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LOL @ Pitioss dungeon being everything i wanted from Tomb Raider or Uncharted the last two gens that they pitifully failed to deliver on

Literally one of the best FF dungeons ever.

Can't at XV finally giving me a worthy successor to Tomb Raider PS1 era tombs



Was looking at his psn trophy list

Still hasn't played persona 5 yet, so I guess this makes sense
I strongly disagree with just about everything he said.I think its alarming when someone in his position says that about a game like this.

FFXV is staunchly in the past in everything but tech.The writing is deplorable,the characters are shallow archtypes and it adds nothing to FF's storied narrative history.

If this game becomes representative of what FF/JRPG means,then maybe its really time for me to complete disengage and move on from this series.

LOL calm down

FF has always changed since FFX. FFXVI won't be anything like XV

And when Persona 5 scores 90 + on metacritic S-E will probably take notice


LOL calm down

FF has always changed since FFX. FFXVI won't be anything like XV

And when Persona 5 scores 90 + on metacritic S-E will probably take notice

HeelPower is in a minority when it comes to that opinion, though. The game has been very well-received pretty much everywhere.


Feeling down in the dumps, so idk if I'm gonna bother too much with my level 1 run today...

He's a decent director in that he can bring things together but his ability to judge what should or should not be shown or told to the player is very, very subpar.

Yeah, that seems about right. If he can take those issues to heart and work on them in that new IP he'll be working on, it'll be quite interesting imo.

As for the "i don't know the details" comment, I kinda don't expect him to. He's the director to a game whose had several rewrites and alterations to its lore and story. It could be that the original scenario didn't have those details either. It could be that the details of "why ifrit blah blah blah" weren't important (technically they aren't, what is is the fact that he did do it, but wasn't conveyed to the player in any way), in a similar way to how the gods' histories are never directly shown but used through implication of action (one aspect I actually do like a lot about the game). So while that statement is asinine and bad to say, I don't see it as... "horrible" or "enough to discredit him".

Though, any person whom has been in front of a camera will tell you that you need to make shit up sometimes to save face. Make some BS up. At this point we'll eat it up. You made up the whole hierarchy of the nifilhim empire (which was never really bothered with) but don't BS your way through this? Its just kinda... weird.

I strongly disagree with just about everything he said.I think its alarming when someone in his position says that about a game like this.

FFXV is staunchly in the past in everything but tech.The writing is deplorable,the characters are shallow archtypes and it adds nothing to FF's storied narrative history.

If this game becomes representative of what FF/JRPG means,then maybe its really time for me to complete disengage and move on from this series.

I... honestly don't disagree with anything Yoshida said. He's saying that they had some good ideas (multi-media effort which is nearly unheard of in games, largely consistent dialogue with audience (ATRs and the various changes made since Episode Duscae, not to mention they seem to take the story critiques to heart). Whether you think it ended up being handled well is a point of contention, sure. But I can't say that I wouldn't like more of what Square was trying to do here.

This game very much felt like a flawed first attempt at an alternative system of games and games development showcasing. All of the parts in this attempt had flaws:

- ATRs both had too much information and too much fluff. Having a once every 2 months livestream to talk about the games dev would be nice imo.
- The movie felt too much like cut content with needed exposition out of the game. I like the idea of multi media, but the movie wasn't the best use of it.
- the anime was overall fine, but maybe needed better exposition IN the game to tie it together. (the multi media efforts need to be "additive" not "as replacement" which I think was the failing here)
- Many trailers showed far too much of the game and too much was made as "marketing only" things. Don't do that!

If Square iterate in the idea of ATRs and multimedia stuff, I think it can be quite good. Honestly, we need more companies that give us looks into development periodically. I'd love for other companies to try their hand at this stuff.


LOL calm down

FF has always changed since FFX. FFXVI won't be anything like XV

And when Persona 5 scores 90 + on metacritic S-E will probably take notice

I am looking for FF to break new grounds in narrative.Challenge our expectations and treat us as adults.

Look at what Persona 4 did with Kanji and Naoto,what FFX did with religion/faith etc.

I am not looking for big ass green open fields & fancy lighting tech.

I hope Persona 5 at least satisfies this.
Fun fact: I'm the director for FFXVI.


I am looking for FF to break new grounds in narrative.Challenge our expectations and treat us as adults.

Look at what Persona 4 did with Kanji and Naoto,what FFX did with religion/faith etc.

I am not looking for big ass green open fields & fancy lighting tech.

I hope Persona 5 at least satisfies this.

So am I. But Kitase has forced the delusion that FF is for teens on the Final Fantasy teams. Let us hope they don't believe that anymore.
I strongly disagree with just about everything he said.I think its alarming when someone in his position says that about a game like this.

