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CNN Host Slammed A Guest For Using The N-Word On Her Show

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Yes this is how I see it but apparently I'm wrong to think this because I'm white.

I understand the vugarity part of the argument. However this word has historical importance and it should be used in this way.
No, because you're white you have absolutely no perspective about being called a nigger.
You have no frame of reference here, you know about it being a slur but you know nothing of the trauma experienced by black people with its use.

qcf x2

Condescending twit trying to feel selfrighteous and ease her white guilt.

this + the white guilt of the audience

If people don't ever have to hear the word, especially as its used like it is in this context, they'll never have to deal with the reality of it. Head in the sand color blindness is one of the core principles of the white moderate voting group, and it's thinking like this that led to Trump being acceptable to a lot of people.

For those of you who want to just do drive by hit-pieces from your ivory towers, whatever. But if you have any interest in being non-biased -- I feel like I'm wasting time writing that, but whatever, maybe you would like to know what/who you're talking about -- I'd like to direct you to this clip on Brooke Baldwin. CNN's anchors were asked to pick one person who changed their lives and tell the story to the world. While most of them did the generic mom/dad/kids stuff, Brooke Baldwin did not. She may be white and successful, but that doesn't mean you can just paint her as a bad guy while the guy who is actually saying the "n-word" is suddenly/frighteningly your martyr.

I don't think it's fair to call her a "condescending twit" or "selfrighteous(sic)" or say she is trying to "ease her white guilt," based off of.......... a fraction of a clip which was highly sensationalized in the linked article in the OP (surprise, it's Buzzfeed and they say she "slammed" him, lol).


Unconfirmed Member
Because it does nothing but perpetuate the use of the word. Just because somebody else said it doesn't mean you should say it. I'm pretty sure the guest on the show knew better than to suddenly go direct-quote on the word.

And I (and the host, and the other guest on the show) disagree. Had he said "the n-word," the point would've still been made just as strongly and nobody would've been offended by the guest.

Of course Mr. "Have some perspective" isn't black. That's a shocker.

As I said, I'm Slavic and have been called slurs. While I do not personally think they are worse than being called the n-word, I still maintain the perspective that I do not like to be called such terms but understand the reason for saying them through quotes. I'm not having a pissing contest on who I think has the worse slur, but my point stands and will continue to stand that I think it is acceptable to use it in instances such as quoting a White House staffer.


The WP link only says that Sessions is alleged to have used that word, back in 1981. It's not something he says on an ongoing basis, and may not have actually said it to begin with. So this person was not giving a direct quote, but was just using that word themselves while attributing it to what someone allegedly said 35 years ago. Still kosher?


The WP link only says that Sessions is alleged to have used that word, back in 1981. It's not something he says on an ongoing basis, and may not have actually said it to begin with. So this person was not giving a direct quote, but was just using that word themselves while attributing it to what someone allegedly said 35 years ago. Still kosher?

Imagine if Hillary said it. 400 years ago.

We need total coverage. /Cnn


No, because you're white you have absolutely no perspective about being called a nigger.
You have no frame of reference here, you know about it being a slur but you know nothing of the trauma experienced by black people with its use.

You are 100% right.

Question: that news anchor was upset at the end of the video. The other guy in the video was visibly upset. Now who were they more upset about? The guy who qouted Sessions or the racist motherfucker who actually said it?

You don't see how backwards that is?

Edit: so this wasn't a direct qoute? Yeah thats different. I hate the state of news and news discussion these days.


I don't think this is a problem, he wasn't using it in a racist way. Any time a "_ word" is used instead of the word it represents seems very childish.

D i Z

No direct quote to be found.... Defense force for a white man using the N word just to prove a point, and a kick a liberal contest in full swing.


For those of you who want to just do drive by hit-pieces from your ivory towers, whatever. But if you have any interest in being non-biased -- I feel like I'm wasting time writing that, but whatever, maybe you would like to know what/who you're talking about -- I'd like to direct you to this clip on Brooke Baldwin. CNN's anchors were asked to pick one person who changed their lives and tell the story to the world. While most of them did the generic mom/dad/kids stuff, Brooke Baldwin did not. She may be white and successful, but that doesn't mean you can just paint her as a bad guy while the guy who is actually saying the "n-word" is suddenly/frighteningly your martyr.

