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Two lions killed after they maul suicidal man

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Would have let them kill the man.
The lions did absolutely nothing wrong.


Let the guy kill himself. The lions don't deserve to be put down because of some mentally unstable asshole.

Under the circumstances, what else should the zoo have done?

Have the lions exhibit completely sealed off so people can't jump in if they want to. For starters. Security? Maybe?
What a horrible tragedy all around. This man mustve been in the worst shape, mentally, to go about trying to kill himself through lion mauling. If he survives, I hope that he can get the best help for his body and mental state.

And I feel just as bad for the lions. Being killed for acting within their nature. Fast acting tranquilizers shouldve been at hand, but I cant blame those who work there for killing them. Such needless death and violence.


Ultimately most laws are written so that human lives matter far more than animal lives and while you might find it okay to let the guy die the people in charge would have gone to jail had they decided that way. You can't just stand by idly while your animals kill someone, regardless of their intentions.
Zoos are fucking terrible places, and the fact that this is the logical conclusion means we shouldn't have Wild animals publically exposed in easily accessible cages anyone can get into.

Maybe try out a good zoo sometime, they are great when the areas are designed for the animal's needs. e.g. ideally the animals have areas that are no accessible to the visitors, like monkeys climbing further back into the forest to have their peace while zoos will then place the food in the visitor areas to attract the animals back to the people.
Modern zoos are also very open if the climate allows it. Recently I've been to the Singapore zoo and most of the monkeys and apes were basically not locked up at all, but they still don't escape because they feel fine. It was also a pleasure to see how much happier the animals seemed to be compared to other zoos I've been to where the animals seemed very lethargic and bored/deranged.

Zoos are not just for the mere amusement of humans btw. For one, the combined population of each species in all zoos acts as a back-up in case our efforts to preserve the wild individuals fails.
In general, zoo animals are not taken from the wild but are born in captivity for generations.
They also have a big educational purpose, enabling all parents in cities to teach their kids about animals. This may seem trivial but seeing animals in the flesh leaves a much bigger impression and results in more people feeling empathetic towards them. You need this to fund the mentioned efforts to actually do some good for animals in the wild.
Not really, you can't prove he was still alive when they came with the guns.

You're advocating they cover up the circumstances of someone's death.

Even if they didn't shoot the Lion's in the act. They would have been euthanized for killing someone later anyway.


aka Mannny
Maybe try out a good zoo sometime, they are great when the areas are designed for the animal's needs. e.g. ideally the animals have areas that are no accessible to the visitors, like monkeys climbing further back into the forest to have their peace while zoos will then place the food in the visitor areas to attract the animals back to the people.
Modern zoos are also very open if the climate allows it. Recently I've been to the Singapore zoo and most of the monkeys and apes were basically not locked up at all, but they still don't escape because they feel fine. It was also a pleasure to see how much happier the animals seemed to be compared to other zoos I've been to where the animals seemed very lethargic and bored/deranged.

Zoos are not just for the mere amusement of humans btw. For one, the combined population of each species in all zoos acts as a back-up in case our efforts to preserve the wild individuals fails.
In general, zoo animals are not taken from the wild but are born in captivity for generations.
They also have a big educational purpose, enabling all parents in cities to teach their kids about animals. This may seem trivial but seeing animals in the flesh leaves a much bigger impression and results in more people feeling empathetic towards them. You need this to fund the mentioned efforts to actually do some good for animals in the wild.
What you're describing is an animal reservation or wild animal park. Additionally, I've been to a "good" zoo, and I'm aware of their purpose, thanks. My point still stands that public zoos are horrible and zoos with a bit of a more open enclosure isn't any better imo. No member of the public mentally healthy or not should be able to get within biting distance of these animals and for conservation purposes the animals should be kept away from humans for their safety. Obviously shooting the lions was the right decision but it's stupid that we have to argue about this in the first place given the kind of animal that was on display here, while using understanding and empathy as a guise for allowing these types of practices.


Reading comments in news articles, it saddens me how many people hate human beings. I keep reading how humans are the worst species and evil. 😢
I really wish that man would have been able to seek help instead of getting other creatures involved, or even trying to end his own life to begin with. Overall a senseless event, and while I feel upset that the lions died as a direct result of his actions, I still hope that he recovers, physically and mentally. The zoo should really look into getting better security.

Edited my post on the previous page, Zookeepers did fire tranquilizers but hit the man in the neck instead after which they switched to lethal intervention.

This is what kind of fucks me up reading the story. They tried non-lethally, missed and hit the guy, then... switched to a lethal method?

