy" false dilemma of discourse that stemmed from the first and the second

The remedy is to dial back the moderation a bit, moderate more evenly and equitably, and hope the first two reduce the hostility when there's no longer protection for poisoning discourse from the Correct Side.

The remedy isn't to overstate the problem in severity and scope, cite the problem in a deflection attempt, and shut down the board entirely.

An otherwise healthy person with higher than normal cholesterol just needs dietary adjustments, not a bullet to the head.



Fitting the bill? Fitting what bill?

I'll continue to call it like I see it: you are and were the problem.

Not the only problem, but a major problem. You attack -anyone- who disagrees with you with things like that: your "fitting the bill" is code for calling me a racist / sexist/ nazi / or whatever, even though -nothing- I've said is any such thing. Even though I've spent the majority of my life fighting such things.

My only crime is I disagree with you. So I must be the worst. I must be scum. And you will paint me as such. That's low. You're low.

And all the posts here - doing the same thing. 'Oh, look at all the [insults] coming out of the woodwork' and claiming oppression...

Well, yeah. This forum was protected by a shield of people like you that shouted down any opposing viewpoint with harsh slurs. Who wants to be accused of being something they're not? So most people stayed quiet. They weren't alt-rights hiding, waiting for something [I'm sure a couple were]... but in general, people just did not feel safe speaking their mind.

You are part of a culture of fear. Fear of speaking. Fear of putting forth one's own opinion because they might get piled on as being a [whatever]. People can't even use common phrases, for fear they're taboo... 'free speech', in this case. Use the wrong phrase, get lumped in with Nazis. So people stay silent.

And now, yes, the shields are down. So people -are- speaking their mind. And because you're so used to painting anyone you didn't agree with as the worst of the worst, you suddenly think you're surrounded by the worst of the worst.

No. You're just exposed. You're just the emperor with no clothes. You think you are wearing the shining outfit of progressive thought, and you used it to paint everyone else as degenerates. But you were just naked, and low. "Then stop fitting the bill" my ass. You try to silence through accusation, thinking you're the higher ground when you can barely breath through the muck.

Don't get me wrong - I believe in many of the same things as you. I believe we always need to work towards a better world. I think many people are ignorant, and a surprising number of people entertain quite vile ideas. But where we differ is I don't assume anyone that disagrees with me must be one of those people, and I certainly don't accuse people of it on the drop of a dime. If someone asks me a question, I answer and try to educate [even if it's the tenth time I'm asked] instead of shaming them.

I know this won't stick, today. But maybe, someday... something in here will make it past your ideological shield and you'll realize I'm on your side. I'm trying to help you understand that we grow through discussion, not silence. I'm not saying we should have the scum of the earth here - we agree on that. But the issue is your brush is far too broad. Vile people exist. And they should certainly be dealt with - I'm perfectly fine with giving no quarter for abusive behavior. But that's not what was happening here [and your 'stop fitting the bill' comment is a perfect example of that].

You really hit the nail on the head. Just an all around excellent post! This place allowed the irrational to run the place. Diversity was accepted, except diversity of thought.

This forum really has a chance to be more open minded now without all the dog piles from the irrational fringe since they are the ones who are abandoning ship.
Yeah, a lot of the members who left seem to forget that sexual relations are complicated and sometimes it can get awkward when you misjudge a situation.

Nah, some of us are actual adults and are aware of all sorts of shit that can go down between two people. And sorry, if her side of the story is correct, it's gross and crossing the line, and him being drunk isn't an excuse in my mind.

What's gross at the moment is his statement and actions after this happened. The victim blaming explanation is vile and borderline insane, and coming from someone who has a broad public history as a pathological narcissist and misogynist makes it rather difficult to buy his version of events. There were probably half a dozen better ways of handling this situation, the statement to his staff, and the statement to his community.

Several better posters than I have already laid this out so far in this thread.

