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Confirmed: The Expendables 2 Rated PG-13 (Because Chuck Norris loves the kids?)

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Yippee kai yay <explosion> <explosion>!

"Yippeee kai yay Mr Falcon!"

so bad that it loops around and becomes hilarious. In both that there's no Falcon and the way he says it so weird.

Not this stupid shit again. T2 would have to be cut to get a PG13 rating. There is no way T2 would be rated PG13.

As for EX2? Shitty movie gets shittier. Stallone is guilty of pulling the punches he said he never would again when he was back in the gutter before ROCKY BALBOA and RAMBO IV.

Stupid? Hmm.
Ahh, film before the PG-13. What a wondrous time to be a child with nothing better to do than watch HBO.

"But TV Guide said it was PG!"

I miss the 80's. I only remember some of it but damn it was awesome watching movies with my dad when my mother would go to bed.
Terminator 2 would be PG-13 today. But it's also an awesome fucking movie.

Not this stupid shit again. T2 would have to be cut to get a PG13 rating. There is no way T2 would be rated PG13.

As for EX2? Shitty movie gets shittier. Stallone is guilty of pulling the punches he said he never would again when he was back in the gutter before ROCKY BALBOA and RAMBO IV.


There is zero chance that simply taking out the language of the first would have given it a PG13 rating.

I don't really consider the first Expendables a hard R movie. There were only a few really brutal scenes that I can remember - the pirate getting his head blown off by Dolph at the start, Sly stabbing a guy in the throat and twisting the knife, Terry Crews turning a room full of baddies into jello with the AA-12, and Eric Roberts death at the end (admittedly those were among the best scenes, though). The rest of the film is mostly hand to hand combat, car chase scenes, plane flying and other things that you typically see in PG13 flicks.

With some creative editing I'm sure they could've easily made the first Expendables PG13.
Such a weird statement:

I'm not OK with kids hearing fowl language. I AM OK with kids watching people get shot to death and murdered in the most over the top ways.

Graphically shooting a guy in the head < Swearing < Nudity

Got it!


"So kids can see it"

Did he even know what kind of movie he was signing up for?



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I don't really consider the first Expendables a hard R movie. There were only a few really brutal scenes that I can remember - the pirate getting his head blown off by Dolph at the start, Sly stabbing a guy in the throat and twisting the knife, Terry Crews turning a room full of baddies into jello with the AA-12, and Eric Roberts death at the end (admittedly those were among the best scenes, though). The rest of the film is mostly hand to hand combat, car chase scenes, plane flying and other things that you typically see in PG13 flicks.

With some creative editing I'm sure they could've easily made the first Expendables PG13.

I don't know anything about the actual production, but my impression from watching the film was that it was switched from PG-13 to R most of the way into production, because a couple scenes are jarringly R while everything else feels carefully PG-13. And those R scenes are mostly digital effects in post. And it sucked for it.
I don't really consider the first Expendables a hard R movie. There were only a few really brutal scenes that I can remember - the pirate getting his head blown off by Dolph at the start, Sly stabbing a guy in the throat and twisting the knife, Terry Crews turning a room full of baddies into jello with the AA-12, and Eric Roberts death at the end (admittedly those were among the best scenes, though). The rest of the film is mostly hand to hand combat, car chase scenes, plane flying and other things that you typically see in PG13 flicks.

With some creative editing I'm sure they could've easily made the first Expendables PG13.

Technically with that reasoning, you can do that to most R-rated films, save a lot of R-rated films doesn't technically have to have as many brutal scenes you listed just one is needed with a consistent level of violence (violence itself doesn't have to be gory).

I don't know anything about the actual production, but my impression from watching the film was that it was switched from PG-13 to R most of the way into production, because a couple scenes are jarringly R while everything else feels carefully PG-13. And those R scenes are mostly digital effects in post. And it sucked for it.

Rambo, itself used a lot of digital post production effects for it's gore. Definitely could be better, though there was just so much killing brutality, it kind of glosses over for a while.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
They could do it like Die Hard 4.0 and awkwardly dub in "bad words."

At least that's what I heard. I have not seen the unrated version of Live Free or Die Hard as I will not spend another dime on that shit.

Die Hard 4 is a major example, where they switched from R to PG-13 part of the way into production, then tried to make it more R-like for the unrated than they had actually filmed. The result is two bad cuts, both of which are full of terrible messy ADR and artificially obscuring camera angles and dumb digital blood or awkward bloodless shootings.
The only things I remember about the first Expendables were the shotgun scene and the smoldering gay subtext to half the scenes. So I guess we know what's in and what's out this time around.

My only real defense for it is that it wasn't as far off from the 80's "greats" as a lot of people say, a handful of classics aside.
Gay subtext...
I really wanted them to pull back the damn camera, ease up on the rapid editing, and dial down the shakey cam for the sequel. But with a PG-13 rating they might be tempted to do more!
Not this stupid shit again. T2 would have to be cut to get a PG13 rating. There is no way T2 would be rated PG13.




You'll have to imagine children and their mothers screaming as they are burned alive by nukes for the full feel of this one:


Add in a little T1000 dick at the start of the movie and some cursing and you have yourself a nice 2012 PG13 movie.