FFXV is staunchly in the past in everything but tech.The writing is deplorable,the characters are shallow archtypes and it adds nothing to FF's storied narrative history.

If this game becomes representative of what FF/JRPG means,then maybe its really time for me to complete disengage and move on from this series.

Bro i dont know what to tell you. The people who like this game are not oblivious to its short commings. Im extremely aware that huge chunks of this story are missing, im aware that the camera does a bad job of getting out of the way of tree's and vegetation, im aware that sometimes my characters get hit or killed and there's not a whole lot that i can do about it, but despite all of that, i still love the game, and alot of other people do to.

No game is perfect, even Witcher 3 and Bloodborne have some fairly significant flaws, but you know what? People dont mind because the games are so strong in other area's, and thats why people like Shuhei Yoshida (and most reviewers) like this game.


So am I. But Kitase has forced the delusion that FF is for teens on the Final Fantasy teams. Let us hope they don't believe that anymore.

One thing I had to accept as a 30-something is that JRPGs are no longer targeting me. I still get entertainment out of them (for the most part) but I had to adjust my expectations way down on the writing front.
I wanna know more what's said and shown in the Ultimania. Ultimanias also have been known to feature concept art of characters that didn't make the cut, or early versions of characters before they got their final designs. They are also (not specifically in the interviews) supposed to go into detail regarding specifics regarding the world's history, certain key figures and events (almost always a detailed timeline) not mentioned or simply glossed over in the game (they did this with other FFs too), and things regarding characters, creatures and locations that aren't in the game (like details about their history and such). It's the reason I really wish, for once, we'd get a localized Ultimania released in the West.

I mean, hell, in FFIX's Ultimania, they basically explained
why there were animal people in the world. Because prior to the first attempt of using Fusion magic, Gaia had a normal human population, but when Terra forced Fusion, it's incomplete result (other than pulling Terra into Gaia's core) left the majority of Gaia's people "fused" with the creatures in the world. Many died from this process (something that seems pretty damn horrific if you think about it), some survived (the ancestors of the Dogmen, Cleryans/Burmecians, Fish People, Ox people,...) while only a scarce few were unaffected (remained human).
It made sense and I don't recall that game going into THAT much detail regarding all of that, just hinting it. That is why I'm kinda interested what FFXV's Ultimania has to say.
Some more Ultimania info as it comes.

(Remember rough translations, and can't provide links because of scans)

First Luna:

Lunafreya’s Biography:

0 years:

Born as the eldest daughter. Gentiana settles with the Fleuret family.
12 years:

Noctis visits Tennabrae to receive healing.
Nifelheim attacks and Luna’s mother is killed by Sir Glaucca.
13 years

Told by Shiva about the covenants.
16 years:

Thank-you letter sent to Prompto for Pryna’s safety
First covenant with a god entered.
24 years

Engagement to Noctis via the empire. (I think? This one is a bit blurry)
Traveled to Lucis’ capital of Insomnia.
Personality of Lunafreya:
Born to a precious family who rule Tenebrae. A vessel to salvage people from suffering disease separates Luna from most people. When the time comes, she will exchange with the six gods. A revelation for the Lucian King, and a starless ability to give us power. Because it is so, weakness is shown physically, and the lady will be lonely. For she who lost her family, she thinks of noctis who swore to protect her as a young girl. It is an important treasure to her.

Image Caption:
Meeting Noctis through her notebook carried by Umbra. It is not helpful, but it does serve as support for trying obstacles.

Also, apparently the condition (The description on the item screen)of the book Nocto uses to communicate with Luna changes depending on your replies.


In all the times I've fought Yojimbo I'm just now seeing that they have Gil Toss.

Its usually always the same slash attacks or the smoke that drains your mp.

They really knocked it out of the park with the monster designs.


Look at what FFX did with religion/faith etc.

I'm sorry, I just had to laugh at this. Half of all JRPGs ever have "god is bad, religion is bad, fight god as the final boss" and that was looooong before FFX.

FFXV was actually different from the last how many mainline FFs in that the final boss was not a god/on his way to becoming a god lol
Some guy we barely knew:

Verstael Besithia

A mad scientist who aims to create the strongest existence by his own hand. He is in charge of the laboratory of the Nifelheim empire. The man who succeeded in mass producing magical soldiers based on the information provided by Ardyn. He does not hesitate, and regarded the six gods as just another research material.


I'm sorry, I just had to laugh at this. Half of all JRPGs ever have "god is bad, religion is bad, fight god as the final boss" and that was looooong before FFX.

FFXV was actually different from the last how many mainline FFs in that the final boss was not a god/on his way to becoming a god lol

ehhhhhhhhh I don't think thats what HeelPower meant.