And as I said earlier, I'm still disappointed this is the straw that broke the camel's back. A facebook he-said-she-said post is completely NOT the kind of thing that should be given credence off the bat, but his behavior over the years has been appalling and makes it easier to believe and I'm not sure why these same mods stuck around after seeing it then.

And to you folks up in here saying all these images of his posts are shops, some of us have been here long enough to see his tirades and outbursts first hand.


Fitting the bill? Fitting what bill?

I'll continue to call it like I see it: you are and were the problem.

Not the only problem, but a major problem. You attack -anyone- who disagrees with you with things like that: your "fitting the bill" is code for calling me a racist / sexist/ nazi / or whatever, even though -nothing- I've said is any such thing. Even though I've spent the majority of my life fighting such things.

My only crime is I disagree with you. So I must be the worst. I must be scum. And you will paint me as such. That's low. You're low.

And all the posts here - doing the same thing. 'Oh, look at all the [insults] coming out of the woodwork' and claiming oppression...

Well, yeah. This forum was protected by a shield of people like you that shouted down any opposing viewpoint with harsh slurs. Who wants to be accused of being something they're not? So most people stayed quiet. They weren't alt-rights hiding, waiting for something [I'm sure a couple were]... but in general, people just did not feel safe speaking their mind.

If someone calls you a racist/sexist/Nazi, maybe take a step back and think about why they're calling you that? And being called one of those terms sucks, but it isn't on the same level as being called an actual slur. You're sounding like one of those folks who scream "Well, you're the real racist for calling me a racist!"

I'm sure you've done great work in your personal life and I applaud you for it, but to blindly ignore all of the dog whistling that's going on right now is sad.


I just hope all your comments Won't drive anyone affected into suicide.

Think about that. Let them solve it or let law enforcement. The hate is unreal.


Fitting the bill? Fitting what bill?

I'll continue to call it like I see it: you are and were the problem.

Not the only problem, but a major problem. You attack -anyone- who disagrees with you with things like that: your "fitting the bill" is code for calling me a racist / sexist/ nazi / or whatever, even though -nothing- I've said is any such thing. Even though I've spent the majority of my life fighting such things.

My only crime is I disagree with you. So I must be the worst. I must be scum. And you will paint me as such. That's low. You're low.

And all the posts here - doing the same thing. 'Oh, look at all the [insults] coming out of the woodwork' and claiming oppression...

Well, yeah. This forum was protected by a shield of people like you that shouted down any opposing viewpoint with harsh slurs. Who wants to be accused of being something they're not? So most people stayed quiet. They weren't alt-rights hiding, waiting for something [I'm sure a couple were]... but in general, people just did not feel safe speaking their mind.

You are part of a culture of fear. Fear of speaking. Fear of putting forth one's own opinion because they might get piled on as being a [whatever]. People can't even use common phrases, for fear they're taboo... 'free speech', in this case. Use the wrong phrase, get lumped in with Nazis. So people stay silent.

And now, yes, the shields are down. So people -are- speaking their mind. And because you're so used to painting anyone you didn't agree with as the worst of the worst, you suddenly think you're surrounded by the worst of the worst.

No. You're just exposed. You're just the emperor with no clothes. You think you are wearing the shining outfit of progressive thought, and you used it to paint everyone else as degenerates. But you were just naked, and low. "Then stop fitting the bill" my ass. You try to silence through accusation, thinking you're the higher ground when you can barely breath through the muck.

Don't get me wrong - I believe in many of the same things as you. I believe we always need to work towards a better world. I think many people are ignorant, and a surprising number of people entertain quite vile ideas. But where we differ is I don't assume anyone that disagrees with me must be one of those people, and I certainly don't accuse people of it on the drop of a dime. If someone asks me a question, I answer and try to educate [even if it's the tenth time I'm asked] instead of shaming them.

