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Men of GAF, what are your thoughts on women who strength train?

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I dunno, it's great for them, and they're better for it, but it depends on whether it makes them more/less attractive to me personally.

Like, flat stomachs are nice, but huge abdominal are kinda a turn-off.

Like this looks great:

As opposed to:
Not like a make it or break it thing though.
In order of fitness, IG models:

tyrameral top lower bod in the world
kreeshaturner (one of the most beautiful woman in the world, part Chinese, Jamaican, Canadian)
Mulatafit also be one of the most beautiful women in the world.
Nataschaencinosa infamous Chun-Li thighs
yinethfit_ total hottie with a really cute face
Rosanaollyver another one of the most beautiful women, that face!
kikivhyce unique silhouette
espana927 She Hulk



My lungs right now


I dunno, it's great for them, and they're better for it, but it depends on whether it makes them more/less attractive to me personally.

Like, flat stomachs are nice, but huge abdominal are kinda a turn-off.

Like this looks great:

As opposed to:
Not like a make it or break it thing though.

Hot af.

Case in point: Cynthia Leu

Her Instagram:


i cant


not me
As I said in the curvy/fit thread, a lot of men say they would like a fit woman partner but then when she starts lifting weights and gets stronger than him, more often than not they start to panic and feel immaculated for whatever reason.

Well the reason is pretty easy to divine: they feel the partner might start looking for a man who might better share her newfound hobby. As someone who online dates you can actually pretty easily see this in women who clearly weight train: they specify having a built partner more often than women who don't.

I do lift a lot but think it's a pretty boring hobby, so I'd hope a girl I was dating didn't suddenly start wanting to talk about it all the time.


If I understand correctly, you're asking if it makes me uncomfortable? If so, no. That's her prerogative, that's fine.

If you're asking if it's attractive to me personally, I would have to say no.
I dunno, it's great for them, and they're better for it, but it depends on whether it makes them more/less attractive to me personally.

Like, flat stomachs are nice, but huge abdominal are kinda a turn-off.

Like this looks great:

As opposed to:
Not like a make it or break it thing though.

My wife has the former body, I don't think I would mind the latter body frame she could carry me around when I feel lazy.


I'm all for it as strength training shows passion for something bigger than one's self. Women that strength train are great and set themselves apart from other people that are focused on the usual clubbing, partying etc.

This post needs pictures:



I like well defined abs as that shows dedication. Big arms are cool as well because that requires attention to working out one body part.
Well the reason is pretty easy to divine: they feel the partner might start looking for a man who might better share her newfound hobby. As someone who online dates you can actually pretty easily see this in women who clearly weight train: they specify having a built partner more often than women who don't.

I do lift a lot but think it's a pretty boring hobby, so I'd hope a girl I was dating didn't suddenly start wanting to talk about it all the time.

This makes a lot of sense. When I started online dating, I did specify I would prefer a man who lifts so we can share that together. It's definitely a preference in that I'd prefer a man I'm with to take care of his body, but it's definitely not a flat out rule. If he were overweight or without muscle, I'd be more than happy to take him to the gym with me and lift some weights to help that fat melt off/build some muscle. So I'd like a partner that lifts either way. So that worry definitely makes sense.

Her boyfriend did not lift and couldn't stand it. He was a bit overweight and seemed fine with her fitness habits before the weight lifting, but as she got a strong core, abs, and everything that comes with it, suddenly he wanted her to stop. We tried to get him to the gym with us and it didn't work.

Oh well.
I dunno, it's great for them, and they're better for it, but it depends on whether it makes them more/less attractive to me personally.

Like, flat stomachs are nice, but huge abdominal are kinda a turn-off.

Like this looks great:

As opposed to:
Not like a make it or break it thing though.

Hmm. Well, funny because my goal during bulk right now is not only even thicker thighs, stronger knees, and glutes but also more prominent. abs. My abs right now are like the second set of girls but...

