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Oculus' Palmer Luckey is funding an anti-Hilary shitposting org

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You're giving money to companies that destroy countries (Iraq) and convince Americans that climate change doesn't exist. You're funding evil!
because there is 0 difference between essential items and luxury goods. okey dokey. guess no one should ever take a stand on anything unless they're ready to just give up and die.


Robber barons were named such because they mistreated their workers. Last I checked, programming is one of the most successful and accessible careers in human history.

Also, Larry Page is a Democrat. What a shitheel!

And has some of the shittiest hiring practices
Why does it matter? If people find out that those in charge of Vive or whatever have abhorrent views, then they can make their decisions accordingly. Since I am now well-aware of Luckey's views and actions, I will make sure that he doesn't get a dime from me.
So what you're saying is that everyone will be better off if they just didn't know, right? Because the problem isn't funding evil, if you're not actively seeking the political views of other companies; it's knowingly funding evil. Therefore ignorance is morally correct.


Please don't make this a "he was raised that way" thing. His boss is the exact same kind of dude and he is as liberal as they come.

The internet didn't corrupt sweet young Palmer, he's just bad news.

ok then try "grew up on reddit and 4chan" instead

also zuckerberg may be nominally liberal but he is also kind of a shithead
On site? Yes mostly.

On Twitter? You should check Austin and Patrick's.

On site is where I was referring to. Like I edited into my last post, there is a time and place. On your own, personal platform is obviously what they're fine with, but they've kept politics out of their podcasts and off the site unless it's directly related to video games.

interviewing people who support white supremacists

I sincerely doubt they knew that at the time. I personally doubt they would have had him on if they knew this, nor should they have him on again if this is true, in my opinion. They've never seemed like the kind of folks to publicly comment on something like this, though, and I suspect they'd rather just never have him on again and never mention it. I certainly can't speak for them, though, he is an important figure in the industry right now and that would have to play into that decision.

Politics often intersect with video games.

They certainly do, I remember them talking about that crazy idiot Jack Thompson, I also remember them touching on Gamergate, but they've always been careful about being overtly political. In my eyes, they want to run a video game website and not wade into that ocean. Whether that's the right thing to do in these tumultuous times is up to you to decide.

Racism and prejudice are issues in your sacred video games, let's not do this.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or needlessly provocative, but I can assure you I will stand up for rights of people wherever and however, I'm simply trying to convey what I believe Giantbomb's stance is. I apologize, again, if I was needlessly dismissive. I support everyone's rights to a happy, full and beautiful life.


because there is 0 difference between essential items and luxury goods. okey dokey. guess no one should ever take a stand on anything unless they're ready to just give up and die.

That's the thing about the chuckleheads who always come in and say stupid shit like "well do you buy gas? GOT YA YOU'RE A HYPOCRITE HA!"

Like, FOH with your false equivalencies trying to normalize Lucky's shitheadery bud.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Weren't you guys even listening to Bernie Sanders? Funding is all rich people do nowadays. It was the whole point of his campaign.

If you really cared about this you'd be reading up on the political donations of the owners of every single corporation you do business with. Me, I don't have the time.

How many of you guys closed your Wells Fargo accounts after they ruined thousands of peoples lives?

Ahh*. You're trolling. Got it.

because there is 0 difference between essential items and luxury goods. okey dokey. guess no one should ever take a stand on anything unless they're ready to just give up and die.
I'm sorry, the robber barons can't hear you over the sound of their own laughter and bathing in money. But you go ahead and take a stand, I'm sure they'll miss your 300 dollars or whatever!


So what you're saying is that everyone will be better off if they just didn't know, right? Because the problem isn't funding evil, if you're not actively seeking the political views of other companies; it's knowingly funding evil. Therefore ignorance is morally correct.

If you didnt read this thread you couldve freely bought a rift. Now, too bad.
There's a difference between political views and actively spending millions for disgusting political causes.
Oil companies and Dick Cheney lied to the American people so that they could open up Saddam Hussein's nationalized oil resources to foreign investors, and ended up killing a million Iraqis and destroying the Cradle of Civilization. I can't boycott Chevron, though, because I have to drive to work.


i don't know. i feel like some of you are taking this way too seriously.

i view it as if Max Temkin floated this out. it's comedic performance art essentially.


