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Confirmed: The Expendables 2 Rated PG-13 (Because Chuck Norris loves the kids?)

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Ehh I never liked Chuck Norris, this confirms it. But I doubt he had that much power over Stallone/studio's decision here lol.

Stallone is just a pussy who couldn't put up with someone turning him down again, clearly. He should have told Norris to do one. Instead, he's way too preoccupied with how much fun he's having making the film when he should be focusing on making something as thoroughly entertaining as possible.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Horrible to see it confirmed. My faith is shaken to the core, but I will press on...and hope for the best.

Fortunately, PG-13 in this day and age can get away with a lot more than PG-13 in the 90s.
My reaction:



Super Member
Terminator 2 was kid-friendly and it's one of the best action movies ever

I have no problem with this.

The gore in Rambo 4 was pretty fun to watch though
99.9% of the time, I couldn't care less about the rating of a film. But if you do a throwback to those awesome, over the top 80's action movies, it's gotta be R rated. Those movies were all about excess. Just unleash the dudebros and let them do their thing. It's just not the same when it has to be toned down.
My bad, it was.

Though content-wise, it was literally about saving a kid. John Connor's maturity/R rating be damned, kids watched it because of him and it was still pretty accessible.

It's more violent and foul-mouthed than you seem to remember. It is not really "kid-friendly" in the way that the crybabies use the term. It is, however, awesome for kids.


It's more violent and foul-mouthed than you seem to remember. It is not really "kid-friendly" in the way that the crybabies use the term. It is, however, awesome for kids.

Pretty much.

Terminator 2, Commando, Predator... all R rated movies that I think resonated with kids very well.

ugh. this news sucks.
Such a weird statement:

I'm not OK with kids hearing fowl language. I AM OK with kids watching people get shot to death and murdered in the most over the top ways.

Graphically shooting a guy in the head < Swearing < Nudity

Got it!

welcome to america.


No, it wouldn't.

PG-13 used to be harsher than it is now.

You don't know how stupid the rating's system is. As I stated earlier, the ratings board will let you say "fuck" audibly up to two times in PG-13. Among other weird rules about stuff betweeen R and PG-13. I've seen gorier in PG-13 these days than T2. T1? No, that's an R. T2? At most I'd think they would edit out the security guard getting stabbed in the eye, and keep the dad getting killed offscreen like they do on the TV runs.

I'd be more convinced of T2 being a solid R if they had left all the cut scenes in.

As it is though, the more studios try to edit R movies into PG-13 just to grab more cash, the more they're going to eventually end up either having to make a new rating (PG-15?) or they're going to push PG-13 even closer to R than it's been before, further seperating G from the other ratings.

No way Sarah's dream sequence get an R-rating. Same with all the language. And the violence is brutal too.

Indiana Jones movie w/ face melting = PG-13
soo they're just taking out bad language? big deal, will prob be a better movie for it. Ratings doesn't make a movie bad. The action in this one just needs to hold up is all.

stop yer whinin' ppl.


No way Sarah's dream sequence get an R-rating. Same with all the language. And the violence is brutal too.

Is that violence considered R today? The worst I could remember is the T-1000 stabbing that dude through the mouth.

Check out the new Rambo. That's fucking rated R violence. T2 really seems PG in comparison.

Regardless, there's still way too many f bombs in T2 to pass for PG, even today. How many fucks are allowed in a PG film? 2? 1?


Is that violence considered R today? The worst I could remember is the T-1000 stabbing that dude through the mouth.

Check out the new Rambo. That's fucking rated R violence. T2 really seems PG in comparison.

Regardless, there's still way too many f bombs in T2 to pass for PG, even today. How many fucks are allowed in a PG film? 2? 1?

It's hardly the goriest film out there, but it is the kind of bloody, full contact violence that gets frowned upon. I think its R-rating still stands and is well earned.
Also do not forget that it features:

- a child in peril for most of the run time

- good cops being injured by the heroes

- a bit of molestation

- kids breaking the law


Eh, you can get away with quite a lot of violence in a PG-13 movie these days. It's just the cursing that will have to be toned down, and I don't remember a whole lot of cursing in the first movie anyway (just Statham screaming "Blow the fucking doors!" or something).
soo they're just taking out bad language? big deal, will prob be a better movie for it. Ratings doesn't make a movie bad. The action in this one just needs to hold up is all.

stop yer whinin' ppl.

There is zero chance that simply taking out the language of the first would have given it a PG13 rating.
Regardless, there's still way too many f bombs in T2 to pass for PG, even today. How many fucks are allowed in a PG film? 2? 1?

Seems to be one. They're getting really good with them lately too- First Class and Fast Five had two of my favourite movie f-bombs in recent years.


Is that violence considered R today? The worst I could remember is the T-1000 stabbing that dude through the mouth.

Check out the new Rambo. That's fucking rated R violence. T2 really seems PG in comparison.

Regardless, there's still way too many f bombs in T2 to pass for PG, even today. How many fucks are allowed in a PG film? 2? 1?

2-3 clearly audible, you can get more with creative editing or just replace with "SHIT!" or "SON OF A BITCH". Or Die Hard 4's "Yippie Kie Yay MotherFu*GUNSHOT*er"

R is unlimited fucks.

X is fucking.

People need to stop saying this garbage. "XXXX would be PG-13 today". T2 is bloody, extremely violent, and filled with swear words.

T2 is tame compared to T1, but is much more well written. We're talking about an industry that used to consider a toilet flushing worthy of an automatic R rating or a refusal to rate. The ratings get more relaxed as time has gone one, not more strict. As an aside, I've only ever seen T2 and Die Hard 2 run on cable and network TV, but T1 never for network and Die Hard 1 only on cable. The first movies are definitely hard Rs.


Seems to be one. They're getting really good with them lately too- First Class and Fast Five had two of my favourite movie f-bombs in recent years.

First Class was amaaaaaaaaaaazing :lol

If they don't give the single, sacred fuck to Arnold, they're doing it wrong.
T2 is tame compared to T1, but is much more well written. We're talking about an industry that used to consider a toilet flushing worthy of an automatic R rating or a refusal to rate. The ratings get more relaxed as time has gone one, not more strict.

Bullshit. There are PG movies that feature bush, beheadings and f-bombs.


It doesn't bother me. The movie can still be good without all the cursing. I'm also proud of Chuck standing up for his beliefs. They didn't have to agree to it and put him in the movie if the cursing was such a big deal. So apparently they didn't think it was that big of a deal.
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