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Uncharted Collection demo up in PS Store Worldwide


Cool I guess?

Sure. Enemies seem to have no weight. The movement is clunky. Rag doll effects are so 2003. When I came across this tower It clearly looked like I have to slide down that rope. I tried to get on it 3 times and failed. Next time I stand there and oh right a bit more to the left triggers a cutscene first...

Honestly the shooting is not satisfying. It seems like they never intended to put in shooting and that somehow shows. But that doesn't explain why the characters movement is so bad. The walking animation is so bad. Again I can't feel any weight on him as well.

Much better!

I haven't played them since they originally released but I adore the 2nd one. I never had a problem with the shooting mechanics or movement back then. Will be interested to see how they've aged. And i always thought of them having examplary animatuon and attention to detail. These games just absolutely nail style and narrative for me too.
I don't get the Uncharted praise too (same for TLoU) but I find the games to be good (second one even very good, the best in the series imo). Now the 3rd one was boring but I hope 4th will be somehow a comeback to the franchise roots.

And clearly it's not like any of the Uncharted games are bad so hyperbole on both sides I guess :p

Edit: downloading just to see the graphics improvement but it won't suffice for me to buy the games on PS4 again. 4th one will be surely buy day one though (except if very bad reviews or no reviews before day one).


Is the gunplay in the demo accurate representation of the actual full game?

Because I really didn't like the TPS part of this demo.
60 minutes until 1080p 60fps Uncharted goodness.

The gameplay is one of the best aspect in Unchartes series.

how can you say the gameplay is shit ?

internet is incredible

It's the usual 'I don't like thing = thing must be shit' attitude. The internet is where obnoxious people like that go to deliberately annoy strangers. Fortunately it's easy to ignore people on the internet. There's this handy ignore button for example.


Don't be an idiot.



No they definitely had motion controls for grenades in UC2.

I know they got rid of the motion controls for that balancing stuff but I thought they said they left it in for grenades.

There definitely wasn't motion controls for grenades in UC2


Uncharted is one of the finest TPS series ever made. Hyperbole? Nah, fuck that. Only truth. Even if you don't enjoy it, its not even close to the worst ever made.

This demo was fantastic, didn't even finish it because I want to save as much as I can for my replays.

I will say that I kept using the bumpers to shoot at first. I've played so much Uncharted that the buttons are still engraved in my mind even when I haven't played in over 3 years lol


Well...the gunplay is shit. I like the Uncharted games and played them multiple times (except Uncharted 3) but the gunplay never felt right.

Replaying UC3 for the Platinum atm. I just can agree with you. And I was a big fan, even of the gunplay, a few years ago.


The gunplay in UC is pretty much the epitome of "good enough".

Uncharted 2 is actually a very well made and balanced shooter which just lacks satisfying gun sounds and hit reactions could be a litter better. Luckily UC4 looks to fix those issues.


I didn't say the game as a whole is shit. I said the gameplay is.
Just because the gunplay is not so hot doesn't make the gameplay "shit", the encounter design is mostly great, the gameplay is more dynamic than most TPSs, there is nothing shitty about it, it's pure hyperbole.
I won't?! I was interested in this, after all the praise and how it looked, I tried the demo, posted my opinion, people can't deal with it.

and you're suprised gaffers have a problem with your flamebait post? :D

anyone who has played videogames during the past 20 years know this is not the "worst third person shooter ever made"


Could we not have this entire thread come crashing down over one negative opinion? He's got a right to his opinion. Move along, don't drag this thread down into a dogpile.
Anyone who thinks Uncharted's gameplay is "shit", hasn't actually played a game yet with "shit" gameplay. And to think it's the worst TPS you've ever played? I'm pretty sure then it's the only TPS you've played. But whatever gets the attention on this thread I guess.

Besides, I'm sure it was a typo and you meant that Uncharted's gameplay is the shit


Could we not have this entire thread come crashing down over one negative opinion? He's got a right to his opinion. Move along, don't drag this thread down into a dogpile.

I could add one more if you want.

I actually looooooove Uncharted 2, but it´s absolutely fair to say that the gameplay does not hold up with the presentation in this series.

ND got closer to OK gameplay with TLOU, but they still have ways to go if they want their games to shine in every regard.

There´s a certain amount of chunkiness they just can´t seem to get rid of. I feel it was especially apparent in UC3.


I could add one more if you want.

I actually looooooove Uncharted 2, but it´s absolutely fair to say that the gameplay does not hold up with the presentation in this series.

ND got closer to OK gameplay with TLOU, but they still have ways to go if they want their games to shine in every regard.

There´s a certain amount of chunkiness they just can´t seem to get rid of. I feel it was especially apparent in UC3.

I replayed both UC2 and UC3 recently and I disagree. These games are still great.

I welcome the new traversal options in UC4 though! That's for sure going to make the combat and moment-to-moment gunplay a lot more fun.


I could add one more if you want.

I actually looooooove Uncharted 2, but it´s absolutely fair to say that the gameplay does not hold up with the presentation in this series.

ND got closer to OK gameplay with TLOU, but they still have ways to go if they want their games to shine in every regard.

There´s a certain amount of chunkiness they just can´t seem to get rid of. I feel it was especially apparent in UC3.

I agree about uncharted still not perfecting it's gameplay but for me the Last of Us had some of the best third person action/gunplay last gen (at least when the ai was not spazzing out)


I could add one more if you want.

I actually looooooove Uncharted 2, but it´s absolutely fair to say that the gameplay does not hold up with the presentation in this series.

ND got closer to OK gameplay with TLOU, but they still have ways to go if they want their games to shine in every regard.

There´s a certain amount of chunkiness they just can´t seem to get rid of. I feel it was especially apparent in UC3.

You can't have played much of the MP modes in U2, U3 or TLoU if you think the gameplay in TLoU is only close to "OK" and Uncharted is somehow even worse than just "OK".

There's also no chunkiness to get rid of. It's called realistic character animation.
No, I knew the fanboys would eat me for dinner. Still had a good laugh. Though I still stand by my opinion that the gunplay is GTA III levels at best.

Drake controls way better and is a lot more dynamic. Add in level design that actually supports this with verticality and flanking options and you can have great cat and mouse games with the AI.
No, I knew the fanboys would eat me for dinner. Still had a good laugh. Though I still stand by my opinion that the gunplay is GTA III levels at best.

So you're still looking for laughs, I presume?

When was the last time you played GTA III? I'm finding it a little difficult to see how you're drawing this comparison.
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