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WrestleMania 29 |OT| RematchaMania XXVIII-2: Out with the new and in with the old!

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Wait a minute

what the fuck is Albert doing with the Funkasarus

are you telling me they really have TWO comedy monster characters

why is Funkasarus still a thing in 2013


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member



I would LOVE for them to actually use the crowd heat if Cena won.. have the Shield beat the tar out of Rocky and reveal Cena as the leader of the Shield.

Just do SOMETHING to make his goofy ass interesting again!


I would LOVE for them to actually use the crowd heat if Cena won.. have the Shield beat the tar out of Rocky and reveal Cena as the leader of the Shield.

Just do SOMETHING to make his goofy ass interesting again!

He'll finally win the big one. How can you not be interested in him overcoming the odds?


Great OP Aiii. The booking is absolutely terrible. Jericho should be putting Barrett or Cesaro over. Dbry should be wrestling singles. Punk should be facing Brock/Ziggler/Someshit. Meh.


Dolph Ziggler/Big E Langston vs Team Hell No: Team Hell No. No chance they're gonna give the belts to a jobber and his green friend. However, Ziggler's night will not be over! Team Hell No will continue for the next year and defend the belts at Mania 30, cause they have no fucking clue how to split these guys up even though the gimmick has run its course MONTHS ago.

Jericho vs Fandango: Fandango. Jericho is here for one reason and one reason only, to put over young talent. Looking forward to seeing what Jericho can do to carry the match.

The Miz vs Wade Barrett: Barrett. Filler match. Miz has ZERO momentum, so they'll just keep it on Barrett. Probably a rematch on the next PPV. And the one after that. And about 30 Raws and Smackdowns.

Rhodes Scholars vs Albert/Brodus: Albert/Brodus. Another filler match. Quick finish and they dance in the ring, probably with kids and a D list celebrity.

Ryback vs Mark Henry: Ryback. Just seems obvious. Should be a short match, no more than 5 minutes, will probably go for 40. Ryback will be gassed as fuck and botch his finisher.

The Shield vs Orton/Shaemus/Show: The Shield. Orton getting pissed at losing and turning heel makes too much sense at this point, so I believe there is a 0% chance of it happening. Show will probably become heel AGAIN, as if anyone cares. Randy will remain the silent babyface with no character whatsoever and no interesting angles until he's released after violating the wellness policy for the third time.

HHH vs Brock Lesnar: HHH. Revenge match for Hunter. We knew the outcome to this since Summer Slam.

Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger: Alberto Del Rio. I think it's pretty clear that the Swagger experiment has been a failure, and he'll fade away into the midcard, then Saturday Morning Slam after Mania.

HOWEVER, Ziggler will cash in the briefcase and win the WHC, for possibly the biggest pop of the night. That should be fun. Unfortunately, it will kick off a feud between him and the shitty babyface Del Rio.

Undertaker vs CM Punk: Undertaker. No shit. Just hoping for a 5 star match between the two.

The Rock vs John Cena: Believe it or not, I find myself thinking the most about the outcome of this match. At first glance, it seemed obvious from the start. As soon as we knew Rock would be back for another Mania, we figured Cena would get his revenge, beat Rock, the torch is passed from one generation to the next and all that bullshit.

Well... I don't know. Since we've now heard that Rock will be back for at least one other PPV after Mania... it leads me to believe that Rock is going to take it at Mania, then drop the belt to Cena at Extreme Rules.

They HAVE to be aware that the smart New York City crowd will CRUCIFY Cena for the entire night, let alone if he wins the belt off Rock. They do NOT want that to be the image that MILLIONS
and millions
of people see as Mania goes off the air.

So I'm going to say... aww fuck it, they're fucking idiots. Cena is going to win, get the fuck booed out of him, then they'll just shake it off the next night like it never happened (MIXED REACTION FROM THE DOUBLE YEW DOUBLE YEW E UNIVERSE).

It's about time Cena wins the big one amirite.

More predictions:

-Taker/Punk is match of the night, followed by Jericho/Fandango. Taker/Punk will get a THIS IS AWESOME chant at some point.

