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DRIVECLUB: Japan complete preview - Free DLC releasing Monday, Jan 19

Viv, do you have any idea if they've talked about making this a "platform" at all? Like, never have a DC2, but just keep it going with DLC until PS5 drops? Maybe a Spec II as needed, etc. Seems like a good plan to me, but I dunno if they're even thinking along those lines.
Viv, do you have any idea if they've talked about making this a "platform" at all? Like, never have a DC2, but just keep it going with DLC until PS5 drops? Maybe a Spec II as needed, etc. Seems like a good plan to me, but I dunno if they're even thinking along those lines.

I think they'll consider a expansion instead of sequel for DC. They might work on new Game (may be Motorstorm) along with supporting DC.


Viv, do you have any idea if they've talked about making this a "platform" at all? Like, never have a DC2, but just keep it going with DLC until PS5 drops? Maybe a Spec II as needed, etc. Seems like a good plan to me, but I dunno if they're even thinking along those lines.

The original vision was to treat the game as a platform. I'm not sure if that has changed post-launch. I think they are waiting to see if it is viable to continue producing content from a business standpoint. It all depends on sales. If the season pass does really well, it could happen. If only the base game sold well, then may be they will think of a sequel instead. From what I understand, it's all up in the air at this point. This could have been a different conversation if the game had a successful launch and rave reviews.
Has anyone seen a map of the new tracks? I really want to find out if Takahagi Hills is actually based on any roads around Takahagi, Japan.


The original vision was to treat the game as a platform. I'm not sure if that has changed post-launch. I think they are waiting to see if it is viable to continue producing content from a business standpoint. It all depends on sales. If the season pass does really well, it could happen. If only the base game sold well, then may be they will think of a sequel instead. From what I understand, it's all up in the air at this point. This could have been a different conversation if the game had a successful launch and rave reviews.
Surely if there is a sequel, it'll be more of a spiritual successor. It seems as if the "driveclub" ip is toxic among General critics and audience.
The original vision was to treat the game as a platform. I'm not sure if that has changed post-launch. I think they are waiting to see if it is viable to continue producing content from a business standpoint. It all depends on sales. If the season pass does really well, it could happen. If only the base game sold well, then may be they will think of a sequel instead. From what I understand, it's all up in the air at this point. This could have been a different conversation if the game had a successful launch and rave reviews.
Yeah, the reviews have hardly done the game justice, and a sequel would give them an opportunity to "reboot," as it were. Maybe they could release a Spec II as a retail release to snag some reviews and attention, but still apply it as an update for current users. That may even earn them some bonus points with reviewers and consumers. "They're giving away the sequel for free??"

Then again, I imagine some will call it an admission they had no business charging for the first one. ><
Any word on a cockpit gamma fix or just that rushy's looking into it? I love the Japan tracks but race exclusively cockpit, so it's hampering my revelry


Droplets could be turned down some. They are a bit over the top in their current state.

The amount of droplets is actually pretty realistic.


The unrealistic aspect is that they don't fuse and spool together to form larger droplets, so in this respect it's actually much easier to drive in Driveclub than in real life. They don't even distort your vision/camera lens that much like in the real world, you can still get a pretty decent view of the road in DC.




Gold Member
It all depends on sales. If the season pass does really well, it could happen.

If only the season pass wasn't so expensive on the Australian store. I know a handful of people personally who haven't bought it because of that reason. If it was half the price then we'd all own it already.

It's hard to justify paying $37.95 AUD for the season pass when we only paid $50-60 AUD for the complete game on release. You can get 2 copies of the game from EB for $48 currently.


Had the absolute best time playing this last night. I did the first japan race track stage with heavy rain in the early morning and it was just stunningly beautiful. It was like driving over the surface of a lake. It made me realise that the reason I love the game so much is because it allows you to engage completely with the romance of driving.


Had the absolute best time playing this last night. I did the first japan race track stage with heavy rain in the early morning and it was just stunningly beautiful. It was like driving over the surface of a lake. It made me realise that the reason I love the game so much is because it allows you to engage completely with the romance of driving.

You old romantic you!


Whatever happens in the future on DC alone, is only going to be a good thing based of the past 2 months. As it stands now the game has reached legendary status for me. I'd be chuffed if they went with a sequel but i do think, I really do...and I'd bet a Wham bar and a pack or Parma Violets on this, that Motorstorm is Infact in the works...the recent job openings I think suggests something bigger than just existing game updates.


