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Oculus' Palmer Luckey funds white-supremacist/misogynistic/anti-lgbt harassment group


Actually, from what the article says, yes. He basically gave a tiny (for him) amount of money (under $10,000) to a group of people to make anti-Hillary memes.

You're still here 12 hours later defending this guy with the exact same posts. Are you just ignoring everything else being discussed in this thread?


And he funded them with real money for fun as well?

Dumb kids think making a joke about something is totally different than doing something even when the outcome is exactly the same. It seems like life is going to be hard for people who struggle with understanding that it's not.
I wasn't talking about Trump though. I would agree with you on that, I don't see how you can look past all that hideous shit, but we shouldn't rule out that some people can.

I'm sure some people can, but that doesn't make them exempt from criticism. I'm sure there are some people that can see a terrible car accident happen right in front of them and not pull over to help, like, people that have the capacity to do that exist, but it doesn't mean they aren't complete assholes and shouldn't be treated as such.

Nobody is ruling that out. We are saying that those people are shit.
This is the crux of it. He's running on a nationalist, racist platform. You can quibble around the edges, but if you are supporting the candidate, you are, broadly speaking, supportive of their platform.

And Luckey is specifically playing in Trump's Alt-Right sandbox. Really hard to separate him from that.


Must have missed it in the article, what white supremacist group is he funding?




So why do they support Trump anyway?

Supreme court appointee fear mongering. Lots of really old justices potentially replaced in the next 8 years.

Must be nice not to fear all the discrimination Trump is proposing...

Back on topic, I didn't know this about Luckey...disappointing and will affect my opinion on which VR headset to buy when I start looking for one, even if he's fired by that time.
You cannot support a candidate without supporting his main policies. That makes no sense.

As people have said, this election cycle isn't like most. We are talking about an open racist running for office. Being a racist isn't a political stance, it's called being a bad person.

And one of Trumps main pillars is racism. There's no way around it.

But we defeated racism back in the 60s! It doesn't exist anymore. Anyone who claims it does is just ignoring the perfectly rational explanations, that have nothing to do with race, as to why bad things happen. You can't be a racist in 2016 if it doesn't exist. Racism is clearly defined as segregation and wearing white hoods. If you are not doing those things you are in the clear.
Not to mention, the Trump campaign employs people that say racist quotes such as these:

"If you're black and you haven't been successful in the last 50 years, it's your own fault. You've had every opportunity, it was given to you," Miller, who is white, said in video posted by the Guardian.

"You've had the same schools everybody else went to. You had benefits to go to college that white kids didn't have. You had all the advantages and didn't take advantage of it. It's not our fault, certainly," she said.

Wow. Just...wow.
Hillary wants to help Wall Street. Wall Street is a bunch of white people with little inroads for minorities. Omg Hillary is a white supremacist. See how this (doesn't) work? Not everything that is not radical anarchy is white supremacy. White supremacy is when you think white people have a birthright to power, instead of it being historically grown. That's an important difference. It seems like you just want to tar and feather anyone who has conservative leanings, but it's the kind of escalation that will only end up getting yourself tarred and feathered at some point.

Starting with the Wall Street thing, she ain't exactly fighting for them. From her website:

Make certain that corporations, the wealthy, and Wall Street pay their fair share. Hillary will pay for her economic priorities and avoid adding to the national debt by ensuring the wealthiest Americans and the biggest corporations pay their fair share. For example, she’ll fight for the Buffett Rule, close the carried interest loophole, and impose a new surcharge on multi-millionaires and billionaires. More details

Maybe that doesn't go far enough for you I can accept that. Honestly I know little about Wall Street (besides watching The Big Short) I dunno what else needs to be done.

You're misconstruing the argument though. Lets say she is fully supporting Wall Street, swimming in swimming pools of dimes and everything. This isn't inherently racist, even if the institution is. Trump wants to profile Muslims by his flight ban, and black people through stop and search. It's perpetuating and actively encouraging a system where non-whites have a disadvantage. That is racist, and supporting white supremecy.