EDIT: Wrong thread.

In regards to the notion of you can separate a man's actions from his personal beliefs. You can but others have the right to shit on you for it.
dude has been a lowkey shitstain for a while. this is his girlfriend:



So what you're saying is that everyone will be better off if they just didn't know, right? Because the problem isn't funding evil, if you're not actively seeking the political views of other companies; it's knowingly funding evil. Therefore ignorance is morally correct.
What I'm saying was clear the first time: if I know someone has views that I find abhorrent, then I won't support them, especially if they peddle things that aren't necessities. If that means that you want to be willfully ignorant to avoid feeling bad about your purchases, then more power to you.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Doesn't he technically work for Facebook now and isn't Mark Zuckerberg funding anti Trump things?
That's not how it works.

Edit: guys, stop digging into his girlfriends shitty behavior. This is a thread on Luckey.


Sucks at poetry
I haven't been paying attention to Oculus lately, but this is kinda the straw on the camel's back for me... I'd been sort of defending their business decisions mentally to myself for a while, considering how I'd love to own a Rift... but after trying both the Rift and the Vive back to back, and realizing they are almost identical (and maybe even preferring the Vive slightly), I don't feel too bad about ignoring the Oculus brand in the future.
So this is the hill you're choosing to die on, huh?
I need people to know that there is no reason to be so upset. I care for you all.

Besides, I haven't broken the ToS for expressing an opinion. No one's dying here!
No one's dying for anything, he's just a troll who thinks trying to make people out to be hypocrites is some novel way to troll.
Not trolling. I really do think this thinking is bizarre, logically inconsistent, and troubling.


Oil companies and Dick Cheney lied to the American people so that they could open up Saddam Hussein's nationalized oil resources to foreign investors, and ended up killing a million Iraqis and destroying the Cradle of Civilization. I can't boycott Chevron, though, because I have to drive to work.

Dipshit, misguided young billionaire with a shitty product mostly valued based on pure speculation has no idea what to do with his money. News at 11. Still doesn't deter him from being a shitty person but still.
I think ppl will still support Oculus, but like Dana White, it's more about the product, not the beliefs behind it. You can't just turn off your interest in Oculus nor UFC if you've spent years on it.

But at least with Oculus you do have other avenues for VR. If you like UFC you're screwed lol
Oil companies and Dick Cheney lied to the American people so that they could open up Saddam Hussein's nationalized oil resources to foreign investors, and ended up killing a million Iraqis and destroying the Cradle of Civilization. I can't boycott Chevron, though, because I have to drive to work.

Says the guy posting on a video game forum when he could be volunteering at a homeless shelter. For shame.


What's up with these video game billionaires?

its just this d-bag & notch so far, yeah? who else?

he also tweeted about how Justice Scalia protected #videogames lmao


oh man, i forgot how happy i am that scalia died

Wow. Career suicide.

ehh i can't really see this, though it's nice knowing dude is a piece of shit & rides for shit before supporting anything he's involved in
Okay, my final post. If you want to abstain from buying a Rift because this guy financially supports a white nationalist, that's ok. I can respect that. I just think people here would be surprised how much of their hard earned money ends up going to Republican SuperPACs. If you tried to do this consistently, you wouldn't be able to buy anything! And if you wanted to buy a Rift but saw this, man, just go buy the Rift. Donald Trump isn't winning anyway. :)


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
the fuck is with gamer nerds and trump support

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
i don't know. i feel like some of you are taking this way too seriously.

i view it as if Max Temkin floated this out. it's comedic performance art essentially.

Except Max is clearly a Hillary supporter so this makes no sense.

I need people to know that there is no reason to be so upset. I care for you all.

Besides, I haven't broken the ToS for expressing an opinion. No one's dying here!

Not trolling. I really do think this thinking is bizarre, logically inconsistent, and troubling.

Life isn't all or nothing. Being concerned about global warming doesn't mean giving up your car or going to extreme measures. You're being unreasonable and obtuse for the sake of your own entertainment.
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