Unlike a lot of jrpg games where religion is the bad guy, in FFX, the world structure along with party members are wrapped in that religion. Yuna's pilgramage is part of the religion, Wakka is a devote believer, Aaron gave up his life due to that religion. There's even a good deal of critique of religious retoric when it comes to the Wakka-Rikku relationship and the Al-Bed. This isn't Christianity or Hinduism as an enemy surrogate, FFX is about the concept and the misgivings of religion and its shear force on the world and its people. Which, if we're being honest, isn't a subject matter often handled in that sort of way in JRPGs.

Mind you, I don't share HeelPower's look on FF15, but FFX does look at religion under a pretty good lens.
Also, apparently the condition (The description on the item screen)of the book Nocto uses to communicate with Luna changes depending on your replies.
What does that mean? When did we get the book as an item? Did I forget this happened? Or is it talking about the book as it appears in cutscenes?


What does that mean? When did we get the book as an item? Did I forget this happened? Or is it talking about the book as it appears in cutscenes?

I don't remember getting the book (it might be a key item), but I'll need to check.

I mean umbra gives it to you in at the end of chapter 9, but idk if its a key item or not

Ending chapter 13 rn and I feel insulted as a gamer, way to disrespect my time

ehh, thats a bit of an over reaction i think. I've been through way worse with better games.
Some parts of some games I love make me never want to go through them again, where as I'm pretty okay with dealing with chapter 13 again.

34 years ago:

Entered Nifleheim Empire
Proposed the development of Magitek soldiers. Used this to take office as Chancellor.
31 years ago:

-ntroduced magitek soldiers into the war between Nifleheim and Lucis

10 years ago:

Contact made with the Lucis general Drautos.
11 years ago:

Suppressed Shiva in ice in the Groves Valley
Immediately before events of main series:

Visited the kingdom of Insomnia to propose a cease-fire.

Luna's Notebook

Depending on your responses with the Luna notebook, it influences the item description at the end of the game. If you answer badly entire time it will say “there’s a trace of dust” on it when you can see it as a key item. If you’re nice, it will state the book is “well worn.” If your responses are favorable then it will say “There are tears on the pages.” Translator Note: This is not exact as the descriptions will be different between english and JP.


ehhhhhhhhh I don't think thats what HeelPower meant.

Unlike a lot of jrpg games where religion is the bad guy, in FFX, the world structure along with party members are wrapped in that religion. Yuna's pilgramage is part of the religion, Wakka is a devote believer, Aaron gave up his life due to that religion. There's even a good deal of critique of religious retoric when it comes to the Wakka-Rikku relationship and the Al-Bed. This isn't Christianity or Hinduism as an enemy surrogate, FFX is about the concept and the misgivings of religion and its shear force on the world and its people. Which, if we're being honest, isn't a subject matter often handled in that sort of way in JRPGs.

Mind you, I don't share HeelPower's look on FF15, but FFX does look at religion under a pretty good lens.

I dunno...I'd say Xeno broke more ground with it than X, and that was years before.

I dunno, I don't think X is very unique or well written.

Where FFXV suffers from too little story, FFX is super overwritten to the point of absurdity. The story in that game is off the wall insane.


After Luna dies, the description for the books says it's stained with tears so the Ultimania probably means little stuff like that.

11 years ago:

Suppressed Shiva in ice in the Groves Valley
Immediately before events of main series:

This gives the scene were Gentiana freezes him a whole new meaning.
I strongly disagree with just about everything he said.I think its alarming when someone in his position says that about a game like this.

FFXV is staunchly in the past in everything but tech.The writing is deplorable,the characters are shallow archtypes and it adds nothing to FF's storied narrative history.

If this game becomes representative of what FF/JRPG means,then maybe its really time for me to complete disengage and move on from this series.


I am glad he liked the game. As do many others. I don't think anyone is overlooking issues the game may have. That said, many do see what it is offering them and they're having fun with it and enjoy the journey they were taken on.


What does that mean? When did we get the book as an item? Did I forget this happened? Or is it talking about the book as it appears in cutscenes?

If they mean the key item it's called Lovers' Notebook.

"A notebook once used to keep in touch with Lunafreya. It is filled with twelve years' worth of memories."


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I think FFXV is a great game. Not flawless, but I feel it nails the crucial central theme of brotherhood exceptionally well. The choice of "Stand by me" struck me as really left-field initially, but having played the game extensively its really remarkably apt - if unusual for a series traditionally associated with convoluted, epic sagas of derring-do.

Its a remarkably intimate and focused tale, which I guess is not what some fans wanted, but I personally found refreshing.

My GOTY 2016, no doubt.


Junior Member
I initially thought of the game as "more than the sum of its parts" and "not the game we wanted but it's great in its own right" and then I'm just like... hm... no... game is unfinished, horribly managed, and has me feeling empty. Seriously it offends me that some people are defending this.

