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Digital Foundry: Assassin creed origins Xbox one x tech first look.


Eurogamer: "Are you not worried about being $100 more expensive than the PS4 Pro?"

Phil Spencer: "I look at Pro as more of a competitor to S than I do to Xbox One X. This is a true 4K console. If you just look at the specs of what this box is, it's in a different league than any other console that's out there. When I think about techniques to somehow manufacture a 4K screen like what some other consoles try to do, this is different than that."

That didn't take long to turn into PR rubbish.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Not entirely unexpected with that CPU though, given the design on Assassin's Creed games and density of the cities you're going to get CPU bound pretty quickly.

Well, that wouldn't affect resolution. More likely the bound on framerate though.

But CPU aside, in the general case, One X doesn't have the GPU power to brute force games in the general case to 4K native, at least not without potentially significant per-pixel quality sacrifices vs other SKUs. On the alu side you'd probably want a 8Tflop machine to be in the comfort zone for that. They could maybe have hit 4K native here, but the quality settings required to do that might have well outweighed the res bump.



Checkboard rendering - up to 2160p "pixel counts resolve to full 4K" - DF
Improved lighting over previous ass creed titles.
Looks like high pc rather than high console settings
Stable 30fps
Alpha build.

You missed a bit there ;)


C'mon man, they can go around touting the One X as the "True 4K" machine and then have a bunch of games with checkerboard rendering.

Look at them, live wolves... gathering for the kill


Better anything confirms my purchase of a 500$ console is worth it. Infact I'm gonna buy two and use one only to post on neogaf about how great it is.

On a serious note, it's expected, and totally ok :) I'd rather have 1080 with bells and whistles and maybe some msaa instead of true 4k anyways to be honest. 4k is such a waste of power. Having played native 4k games on my pc, I always revert back to 1080p for smoother gaming and better looking lighting. Even a 1080 gtx struggles with 4k on all newer games, unless of course you turn down some settings. Human revolution looks a million times better at 1080p with AA and everything turned way up instead of 4k


-MS said many times it's up to devs
-Gaf triggered about some marketing buzzwords "true 4k"

Grow up
Totally but you know they've put themselves in this position now that every single 1st party MS game is forced to run at 4K, even if that means tons of other sacrifices. Because it they don't, what was the point to call XBOX a true 4K console? Games can run at 4K on Pro too. 4K60fps even.

True but I do think when ACO releases and both versions use checkerboard 4K that the X version likely will have better detail maybe or better textures, shadows etc. There is more power in that X and I'm surely they'll use that. Remains to be seen how different.

They've always said devs could use the resources how they wanted and wouldn't mandate native 4K

Yeah but wasn't that only about third party devs? I'm hoping they mean first party as well.

What some people here should realize is that the X can definitely do native 4K but the developer, Ubi in this case chose C4K.


Lol at people glossing over "high PC settings​". How many of yall have a PC that can run the latest ass creed game at 4k high.


There's nothing wrong with checkerboard rendering.
It can still look amazing and it will be really hard to notice any difference from native 4K (unless you got a screen bigger than 55 inches), so it really makes sense to use the extra hardware resources for things that have more tangible returns instead of trying to push pixels for the sake of it.
But this clearly puts to bed Microsoft's marketing push about "True 4K console", let alone the dream of 4K@60fps that some people thought was possible based just on Forza 7.


True 4K gaming they said

But that's also something I tend to forget: Most titles on Xbone are 900p, so there is no way to magically turn this into 4K on this machine. And AC was 900p on both platforms even :/
Nothing wrong with checkerboard 4K. I hope the True 4K crowd will recognize that soon.

These discussions might become less ridiculous when they do.
Well, let's be fair, a lot of people who shit over checkerboarding despite DF and others praising it did so without even turning on a PS4 Pro, now that the One X does it too, a lot of people will be exposed to it so hopefully it'll die down soon.

Pro gonna be 1440p console settings vs Xbox One X 2160cb pc high settings I bet
Is this just random speculation? I'd keep your expectations in check.


I look forward to every df thread. They will be full of shitposting if the one x isnt native 4k, even if its because they did turn up other settings.
I really wish spencer didnt give this shit interview, he deserves the blame for it because its just plain wrong what he said. But can we leave this stuff out of a df analysis thread ?
Can someone with more technical insights give me an explanation as to why these consoles do not seem to offer options to run games at 1080p/60fps rather than at 4k/?fps.


I think people have a problem with them calling it True 4k*.

*but that doesn't mean it's native.

Does anyone complain about PS4 being labelled as a True HD system even though some devs use the processing to do stuff other than push pixels around? MS's marketing argument seems to be that the machine is plenty capable of native 4K, not that it will mandate every game do that. Plus this is not new news. We have know about their lack of a mandate on this front for a while now and most agreed it was a great thing.So long as it does a huge number of games at native 4K I'm personally ok with it.


I expect to see a lot of CB rendering and dynamic resolutions moving forward, across all console titles.


Hey all, this is the first DF for X1 and it's already gone to shit, can you imagine the first face off

It's dynamic resolution, yes, but it can hit 4K during regular gameplay. And this is still the alpha build!

It doesn't matter, they will cling to this for dear life now


They're businesses, they all lie when they can.