I know this won't stick, today. But maybe, someday... something in here will make it past your ideological shield and you'll realize I'm on your side. I'm trying to help you understand that we grow through discussion, not silence. I'm not saying we should have the scum of the earth here - we agree on that. But the issue is your brush is far too broad. Vile people exist. And they should certainly be dealt with - I'm perfectly fine with giving no quarter for abusive behavior. But that's not what was happening here [and your 'stop fitting the bill' comment is a perfect example of that].

So you celebrate the decision to remove politics and social matters writ large from discussion on this forum?


why do you guys overreact when someone calls out something you say as racist/sexist/homophobic

it doesn't mean you're a demon.

just that something you said is problematic

you shouldn't interpret it as a mark against your character. no one is perfect

When the person saying it isn't actually racist/sexist/homophobic, of course they're not gonna like those types of charges being leveled at them.

And let's be honest. Most of the time we wouldn't have reasoned explanations of why some might find certain statements 'problematic'. All too often it was more like "FUK U BURN IN HELL NAZI".
Dude, that is exactly our point. Why is there some blanket mod policy that a certain person -- any person -- is above criticism? That is not right. Also, I've noticed dismissing something as a "shit post" is a favorite tactic of GAF's more censorious users. I was asking a legitimate question in a civil and courteous way. It's not a shit post.

Anita is not above criticism. You be critical of her by going for her arguments not her credibility. Your post is similar to the following:

"She didn't even play those games."
"High school essay."
"She took clips from other YouTubers."

You went after her credibility.

Do you get it yet?

Like, this doesn't even make you a bad person. I'm just trying to explain why you were banned and now you're super fucking defensive over it and calling out "censorious users".
You were talking with people. Of course if people dislike your views they're going to not talk to you.

As for insults? Where? Being called out isn't an insult.

You even admit in the bolded where you fucked up. Like, you used personal experience as a way to combat studies. Did you really think people would give you the time of day?

When I talk with people I don't expect them to then insinuate that my parents are abusers. That's not being called out, that's being insulted.

Furthermore, why wouldn't I use my own personal experience? The point I was making was that there are degrees of physical punishment, that it is reductive to suggest everyone who so much as taps their child on the wrist is a child abuser and that not everyone who experiences these things turns out bad.

Discourse is a nuanced thing, which people like yourself just don't seem to understand. I don't mind if people don't agree with me, but GAF collectively seems to have a very hard time of discussing within that grey area. It's always black and white. Either the absolute best or absolute worst. No middle ground. It's tiring.


EvilLore your statement... man. I realize it's hard to be impartial when things are hot and heated and you are the person in the situation and there's a million people angry at you for all different reasons (some of which have no connection to any of this). But that statement is needlessly heightened and full of irrelevant details.

I saw some variants of alternative ways to handle this posted and they really just hit hard with how much better they would be.

You could simply be short and sweet and don't even bother adding anything:

Clearly I misread a situation and fucked up. I apologize, and I wish her the best. I may speak more on this later; for now please contain discussions about me personally to the appropriate thread. Thanks.

Or if you must add context immediately, be respectful to all parties involves including yourself, the community, and the other person.


An allegation of sexual misconduct has been made against me by someone with whom I used to be in a physical relationship. All allegations of this nature are serious, of course, and we should extend our respect to her and offer whatever resources she needs to cope with this situation.

While I understand the disappointment and anger some of you may harbor against me for this allegation, please know that there was more to the situation than she alleged. I misread her signals and didn't grasp how ill she was. I did enter the bathroom with her, but when she made clear that she was ill and not interested in a physical relationship at that time, I immediately disengaged and offered whatever help I could provide her.

While it does not excuse the alleged misconduct, please know that the woman and I did have a physical relationship after this incident which ended in a way that may have left some hard feelings. I understand there is no way to avoid discussing this on the forum, so I only ask that you please contain discussion of me *personally* to the appropriate thread.



I don't get why people are so upset about GAF shitting on people with different opinions as if that doesn't happen fucking everywhere. Try to talk about feminism on 4chan or reddit lol. If you didn't like GAF, there's a million ~moderate~ websites you could get your gaming news from. No need to stick to this one.