Where would the dirt and dust come from? Don't say the cars because the camera would be too high for the dust to reach before it settles, beside the camera has already raced past. :p
Bumper and hood cameras are lower than the windshield. :p


Whatever happens in the future on DC alone, is only going to be a good thing based of the past 2 months. As it stands now the game has reached legendary status for me. I'd be chuffed if they went with a sequel but i do think, I really do...and I'd bet a Wham bar and a pack or Parma Violets on this, that Motorstorm is Infact in the works...the recent job openings I think suggests something bigger than just existing game updates.

As much as I love Motorstorm, I'd much prefer a Driveclub 2. Then again, it's not like they can't just keep updating Driveclub with new content as they are. It's one of those games that's so well balanced and so accomplished in what it sets out to do, I feel it's not likely to age that badly over the years. Graphically, how much better looking can a sequel really get? Take that away and content updates should suffice.

On a side note, game is definitely legendary status for me too.


Well aren't some of you a bunch of whiners, oh you 30 years of experience, masters of racing games in another life. No chase cam, no droplets, no this and that smh. I hope Evo doesn't succumb to your petty cries.

Let me say one thing. No matter what changes or not in DC, there is one thing that will always be constant - YOU WILL STILL FUCKING SUCK AT THIS GAME.

So my advice quit bitching about every little thing you can come up with, you're not good and everyone else cheats, you just suck.


Well aren't some of you a bunch of whiners, oh you 30 years of experience, masters of racing games in another life. No chase cam, no droplets, no this and that smh. I hope Evo doesn't succumb to your petty cries.

Let me say one thing. No matter what changes or not in DC, there is one thing that will always be constant - YOU WILL STILL FUCKING SUCK AT THIS GAME.

So my advice quit bitching about every little thing you can come up with, you're not good and everyone else cheats, you just suck.

Vaga, I want to marry you! I'm happily married anyway you are free to join in 8)


As much as I love Motorstorm, I'd much prefer a Driveclub 2. Then again, it's not like they can't just keep updating Driveclub with new content as they are. It's one of those games that's so well balanced and so accomplished in what it sets out to do, I feel it's not likely to age that badly over the years. Graphically, how much better looking can a sequel really get? Take that away and content updates should suffice.

On a side note, game is definitely legendary status for me too.

Well, games always do...I expect the same in a DC2 or MS. IQ could see an improvement...new locations, city, or outskirts, coastal routes (proper coastal routes), Hawaii, Australia.....oh gawd when you think...they could create SSOO much. Point being, the next Evo game will look even better.


Well aren't some of you a bunch of whiners, oh you 30 years of experience, masters of racing games in another life. No chase cam, no droplets, no this and that smh. I hope Evo doesn't succumb to your petty cries.

Let me say one thing. No matter what changes or not in DC, there is one thing that will always be constant - YOU WILL STILL FUCKING SUCK AT THIS GAME.

So my advice quit bitching about every little thing you can come up with, you're not good and everyone else cheats, you just suck.

Oh, the harmful truth has been spoken.


I hope for continued updates for this game but judging from what viveks has said here, I doubt it will go beyond what is currently planned.

Yes, they could keep up with DLC in the form of cars and tours but I would imagine that this won’t be enough to keep the fires burning for most people without new tracks to supplement them (game has to remain fresh for it to be worthwhile for Evo). Surely building the tracks would’ve had to been started by now to hit when the current round of DLC ceases.

I think it’s best to move on to a sequel, especially with the hiccups DC suffered with at birth. Too many people (both gamers & reviewers) ignorantly refuse to look past them issues and give the game a chance.

Also, hope the game engine can handle even longer p2p’s for a sequel. Kind of hoping for a few p2p’s around 2 to 3 times longer (or more) than the current tracks. Wouldn’t even mind if the current batch get extended (then they can also be split into shorter segments for those that don’t want the hassle of long drives)


The amount of droplets is actually pretty realistic.


The unrealistic aspect is that they don't fuse and spool together to form larger droplets, so in this respect it's actually much easier to drive in Driveclub than in real life. They don't even distort your vision/camera lens that much like in the real world, you can still get a pretty decent view of the road in DC.



I was looking for an on-board F1 video in the rain to show the same thing but you beat me to it :)


As much as I love Motorstorm, I'd much prefer a Driveclub 2. Then again, it's not like they can't just keep updating Driveclub with new content as they are. It's one of those games that's so well balanced and so accomplished in what it sets out to do, I feel it's not likely to age that badly over the years. Graphically, how much better looking can a sequel really get? Take that away and content updates should suffice.
Look at PGR4. Game's aged beautifully and it wasn't even made during the final years of last-gen. DC will hold up for years, of that I have no doubt.


Well aren't some of you a bunch of whiners, oh you 30 years of experience, masters of racing games in another life. No chase cam, no droplets, no this and that smh. I hope Evo doesn't succumb to your petty cries.