My dream abs.



Hmm. Well, funny because my goal during bulk right now is not only even thicker thighs, stronger knees, and glutes but also more prominent. abs. My abs right now are like the second set of girls but...

My dream abs.

I, for one, support you in this endeavor. Get the kind of abs you can do laundry off of!

Don't know how prominent abs can get during a bulk...during a cut, definitely. Maybe if you're doing a very clean bulk?


Hmm. Well, funny because my goal during bulk right now is not only even thicker thighs, stronger knees, and glutes but also more prominent. abs. My abs right now are like the second set of girls but...

My dream abs.


It's a pretty great and hard road, I was just personally throwing out my type.

I'm not really sure, I'd guess it's because I grew up in a Latin American environment which culturally praises curves and tone.
What do men of gaf think?

How's your personality though? If it's good enough then you're okay in my book regardless of muscle mass. Lol, I'm at a point in my life where a woman's physique isn't up the totem pole anymore as long as it isn't hitting any type of extreme....so take my opinion for what you will...

Now, where the issue may arise is the lack of interest between the two individuals. Weight lifting is a lifestyle choice. If you're dating someone who isn't intersted in weight lifting or strength building and that's the lifestyle you choose, then the two of you will have a lot of hard work ahead of you to accommodate each others' lifestyle.

I'm not saying it's not possible, I'm just saying it will probably take more work than most people care to put into a relationship.

I've personally never seen a functioning relationship between an average person and a health nut. In most cases, one will usually pull the other into their world ....either that or they fight it so hard they decide to move on.

-- just so you know where I'm coming from, I worked for a long time with a lady who strength trained. (note: she strength trained, she did not do any body building so she was very fit and had noticeable muscle on her that would make you look twice or thrice, but she was not overly vascular or muscle-y in the traditional grotesque way. I actually found her very attractive. Her muscle mass kind of looked like this image:


ANYWAY... She was always attracted to the typical effeminate "pretty boys" and her relationships always went through a lot of ups and downs regarding lifestyle choices. She eventually settled with someone who was also dedicated to strength training in his free time. They're happily married last time I checked. Granted I moved on from the job over a decade ago.

Good luck with your relationship TC. I hope you and your friend happiness because we all deserve a bit of it.


So, personally, from an aesthetic point of view i do not like definite muscles on women.

I prefer a soft look.

Outside the aesthetics, i don't get the question, i mean, if a woman like to build her body why not?
I, for one, support you in this endeavor. Get the kind of abs you can do laundry off of!

Don't know how prominent abs can get during a bulk...during a cut, definitely. Maybe if you're doing a very clean bulk?

I didn't mean getting it during the bulk. I meant after. But yeah, I'm doing a really clean one. I switched to vegan diet last month and we just decided to jump on and bulk up right then and there to see how it works and it's working very, very well.

It's a pretty great and hard road, I was just personally throwing out my type.

I'm not really sure, I'd guess it's because I grew up in a Latin American environment which culturally praises curves and tone.

Eh. You can be curved with muscles. Muscles are what creates curves, after all. The idea that fat the only type of curve is an outdated one. I wouldn't say the women in the first set of pictures are necessarily toned at all. That describes the second group.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I love it. I myself have been working out fairly consistently every week for about seven years now, so it's really important to me. I'm not a certified trainer, but I love giving people advice and learning from those better than me.

In fact, I got my girlfriend into working out six months ago. Aside from dancing when she was a kid, she had never committed to any kind of training regime. My main goal for her was simple: do one dead-hang pull-up.

In six months, here's what she's accomplished with my help and her own sheer determination:

1. TWO dead-hang pull-up from barely being able to hang on the bar for any extended amount of time.
2. 225lb deadlift for one rep (after only two weeks of training the exercise).
3. Climbs V2s and V3s at the nearby bouldering gym.
4. Ran her first 5k in 28 minutes after doing C25K for two months.
5. Can do much deeper push-ups.
6. Can squat 155lbs for 5-6 reps.
7. Lost 6lbs.