I get that the real issue was a lack of tranqs that would work fast enough, especially after they lost time with that stunt, but still. Divorced of other details it just sounds "funny."
Nope. Humans win here. This whole nature run its course acts as if humans don't exists because they can build to overcome their limitations.

I completely agree. Nature tested us, we overcame it. Food chain tested us, we overcame it. We conquered this world, only natural disasters can harm us now. If we wanted we could wipe out any other species and there wouldnt be anything they could do about it. We started off like everything else, we evolved to be clever. We win. Humans rule.


I really wish that man would have been able to seek help instead of getting other creatures involved, or even trying to end his own life to begin with. Overall a senseless event, and while I feel upset that the lions died as a direct result of his actions, I still hope that he recovers, physically and mentally. The zoo should really look into getting better security.

This is what kind of fucks me up reading the story. They tried non-lethally, missed and hit the guy, then... switched to a lethal method?

I get that the real issue was a lack of tranqs that would work fast enough, especially after they lost time with that stunt, but still. Divorced of other details it just sounds "funny."

They did shoot the lions with the tranquilizers (while shooting at the guy in the process) but they decided the tranquilizers would take far too long to take effect. Only after that they brought out the guns to fatally shoot the lions.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
What a selfish and coward man. Took his life, got two lions killed in the process.

Gemüsepizza;204344982 said:
"Poor lions"? And what about the animals they get fed with? Somehow it seems to be ok to kill probably thousands of animals to feed them, but when they get killed it is "sad"? Makes no sense.

The fuck?


Aftershock LA
That's fucking horrible. Just all around horrible.

I almost feel like maybe, ironically, he survived because he was tranquilized. I wonder if it kept him from going into shock that could lead to cardiac arrest.

I'm amazed he is still alive. Sad that the lions were killed. It sucks that wild animals get killed for being wild animals.



Let the guy kill himself. The lions don't deserve to be put down because of some mentally unstable asshole.

Have the lions exhibit completely sealed off so people can't jump in if they want to. For starters. Security? Maybe?

It's nice to know you don't care about the lives of the Mentally ill.
They did shoot the lions with the tranquilizers (while shooting at the guy in the process) but they decided the tranquilizers would take far too long to take effect. Only after that they brought out the guns to fatally shoot the lions.

Ahh, okay, that makes much more sense.


I wonder if stun grenades would work in these situations.
I'm curious too. I'm sure it is possible that a flashbang would disorient or scare off a lion. Then again, I saw at my last job a hungry polar bear continue to approach the building I worked in as Security Forces fired off blanks and shot smoke grenades at it from their vehicles. Nothing they did dissuaded it and they eventually had to put it down.

Let the guy kill himself. The lions don't deserve to be put down because of some mentally unstable asshole.

Have the lions exhibit completely sealed off so people can't jump in if they want to. For starters. Security? Maybe?

Heartless and disgusting at the same time.


Ninja Dom

Would have let them kill the man.
The lions did absolutely nothing wrong.


Let the guy kill himself. The lions don't deserve to be put down because of some mentally unstable asshole.

You're right, the lions did nothing wrong - they were doing what lions do.

But be serious if you think a zoo and it's visitors/customers are just gonna sit back and watch a person get eaten alive by going into the lions den.


You're right, the lions did nothing wrong - they were doing what lions do.

But be serious if you think a zoo and it's visitors/customers are just gonna sit back and watch a person get eaten alive by going into the lions den.

Couldn't they have been put to sleep before being fatally put down?

Of course no one wants to see a man get eaten alive but I doubt watching two lions get murdered for nothing is much better.


I don't know whats worse, the fact that he didn't seek help and could've prevented this or the fact that he just made his situation a whole lot worse. I can't imagine he or his faily wont get billed for those lions.


Couldn't they have been put to sleep before being fatally put down?

Of course no one wants to see a man get eaten alive but I doubt watching two lions get murdered for nothing is much better.

They tried, but the tranquilizer would've taken too long to kick in.


Gemüsepizza;204344982 said:
"Poor lions"? And what about the animals they get fed with? Somehow it seems to be ok to kill probably thousands of animals to feed them, but when they get killed it is "sad"? Makes no sense.

Welcome to the fucking food chain, lol.


Are people aware that the zoo workers probably didn't know the dude was suicidal or had any other mental illness?

If he had a legit mental illness, should the zoo workers let the man die?

From the point of the zoo workers, they guy could've been "crazy" and thus deserving of help.

Good God at the ethics at work here.


It's nice to know you don't care about the lives of the Mentally ill.

It's nice to know you don't care about the lives of rare lions. The mentally ill guy had years and years of opportunities to find and receive help. What the fuck are the lions supposed to do when he jumps in their den and rushes them? They can't help themselves and defend themselves from crazy humans.