You wouldn't get banned for it though. And many moderate opinions are even hard to express here without escalation. Having grounded intelligent criticism could get you banned here if its criticism against anything deemed "untouchable" by a loud opposition that has a monopoly on the truth and is backed by the mods.


Dot Hacked
For people questioning why others request bans? Its an age old forum tradition (web forums in general not just gaf) to ask for one as a way to peace out for good. Whether it be on good or bad terms. An seeing as how there are no mods or no way to contact any (as I understand it?) its gotta be done publically now more then ever.

imo The real attention seekers here are those crying over their past bans. Ya ate a temporary or permaban? So what? You came back didn't you? Why're ya dwelling on getting banned from 1 of zillions of forums out there? Why do ya take every opportunity to bring it up? C'mon now! Something like thats not a scratch, but ya all carry it around like some kind of scar.

Oh an people all pumped up on "gaf should be for gaming only anyway, fuck the ot!" what is wrong with ya all? Why could I stick to the gaming side forum day & night while apparently none of you could? Was there somebody forcing ya to click on the OT tab? If so I hope you'll do something about that if ya haven't already! If not then again whats your problem? The two sides only ever crossed over when somebody would accidentally post a thread in one forum that was meant for another, or the super rare occasion in which an event/news was directly relevant to both sides. Maybe try talking about games instead of talking about wanting to talk about games. Else ya come off as nothin' but phonies an the type of peeps I wouldn't wanna see hanging around this community or any other.

btw, sticking purely to gaming talk may have been why I missed all this stuff so many peeps apparently knew about Evilore and Amirox for years(?). Firstly if the Amirox thing is for reals why the heck was he allowed ta continue posting here? Know what I and others in the area get in our mailboxes when a sex offender moves in nearby? A paper with name, photo, address, and list of offenses. If the administration was so hell bent on continuing to allow him to post, the least they coulda done is give people a headup via mass PMs!

As for the way Evilore may or may not treat women (but most likely does based on his own words) an the apparent unleashing of a tide of anti-women... heck anti-anything but "muh-gaems" which is happening here then maybe I'll just have ta pack it in an move on like so many other posters. Cause clearly the new gaf standard wouldn't want me around! An knowing their kind they'd strive to make my time here miserable! As Evilore should know by now, having a target on you sucks. Please don't try an pass the target directed at you onto myself and others.

Can't say cutting gaf outta my life wouldn't be a loss but as someone who's been reading/posting in multiple forums since forevers so I think I'll be OK. Apparently I average less then 2 posts a day so no one'd miss me nor the content(?) I bring in!

But for now thats all just a buncha ifs. I'm not gonna kneejerk instantly cut all ties like so many peeps have. I can take a couple minutes now an then ta see which way the winds blowin' an all that. An of course dig up and archive some posts of mine. Would be alot harder ta do that if I straight up left / took a ban!

btw to the mod(s?) still going: good on you for banning those specifically asking for it. Showing you're actually listening to the people is a good way to mod! But ya seem ta be focusing exclusively on them when there's a buncha totally awful posts & people popping up outta the blue. Ya'll can play the understaffed card for now but such blatantly obvious jerks aren't gonna be allowed around for the longterm, right? Each part of this mess deserves equal scrubbing.

"Well, why'd she stay?"

Tell me what you think of relationships that are physically abusive, GAF.
They're really, really awful. Not just for the people in 'em, but for friends & family of the people in 'em. Can't count how many times I've asked "why do ya keep going back to him?!". Some people eventually grow numb to it an fall into the trap of "its their life whatevs" which really stinks but I can't blame 'em for forming such an attitude. Nothing anyone says or does stops 'em from eventually getting back together over an over again. People close to 'em can't help for reals. Only some kind of "relationship detox" could hope to do the job but that requires effort and money and therapy.

Oh an shoutout to the woman who brought forth these charges against Evilore. She deserves help, not hate!

