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Exremely slow PS4 download speed

Just started The Crew Beta and it estimated the 14 GB taking 17 hours. I paused it and restarted and it changed to 80 minutes. I downloaded TLOU in just a couple hours.

Edit: But it also changed the size to 3.08 GB.


OP, I had so much troubles with PSN. People will tell you anything, that it's your fault, your ISP fault or your country fault, but never Sony fault.

While I don't blame Sony directly, I blame their CDN set up which is very picky and unreliable when it comes to routes. For some reason it just not able to select fastest CDN server based on your location, that's why screwing around with DNS might improve your speeds.

My speeds went from 5-10Mbps to 20-50Mbps when I changed to Google DNS. Mind you, I am on 1Gbps fiber and Xbox can handle 150-300Mbps... Through Wi-Fi.

You can read about my woes with god damn thing in this thread. It is the reason why I buy digitally on Xbox, and only physical media on PS4 (with few exceptions).

If you cbf read the post, here is quick video to summarize the difference between XBL and PSN, when it comes to speeds:


Although, thread and video are a bit old, I was able to set up DNSMasq and through trial and error find CDN server which had best speed for me, with 20-50Mbps speeds, sometimes up to 80-90Mbps, but it's still a far cry from XBL.


I am Korean.
I dl'd Advanced Warfare on Monday night in less than 2 hours (46GB) over a wired connection over Powerline adapters, so apparently not always.
I have my PS3 on a power line adapter. (TP Link AV500 Nano) It works Ok, but that already throttles my speeds a fair amount.

My PS4 OTOH is directly wired to my modem. When I do an internet test on the PS4 dash, I get about half what my actual speeds are. I actually get slightly better numbers with wireless. Something's goofy there.


I have noticed a recent decrease in speed as well, and my connection is 100mbps.

Google DNS seems to point me to a CDN (limelight or akamai) thats further from my location than OpenDNS does.


I wish I could use those. I have almost one metre thick walls. They nearly stop any wifi signal. Unfortunately my electric wiring is too old for that technology.

The electric wiring in my house is ancient too, I didn't expect it would work well but it does. Worth giving it a shot, if it doesn't work out you can just return it after all.


I'm honestly starting to wonder if it could be ISP's (I'm using Comcast) starting to throttle PSN to force Sony to pay up. There is a history of them doing this with streaming companies, and Sony's network usage has probably gone through the roof with all of the streaming, remote play, and more people buying digitally. I honestly can't think of anything other than some form of throttling. I mean you can watch it happen if you watch the download bar. I will start at around 400Kbps for the first minute or so, and then instantly jump up to my normal speed of around 6MB/s for a little while, and then out of nowhere it will drop right back down to 400Kbps for another minute or two. It's a continuous cycle that doesn't make any sense.

This makes the most sense considering how Comcast has done things in the past. Comcast, among others, is notorious for this bullshit.
this is a bit off topic but what the fuck is up with the USB transfer speeds? this same file took a few seconds to transfer on my PC vs the 17minutes it took here.

Anybody have any suggestions on which specific ones to use? Preferably an Amazon link.

The model I use, Solwise Homeplug AV, is discounted sadly. You can still find them used on ebay if you do a search. They've been really reliable and easy to setup. One thing I strongly recommend is that you make sure whatever model you buy has passthrough ability - meaning it doesn't take up a socket as you can plug other devices on the back of them
just like an extension plug. Another recommendation is you get one of these (http://www.broadbandbuyer.co.uk/products/7645-solwise-net-pla-av-3e-piggy6/) where all your devices needing internet are, so that you can have up to 4 devices hooked up via lan cable and it also acts as an extension socket.
1 homeplug connected on the router end and one of the above linked products on the devices end, is the setup I have had in my home for years. Been so damn convenient that I don't know how I could get by without :)


Interesting what people think would make their speeds better.
Downloads are done via CDNs to offload download demand to third party. Now it depends on the peering of your ISP with the download provider and how good this is spread all over the world and how close it is to you. And what Sony is willing to pay for it. So comes people get different speeds.
Changing stuff on your end might change a bit but you can not change stuff that relies on the architecture of what Sony intended for downloads.


this is a bit off topic but what the fuck is up with the USB transfer speeds? this same file took a few seconds to transfer on my PC vs the 17minutes it took here.

I got much faster speeds when I used a newer USB drive. 10 seconds to upload a save instead of minutes.


Junior Member
The amount of people reporting this issue across various forums and sites since 2.0 makes it obvious that something wrong since the update. My ps4 had zero download problems until 2.0, nothing else has changed.


Downloads are not hosted on Sony PSN servers, but on their CDN partner which is Akamai on PS4 and Amazon S3 on PS3 (slower).

So it has nothing to do with firmware.

Ahhhh.. well considering Comcast (possibly others) have been suspected of throttling Akamai and AWS, I am not surprised by this now.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
Quoting myself from another thread:

SInce I installed 2.00 and with 2.01 too, my downloads are ridiculously slow. WTF? I test my internet and interestingly enough it shows 55Mb of download (I always got less before, although I have a 50Mb internet), but the downloads always come at less than 1MB/s when it should be over 4 or 5.


The amount of people reporting this issue across various forums and sites since 2.0 makes it obvious that something wrong since the update. My ps4 had zero download problems until 2.0, nothing else has changed.

Perhaps some of the CDN stuff is hardcoded and they changed some values.


I have the same issue :(
It didn't use to be super fast, but at least I got around 5 MB/s, now I'm down to somewhere around 200-400 KB/s


Had this issue to, after downloading Madden, I had to leave my PS4 on for 10 hours for the game to install certain features like Internet play........


Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
So, The Crew beta took about 25 minutes. It seems that pausing the download and resuming it definitely helped.

I think it might be tied to the same problem people have had with the store not loading after having the console on for a few hours. disabling the connection and resuming sped up my EvolveAplha download last week.
OP, I had so much troubles with PSN. People will tell you anything, that it's your fault, your ISP fault or your country fault, but never Sony fault.

While I don't blame Sony directly, I blame their CDN set up which is very picky and unreliable when it comes to routes. For some reason it just not able to select fastest CDN server based on your location, that's why screwing around with DNS might improve your speeds.

My speeds went from 5-10Mbps to 20-50Mbps when I changed to Google DNS. Mind you, I am on 1Gbps fiber and Xbox can handle 150-300Mbps... Through Wi-Fi.

You can read about my woes with god damn thing in this thread. It is the reason why I buy digitally on Xbox, and only physical media on PS4 (with few exceptions).

If you cbf read the post, here is quick video to summarize the difference between XBL and PSN, when it comes to speeds:


Although, thread and video are a bit old, I was able to set up DNSMasq and through trial and error find CDN server which had best speed for me, with 20-50Mbps speeds, sometimes up to 80-90Mbps, but it's still a far cry from XBL.

Seems like a wash when you consider Xbox One install times.
this is a bit off topic but what the fuck is up with the USB transfer speeds? this same file took a few seconds to transfer on my PC vs the 17minutes it took here.

I got much faster speeds when I used a newer USB drive. 10 seconds to upload a save instead of minutes.

hmm i was thinking that could be it, even if its 3.0 and it does work wonders with my pc it really sucks when copying stuff from my ps4 even if its with an SSD


Just started The Crew Beta and it estimated the 14 GB taking 17 hours. I paused it and restarted and it changed to 80 minutes. I downloaded TLOU in just a couple hours.

Edit: But it also changed the size to 3.08 GB.
Similar here, wired. Every other connection in the house is fine except for the two PS4s.

Something is going on at Sony's end.


You don't have install times if you are going digital...

Anyway, I just downloaded this month free games, averages for me at ~50Mbps. Took me 20mins to download Halo MCC + patch averaging at 300Mbps.
You buy discs because you can get only 50 mbit/s from PSN? Wow, you're quite impatient. The highest I got from PSN was also around that but I never considered 2 hours for downloading a game to be a long time.

Right now speeds are crawling as the whole PSN is agonising.


Just got a PS4 a few days ago so mine has been the latest firware from the start and my download speeds are shockingly bad. Far behind Wii U and PC.

Good to see this might be fixed if it wasnt always like this.


I experienced this trying to DL Evolve on PS4. Took so long I just gave up. I've experienced slow DLs on X1 too but usually a hard reboot makes it act right again.


It is defintially an issue. Ps4 tells me my DL is 35mb which is correct as I'm on 30mb fibre but my actual download speed on psn is 300kb/s which is ten times slower. I used to get full speed.


I'm wired now and have no issues, but before I relocated the modem on wifi had issues, I reset the modem and re-connected and seemed to fix it.

I know nothing about how wifi works but my thinking was if I could connect to wifi before 3 phones, 4 tablets, 3 laptops, 2 DVD players, 1 TV, 1 printer, and a car, it may do something magical...seems like it did.


Wired through my laptop: 330 mb
Wired through my ps4: 50 mb
Actually downloading on my ps4: No more than 20 mb ever.

Sony's network infrastructure has always been terrible.


Question regarding a wired connection:Does it have to plugged into the modem itself or can I plug it into the wall? Never done wired before but it's looking like a better option since my room gets the worst wifi reception.


GAF's Ed McMahon
Downloaded a game on my PS3, 12gb. Took me 21minutes to complete. Was going a fair bit less than my connection max, but that's fine.

Just after, i tried to download a 2.6gb game on the PS4 again, 2hours left, that's when it's actually downloading something because sometimes, it just stops and the time left obviously goes up to 20ish hours and more.

Sony pls.


I did some testing. The first graph is PS4 downloading some demo with default DNS servers of my provider. I also tested Google's DNS servers (speed halved) and my VPN servers I use to unlock Netflix (no much difference). Notice peaks and drops, which shouldn't happen that often. Rest mode doesn't change anything for better as somebody suggested. If anything, it's for worse. As I wrote before, I used to get up to 50 mbit/s from PSN a couple of months ago. Not great but not bad either. Now it's much worse. Even the speed test reaches 35-37 mbit/s max.

For comparison, downloading some game from Steam pretty much saturates my bandwidth.

Conclusion: #sonyfixyourshit ASAP
I downloaded CoD on Tuesday night in about an hour and a half. It seemed a bit slower than my internet speed (90 mb), but still reasonably fast.
It's not just ps4.

Last night I was on PS3 copying my Dark Souls save to the cloud folder, and it took like ten minutes. Copying a save that size is usually super quick.


Noticed the very same problem (even before 2.0) that my downloads constantly drop from ~4 mb/s (peak) to about 200 kb/s and then it jumps back and forth between those values. Extremely annoying, thought it was my provider but Steam doesn't have this problem.
My main issue is not just slowing of dl speed but it killing my router entirely. I've both an Xbox One and PS4 and have been dl-ing a lot of stuff lately. Sometimes my router goes down when dl-ing PS4 stuff. It comes back after a few minutes but I have to babysit it and manually restart the dl.
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