Clinton ain't gonna solve racism by a longshot, but she's making plans to make America better. Not worse. Hell, the justice and equality issues section on her website is full of plans to deal with various problems!

I don't want to tar and feather people really. Just making people aware of what they are supporting, hopefully it'd change a few minds. And I'm not a minority at all, but I imagine it must be incredibly frustrating to be chastised for pointing out how someone's vote might hurt you, because that someone feels hurt that you're doing your very best to help them see reason.
This is the crux of it. He's running on a nationalist, racist platform. You can quibble around the edges, but if you are supporting the candidate, you are, broadly speaking, supportive of their platform.

Well put. I can't believe some of the posts I read in the last couple of pages.


Alternative text:

"I'm only reading this one thing and am not looking any further than the strict definition of the words in that thing.

Also I am not understanding the context of who is involved or what they have done in the past and present

The critical thinking culture here at NeoGAF makes me uncomfortable because I don't like to be confronted with the reality of my beliefs. :("

Basically. Outrage culture online means "seeing things I don't agree with." Besides everyone knows people who talk about race and other issues are the real bigots.


Gold Member
No, not really. That's kind of what supporting the candidate means. You support their stances, and their ideas.

No way, man. If that was true , no one would ever get married ever. There is no way 2 people agree on every issue all that time. You can vote for Trump and vote down every attempt he makes to get his stupid wall. You can also vote for Hillary and completely vote against her every attempt to raise the corporate tax.

Also, some people have personal hot topic's that get pissed when someone else isn't as passionate about that issue. I can be 100% in agreement over race issues with you, but I am not going to help anyone flip over someone's car or loot a walmart over it.
I'm honestly not surprised. Can't say this is the first time someone like him has turned out to be like this. Though I wonder if this will affect Oculus's relationship with business partners in any way, if at all?


This is the crux of it. He's running on a nationalist, racist platform. You can quibble around the edges, but if you are supporting the candidate, you are, broadly speaking, supportive of their platform.

Exactly. It's one thing to disagree with some things your candidate says, but to disagree with the base of their platform? C'mon now.

This is all very disappointing, including some of the responses in this thread.
No way, man. If that was true , no one would ever get married ever. There is no way 2 people agree on every issue all that time. You can vote for Trump and vote down every attempt he makes to get his stupid wall. You can also vote for Hillary and completely vote against her every attempt to raise the corporate tax.

Also, some people have personal hot topic's that get pissed when someone else isn't as passionate about that issue. I can be 100% in agreement over race issues with you, but I am not going to help anyone flip over someone's car or loot a walmart over it.

Why the fuck would you vote for Trump if you don't support the wall? His fucking campaign was built on the idea of the wall and what it represents. That and the birther issue are what gave us Donald Trump: Presidential Candidate. What sense does that make? The bullshit mental gymnastics some of you try to pull to probably hide your own true intentions or make yourselves feel better for whatever reason is astounding.


No way, man. If that was true , no one would ever get married ever. There is no way 2 people agree on every issue all that time. You can vote for Trump and vote down every attempt he makes to get his stupid wall. You can also vote for Hillary and completely vote against her every attempt to raise the corporate tax.

Also, some people have personal hot topic's that get pissed when someone else isn't as passionate about that issue. I can be 100% in agreement over race issues with you, but I am not going to help anyone flip over someone's car or loot a walmart over it.

Do me a favor and point to those other great policies Trump plans to enact. I'm curious what it could be.
So I bought an Oculus from a white supremacist? Yikes.

This is worse than when I bought Adr1ft, only to find out later that the team head is the "why would I ever live there?" Xbox One DRM troll guy who got fired.


So I bought an Oculus from a white supremacist? Yikes.

This is worse than when I bought Adr1ft, only to find out later that the team head is the "why would I ever live there?" Xbox One DRM troll guy who got fired.