Believe me, it's not. Try going on GameFAQs some time. It's pure unadulterated shite. Gaming side is a goddamn temple compared to that.
Nopes! Gamefaqs is the secret best place to chat about individual games cause they got a forum for just about every game ever made! Try not lumping everyone/thing together under one banner.

I don't know who came up with the name.

But Gaffers include ZhugeEx, Shinobi, nibel and a whole bunch of other well known Gaffers. There are a lot of them. I am sure you will see who's exactly in there when it opens up.
Dunno the story about them but weren't some of them kicked off/banned from gaf for some reason or another?

Well I found the zhugeex thing and even if its all mod BS, that still dun seem like the kind of person to have in charge. I said Evilore is a liability an ya know what? It applies to some (all?) of these people to. That other forum for banned/disgruntled gaf members sure didn't turn out well right? Starting a new one helmed by banned/disgruntled gaf members dun sound all that swell. People with baggage running the show's gonna require addressing such concerns like these if they wanna win people over for the longterm. But from the sound of it all its prolly not gonna matter to me. I'm not on twitbookcord so I'ma be left behind unless the site(?) being made is a traditional browser accessed forum.

That insinuates OT makers were affiliated with the developer or PR, which I assure you in most cases was not so. In fact, that's actually insulting as someone who created a few Gaming side OTs.
Heck I know I sure as heck didn't get compensation or even recognition for the what... 2 or 3 OTs I made? Heck one of my next ones was gonna be for a fan translated game. I'm not so sure devs/pubs would've showered me with cash for that!
You wouldn't get banned for it though. And many moderate opinions are even hard to express here without escalation. Having grounded intelligent criticism could get you banned here if it's criticism against anything deemed "untouchable" by a loud opposition that has a monopoly on the truth.

No, you would just get called a feminazi bitch and get rape threats. Much better than being banned for a couple of weeks.


The persecution complex from people who were angry that they couldn't say offensive/ignorant/bigoted stuff in the OT with the consequence of community reaction is interesting to see.



Guess I need to post this again since there are some people who seem to have already forgotten after 2 page. Wow, how the mind slips!


Opening admitting to sexually assaulting someone(then banning anyone who called him out for it)

Posting revenge porn with their real full names then another admin(a now jailed pedophile) printed the photos and jacked off over them and sent it to the boyfriend.

You're right, how can we even know if he's guilty or not? HMMMM



I'm really sad Neogaf is devloving this way. My girlfriend and I met here. The people of gaf helped me when I was homeless, when I came out of the closet, and when I needed a job.
GAF was my all in one stop for news stories, discoveries, games, and socializing online.

There's no chance of things being the way they were again is there?

I doubt this will be that kind of place again.



But Diablos survived? Why? 'Cause he kept the crazy in check until a point. Y'all's pride and ego couldn't handle not dropping "truth bombs".

Y'all never learned your words carried weight and that weight was toxic. Y'all believed it was just opinions and they're just opinions, man. That's where y'all failed. You never cared to look into why people were upset at y'all because you never cared. You never cared for discussion because reasonable, sensible people have a discussion and then move on. They don't argue it over and over because action comes next. You just want to keep trying to normalize a perspective and behavior.

Everyone saying they can finally breath and speak their mind never jumped ship before. They stayed silent. They grew bitter. That silence is telling. Even perpetuating the idea that disagreement lead to a ban is a lie you all want to desperately believe because you don't want to accept the realization that people dislike you for some views you hold. You want to be liked regardless of what you say and do. Now they've all left you guys and you will still be angry later when they're off in their own forum. I'm sure a lot of the gamergaters here can feel it slipping, they know they're back in the dirt. If they reflect privately for a bit, look into that void they call their soul they'll realize they're just chasing the acceptance of people they hate. They'll never admit it but their actions are telling: follow the ship jumpers. Y'all will never get their love cause you were never worthy.

Are you sure you are ok?