You'll have to imagine children and their mothers screaming as they are burned alive by nukes for the full feel of this one:


Add in a little T1000 dick at the start of the movie and some cursing and you have yourself a nice 2012 PG13 movie.

Even without those scenes, the amount of F-bombs dropped in T2 by our heroes (including John himself) would make it an instant R.


Stallone's attempt to "sell" AICN on the PG-13 rating is laughable. He talks about it being LARGE and how "emotional" it is as if anyone gives a flying fuck about those aspects in a movie like Expendables 2. The only reason anyone even gives a shit about this franchise is because it had old action heroes getting back together and blowing up bad guys. Anyone who is unable to watch a R-rated movie is not even going to be old enough to give a fuck about any of the actors in the movie. Seriously. Stallone is such a tool. :(

Also, anyone who says that Terminator 2 would be a PG-13 movie today either does not understand how the MPAA works at all, or has not watched T2 in over 10 years. >_<


So...is it confirmed "written/filmed for PG-13" or is it just going to be cut for PG-13 in theatres?

Also, some return for Schwarzenegger :\

I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the lengths Hollywood studios are willing to go to turn *anything* into wimpy PG-13 kids movies, but I'm still pissed as hell.


The only case I think of where a PG-13 movie actually managed to pull of a shocking amount of violence in it's fight sequences despite not being R was Return of the King. It's likely they only got away with it because a lot of limb-slicing and decapitations happened to Orcs and not the humans.

Whereas on the other end, you have a movie like Ridley Scott's Robin Hood, who's battles sequences were so blatantly neutered because of the PG-13 rating that they simply became boring to watch.

Thanks Chuck -_-
Stallone's attempt to "sell" AICN on the PG-13 rating is laughable. He talks about it being LARGE and how "emotional" it is as if anyone gives a flying fuck about those aspects in a movie like Expendables 2. The only reason anyone even gives a shit about this franchise is because it had old action heroes getting back together and blowing up bad guys. Anyone who is unable to watch a R-rated movie is not even going to be old enough to give a fuck about any of the actors in the movie. Seriously. Stallone is such a tool. :(

Also, anyone who says that Terminator 2 would be a PG-13 movie today either does not understand how the MPAA works at all, or has not watched T2 in over 10 years. >_<

Since he's in bed with AICN it was easy for him to go there and admit this rating goal. And of course Harry likes the idea. What a shock.
I think this AICN talkback comment sums things up well enough:

phantomcreeps said:
Chuck? What the fuck!

You used to be such a bad ass motherfucker.

I remember in Lone Wolf, you showing up to your trailer, popping open your fridge for that cold brew, and you were just thinking of kicking some motherfuckers face in.

Is there some rational explanition, in your own words, of Why of all people,

You have become the biggest pussy in the world.

Seriously, You are a bitch, now.

How does it feel, you fucking bitch.

You make me sick. Really, worst thing I could have heard all day was this.

Fuck, I'd rather hear of a terrorist bomb going off killing innocent women and children, because, I knew that Chuck Motherfucking Norris, would make a movie and kill them with a vengeance.

Nope, your just a bitch now, thanks alot Chuck.

Fucking sellout.


Since he's in bed with AICN it was easy for him to go there and admit this rating goal. And of course Harry likes the idea. What a shock.

AICN is a total shill site really. Always has been. They're only good for the scoops, news, and overly exaggerated early impressions. The actual editorial content which requires logical opinions is poop.


My Member!
It's Live Free or Die Hard all over again. Guess it's time to wait for the DVD version so we can hear cuss words and junk. Or maybe not at all. WTF Sly, you don't have many movies left in you, and you do this shit?
I wished I never watched the first. It's a damn shame, I loved Rocky Balboa and Rambo.

I liked the first one fine. The dialogue was atrocious but the action was fun. I figured they would do better this time around but instead they're doing so much worse.


Why are people upset? First movie was so terrible that you'd never have guessed people wanted a second one.
The only reason anyone even gives a shit about this franchise is because it had old action heroes getting back together and blowing up bad guys.

And to be honest, it was pretty laid back. They hyped it as some over-the-top fun-fest, and it just felt like a normal shitty action film.


The only redeemable factor of the first one was the stupid over the top R rated violence dished out by old washed up action stars. Take away the proper violence and you've just got a movie with a bunch of old guys.
If it was up to me I would have just ditched Norris.
Damnit, i'm more disappointed in Stallone for actually going along with this!!!

Only goes to show that these guys have lost their edge, they ARE old now so their priorities probably changed... instead of wanting to kick ass in movies they think of the children (or of the money in this case)



Aren't pretty much all James Bond movies rated PG or PG-13? Even the recent ones are.

And the first two Indiana Jones movies were pretty gory. Melting people in the first, heart getting ripped out in the second.

Basically just no F word.


Junior Member
Can't believe how much E-love this goon always gets.

Hopefully people starting noticing he's a has been. Got whooped by Lee.


The only redeemable factor of the first one was the stupid over the top R rated violence dished out by old washed up action stars. Take away the proper violence and you've just got a movie with a bunch of old guys.
If it was up to me I would have just ditched Norris.

This x 100. wtf wtf wtf!
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