I'm struggling to go back into it, because what content is left? All the content is just filler. There to waste my time. I can't even fully enjoy the battles because the camera and lock-on are so horrendous.

Yeah fuck Tabata, I don't see myself ever touching another game he "directs" (aka wastes time and valuable resources whilst not knowing wtf is going on).
Yeah fuck Tabata, I don't see myself ever touching another game he "directs" (aka wastes time and valuable resources whilst not knowing wtf is going on).

As much as I feel he is a hack... especially for not knowing vital story details like Ifrit, it seems good things are going to come for the game within the next year. I hope it polishes it up and makes it more enjoyable.
Wait, why is everyone blaming Tabata?

Wasn't he got served a broken left-over mess and got told to "FIX THIS!" by Square?
he served a game where the story issues mirror everything else he has built, and added in godawful combat and horrible filler.

I'm not sure what he was given, but what he put together doesnt stand up
The main thing that I've been thinking about a lot is how crazy it is that the game is simultaneously a 'challenger' while at the same time not actually managing to challenge anything about the modern CDP, Bethesda & Bioware driven RPG ecosystem at all.

Like, it has the challenger spirit that they talked a lot about in its DNA, yet somehow it doesn't amount to anything actually challenging for the market.

This isn't saying the game sucks, btw, just that it at once fails and succeeds at that core mission.


I think FFXV is a great game. Not flawless, but I feel it nails the crucial central theme of brotherhood exceptionally well. The choice of "Stand by me" struck me as really left-field initially, but having played the game extensively its really remarkably apt - if unusual for a series traditionally associated with convoluted, epic sagas of derring-do.

Its a remarkably intimate and focused tale, which I guess is not what some fans wanted, but I personally found refreshing.

My GOTY 2016, no doubt.

I disagree, if the central theme of brotherhood was the game, it was still poorly done. The fact that you had to watch a mediocre anime for any semblance of a back story on these characters is already a major fault. If this was incorporated INTO the game we'd have a good starting point. And it was sorely needed as the current story is light as hell.

I constantly felt like I was forced to like these guys. But was given very little to actually care.

There are events in the main game that COULD lead to building a stronger bond with your brothers but are done so in such a terrible way that cheapened the entire premise.

Gladio going off somewhere for no explanation. Ignis going blind off screen in an event that made zero sense to break up the group. Prompto suddenly being a clone/mt stage one whatever and brushed aside.

If the world of Ruin had me re-recruiting these brothers like in FFVI, helping them solve their current issues that would be amazing. Instead of we get a terrible reunion at a convenient railroaded section of the world.

Hell if some events from the anime concluded in the game, like Ignis's search for his recreated recipe, it would be good.

Even the last fight of the game, your bro's are knocked unconcious for whatever reason, oh never mind it was so they could do another cheap ass DBZ fight.

They couldn't even commit to having Noct say "I love you guys."


Even the last fight of the game, your bro's are knocked unconcious for whatever reason, oh never mind it was so they could do another cheap ass DBZ fight.
This was where they completely dropped the ball on the whole "brotherhood" theme. I kept expecting Ignis, Prompto, and Gladio to pop up during any of the stages of the Ardyn fight, to bring the themes full circle, and when they didn't I was absolutely flabbergasted.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
FFXV feels like a patched together Frankenstein's monster that actually ended up being a functional and good looking member of society. It's clearly a stitch-work abomination, especially when you compare it to other games that had less weird development stories, but you can still tell what it's trying to be, and it's actually pretty fun for what it is, even if it's not what it wants to be.

If that made any sense at all.

I think Tabata did a decent job with the mess he was given, but then, what do I know. What do any of us know? Even with how comparatively transparent the dev team was with this game, Japanese game development is so shrouded in secrecy that it's impossible to accurately point fingers in a game of whodunnit when trying to figure out why so much of the game ended up wonky.


FFXV feels like a patched together Frankenstein's monster that actually ended up being a functional and good looking member of society. It's clearly a stitch-work abomination, especially when you compare it to other games that had less weird development stories, but you can still tell what it's trying to be, and it's actually pretty fun for what it is, even if it's not what it wants to be.

If that made any sense at all.

I think Tabata did a decent job with the mess he was given, but then, what do I know. What do any of us know? Even with how comparatively transparent the dev team was with this game, Japanese game development is so shrouded in secrecy that it's impossible to accurately point fingers in a game of whodunnit when trying to figure out why so much of the game ended up wonky.

They needed to bring Tabata in about a year earlier than they did.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
They needed to bring Tabata in about a year earlier than they did.
I can't disagree there. Things might have felt more cohesive.
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