I got banned once for pointing out that a moderator just heavily insulted millions of Americans (all Trump voters). I'm European and never even had a dog in the race.
I also got banned when I argued that not all the people that celebrate with Zwarte Piet, especially the children, are racist scum that deserve to be hated (I'm not Dutch). I also still have a screenshot of the ban message which read: "sorry the blacks ruined your good times". Like, what did that even mean? Pretty sure there were also countless insults thrown against me.
My story:

Some poster made a thread calling Summer Lesson problematic.

I chimed in about the separation of reality from imagination.

CrossingEden comes in and denounces developers that make such games.

I said that developers should have the right to make the games they want.

CrossingEden calls people who play Summer Lesson paedophiles and sexual predators.

I argued that saying games make people sexual predators is the same as saying games make people murderers.

CrossingEden argued that there is no point in discussing video game violence because it is different because reasons.

I said that he is being hypocritical about it.

CrossingEden strawmanned me and suddenly made my position as "I support paedophilic content", and then summoned his lapdog besada

besada not only threatened to ban me, but also threatened to report me to authorities as well as report me to my work place (my registered e-mail was from my workplace)


You engaged in "whataboutism." People bring up violence in games when they want to shut down discussion on sexual content. It's a separate discussion.


I don't know what made GAF the heaven of internet, or at least what made a lot of users and most mods think it was.

It was like a bunch of perfect people judging the flawed ones. Guess what, EVERYONE is flawed someway. Who are we to judge others all the time?

Everybody has done something wrong at some point in their lives, nobody is immaculate, fucking nobody, just deal with it.

I don't give a shit about what made the forum fall apart, it's not really my business or anybody else's. However, you see people acting like what happened would change an inch in their lives. It won't.

I repeat myself. I'm glad the tribunal is gone.


That's a different story but these arguments of "I can speak freely now" aren't directed there. It's subtle jabs at people being put on blast for saying racist, misogynistic, bigoted, or prejudiced shit. To them this isn't about Evilore but to get back at them damn SJWs ruining mah video games.
Nope, it's exactly what everyone said, you're just refusing to understand this was all you.

I mean tell me what racist or bigoted thing I said when I told people "Can we stop talking about Bannon looking like shit in this interview? It's getting really old and I wanna discuss the stupid shit he said in the interview but everyone's just replying to his appearance," Tell me what bigoted or racist thing it was to say when I said "Hillary's political adverts are horrible" when it was clear they were? What bigoted or racist thing was said when I said "I support Bernie Sanders in the primaries?

No Spatula, it's pretty clear there was a narrative of "You disagree with me, fuck you I'm going to paint you as a nazi" over everything. Yet instead of owning up you're picking a HIll to die on. Again. Is it really so hard to admit you were wrong? That you fucked up? It's pretty clear the big problem on NeoGAF is that everyone refuses to just back down when it is clear they were wrong. A problem that extends to the top, it's crystal clear this is what's happening. Yet, no one is bothering to learn this.
"Some NeoGAF mod banned me for saying something I still don't realize was noxious this one time. SJW hivemind. Why can't we all just agree to disagree sometimes? The environment here made me afraid to say ignorant or hurtful things."

Shut the fuck up.

NeoGAF was a privately owned message board that briefly had a pretty cool, pretty tenuous culture that depended on a lot of active moderation by good people working to preserve that culture and give space to a lot of underrepresented folks in videogames—who were justifiably sick of what gaming (and political!) discussion looks like in just about every other place on the Internet.

You have no special right to voice your opinion on a privately owned board, and if the mods found you problematic and tossed you for being a hateful or willfully obtuse jerk, that was ♪ their ♩ prerogative ♪♬♩.

You could have taken those opportunities to examine your thinking and adjust your behavior. No surprise, most of the twerpy gaming Internet opts for door number 3: whining on Twitter about being "silenced" by "very extreme leftists" and joining active communities of hate on 4chan/reddit. Now we get a good look at what NeoGAF would be without working moderation—and with an explicit push by its idiot owner to suppress political discussions (which is the same thing as defending the status quo; there are no apolitical positions). Enjoy having one more venue where it's okay to daub shit on the walls and drink your own rancid piss. I'm sorry the cliquey php game board made you feel bad about yourself for a half-second there.

