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Xbox One Owners Unite - A Xbox Live Gamer tag Exchange Thread


GT: xXRaceBannonXx
Playing: Sunset Overdrive, Killer Instinct, Halo:MCC

Edit: How do I add friends from XboxGAF? I'm friends/following or whatever it is and they're on my friends list but I can't for the life of me figure out how to add the friends of XboxGAF. Really awful functionality navigating friends of friends...
GT: DieselDogRed

Playing Shadows of Mordor, Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive (what a game!) - will eventually be playing MCC, AC Unity, GTA V (Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham and Minecraft as well).

I live and work in London, UK.


GT: cairnsay

Was an early adopter on 360, left towards the end of that generation and picked up a PS4 on release. Finally jumped onboard with the white Sunset Overdrive bundle, good lord it's sexy. Even if it does look huge next to the PS4!

Will be playing Sunset Overdrive for the next week or so till Far Cry 4 comes out, getting that on PS4, but I'll no doubt be on a lot over the holidays, want to catch up on Forza Horizon, Dead Rising 3 and will probably get Halo MCC for Xmas.


You guys can search for XboxGAF and bulk add everyone on the list. It's really simple. I've been a new owner since the Sunset Overdrive Bundle release. Have KI, FH2, MCC, Ryse, CoD:AW, SO.

GT: CodeNfX


GT: QuietStates

playing Sunset Overdrive , BF4 , NBA 2k15 ,

will play lots of GTA V , maybe MCC , and AC Unity , Dragon Age I



Playing Titanfall, some Destiny and probably a ton of MCC once the matchmaking gets fixed. May get SO and CoD:AW.
Added new people up to #962. I've also friended XboxGAF, but I have no idea how to bulk add, so if anyone can spell that out, that'd be great.

To any new people: GT SkinnerSw33t

I'm US EST if it matters to you, but it doesn't matter to me.

I have eclectic tastes and a large Xbox One library, including multiplats. I'm not a hardcore TDM player. Rather be racing.


GT: Shady859

My games: Halo MCC and getting soon CoD : AW (2nd prestige on PS4)
Plus all the free gold games stuff

I play evenings like around 8-12 EST or anytime on weekends.



Gamertag: Crowza
Time zone: EST

Halo MCC... also Destiny, Madden, Titanfall, etc. But mainly Halo.

Especially when matchmaking actually works and they add the Halo CE playlist.


Added new people up to #962. I've also friended XboxGAF, but I have no idea how to bulk add, so if anyone can spell that out, that'd be great.

To any new people: GT SkinnerSw33t

I'm US EST if it matters to you, but it doesn't matter to me.

I have eclectic tastes and a large Xbox One library, including multiplats. I'm not a hardcore TDM player. Rather be racing.

anyone know how to do this?

Also add me! ArtVandelay32


Added new people up to #962. I've also friended XboxGAF, but I have no idea how to bulk add, so if anyone can spell that out, that'd be great.

To any new people: GT SkinnerSw33t

I'm US EST if it matters to you, but it doesn't matter to me.

I have eclectic tastes and a large Xbox One library, including multiplats. I'm not a hardcore TDM player. Rather be racing.

  1. Go to Friends online
  2. Find someone
  3. Enter GT: XboxGAF
  4. Scroll all the way to the right, click the ...
  5. Click Add friends
  6. Now click everyone on the list, then click Add friends again to bulk add.


New to GAF, so I thought I might aswell post my GT

GT : Danowat32

Play pretty much anything, SSOD is in my main rotation ATM, but I am sure GTAV and DO:I will replace that shortly!


GT: Sandwich Hero

Playing: Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive, Halo MCC, AssCreed, Xbox Fitness, Dance Central

Would like to have some people to compared stats with =).


Neo Member
Xbox Live Gamer tag: kennyadr
Xbox One Games: MCC, Destiny, and GTA 5 soon.
Location: Kitchener, ON (Eastern Standard Time).
With the crazy sales going on recently, I decided to pick up an XBox One. Have Sunset, AC Unity and MC Collection. I anticipate picking up Forza Horizon 2 if it goes on sale.

Eastern United States (Florida)

Gamertag: JustinBbad

As an aside, PSN is also JustinBbad which is where I will play the vast majority of multi-platform games.


Gamertag: Temujinski

Playing: Killer Instinct, Crimson Dragon for now, Assassin's Creed Unity soon.

Timezone/location: GMT +1 (Belgium)

Mostly looking for people to play friendly Killer Instinct matches with.


My GT is saved4613

Feel free to add me. I only have Halo MCC and will be picking up GTA V at midnight release tomorrow.

Location: DC, MD, VA metropolitan area


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
OK I recently picked up the One and coincidentally I have one friend :(
Would love a few more!

GT: UltraMegaByte


GT: ecrockedboston
Boston, Massachusetts

C'mon, add me brehs. None of my friends have the Bone.

Games: MCC, SSO, and many more that aren't multiplayer.


GT: Liam1884

Location: Sheffield, UK.

Games: Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Sunset Overdrive, Titanfall.

None of my friends own an Xbox One, so I'm a little lonely over here!


GT: Liam1884

Games: Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Sunset Overdrive, Titanfall.

None of my friends own an Xbox One, so I'm a little lonely over here!

Add me bro! I'm at work. Metal Gear GAF is going to talk so much shit when the Phantom Pain comes out.

Edit: I just added you via smartglass.


could never
Right I'm going to be adding an awful lot of you, I am in desperate need of friends and I'd love for them to be gaffers so here goes. Also you don't have to have a mic and we don't even have to play the same games or MP. It's just nice to have people to talk to even if it's texts :D



Games I have:

Halo MCC
Sunset Overdrive
Killer Instinct

Currently silver but will get gold when I have enough friends to warrant it :D

Games I am getting very soon:

Dragon Age Inquisition

See you online!


None of my real life friends own an Xbox One so here goes

Xbox Live Gamer tag: InfinityChief
Xbox One Games: Assasins creed black flag,assasins creed unity
Location : India

I like racing games and just got my console yesterday and will purchase horizon and gta 5 soon.


GT Igor The Fiend
Time Zone - UK
Playing Geometry Wars 3, Destiny, Forza Horizon 2, and *cough* The Crew
Tag - Unicornographic


Games - Not many, just got the system and not a ton of time to play it, but would love a friend or two. P.S. I know the name is dumb.


  1. Go to Friends online
  2. Find someone
  3. Enter GT: XboxGAF
  4. Scroll all the way to the right, click the ...
  5. Click Add friends
  6. Now click everyone on the list, then click Add friends again to bulk add.

Very handy, thanks. Doing that in a few minutes :)

Gamertag: ZenSteve
USA Pacific - usually either late-night or weekend

Currently working through Forza Horizon 2 and Halo: MCC

I also have TitanFall & PvZ for online shooters and Killer Instinct (quite atrocious at all of them, but looking to improve)

Might as well mention Just Dance 2014 / 2015, in case anyone is looking for an online challenge on the dance floor, too. :p


  1. Go to Friends online
  2. Find someone
  3. Enter GT: XboxGAF
  4. Scroll all the way to the right, click the ...
  5. Click Add friends
  6. Now click everyone on the list, then click Add friends again to bulk add.

Hah, I didn't know that!

I wish there was a faster way for me to accept all the followers for XboxGAF.
Maybe I should use the website instead of the console for that.
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