Needless to say, she's very fucking strong naturally as her progress is awesome, but I think I'm a decent enough trainer with enough knowledge and experience (especially in bodyweight stuff) that without the proper form and technique I don't think she'd be anywhere near her level now.

I'd like to maybe get into personal training, so seeing these kinds of results is definitely a confidence booster for me. If anything, she can vouch for me to anyone who's interested. But ultimately, I love knowing that my partner and I can get stronger together.


Jeez, this thread is creepy.

Everyone who can should strength train. Does the body a world of good.

Also laughing at people confusing strength training for bodybuilding. Like expressing concern for doing ultramarathons if asked about running or something.


Strength training is fun so it's all good. I don't care how strong a woman is. It doesn't make me feel less of a man.

You want to lift?

You go girl!

If we're talking about pure physical attractiveness though, it depends on how much/what type of build.

I do like quite a broad variety of body types though. Variety is the spice of life!


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I think it's hot as hell, and they're way more motivated than I am.


Upto a point I guess I don't really care. I don't really find it attractive or unattractive. Of course, what I care about doesn't really matter. It's their bodies, so if they want to do it and feel empowered by it, they should totally do it.


Her boyfriend did not lift and couldn't stand it. He was a bit overweight and seemed fine with her fitness habits before the weight lifting, but as she got a strong core, abs, and everything that comes with it, suddenly he wanted her to stop. We tried to get him to the gym with us and it didn't work.

Oh well.
🤔🤔🤔🤔 clearly he isn't going to go to the gym if he can't stand it. Seems like eventually he thought she was going to push him to do something he saw no pleasure in doing, and then you try to get him to go and he sees the writing on the wall. But no one should be forcing a lifestyle on or off of another person, period.


I'm not attracted to the body type, so I have no interest.

But, if a girl wants to do that then more power to her. I think its dope if she wants to strength train, just not personally my cup of tea.


It's just not something I see very often. But I like the idea of a woman being stronger than myself. Would make for interesting sex.
Hmm. Well, funny because my goal during bulk right now is not only even thicker thighs, stronger knees, and glutes but also more prominent. abs. My abs right now are like the second set of girls but...

My dream abs.


That's a bit on the far side for me, I don't find those abs attractive at all. But good for her, and for you if you accomplish it! It's just not my ideal :)
It doesn't make me feel emasculated though.


I don't know. I mean they are free to do so but in a relationship it might get weird, especially where I live.
I know fitgaf is an ally here but I'd like to know what other men on gaf think. Is there a point where a woman's lifting makes you feel uncomfortable?

Hmmmm... I would imagine it's the point where she starts expressing more interest in other guys who are more physically attractive/fitter than me... yeah that might be a problem for me...
Yes please. Break me in half, my Amazonian princesses.


Anyone who likes this aesthetic and doesn't follow Plague Of Gripes' saiyan girl art is missing out, btw.

When it goes from the realm of strength training and cutting and into body building, it can get uncomfortable quick.


I like people that push their limits, people who lift and build up muscle is one of the many things that humans do and I can definitely dig it regardless of gender. Doesn't make me uncomfortable the slightest as long as theoretical woman in question isn't doing it to fit anyone's standards rather than just wanting to be fit for themselves.

And from a looks point of view, I think they are really pretty too. Don't think it's a contributing factor to how I choose my partners, but I can definitely say they look really good to me regardless.


How much a person can bench press is one of the most irrelevant factors I could ever consider in a person, be they man or woman.

I wouldn't care one way or the other.


It's super awesome. My wife is a PT and TRX instructor.
I love fit bodies.
I've never met a woman who can lift more than me, though.
If she ever gets there, i'm game. Klingon style is too much fun in the bedroom


All of the girls that lift in my gym are hot as fuck. The guy that the OP described sounds like a complete moron.
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