P.S. Tyler Malka, you've always been known as a bloviating idiot. Now it's even clearer that you're a creep. You should have sold this place while you had a chance, you rapey hobbit. Enjoy this incident being the first thing every employer—and every woman—will see in any Google search of your name for all time.


Ban me please.

You're a creep - there are multiple accounts of this over a number of years.

I want nothing to do with this site.

P. S. I have always used AdBlocker on your site.


Not a creep.


The state of NeoGAF for the next month or more is going to be people drive-by shitposting because they feel it accomplishes something towards a greater good. They can't just not sign in. They MUST be banned or have their account deleted. That's what's more baffling. You don't like it here, don't visit. It's really not hard.
When I talk with people I don't expect them to then insinuate that my parents are abusers. That's not being called out, that's being insulted.

Furthermore, why wouldn't I use my own personal experience? The point I was making was that there are degrees of physical punishment, that it is reductive to suggest everyone who so much as taps their child on the wrist is a child abuser and that not everyone who experiences these things turns out bad.

Discourse is a nuanced thing, which people like yourself just don't seem to understand. I don't mind if people don't agree with me, but GAF collectively seems to have a very hard time of discussing within that grey area. It's always black and white. Either the absolute best or absolute worst. No middle ground. It's tiring.

Then don't participate in threads where people might believe based on studies that physical punishment is abuse. Your personal anecdotes aren't going to change how the scientific community feels about spanking or in general hitting your child.

Personal experience is touchy because it means you're trying to be an authority based on your experiences and thus it automatically lowers anyone else's: you become biased. It's like when someone posts up stats of police brutality and someone comes in and says, "I never got pulled over by the cops." It's not helpful.

Do you get it? Like, I'm not even try to be antagonistic, I'm just trying to show you where you may have went that caused a ban. You don't even have to believe me but this was the etiquette and everyone knew about it because mods would tell you to behave if you went outta line or the community would let you know.
Holy jesus tapdancing fucking Christ...just wanted to continue posting about how much fun I'm having with The Evil Within again and wonder why everything was tumble weeds.

Clicked the main page and this gif has never, ever, ever been more appropriate:


This is way too much information to wade through during a casual videogame distraction post at work.
Are you sure you are ok?

I got banned once for pointing out that a moderator just heavily insulted millions of Americans (all Trump voters). I'm European and never even had a dog in the race.
I also got banned when I argued that not all the people that celebrate with Zwarte Piet, especially the children, are racist scum that deserve to be hated (I'm not Dutch). I also still have a screenshot of the ban message which read: "sorry the blacks ruined your good times". Like, what did that even mean? Pretty sure there were also countless insults thrown against me.

You just argued in favor of Zwarte Piet.

Like, do you even understand what you're doing at this point?
When the person saying it isn't actually racist/sexist/homophobic, of course they're not gonna like those types of charges being leveled at them.

And let's be honest. Most of the time we wouldn't have reasoned explanations of why some might find certain statements 'problematic'. All too often it was more like "FUK U BURN IN HELL NAZI".

not racist/sexist/homophobic according to whom? the person who posted it? they only did so because they thought it was ok.


The state of NeoGAF for the next month or more is going to be people drive-by shitposting because they feel it accomplishes something towards a greater good. They can't just not sign in. They MUST be banned or have their account deleted. That's what's more baffling. You don't like it here, don't visit. It's really not hard.

Or maybe they want to express their frustration towards a place where they spent time and made friends being torn to pieces by its administration.

The porn threads are inappropriate but if someone wants to suicide in an appropriate manner go for it.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Fitting the bill? Fitting what bill?

I'll continue to call it like I see it: you are and were the problem.