-Ziggler cashes in the breifcase for the biggest pop of the night. As soon as that music hits that place is going to erupt, I can feel it.

-Cena wins, gets booed like crazy as pyro and fireworks go off, and the commentators try to sell this magical moment like Cena has FINALLY overcome the odds.
Wade Barret Vs The Miz:

Both men simultaneously pin each other with a double sunset filp.

Funkadactyl & Clay & Tensai vs Bellas &Rhodes Scholars:

Cody Rhodes pulls a pair of brass knuckles out of Sandow's tights and hits Sandow in the eyeball. Tensai wins the Million Dollar Belt.

Chris Jericho vs Fandango:

Jericho and Fandango put on a move-for-move recreation of the Savage/Steamboat fight from Wrestlemania 3. Fandango wins after interference by P Diddy.

Team Hell No vs Ziggler and Big E Langston:

Ziggler sells a punch from Kane by backwards somersaulting out of the entire arena. Rain begins to fall. Ziggler returns backwards somersaulting down the ramp and hits Kane with a DDT for the win.

Ryback vs Mark Henry:

Ryback suffers a double quad blowout after Mark Henry hits him with a medicine ball, resulting in a disqualification and indefinite suspension by new General Manager: Macklemore.

Orton, Sheamus, Big Show vs The Shield:

The Shield are dressed as The Three Ninjas. Big Show picks up the win after debuting his new finisher: The 619.

Del Rio vs Jack Swagger:

Hacksaw Jim Duggan is the guest referee. The match is a draw after becoming the longest match in Wrestlemania history clocking in at 1 hour and 19 minutes.

Triple H vs Brock Lesnar:

Brock Lesnar turns heel on Jimmy Johns. Triple H special entrance music: "3 a.m." by Matchbox 20.

Undertaker vs CM Punk:

The streak ends after a 3 minute match with Paul Heyman holding down Undertaker's legs so he can't kick out. The lights go out and Taker appears in the rafters with Sting.

Rock vs Cena:

Dark match.


seeing Ryback mentioned reminds me, what contrived spot will they have to put Henry on Ryback's shoulders?

Henry will hit the World's Strongest Slam, but Ryback will kick out at 2. So Henry will either pick him up and bring him up to the second rope for more impact or go up to do a splash of some sort. Either way Ryback is getting out/up and picking Henry out of the corner for the Shellshock. They'll have to do something to get past the whole lift process. If he starts trying to march around with him its a fucking coin toss.
Man, I have never watched New Japan Wrestling during their recent resurgence but that Okada has more swag than 95% of U.S. Wrestlers.

And Ryback has a mean clothesline and can finish with it. But I think he can shell shock him. Henry looks like 300+. I hope all of those muscles ain't for show.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Enjoying Trash Bag Wrestlers a little too much:





I love the idea of "The King of Full Nelsons"

This is wonderful. Will have more later.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Homeless has some definite contention for that five spot in your Fave Five.

I don't know if Homeless will be dethroned. I'm seeing some incredible things here.

Modern-day P.N. News up in here:


Calling it now: Punk enrages Taker into getting DQ'ed, HHH comes out and calls BS, restarts the match. Punk then find himself on the business end of a choke slam, a tombstone, and then counted out when Taker locks in his submission and sends him to la la land.
HHH isn't going to be involved in a match that isn't his own.


I come back to see a Wesley Snipes movie on Sunflowers stream.

Also I just did Boxing for the first time in my life and I threw up from all the exercise, and feel dead. I still haven't recovered after 15 minutes. Man I'm out of shape. Never got hit hard though, and blocked a very powerful hook to my kidney.
I'm calling a Ryback or Shield run in.

I have a feeling the Henry/Ryback match or Shield Tag match will flow right into each other. I can see Ryback running into costing Shield the match which will lead into Henry/Ryback. Too much unfinished business.


Miz vs Barrett : Figure 4 Leg Lock

Tons of Funk & The Funkadactyls vs. The Rhodes Scholars & The Bella Twins: Big splash or something.

