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Uncharted Collection demo up in PS Store Worldwide

Is there an option where when it puts me in a shooting section I can press a button and the game can just skip it entirely and pretend I did it? That would really influence my decision to buy.

All shooting games should have this,


I didn't say the game as a whole is shit. I said the gameplay is.

Yeah I'm with you on this. I really enjoy the story, I'm a big fan of the 'extreme archaeology' genre, but man the game play is so stale. TLoU fixed a lot of the problems I think the UC series has and I hope UC4 builds off of that, otherwise it's going to be a pass for me.


Is there an option where when it puts me in a shooting section I can press a button and the game can just skip it entirely and pretend I did it? That would really influence my decision to buy.

All shooting games should have this,

Not quite, but they did add an Explore difficulty setting to the collection which is even easier than easy and has snap to target auto aim.


You can't have played much of the MP modes in U2, U3 or TLoU if you think the gameplay in TLoU is only close to "OK" and Uncharted is somehow even worse than just "OK".

There's also no chunkiness to get rid of. It's called realistic character animation.

"realistic character animation" is a nice made up back of the box bulletpoint - means nothing to me though.

I always go through this checklist to determine if a game feels clunky or not.

Step 1: Play Game

Step 2: Check how it feels

If it feels clunky -> game is clunky
If it does not feel clunky -> game is not clunky

Step 3: Form opinion

I know my system is a lot to take in at first, but give it a shot sometimes.

EDIT: We´re also kind of derailing this thread. Very much looking forward to the UC Collection.
Worst tps I ever played. Looks cool though.

No, hyperbole is when people praise the series as one of the best games ever. The set pieces are nice, don't get me wrong, but gameplay is shit.


Cool I guess?

Sure. Enemies seem to have no weight. The movement is clunky. Rag doll effects are so 2003. When I came across this tower It clearly looked like I have to slide down that rope. I tried to get on it 3 times and failed. Next time I stand there and oh right a bit more to the left triggers a cutscene first...

Honestly the shooting is not satisfying. It seems like they never intended to put in shooting and that somehow shows. But that doesn't explain why the characters movement is so bad. The walking animation is so bad. Again I can't feel any weight on him as well.

Oh I love games. With good gameplay first though.

I won't?! I was interested in this, after all the praise and how it looked, I tried the demo, posted my opinion, people can't deal with it.

You realise it's perfectly possible to dislike a game, give reasonable feedback and not be hyperbolic by calling one of the most acclaimed games of last gen "shit" and the "worst TPS"?

No, I knew the fanboys would eat me for dinner. Still had a good laugh. Though I still stand by my opinion that the gunplay is GTA III levels at best.

Lol. This is complete bollocks and you know it. In GTAIII you have to press a button to lock-on, and another button to shoot. It's clunky as fuck, but that wasn't too unusual for a third person game in 2001. In Uncharted you have complete control of aiming and shooting, regardless of whether you like the shooting or feel of the controls, and they're not remotely comparable. I think you're just trolling for reactions now.


I think my expectations were too high because it very much looks like a PS3 remaster. Plays fine though thanks to the 60fps.

The demo was way too short though
"realistic character animation" is a nice made up back of the box bulletpoint - means nothing to me though.

I always go through this checklist to determine if a game feels clunky or not.

Step 1: Play Game

Step 2: Check how it feels

If it feels clunky -> game is clunky
If it does not feel clunky -> game is not clunky

Step 3: Form opinion

I know my system is a lot to take in at first, but give it a shot sometimes.

EDIT: We´re also kind of derailing this thread. Very much looking forward to the UC Collection.

What realistic/semi-realistic third person character movement do you consider good if Naughty Dog's work is "clunky"?


GlamFM has a perfectly reasonable opinions and expplained himself so you guys should stop questioning him. Muchi Muchi opinions are fine but extremely hyperbolic and is probably looking to rile up fans of the series so I wouldn't even bother responding. I never take anyones opinion seriously when they start of with this is the worst thing ever.
The point I tried to make is that I don´t care about if it´s realistic or not.