Not the only problem, but a major problem. You attack -anyone- who disagrees with you with things like that: your "fitting the bill" is code for calling me a racist / sexist/ nazi / or whatever, even though -nothing- I've said is any such thing. Even though I've spent the majority of my life fighting such things.

My only crime is I disagree with you. So I must be the worst. I must be scum. And you will paint me as such. That's low. You're low.

And all the posts here - doing the same thing. 'Oh, look at all the [insults] coming out of the woodwork' and claiming oppression...

Well, yeah. This forum was protected by a shield of people like you that shouted down any opposing viewpoint with harsh slurs. Who wants to be accused of being something they're not? So most people stayed quiet. They weren't alt-rights hiding, waiting for something [I'm sure a couple were]... but in general, people just did not feel safe speaking their mind.

You are part of a culture of fear. Fear of speaking. Fear of putting forth one's own opinion because they might get piled on as being a [whatever]. People can't even use common phrases, for fear they're taboo... 'free speech', in this case. Use the wrong phrase, get lumped in with Nazis. So people stay silent.

And now, yes, the shields are down. So people -are- speaking their mind. And because you're so used to painting anyone you didn't agree with as the worst of the worst, you suddenly think you're surrounded by the worst of the worst.

No. You're just exposed. You're just the emperor with no clothes. You think you are wearing the shining outfit of progressive thought, and you used it to paint everyone else as degenerates. But you were just naked, and low. "Then stop fitting the bill" my ass. You try to silence through accusation, thinking you're the higher ground when you can barely breath through the muck.

Don't get me wrong - I believe in many of the same things as you. I believe we always need to work towards a better world. I think many people are ignorant, and a surprising number of people entertain quite vile ideas. But where we differ is I don't assume anyone that disagrees with me must be one of those people, and I certainly don't accuse people of it on the drop of a dime. If someone asks me a question, I answer and try to educate [even if it's the tenth time I'm asked] instead of shaming them.

I know this won't stick, today. But maybe, someday... something in here will make it past your ideological shield and you'll realize I'm on your side. I'm trying to help you understand that we grow through discussion, not silence. I'm not saying we should have the scum of the earth here - we agree on that. But the issue is your brush is far too broad. Vile people exist. And they should certainly be dealt with - I'm perfectly fine with giving no quarter for abusive behavior. But that's not what was happening here [and your 'stop fitting the bill' comment is a perfect example of that].

This man get's it.

But Diablos survived? Why? 'Cause he kept the crazy in check until a point. Y'all's pride and ego couldn't handle not dropping "truth bombs".

Y'all never learned your words carried weight and that weight was toxic. Y'all believed it was just opinions and they're just opinions, man. That's where y'all failed. You never cared to look into why people were upset at y'all because you never cared. You never cared for discussion because reasonable, sensible people have a discussion and then move on. They don't argue it over and over because action comes next. You just want to keep trying to normalize a perspective and behavior.

Everyone saying they can finally breath and speak their mind never jumped ship before. They stayed silent. They grew bitter. That silence is telling. Even perpetuating the idea that disagreement lead to a ban is a lie you all want to desperately believe because you don't want to accept the realization that people dislike you for some views you hold. You want to be liked regardless of what you say and do. Now they've all left you guys and you will still be angry later when they're off in their own forum. I'm sure a lot of the gamergaters here can feel it slipping, they know they're back in the dirt. If they reflect privately for a bit, look into that void they call their soul they'll realize they're just chasing the acceptance of people they hate. They'll never admit it but their actions are telling: follow the ship jumpers. Y'all will never get their love cause you were never worthy.

This man doesn't.

You are one of the worst posters on the board. People like you are why GAF lost respect throughout the internet.

You don't even have understand the fact the reason the board went up in flames is precisely because of people like you. Your holier-than-thou attitude is exactly why people were so willing to toss GAF in the incinerator the first chance that Evilore fucked up again.

If you had a shred of decency and insight you'd understand that this wasn't about taking down Evilore.. it was about taking down the people like you.

Go join your other little safe haven forum and be done with it already.
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