Chris Jericho vs. Fandango: Help from manager followed by diving leg drop.

Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler and Big E: Help from Kaitlyn

Ryback vs. Mark Henry: I'm assuming he is going to pick him up, I'm just not sure how.

Orton, Sheamus, and Show vs. The Shield: Perhaps an Orton turn during the match, not sure though.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger: Cross Arm Breaker. Zeb and Ricardo will probably get in some sort af brawl that might effect the finish.

HHH vs. Brock Lesnar: HHH refuses to give up until his arm is broken or something. Maybe he passes out? Something like that.

CM Punk vs. Undertaker: Tombstone Piledriver

John Cena vs. The Rock: Cena heel turn. Possibly aligning with The Shield.

I doubt there will be an Orton turn and a Cena turn so only one of those will be correct. Probably Cena's. Swagger/Del Rio and Lesnar/HHH are tough to call. The tag title match as well. If Kaitlyn vs. Aj had been on the card, I would have expected all three to win the belts.

A.E Suggs

This WM is going to be ass but I'm going to buy it anyway for punks sake. I vote Ryback vs Henry for crappiest match of the night even if I do want it to actually be good.


So not worth it
So many WrassleGAFers who should know better by now predicting a Cena heel turn. How amusing!

If I go back a year, would I see the same kind of post by you on people predicting a Rock win for ONCE IN A LIFETIME?

Never say never UberTag.


The entire point of the last 3 Wrestlemania's has been to get the Rock to put over Cena, this entire feud has lead to this moment when Cena finally wins and on Monday gets a promo cut by the Rock who tells us all how awesome Cena is and how we should all love him

Of course nothing is going to change after he wins, he will still get booed, and he will without a shadow of a doubt get booed out of the building at Mania, its freaking New York of all places.

It is a tad sad just how utterly predictable Mania's biggest matches are this year, that is what happens when guys gotta get their wins back

And Cena is not going to turn heel, if you believe this then you still believe this company and the behind running the show are the same as the ones in 1998 who looked at every situation and made sure to get as much out of things as they could.

Both Rock and Brock are scheduled for Extreme rules, so maybe rematches? Or maybe some lame tag team match with Cena and Rock teaming up vs Punk and Lesnar?

Sorry i sound so negative, but man this Mania's build has been awful, considering the amazing talent


Man we should have a #TeamHEEL and #TeamFACE thing going for Mania. If Cena goes heel everyone on #TeamFACE has to don Cena avatars, and if he doesn't #TeamHEEL will have to don Bo Dallas avatars?

Also, what if Cena loses?
I know he won't.


Man we should have a #TeamHEEL and #TeamFACE thing going for Mania. If Cena goes heel everyone on #TeamFACE has to don Cena avatars, and if he doesn't #TeamHEEL will have to don Bo Dallas avatars?

Also, what if Cena loses?
I know he won't.

I suggested during the RAW airing that we all swap to Cena avatars if Cena turns Heel.


Man we should have a #TeamHEEL and #TeamFACE thing going for Mania. If Cena goes heel everyone on #TeamFACE has to don Cena avatars, and if he doesn't #TeamHEEL will have to don Bo Dallas avatars?

Also, what if Cena loses?
I know he won't.

Why wouldn't #TeamFACE want to don Bo Dallas avatars anyways?
Cena is NEVER turning heel. Rock is here for a couple of weeks, Cena has to sell merchandise and PPVs to kids all year long. Win or lose, he will still be the good guy.

The faster you guys accept that, the less painful the ending of WM 29 will be. :p


Why wouldn't #TeamFACE want to don Bo Dallas avatars anyways?
Good point.
I suggested during the RAW siring that we all swap to Cena avatars if Cena turns Heel.
I'm down with that.
Cena is NEVER turning heel. Rock is here for a couple of weeks, Cena has to sell merchandise and PPVs to kids all year long. Win or lose, he will still be the good guy.

The faster you guys accept that, the less painful the ending of WM 29 will be. :p

You never know! They have lots of guys that sell merch now that they can lean on. His time is now.