OK fine, but I'd still like to know which game you think is doing better work in third person animation than Naughty Dog at this point, particularly with the amount of blending and complexity at play. Cause I find it difficult to perceive their games are clunky with some of the stuff out there.
What realistic/semi-realistic third person character movement do you consider good if Naughty Dog's work is "clunky"?

I wouldn't call ND's games clunky (haven't played the first UC), but I'd love every TPS to feel and control as well as MGSV does.

Sorry GTA III was the first thing that came to my mind how it felt shooting someone with a shotgun in this game. Anyway have fun with your NaughtyGod product. :)

I will, thanks. :)


OK fine, but I'd still like to know which game you think is doing better work in third person animation than Naughty Dog at this point, particularly with the amount of blending and complexity at play. Cause I find it difficult to perceive their games are clunky with some of the stuff out there.

I don´t want to start bringing other games to the conversation - it would be a bloodbath.

But I´ll try to broaden my point. As much as I don´t care about "realism" I also don´t care about things like "animation complexity" and what not.

It´s all about how it feels, not about what goes into it, really.


Just tried it. Was on 360 last generation, so haven't played the games before. It looks good, but it feels old. The setpieces didn't blow my mind in the same way it may had in 2009 and movement felt a bit finicky and unprecise at times. May be something that clicks after a while (it hasn't yet), but it was definitely difficult to go from TLOU with its more refined gameplay to this; I imagine it will be even tougher when playing Drake's Fortune for the first time.

Still not sure whether I should get this or not. I'm very interested in U4, so it makes sense to play these first, but I fear that coming in late like this may take away a lot of the enjoyment of especially the two first games, because of their age.


I don´t want to start bringing other games to the conversation - it would be a bloodbath.

But I´ll try to broaden my point. As much as I don´t care about "realism" I also don´t care about things like "animation complexity" and what not.

It´s all about how it feels, not about what goes into it, really.

Interested to hear you're opinions on Assassin's creed's controls as I feel that series is a far worse offender in terms of animation versus controller responsiveness?
OK fine, but I'd still like to know which game you think is doing better work in third person animation than Naughty Dog at this point, particularly with the amount of blending and complexity at play. Cause I find it difficult to perceive their games are clunky with some of the stuff out there.

I really like CAPCOM's work on Monster Hunter, and that was on a handheld. One can only imagine what potential animations they can bring if they were given a higher-tier budget to work on.
Worst tps I ever played. Looks cool though.

Yeah, nice try. Will buy and recommend others to do the same anyhow.

No, I knew the fanboys would eat me for dinner.

Sure, only fanboys don't agree with you.



Interested to hear you're opinions on Assassin's creed's controls as I feel that series is a far worse offender in terms of animation versus controller responsiveness?

Last one I played was black flag and I thought it was great, but yeah, I ran in the same stuff I don´t like.

Sometime getting in a door can be tough because the animation has other plans for you.
taking three steps back to properly align your character with the doorway is just ridiculous.

GTA is also guilty of that.
I wouldn't call ND's games clunky (haven't played the first UC), but I'd love every TPS to feel as good as MGSV does.

I'm trying my hardest to put MGSV out of my head so I forgot about that, but you're right. Incredible controls and detailed animations without sacrificing precision. Probably the best out there.

I still can't imagine calling ND's stuff since UC2 clunky though. I'm just tyring to understand that stance.

I don´t want to start bringing other games to the conversation - it would be a bloodbath.

But I´ll try to broaden my point. As much as I don´t care about "realism" I also don´t care about things like "animation complexity" and what not.

It´s all about how it feels, not about what goes into it, really.

Glam pls. You're Neo-ing my question right now


Not afraid of a bloodbath bruh let's do it.


Gold Member
I don´t want to start bringing other games to the conversation - it would be a bloodbath.

But I´ll try to broaden my point. As much as I don´t care about "realism" I also don´t care about things like "animation complexity" and what not.

It´s all about how it feels, not about what goes into it, really.

