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Until Dawn - Review Thread


Love seeing the positive reviews. I'm too much of a wimp to play it, but I'm looking forward to watching it on Twitch.



I tried so hard to kill her.

Awwwww. I have a thing for stuck-up spoiled girls, I guess. My heart went to the true queen of Until Dawn, though: Ashley.

And god, I think the one I wanted dead the most was Mike. I hated him so, so much—until he basically
became Nathan Drake
. That was totally unfair of the game to do to me.


Killscreen, one of the toughest critic sites out there, really liked it.


They gave it a 78, which for them is high praise. (They gave The Witcher 3, which they said was one of the best RPGS ever made, an 83 as a comparison)

Also Erik Kain at Forbes really liked it (He gave it an 8.5)


The game is getting high praise from very reputable gaming journalists.


Sterling's review said that genre-savviness will be your greatest asset for keeping characters alive.

So, in the end, people's death counters might end up a good indication of how many slasher flicks they've seen before and their ability to identify danger signs.

I think that's fucking awesome.

shieeeeeet the more and more I read about this game it's turning this from a weekend buy to wanting to play it tonight >_>


I would not blame Starhawk bombing solely on Sony. The game just wasn't nearly as good as Warhawk.
I am blaming Sony because it was a good game and could have sold to plenty of people who didn't play Warhawk like myself. The game barely cracked 100k, meanwhile, shit like The Order sells way more.


I don't really like horror games but I saw some gameplay vids and the ign video where they get staff to play it and it seemed really cool. Might pick it up.
Also, is the game confirmed multi language?

I don't wanna be stuck with a shitty italian dub

The Eurogamer.it review confirms that, at least on the disk version, the english voice-over is present (and that the italian dub is pretty bad, both for the acting and for the mixing)
Damn really glad this game turned out so well. It seems like it went through a bit of development hell but Supermassive delivered in the end :)


They kind of are: http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/until-dawn

79 Metacritic

9s - 11
8s - 20
7s - 10
6s - 2
4s - 1

That's pretty all over the place.

this is why you have to READ reviews as well.the point is everybody is pretty positive on the game despite scoring them differently. if you can put up with certain flaws the number is higher or if you get annoyed the number is lower but overall the game is being recommended by almost everyone.


Solid reviews. This game sold its idea at PSX when the audience got engaged and it has carried through and delivered. Nice to see.

The perfect game to play along side your GF or with friends coming over at night. Will definitely pick up.

Supermassive did a solid a job in their first entry to the AAA space, and the horror genre to boot.
Solid reviews. This game sold its idea at PSX when the audience got engaged and it has carried through and delivered. Nice to see.

The perfect game to play along side your GF or with friends coming over at night. Will definitely pick up.
That was the perfect demo for the game. It made me and others go "ooooh this is cool"


I can't make sense of that digital spy review. They seem to have a huge issue with the corny college humour in the opening hour, then go on to praise the various elements of the game including the butterfly effect, clues system, graphics, etc, but score the game basically an unplayable 4/10.

To be perfectly honest I was expecting more reviews like this because it's got a lot of QTE in it. But then again, when did the marketing for this game state otherwise? If QTE is done right (which it seems to be) then it's at least effective, and at worse tolerable.

I'm not a fan of review sites giving ludicrously low scores and their review not really explaining why. Not that I ever visit that site, but what can I say... the black sheep always gets the clicks right.


Sterling's review said that genre-savviness will be your greatest asset for keeping characters alive.

So, in the end, people's death counters might end up a good indication of how many slasher flicks they've seen before and their ability to identify danger signs.

I think that's fucking awesome.

Thats great, in my case im a horror fan so mostly everyone should be alive by the end.
Better than expected. After The Order reviews debacle I was expecting this game to get maligned by reviewers.

This was never going to flop like The Order 1886. Different expectations, different results. Doesn't hurt that it is apparently a better game too.
FUN FACT: #untildawn is number 1 trending topic on Twitter in Germany right now.

If even The Order can find chart legs in Deutschland then those guys are going to buy Until Dawn in their droves I'd imagine. The Germans sure do love their adventure games. I really like that about them.
I think it was verendus who was discussing the value of guerilla games after Killzone came out on PS4 to lukewarm reviews. They may not make some of the most critically acclaimed games in the industry , but there tech and engineering skills are top notch. This engine looks beautiful here, and I hope it sells very well so we can see more good storytelling in gaming.

I think GG night have found there niche in the open world RPG genre as well. Congrats to all teams involved, gonna get this and MGSV day one. Nice September indeed.
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