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NeoGAF, welcome to .webm - the FUTURE (of burning out your CPU)

Wow thanks that's one great add-on! :D Unfortunately though Hover-to-Play is bugged for me :/ When I move the cursor above a WebM it starts playing and looping but it won't pause when I move the cursor away from it. It also won't pause from the right-click menu unless it looped once :( I'm using Firefox 28 stable and disabled the WebM User Script.

Also I updated my script with a small CRF related bugfix that Havel noticed in the description, thanks for that :) And I also added instructions for adding a SendTo shortcut in Windows XP. Going to work on a .gif to .webm conversion script now :p


Wow thanks that's one great add-on! :D Unfortunately though Hover-to-Play is bugged for me :/ When I move the cursor above a WebM it starts playing and looping but it won't pause when I move the cursor away from it. It also won't pause from the right-click menu unless it looped once :( I'm using Firefox 28 stable and disabled the WebM User Script.

Oh I didn't think about stopping the vid when moving the mouse out of the video. Everything you are seeing is working as designed. ;)


Gold Member
Oh I didn't think about stopping the vid when moving the mouse out of the video. Everything you are seeing is working as designed. ;)

If you do include it, please make it optional as it sounds like a pain in the arse to me.

You can click anywhere on the webm to pause it, no problemo.


If you do include it, please make it optional as it sounds like a pain in the arse to me.

You can click anywhere on the webm to pause it, no problemo.

Only with controls enabled :p

edit: actually, a good idea. with controls disabled, clicking the video pauses it until you hover back in again or click it again. Will do that.
Trying to find info through this thread is difficult... and doing a google search just gets me bombarded with a ton of paid apps.

I know there is a webM codec for premiere (will be trying that on my main PC) but I'm not on it currently, so is there any small programs that are good at quick webM producing? Also what's the preferred upload site at this time?


Junior Member
Okay so I made a small WebM conversion script that allows you to convert any video to a WebM simply by drag and dropping it onto my .bat file! :D

I know people might be hesitant to just run a random .bat file so I will just post the code here for anyone to make a .bat out of it:

@echo off
echo "WebM Conversion Script v0.3.1 by Skyfireblaze & Skyllz"
echo "Specify starting time in hh:mm:ss.mss (for example 00:00:10.000 would equal 10 seconds into the video)"
set /p Start=
echo "Specify end time in hh:mm:ss.mss (for example 00:00:20.000 would equal 20 seconds into the video)"
set /p End=
echo "Specify the width of the WebM in pixels (the height will be calculated automatically to maintain the aspect ratio. Type 640 if not sure)"
set /p Width=
echo "Set the base quality level from 4 to 63 (default is 4, the lower the better)"
set /p Quality=
echo "Set the maximum allowed bitrate in MBit's/sec (default is 2)"
set /p Bit=
set /p ANSWER1=Do you want to use the VP8 or VP9 codec? (8/9) (if unsure type 8)
IF /i {%ANSWER1%}=={8} (set Codec=libvpx)
IF /i {%ANSWER1%}=={9} (set Codec=libvpx-vp9)
set /p ANSWER2=Do you want to have audio? (y/n)
IF /i {%ANSWER2%}=={y} (set Audio=-c:a libvorbis)
IF /i {%ANSWER2%}=={yes} (set Audio=-c:a libvorbis)
IF /i {%ANSWER2%}=={n} (set Audio=-an)
IF /i {%ANSWER2%}=={no} (set Audio=-an)

"%ProgramFiles%\WebM\ffmpeg.exe" -i %1 -ss %Start% -to %End% -c:v %Codec% -crf %Quality% -b:v %Bit%M -vf scale=%Width%:-1 %Audio% %1.converted.webm

The script basically asks you a few questions to fill the variables for you. Now I will give you a step by step guide how to make WebM making forever easy!

1: Okay so first copy the content of the CODE up there into a empty textfile and then save it under any name you like. Next you have to change the extension of the textfile from .txt to .bat, this tells Windows that it's something it can execute.

2: Go to C:\Program Files and create a new folder called WebM. (Don't use Program Files (x86) or it won't work!)

3: Go here and download either the 32bit or 64bit version of ffmpeg depending if you use 32bit or 64bit Windows.

4: After downloading and opening the archive you can pretty much disregard everything but the contents of the bin folder. Inside the bin folder you will find a ffmpeg.exe, just copy that into the WebM folder you created earlier.

5: You are done, from now on you can simply drop any video-file onto my .bat script and it will ask you the questions and make a WebM for you! :)

Optional Steps:

6: Now if you want to make the process even more convenient, read on! Copy the .bat file also into the WebM folder, right next to ffmpeg.exe

7: Make a shortcut to the .bat file from the right-click menu.

8a (for Windows Vista/7/8): Move the shortcut you made to the following folder:

If you wonder what %APPDATA% is, it's just a variable to a folder Windows uses, just paste it like that into the Address Bar of any open folder.

8b (for Windows XP): Move the shortcut you made to the following folder:
C:\Documents and Settingss\SendTo

9: What you have done is to link my WebM script to Windows' "SendTo" function, that means making a WebM file of any video you like is as simple as right-clicking on any video --> SendTo --> WebM

Known issues:

- The script won't work if you place ffmpeg.exe outside the folder mentioned above

- The SendTo steps won't work on Windows XP

- The script doesn't work with .gifs, I will make a extra version for that

If you need help just send me a PM or ask here, I hope my script will help people with making WebM's :)

And can anyone tell me if it's okay to redistribute ffmpeg.exe? I would make a bundled .zip but I'm not sure I'm allowed to :/


- I updated the script to v0.3 which adds a VP8 and VP9 codec toggle!
- Now we have 0.3.1 which fixes the CRF description, thanks to Havel for pointing this out :)
- Added instructions for making a SendTo shortcut in Windows XP

I recorded my gameplay vid with RaedonPro.