Cena is NEVER turning heel. Rock is here for a couple of weeks, Cena has to sell merchandise and PPVs to kids all year long. Win or lose, he will still be the good guy.

The faster you guys accept that, the less painful the ending of WM 29 will be. :p

I know, but are you willing to stake your Avatar on it? Can you handle John Cena for until the month ends? Are you willing to risk it all and put your career on the line?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I come back to see a Wesley Snipes movie on Sunflowers stream.

bugowaghl?! Fixing that, don't know how that's even possible, the only Snipes movie I own is Jungle Fever.

Also I'm up for Cena avs if he turns heel. CLEAR TURN FOKES.

I know, but are you willing to stake your Avatar on it? Can you handle John Cena for until the month ends? Are you willing to risk it all and put your career on the line?

Brah you missed March's ShowT - Big Show won the Wrasslegaf Ramble.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You guys should all Google image search Bo Dallas. 1/3 of the pics are from neogaf, 1/3 are of mugshots, and the last 1/3 is a mix of shit and greatness.



Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If Cena turns heel, I will glady rock a Cena av.

Question is, what is the line on a heel turn? Cheating to win?

Heel turn =

Accepting help from a bad guy and looking conflicted, but going for it (ie run-in by a heel, KO Rock, then Cena pins)
Foreign object in a malicious manner
Full blown devilry
Align with Heyman or Bork or whatever

It'll be obvious if he does, and he WON'T.


Heel turn =

Accepting help from a bad guy and looking conflicted, but going for it (ie run-in by a heel, KO Rock, then Cena pins)
Foreign object in a malicious manner
Full blown devilry
Align with Heyman or Bork or whatever

It'll be obvious if he does, and he WON'T.

Holding ropes/tights?


bugowaghl?! Fixing that, don't know how that's even possible, the only Snipes movie I own is Jungle Fever.

Also I'm up for Cena avs if he turns heel. CLEAR TURN FOKES.

Brah you missed March's ShowT - Big Show won the Wrasslegaf Ramble.

Never missed it.

Just thought it would be fun, and we would see how many people truly believed Cena has no chance of turning Heel.


List of superstars unbeaten at wrestlemania

Akebono 1-0
Alundra Blayze 1-0
Animal 3-0
Arn Anderson 1-0
Ax 3-0
Bill Goldberg 1-0
Boogey Man 1-0
Butterbean 1-0
Chuck Palumbo 1-0
Chyna 2-0
Dallas Page 1-0
David Otunga 1-0
Dusty Rhodes 1-0
Fabulous Moolah 1-0
Floyd Mayweather Jr. 1-0
Haiti Kid 1-0
Hawk 3-0
Jack Swagger 2-0
Kato 1-0
Kerry Von Erich 1-0
Kij Kitao 1-0
Lawrence Taylor 1-0
Little Beaver 1-0
Marc Mero 1-0
Michael Cole 1-0
Miz 3-0

Mr. T 2-0
Rick Steiner 1-0
Rob Van Dam 4-0
Sable 3-0
Sabu 1-0
Sandman 1-0
Sapphire 1-0
Scott Steiner 1-0
Shane McMahon 2-0
Snooki 1-0
Tama 1-0
Tanaka 1-0
Tatanka 2-0
Terri Runnels 1-0
Terry Funk 2-0
Terry Taylor 1-0
Tom Zenk 1-0
Tommy Dreamer 1-0
Tully Blanchard 1-0
Undertaker 20-0
Vickie Guerrero 1-0

Virgil 2-0
reposting for laughs
I didn't appreciate the Fandango dig in the OP. Curtis can definitely go places with this character. He's already getting borderline atomic heat, if not atomic then plasma heat or whatever is under atomic.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Holding ropes/tights?

Probably. I mean it has to be without a shadow of a doubt. I don't think it counts if they're building toward an outright turn for like, Summerslam for instance.

I pledge to change my avatar to the CORNIEST Cena face possible if Cena goes heel at Mania.
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