I don't think it's fair to call her a "condescending twit" or "selfrighteous(sic)" or say she is trying to "ease her white guilt," based off of.......... a fraction of a clip which was highly sensationalized in the linked article in the OP (surprise, it's Buzzfeed and they say she "slammed" him, lol).

Thanks for posting.
I was so confused seeing this. How the hell didn't they listen to what the guy actually said en who he was quoting!?

So this is how the media helps killing truth and democracy?


You are 100% right.

Question: that news anchor was upset at the end of the video. The other guy in the video was visibly upset. Now who were they more upset about? The guy who qouted Sessions or the racist motherfucker who actually said it?

You don't see how backwards that is?

Edit: so this wasn't a direct qoute? Yeah thats different. I hate the state of news and news discussion these days.

Why do you assume they weren't upset with the racist as well as with the man quoting the racist?
You seem to be doing a lot of assuming in this thread:
You are upset at someone who is trying to help you. You are not upset at the person who actually said it.


the guy who is actually saying the "n-word" is suddenly/frighteningly your martyr.

I know we are post rational, but really, this guy is a martyr because he dared uttered the word he was talking about? Martyrdom is so lacking now.


This pisses me off. The pearl clutching. He was using it in context. What is Brooke Baldwin offended about? That her sheltered world view and being a white woman meant she doesn't get to hear those slurs? Hate to use another overplayed analogy but it is very patronizing and shows how they live in ivory tower. It is like how many white people got offended because Larry Wilmore said to President Obama: Yo Barry, you did it my nigga. Such trash journalism by CNN. Baldwin on the verge of tears said this word won't be used on her show lol. These are the same people who want to remove these words from books like Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. To make it seem like they were never said. The word is different. Some people absolutely hate hearing it, and they have every right to feel that way. But look at the context of the way it was said. I remember an old Boston Public tv show episode about this with Chi McBride the principal upset that his white teacher was teaching the word and saying it out loud.


I'm black and have been called a nigger and I think it is perfectly ok to use when using it to quote someone to point out how racist as fuck this administration is that the US just elected. Her ire should be directed at the person hiring a white supremacist into the White House - not a journalist/academic quoting the word. But that doesn't pay the bills for CNN.

Agreed. Completely threw off the entire message the guy was trying to get across because of the anchor's personal sensibilities. It needed point blank reporting so that people can know what kind of scum Trump's been putting in positions of power at the White House. Now people are more focused on her reaction, and it's been rebroadcast everywhere for that alone, rather than the paying attention to the real issue. Trash reporting CNN.
Her reaction seems a bit impractical and it kind of shows she wasn't ready to handle a situation like this. But i understand and even agree with having a strict no use when it comes to some words.

Boss Mog

I remember the episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where Larry says the n-word while quoting somebody else and I thought it wasn't very believable, that nobody would say the actual word when they were quoting someone that said it; they would just replace it with "the n-word" or something.

I guess I was wrong though, some people are apparently stupid enough to do it.

For reference:
The more I've sat here and listened to the fact that somebody used the n-word on this show... It is not okay.

Dear CNN:

Get a fucking grip. The story is the cabinet member saying the word nigger. The word has to be said aloud when quoting someone in such heights of power, because its clarifies how hurtful and hate filled it truly is. It should bring the room to a halt and we should all feel the shame of allowing our society to get to this point. It hurts for me to type and should stink your ears to hear when quoted. Your sudden egg shell thin sense of modesty is a ruse. Where was this sadness of impropriety when CNN was counting their ad money after running entire Trump speeches full of lies contradicting other lies, than covering his propaganda unchecked like he was any other candidate all the way until the Cooper debate?

Get seriously fucked CNN.
Boss★Moogle;225348279 said:
I remember the episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where Larry says the n-word while quoting somebody else and I thought it wasn't very believable, that nobody would say the actual word when they were quoting someone that said it; they would just replace it with "the n-word" or something.

I guess I was wrong though, some people are apparently stupid enough to do it.

For reference:

Larry David is the king!