I followed the steps and I get an error 'No JPEG data found in image'.



What other addons do you have installed? Maybe send me a screenshot of your addon overview page.




Batteries the CRISIS!
My laptop is not fond of these. They run pretty choppy. Do I need to boot up my gaming PC to get webms to run well? LoL


Hey ekim that extension is a nice update although since there is noway to stop the Webm when hover to play is enabled My CPU usage goes up. Also if anybody is having trouble with the WebMs try to set your spyware - virus protection to allow the upload site of the WebMs.
Oh I didn't think about stopping the vid when moving the mouse out of the video. Everything you are seeing is working as designed. ;)

Only with controls enabled :p

edit: actually, a good idea. with controls disabled, clicking the video pauses it until you hover back in again or click it again. Will do that.

Ahaha I see I see ;) Yeah clicking to pause sounds like a great idea with controls disabled! :D

I recorded my gameplay vid with RaedonPro.

I followed the steps and I get an error 'No JPEG data found in image'.


Hmm the error isn't coming from my script, it's a ffmpeg error so it might be something with your recorded video that ffmpeg can't process :/ Can you screenshot the error please?

Is there a webm Player for ios?

The VLC iOS App from the Appstore can play WebM's.

Where do you all host WebMs?


Hey ekim that extension is a nice update although since there is noway to stop the Webm when hover to play is enabled My CPU usage goes up. Also if anybody is having trouble with the WebMs try to allow your spyware - virus protection the upload site of the WebMs.

Right-click the WebM and select pause :p

Also I added a .gif to WebM conversion script in my earlier post, just follow the link in the first post! :)


Junior Member
Hmm the error isn't coming from my script, it's a ffmpeg error so it might be something with your recorded video that ffmpeg can't process :/ Can you screenshot the error please?

The VLC iOS App from the Appstore can play WebM's.


Right-click the WebM and select pause :p

Also I added a .gif to WebM conversion script in my earlier post, just follow the link in the first post! :)
Don't think it matters. Video seems to play back fine despite the errors coming after 'every frame'.


Hey ekim that extension is a nice update although since there is noway to stop the Webm when hover to play is enabled My CPU usage goes up. Also if anybody is having trouble with the WebMs try to set your spyware - virus protection to allow the upload site of the WebMs.

Fixed that. When having no controls enabled and using hover to play, you can now click to pause the video.



Anyone wanting to play these in iOS, download VLC from the App Store. It'll play them (and just about anything else).

In Safari you can just use 'Open In...' to view it. For some reason Chrome iOS doesn't really support 'Open In...', but I imagine it might not be hard to construct a bookmarklet that opens them in VLC.

h.26x would be a better choice IMO. Much broader support.


Guys, webM is good but can you not make them 1080p just because you can.. Scale them down a bit, for Pete's sakes. You can lower the bitrate then.. If this is gonna replace gif, make them gif size at super low file sizes.


Ok, i will have a look & go through the first few pages.

What & where would the codecs likely to be though ?

mostly mpeg/mp4 I guess. You can also always try to disable all other plugins and addons or see if it works in Chrome with the Chrome Extension.
Tried some off Shingeki no Kyojin tv rips I had here.

These ones came out a lot larger than my previous ones, I guess the trailer I had used had low bitrate thus the small file size.

I tried 720p and 2Mbit bitrate (no audio) and gave me a 7MB file for about 22 seconds, which ain't too bad. But I decided to make it 480p and kept the 2Mbit bitrate and it turned out good at 3.7MB, still gotta try more options with different sources. Also will try to download some gameplay videos to fool around with, making this stuff is kinda fun

Levi being awesome

Eren vs Female Titan


aka andydumi
These are beautiful. Flawless on PC and my cell phone which is incredible.

Gfycat works great for me, but the other is blocked at work, so it's just black boxes. Bah.


Anyone wanting to play these in iOS, download VLC from the App Store. It'll play them (and just about anything else).

In Safari you can just use 'Open In...' to view it. For some reason Chrome iOS doesn't really support 'Open In...', but I imagine it might not be hard to construct a bookmarklet that opens them in VLC.

h.26x would be a better choice IMO. Much broader support.

What advantages does h.26x have over VP9, other than more support?


What advantages does h.26x have over VP9, other than more support?

Well wide support is a pretty big thing.

But apart from that, obviously comparing lossy codecs is a pretty difficult thing to compare. A quick google seems to show h.26x does a lot better when compared using PNSR.

That's not a perfect way to compare them though. This cool comparison demo seems to give better results with h.264 (select x264 for one side and libvpx for the other and you can slide the bar to compare images), especially for the second image.
Any way to force ffmpeg to use multiple cores for rendering? It's only using a single thread which is ridiculously slow.

I'm looking into it, there's the -thread command though from what I read so far it does not necessarily increase speed, I will test it and report back.

If converted from original material, they might have been smaller even, due to the dithering not sitting well with the compression.

Ah interesting to know, I only had them in .gif form so I couldn't test it from the source :(

Well then all is fine I guess :p
What advantages does h.26x have over VP9, other than more support?


If you look through h264 was going to be the initial video for HTML5, but it's burdened by all sorts of copyrights (indeed microsoft and apple STILL support HTML5 video, but only in h264 since they are both part of the consortium that controls patents for it).

It's more about accessibility I think... They both have similar features, though obviously applied in different ways to avoid trademarks.


Test 2
So I disabled the addon, it was killing my weak work laptop. BUT, having the hoverzoom addon that I use for pics on reddit is perfect. (either Reddit hover text or thumbbit, not sure which one does it).

But it's great, I just hover over the link and it will display so I'm not bombarded with 15 5mb webm!
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