Let me say one thing. No matter what changes or not in DC, there is one thing that will always be constant - YOU WILL STILL FUCKING SUCK AT THIS GAME.

So my advice quit bitching about every little thing you can come up with, you're not good and everyone else cheats, you just suck.

Awesome post.

I predict much butthurt.


Multiplayer Time Trial is the most addicting game mode in racing history.

It's basically qualifying in F1, you get 8 minutes to post your best lap with live results posted on the hud, at the end split times are shown for all drivers to compare.

Fantastic mode.


Multiplayer Time Trial is the most addicting game mode in racing history.

It's basically qualifying in F1, you get 8 minutes to post your best lap with live results posted on the hud, at the end split times are shown for all drivers to compare.

Fantastic mode.

Yea it's an amazing addition. More games need to do it.


Multiplayer Time Trial is the most addicting game mode in racing history.

It's basically qualifying in F1, you get 8 minutes to post your best lap with live results posted on the hud, at the end split times are shown for all drivers to compare.

Fantastic mode.
I love it. It was hilarious in one of the races I did where with dynamic weather, rain kicked in and a bunch of people left the lobby. I stuck around, waited for it to dry and then put in another lap.

It was still a shit lap, but it's a great mode. I'm sure this will be a private lobby thing sooner or later, and the idea of inter and intra-club challenges is horn-inducing.


For the sake of launching "unfinished", Driveclub will end up being the biggest and most complete racing experience ever.

I think noone saw that coming.


I really hope there's never a Driveclub 2 unless they come up with a way to instantly transfer all the cars and tracks. I don't want to have to change discs/games to go play my old favourite tracks. I'd happily pay £40 for a new 'base game'.

Also, I've learned to love Lake Shoji. Great track.
Cockpit users would not be able to compete with chase-cam users in the wet if the droplets were removed, pure and simple. It would ruin the game for me.

The difference in visibility for night + heavy rain events (e.g Venom 2) between cockpit and chase is huge. Has anyone else top starred Venom 2 in cockpit mode?


The amount of droplets is actually pretty realistic.


The unrealistic aspect is that they don't fuse and spool together to form larger droplets, so in this respect it's actually much easier to drive in Driveclub than in real life. They don't even distort your vision/camera lens that much like in the real world, you can still get a pretty decent view of the road in DC.



Lord. Can't they add mini wipers to the helmet?


On the subject of expansions or sequel, I would love to see a sequel.

Keep all existing cars and tracks with an added 50ish cars and say 4 new locations.

Expand upon the Tour mode maybe adding rally.

Add extra multiplayer modes and incorporate new challenge features.

A full livery editor and expanded Club features/leaderboards and weekly competitions.

Rushy you would have my money either way though :)


Lord. Can't they add mini wipers to the helmet?

They have many layers of disposable film on the visors that the drivers remove and throw away mid race, so mini wipers woulnd't work lol. The throw away film is not so much for the rain, but more so because of all the dirt and debris that they collect during the race.


DC really is looking like a driver's joy dream. Who knew a strong contender for the driving game of the generation would be out so early in the cycle.

down 2 orth

Well aren't some of you a bunch of whiners, oh you 30 years of experience, masters of racing games in another life. No chase cam, no droplets, no this and that smh. I hope Evo doesn't succumb to your petty cries.

Let me say one thing. No matter what changes or not in DC, there is one thing that will always be constant - YOU WILL STILL FUCKING SUCK AT THIS GAME.

So my advice quit bitching about every little thing you can come up with, you're not good and everyone else cheats, you just suck.

My arm twitched in a popcorn-reaching reflex when I read this. Maybe a little bit harsh, but I have to agree that those nitpick critiques in particular were hard to sympathize with.


They have many layers of disposable film on the visors that the drivers remove and throw away mid race, so mini wipers woulnd't work lol. The throw away film is not so much for the rain, but more so because of all the dirt and debris that they collect during the race.

Hahah cool. Didn't know that. Makes sense.


Tried to jump into the new time trial thing but I can't connect to the MP servers - I always seem to have a tough time in DC and multiplayer.


Played half of the new tracks last night; I LOVE them. Takahagi Hills is fantastic, especially the 1st version. Huge corners up and down hill, big straits. Great to drift or stick through, and really nice scenery.

Was waiting to see how this game would develop after the initial issues, and now I feel confident the season pass is worth buying based on the quality of the free content.
How do you get into the multiplayer time trial mode? I haven't spotted it so far.

Secondly, any word on when the new Japanese tracks will make the multiplater races list?
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