Making a dumb joke on twitter isn't even comparable to funding a white supremacist group.

Like, not even close. That's a bad comparasion.


I think to be more accurate it would be something like...

"I'm not racist! I just don't believe in racism because I am in a privileged position to have never experienced racism in my circles and I don't care about it. I am also too self-centered and callous to ever think of myself in any other person's position, so I will conclude that anyone who claims racism still exists must have ulterior motives. I believe all of this because it is easier for me to find fault in victims to preserve the stability of my world view so I don't have to change anything about myself, rather than to accept that there might be flaws in a social system which already benefits me greatly. If you feel otherwise, fuck you!"

This is the MO of the modern racist. Philosophically and ideologically different from racists in previous generations maybe, but still just as racist. Willful ignorance or delusion that is detrimental to society is no less dangerous than active violent action. If allowed to fester and be accepted as a harmless thing, it could even do more damage.



So I bought an Oculus from a white supremacist? Yikes.

This is worse than when I bought Adr1ft, only to find out later that the team head is the "why would I ever live there?" Xbox One DRM troll guy who got fired.

I mean not defending Palmer, but I'm going to venture a guess that shitty people work at pretty much every large company you give money to.
I mean not defending Palmer, but I'm going to venture a guess that shitty people work at pretty much every large company you give money to.

You're 100% right. However this dude is by and large still the face people associate with Oculus. Kick his ass to the curb and start a new image for the company. We need Oculus to survive and do well for VR to be successful. Even if he doesn't work there Facebook has the power to disown his ass.


Gold Member
I can't believe this whole election cycle is revolving around repugnant tweets and a shitty rich guy funding "dank memes" and people actively defending either.
Truly,it is sad that it has really gotten like this. There are really big issues that need to be addressed. One of the most Important positions in the land and there has been so little actual substance to the run. Sad really.


I mean not defending Palmer, but I'm going to venture a guess that shitty people work at pretty much every large company you give money to.
Yes but when they expose themselves so openly like this it gives us all the opportunity to politely tell them to go fuck themselves.
The amount of people on the gaming side misinformed or just plain ignorant to the actual facts of this campaign is staggering.
It's sadly not too surprising to me.

Or as Trump would say, SAD!


Neo Member
Or people need to get back to talking about what matters here, which is how this influences the future of decisions for us as consumers on VR products.

How will this influence people buying touch?

as someone who's in the market for a headset (waiting to see PSVR impressions), this automatically made my decision a two horse race between HTC and Sony


Gold Member
Out of curiosity, are people saying he shouldn't feel this way or support who he believes in or just that they don't agree with it? In pretty late to the thread.


No way, man. If that was true , no one would ever get married ever. There is no way 2 people agree on every issue all that time. You can vote for Trump and vote down every attempt he makes to get his stupid wall. You can also vote for Hillary and completely vote against her every attempt to raise the corporate tax.

Also, some people have personal hot topic's that get pissed when someone else isn't as passionate about that issue. I can be 100% in agreement over race issues with you, but I am not going to help anyone flip over someone's car or loot a walmart over it.

What? Two people getting married will have the same core beliefs. They might differ on things like what football team is the best, should there be pickles on a hamburger or even more serious things like tax law, estate planning or global warming but to say that one person who believes in racial profiling, banning muslims from this country, inherit racism and the other one does not, or just goes, "oh you" is completely off the mark.

There is a huge difference between, say, voting for Obama in the last election but not standing behind the way the ACA was drawn up and voting for Trump in this election but saying his beliefs on minorities is something to simply disagree with. HUGE DIFFERENCE. When policies and/or beliefs are flat out suppressive towards groups of people, pretend hateful actions against minorities are fairy tales and support the torture or other human beings then you cannot divorce yourself from these stances as a voter. It is sheer ignorance to try and state that you can.

True Fire

I wonder if this bad PR will stick with Oculus? I know personally that I will never even look at their products from now on. I guess it depends on whether or not it blows up on mainstream media
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