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Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| You want a baked Potatsu? http://youtu.be/8qPGXDk23mE

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After 70 hours I finally got the flight Skell Module.
though damn if that song doesnt break my immersion every time i take flight. Its truly surprising there are these amazingly in depth settings for camera controls but none for audio.
ive enjoyed most of the major themes for the regions but I find the EDM doesnt sit well with me.would be nice to have as there was in the original game there was more of a large collaboration rather than one sole composer really. I feel this type of music is best suited to film rather than something that is heard repeatedly.
not sure if this breaks OPs rules, i found this a constructful criticism


I really love the fauna in this game, it really feels natural, not something that was there just to attack you, little details as you can see Grexes sleeping, or in groups, some creatures are pretty tame, other will chase you at first sight, also certain cat-squirrels creatures like to be near lakes, I found onne of them belly up playing around like a pet :3, creatures in general mesh really well with the enviorement and make it look very organic.
Yeah... I'm up for another try though.

I can try again, but my skell is busted and I don't have the money to repair it at the moment (since it costs over 2 mil, it takes time to build that much money even with my 220k+ revenue from frontier nav). I guess I could try on foot with over drive, or use one of my party member's skells (I Have one more level 50 skell after all)


I can try again, but my skell is busted and I don't have the money to repair it at the moment (since it costs over 2 mil, it takes time to build that much money even with my 220k+ revenue from frontier nav). I guess I could try on foot with over drive, or use one of my party member's skells (I Have one more level 50 skell after all)

Your call then. We'll certainly need a full team though. lol

Anyone other here up for Telethia?
Your call then. We'll certainly need a full team though. lol

Anyone other here up for Telethia?

Looking at the time I'll probably wait. I want to get shit done today, so I plan to end my play session in a few minutes

I managed with 3 once before, but it seems like that was luck as much as anything


Looking at the time I'll probably wait. I want to get shit done today, so I plan to end my play session in a few minutes

I managed with 3 once before, but it seems like that was luck as much as anything

Fair enough. Yeah, I'm not sure why the fight was so short but the third player died pretty quickly... I still want to kill it 16 times for the last tier of rewards, but I guess I'm out of time. :p


I want a tag give me a tag
15 levels in 20 minutes? That was fast.

Yes! In sylvanum, north west corner, there's a prob right next to some giant enemy crabs. They're level 50, and we're putting out around 2-5000exp for the level 30-40 kills (when a level needs around 7000exp -10000exp. An as they're right next to the probe it was just warp in, kill 4, warp in kill 4, repeat
Fair enough. Yeah, I'm not sure why the fight was so short but the third player died pretty quickly... I still want to kill it 16 times for the last tier of rewards, but I guess I'm out of time. :p

They retried immediately when they really should've waited a bit, since I would likely have been able to make enough tp to revive them once or twice without using a retry


Yes! In sylvanum, north west corner, there's a prob right next to some giant enemy crabs. They're level 50, and we're putting out around 2-5000exp for the level 30-40 kills (when a level needs around 7000exp -10000exp. An as they're right next to the probe it was just warp in, kill 4, warp in kill 4, repeat

Ah, giant enemy crabs are the gift that just keeps on giving... I used the lv 41-46 ones in Oblivia before, but I guess I'll go pay these ones a visit the next time I need to do some power levelling for my new party members or classes for the MC.
how do I start elma's second heart to heart? I did the quest where I search for a cat in Noctilum and it says the cats in my barracks or whatever. goto my barracks and I cant find the cat. I assume I need the cat since when ever I goto the spot for elma's second heart (with her out of my party) she's not there (and Im going at nighttime)


is there a good explanation somewhere of how overdrive works and how to get the most out of it?

Also, sniper class doe. Kiling things 7 levels above me with ease = maximum levelage


Yes! In sylvanum, north west corner, there's a prob right next to some giant enemy crabs. They're level 50, and we're putting out around 2-5000exp for the level 30-40 kills (when a level needs around 7000exp -10000exp. An as they're right next to the probe it was just warp in, kill 4, warp in kill 4, repeat
What FN site is the nearest to this? I think I'll try this one later.


Does anyone has pics of the DLC Skells and their vehicles forms? I think I want to see how they look before deciding to use my coins to buy any of the normal ones.


how do I start elma's second heart to heart? I did the quest where I search for a cat in Noctilum and it says the cats in my barracks or whatever. goto my barracks and I cant find the cat. I assume I need the cat since when ever I goto the spot for elma's second heart (with her out of my party) she's not there (and Im going at nighttime)

If you go to the barrack's customization terminal there is a new option for pets. You can set it to the cat there.


I highly recommend hitting 60 and having a build that can do good overdrive bursts. Good ground gear will save you some grief.

It is really that bad? I feel like this game has finally made me accept that I hate boss fights. Every game I play with them always makes me feel like they are just gating the content I actually want to play.


I highly recommend hitting 60 and having a build that can do good overdrive bursts. Good ground gear will save you some grief.

God dammit I'm lvl42 and I was going to start Ch11...should I wait?

I defeated Ch10 boss with ""ease"" using my skells (dat battle tho).
where the ever living fuck is the entrance to the base in the Defininan Downfall mission.

I've been circling this fuck for like 20 minutes and can't find shit lol

edit: found it.
I think I cheated chapter 11 I am level 48 should have been harder

I surrounded the area with attribute probes and range probes
not sure how they work I was just hoping they helped
So I was trying to do Hope's second heart to heart in order to start her affinity quest, and from what I read it's over in the Industrial District behind the two tall buildings in the northeast right? (Speaking of which, is there a guide to the heart to hearts and what triggers them? I read there was something to activate Elma's first by some random NPC, but I haven't been able to find many answers on stuff. I thought we had a thing in the OP but I don't see anything about heart to hearts unless im not looking at the right one?)

mfw I walked over there and activated a cutscene and the awful horrible mission that followed it.

This game gets incredibly dark out of the blue. Like sometimes its happy go lucky lets eat Tatsu stuff and then its just every horrible messed up thing you can think of.

Also, how many people are either turncoats or just dying out in battles or recon stuff on Mira? I mean, I understand that there's the possibility of lots of life loss in a world like this, but it seems like half the population of NLA is killed off in subquests by the time I'm at Ch 9.


If it hits, yeah. Keeps missing in mine :(

Wow. That's grade A balancing right there.

Ares-90 will still lose to certain specials without luck (can it kill the Telethia or the 90+ giant mech solo?). But its the end-game reward, its not meant to be balanced. You'll need an Urban/Formula if you dont want to get Gravity one-shot. And Ares can't use customs.

Nah brah it's fun when a game offers you tools to break it as long as you work for it. Afaik Ares 90 is literally the hardest, most time-consuming thing to get in the game, it SHOULD be op as fuck.

Super Weapon 60 on Frame 60 is longer/harder. They can one xshot every boss.

The final hyper rail or whatever its called deals maximum game damage. It will kill the 99 Telethia in a single shot.
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