A lie would be if MS said "all games will run at 4K native"

Which they didn't


On a lighter note, the game looks really pretty, it's such a shame it's an Ass Creed game though, that puts me right off.

It's dynamic resolution, yes, but it can hit 4K during regular gameplay. And this is still the alpha build!

Nice. The game looks stunning on XBX1X as it is but they'll definitely keep optimizing prior launch..also the combat animation still needs some work.it looks a bit rough at times.

edit-when do we get the Anthem tech breakdown? I'm most excited for that.
Does anyone complain about PS4 being labelled as a True HD system even though some devs use the processing to do stuff other than push pixels around? MS's marketing argument seems to be that the machine is plenty capable of native 4K, not that it will mandate every game do that. Plus this is not new news. We have know about their lack of a mandate on this front for a while now and most agreed it was a great thing.So long as it does a huge number of games at native 4K I'm personally ok with it.

Sony is going with dynamic 4k.

Edit: Never mind though. I was just stating what people think and not what I think FYI.


For a multiplat open world game, it's looking great at this early stage. IQ with CBR is up there with other CBR releases from UBI.

The problem comes in however when Microsoft start calling checkerboarding "True 4K". There's nothing true about it.

It's still a 4K screen buffer, so some of us are happy to call it 4K. "True 4K" is a bullshit term and if used, should be reserved for 4K native, each and every pixel rendered per frame not scaled, projected or averaged.

The real problem comes when Microsoft start offering these hot takes "When I think about techniques to somehow manufacture a 4K screen like what some other consoles try to do, this is different than that.", knowing full well the X1 is no different to the Pro in this regard.


I look forward to every df thread. They will be full of shitposting if the one x isnt native 4k, even if its because they did turn up other settings.
I really wish spencer didnt give this shit interview, he deserves the blame for it because its just plain wrong what he said. But can we leave this stuff out of a df analysis thread ?

It will probably go away as quickly as the faux K shit posting about PS4 Pro.


Fafracer forever
Space_nut said:
Pro gonna be 1440p console settings vs Xbox One X 2160cb pc high settings I bet
Games that implement CB are all but guaranteed to use it on both* - there's "far" too much complexity involved in making it work in an existing pipeline to keep it limited to single platform.
As for settings comparison - there's really no metric to talk about here - "high" means completely different things to every title out there, even when they run on the same base tech. You should expect higher settings where resolutions are matched, or being closer settings parity when they are different.

*For normal multi-plats anyway - if you have late Pro/X upgrades or separate porting teams, your mileage could vary.


If they are already using checkerboard rendering for PS4 Pro & saving rendering time why would they drop it for Xbox One X instead of keeping it & using higher settings?

If they tried to run the game at native 4K vs PS4 Pro using checkerboard rendering the game might have ran better on PS4 Pro while being hard to tell the difference between Xbox One X native 4K vs PS4 Pro checkerboard 4K.


The game looks gorgeous as expected

On topic. Have Microsoft acknowledged the use of checkerboarding very prominently?

Because from what I saw and read they made it like almost all games will be in true 4K and I would assume 9 out 10 games will be in native 4K based on their talk. But it doesn't seem the case if all these open world games will end up using checkerboard. There is a possibility then that Far Cry, Red dead Redemption, Anthem, Destiny, etc will be similar to that

I have no problem with that, I actually expected it but it would be better to be honest and acknowledge things from the start


Phil lied.

About what?

If they are already using checkerboard rendering for PS4 Pro & saving rendering time why would they drop it for Xbox One X instead of keeping it & using higher settings?

If they tried to run the game at native 4K vs PS4 Pro using checkerboard rendering the game might have ran better on PS4 Pro while being hard to tell the difference between Xbox One X native 4K vs PS4 Pro checkerboard 4K.

They are using high settings, in the video he says they are using "PC high settings , not console high settings"

The game looks gorgeous as expected

On topic. Have Microsoft acknowledged the use of checkerboarding very prominently?

Because from what I saw and read they made it like almost all games will be in true 4K and I would assume 9 out 10 games will be in native 4K based on their talk. But it doesn't seem the case if all these open world games will end up using checkerboard. There is a possibility then that Far Cry, Red dead Redemption, Anthem, Destiny, etc will be similar to that

I have no problem with that, I actually expected it but it would be better to be honest and acknowledge things from the start

They said from the start there is no 4K mandate and devs can use the power how they wish


wow. so much salt in this thread:


1. this is an alpha build
2. this is one of the first games for X1X... lets wait a little for the 2nd wave at least, where Devs have more time to optimise.. okay?


Yep and hopefully MS takes this into account for their own games as well. Native 4K in Halo 6 for example is not all that nessecary. Go for checkerboard and use it for visual fidelity.

Pretty much every time, the minute trade-off (EDIT: in terms of IQ viewed) in terms of not being native allows for far more possibilities in general IQ. There might be some titles/genres where it works out less beneficial, but it feels like that's going to be rare.

As you say with Halo, that's the perfect approach. For something like Forza that's already 1080P/60, there's little need for CBR when there's already power in reserve at 4K.


The whining is real! It will clearly be the best way to play Xbox One games... In fact, games will mostly enjoy a huge bump in image quality coming from the often seen 940-900-720p, checkboard or not.
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