Why do you assume they weren't upset with the racist as well as with the man quoting the racist?
You seem to be doing a lot of assuming in this thread:

Towards you I agree.

Towards the Anchor? She outright stated she was upset that the word was used on the show and NOT the fact that it was used by a possible member of government in the first place.
CNN only mad because they maybe fined for not bleeping it, otherwise the dont care. If they did they would be blasting Bannon all day long and Trump for appointing him from the get go.


Towards you I agree.

Towards the Anchor? She outright stated she was upset that the word was used on the show and NOT the fact that it was used by a possible member of government in the first place.
Once again, how do you know she wasn't upset with the racist using? Do you honestly think she is more upset with someone quoting a racist and the racist himself. I get that you thought racism was all but gone but you can't be this naive.


He's quoting someone and he's making an important point that would be lost by pussyfooting around it. The hosts anger feels misplaced
Isn't this just like the CNN anchor being furious with her coworker for quoting Donald Trump's "grab them by the pussy"?

A lot of misplaced ire methinks.


He's quoting someone and he's making an important point that would be lost by pussyfooting around it. The hosts anger feels misplaced
As a black man I felt the same way. Now they are saying its not a direct quote but its the same feeling. Intent is everything.


This is just a whole other level of stupidity. People are so funny about this kind of stuff, and she clearly did not see Louis CK skit on the "n-word". Why do people completely ignore context.


Once again, how do you know she wasn't upset with the racist using? Do you honestly think she is more upset with someone quoting a racist and the racist himself. I get that you thought racism was all but gone but you can't be this naive.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

I'm done here.


I prefer people saying the word when it's used in this context.


I mean it's not like the most bigoted platform in recent history won in the US Election, endangering the rights & freedoms of many in the US.

No, lets ignore that and worry about someone using a slur when the they were directly quoting someone in a very relevant manner.


Once again, how do you know she wasn't upset with the racist using? Do you honestly think she is more upset with someone quoting a racist and the racist himself. I get that you thought racism was all but gone but you can't be this naive.

She never said any such thing.

She specifically referenced hearing the word- More than once.

Perhaps you're reading into something that isn't there?
Who was that corny black dude thanking her?

Be an adult. Getting more outraged at the quote than these blatantly racist people Trump is appointing.
Context matter.
If you're quoting a racist to show they're racist, it okay.

Makes for some damn profitable TV though.

I mean, I am not saying that anyone who objects to the use of the N word under any context is necessarily wrong, but as far as I am concerned after this election, CNN, CBS, ABC, and Fox can all go F themselves and their profiteering from news.

Fuck them all.


Brooke Baldwin is usually one of the better CNN anchors. I'd ask people not to let this one incident sour them on her.


Who was that corny black dude thanking her?

Be an adult. Getting more outraged at the quote than these blatantly racist people Trump is appointing.

In 20 years from now when the detailed book on this period of time comes out, I wonder if it'll mention that CNN either intentionally or unintentionally helped cement the Trump presidency by normalizing it and deflecting criticism of it.

Because Brooke used some seriously blatant deflecting. I've had the N-word dropped on me many times in my life and I've never had the level of theatrics to it as her. Fucking Oscar worthy.

Paris Dennard is a Trump supporter.

Well will you look at that shit... Clayton Bigbsy is real life now.
Because Brooke used some seriously blatant deflecting. I've had the N-word dropped on me many times in my life and I've never had the level of theatrics to it as her. Fucking Oscar worthy.

Lol. Same. And that's from being CALLED nigger directly, not just hearing it quoted. Just ridiculous and over the top.


Boss★Moogle;225348279 said:
I remember the episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where Larry says the n-word while quoting somebody else and I thought it wasn't very believable, that nobody would say the actual word when they were quoting someone that said it; they would just replace it with "the n-word" or something.

I guess I was wrong though, some people are apparently stupid enough to do it.

For reference:

I immediately thought of this too! Great episode.


When you're quoting someone, you have to say it exactly how it was said. Otherwise people may think the person just said "N-word" which would make it seem like the originator censored his or herself.

This is my thought on the matter as well. I suppose you can go back after and explain that they said the real n-word and not n-word, but that's really muddying up your point.
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