Well I agree with Netwrecker, you said it's clunky so you must have a barometer of what game to you that feels right. Certainly you are comparing it to another game you really like. So what is it? else it's just another plan 9 from outer space.


Just tried it. Was on 360 last generation, so haven't played the games before. It looks good, but it feels old. The setpieces didn't blow my mind in the same way it may had in 2009 and movement felt a bit finicky and unprecise at times. May be something that clicks after a while (it hasn't yet), but it was definitely difficult to go from TLOU with its more refined gameplay to this; I imagine it will be even tougher when playing Drake's Fortune for the first time.

Still not sure whether I should get this or not. I'm very interested in U4, so it makes sense to play these first, but I fear that coming in late like this may take away a lot of the enjoyment of especially the two first games, because of their age.

I think you'll be fine. It probably doesn't help that you're tossed a good amount into Uncharted 2 in the demo. Playing from the start of Uncharted 1 will help a lot to ease you into the gameplay.


I'm trying my hardest to put MGSV out of my head so I forgot about that, but you're right. Incredible controls and detailed animations without sacrificing precision. Probably the best out there.

I still can't imagine calling ND's stuff since UC2 clunky though. I'm just tyring to understand that stance.

Glam pls. You're Neo-ing my question right now


Not afraid of a bloodbath bruh let's do it.

Not stepping in your trap!


Time to get some lunch. ;)




Just tried it. Was on 360 last generation, so haven't played the games before. It looks good, but it feels old. The setpieces didn't blow my mind in the same way it may had in 2009 and movement felt a bit finicky and unprecise at times. May be something that clicks after a while (it hasn't yet), but it was definitely difficult to go from TLOU with its more refined gameplay to this; I imagine it will be even tougher when playing Drake's Fortune for the first time.

I was also on 360 last gen and this demo is my first contact with the Uncharted series (aside from the Vita game) and I would agree with all of that at this point. Aiming is fine but the movement does feel very unprecise for me and a big step down from TLOU. Gameplay overall also was very standard TPS so far, but I can't judge that proper from such a short demo.

Still excited to play the collection next week.


I was also on 360 last gen and this demo is my first contact with the Uncharted series (aside from the Vita game) and I would agree with all of that at this point. Aiming is fine but the movement does feel very unprecise for me and a big step down from TLOU. Gameplay overall also was very standard TPS so far, but I can't judge that proper from such a short demo.

Still excited to play the collection next week.

I wouldn't compare it to TLOU as the first three Uncharted games probably don't compare favourably. Remember these games came out at a time when the tps genre was still fresh and it had the spectacle and storytelling to elevate it above it's peers.


Is there an option where when it puts me in a shooting section I can press a button and the game can just skip it entirely and pretend I did it? That would really influence my decision to buy.

All shooting games should have this,
You should just pass then. Its a linear game that doesnt reward exploration and the auto platforming and mind numbing puzzles in between will bore you very quickly. The only remotely engaging way to play it is on Crushing difficulty.


I look forward to trying out the demo tonight (i already have it downloaded). I'm curious to find out how well the games have aged since their release. It's going to be great to go back to this franchise once more. I played UC1 and 2 many times but i only played UC3 once, iirc.


I wouldn't compare it to TLOU as the first three Uncharted games probably don't compare favourably. Remember these games came out at a time when the tps genre was still fresh and it had the spectacle and storytelling to elevate it above it's peers.

I don't question that. I just give my impressions how the gameplay lives up today.
And I obviously can't say anything about the spectacle and storytelling yet.


lol @ the 'hate' for this game...clunky indeed! I love the gameplay, it's such a breeze - I platinumed the first 2 and only didn't plat 3 because I intended to play it in 3D but never got round to it.
I will skip on this, already have the Collection pre-ordered and completed the games on previous gen. My favourite TPS series to be honest. I like the mobility and dynamism.
Uncharted gameplay has always been the biggest flaw of the series to me. Along with (spoilers UC1)
Nazi Vampires

Well, and UC3 script. Mother fucking plot holes everywhere.

Since UC2 is my favourite will check the demo.
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