Zoo is mostly to blame for making the lions so easily accessible. They should have tranqued the lions as best they could, then crossed their fingers. Maybe if a handler was nearby, get him in there to lure the lions away somehow.
I cannot believe I am reading posts suggesting the zookeepers should sit back and watch a man be mauled to death by lions regardless of the reasons he ended up in their enclosure under the thought that the lions are doing nothing wrong.


Guess nobody should ever interfere/hurt an animal when they see someone being mauled/eaten/attacked by an animal cause they're just doing what comes naturally and it would be mean to hurt the animal!
Jesus. What an awful way to try and go out.

I mean, I've thought about some pretty painful ways to die in my various ideations (poison, self-immolation), but letting yourself be mauled to death by lions just seems absolutely terrifying.
It's nice to know you don't care about the lives of rare lions. The mentally ill guy had years and years of opportunities to find and receive help.

I'm not convinced that you know how being mentally ill works.

Also, was there an article that I missed that stated the period of time he's been having issues, and that he didn't seek help before?


I cannot believe I am reading posts suggesting the zookeepers should sit back and watch a man be mauled to death by lion regardless of the reasons he ended up in their enclosure.


They don't have to watch.

The dude got himself in that position. Why should the lions pay for his mistake? It's not like these are a group of rabid dogs. They're cornered rare, exotic wild animals doing what cornered wild animals do.


Just reading this thread and a large number of people on here seriously don't understand mental illness. It really is embarrassing that we have people arguing that we should've let the lions maul a human to death. That could've been someone's dad, someone's son, someone's brother.

Just imagine if that was one of your own family members who had "lost it" and tried to kill themselves like that, Would you just sit there and allow it to happen or would you want someone to intervene?


Lions did what comes naturally to ensure their survival, and in response some hairless apes did what comes naturally to ensure their survival.

In this case the lions got the short end of the stick because the hairless apes cheated and invented guns. At least the hairless apes feel sort of bad about it, unlike every other species that ever drove another to extinction.


I'm not convinced that you know how being mentally ill works.

Also, was there an article that I missed that stated the period of time he's been having issues, and that he didn't seek help before?

I know there's never an excuse to not seek help, and mentally ill people have options and time that a caged and cornered lion doesn't.
I know there's never an excuse to not seek help, and mentally ill people have options and time that a caged and cornered lion doesn't.

And now this proves you don't know how mental illness works

Also, still waiting on the citation that he didn't try to get help before


Just reading this thread and a large number of people on here seriously don't understand mental illness. It really is embarrassing that we have people arguing that we should've let the lions maul a human to death. That could've been someone's dad, someone's son, someone's brother.

Just imagine if that was one of your own family members who had "lost it" and tried to kill themselves like that, Would you just sit there and allow it to happen or would you want someone to intervene?

I don't sympathize with any mental illness that causes a person to hurt themselves and do drastic harm to others (and other living things) around them at the same time.
If they are that dangerously destructive, I don't need them around me or my family where they can do harm. With a mindset like this, dude could have easily thought walking into a room with a bomb strapped to his chest, or death by cop after firing into a crowd was a viable option.
I always find these threads interesting with how people take to one or another idea so strongly.l

I think all ideas are created, opinionated and fed back to us while little changes in thoughts and teachings are happening every year day by day

In truth or a possibility of truth we are probably likely to have no thought, no knowledge or feeling upon death which would mean dying isn't bad at all if true.

Now where people have made things completely screwy and perhaps wrong is the feelings they have been taught and act out all their life. Not really right nor wrong actually.

But we do worry about what we will miss or can't have or do even though those things are also just all creations and have no barring on anything.

The last thing I'll say is that I do not have a real feeling as to who should have lived or died in this situation. It's not me being cold or hateful it's simply an understanding that its not bad either way , nor good too.

My taught emotion says I don't want anyone to die but my understanding of life and how we get to those thoughts will tell me dying isn't wrong/right, good/bad.

I have really pushed out a lot of my taught , people base I guess which really makes a lot of my thoughts/feeling quite different from my younger years.


I don't sympathize with any mental illness that causes a person to hurt themselves and do drastic harm to others (and other living things) around them at the same time.
If they are that dangerously destructive, I don't need them around me or my family where they can do harm. With a mindset like this, dude could have easily thought walking into a room with a bomb strapped to his chest, or death by cop after firing into a crowd was a viable option.

Stop beating around the bush and tell us about your solution for dealing with the suicidal.


And now this proves you don't know how mental illness works

I know it's a horrible roll of the dice to end up with a mental illness like this but why should other living things around them suffer and die horribly because they chose in some fashion to suffer and die horribly themselves? Where's the logic in that?
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