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Polygon: Xbox Scorpio will be a ~6 TFLOP system (v PS4K's 4.14), unveil soon, Fall 17


Here's what bothers me. The current Xbox hardware is absolute piss. 1.2 TF isn't it? And the new one is 6 TF now? How are they gonna make games that take advantage of the new hardware, while also not being a complete shitshow on old hardware?

They might phase out the XB1 faster than anticipated, otherwise it would anchor the Scorpio to a substantial extent.


I'm beginning to understand why Nintendo is skipping E3 for the NX.
Both Microsoft and Sony are going to go insane with hype and new hardware. The NX could easily get overshadowed at E3.

All this new stuff coming is probably why Nintendo has decided to wait a couple of months and have their own event where the entire spotlight is on them.


Unconfirmed Member
Unveil soon, but launch in Fall 2017? Wouldn't that be a good incentive for people to not buy any xbox ones until the serpico launches? How's this a good idea?

Given the two rumors, which are all but confirmed, I love the parallels between Microsoft and Nintendo, the former which is rumored to be announcing a new console in the coming weeks to release in over a year, whereas the latter is rumored to be closely announcing and releasing a new console a year from now. Both plans suck and both of their existing systems (Xbox One and Wii U) will simply sell worse. lol


I think what's bizarre about these iterative devices is that the CPU is going to be an ever bigger bottleneck and the RAM is going to be in danger of being a bottleneck.
Microsoft need to sort out their exclusive game line up before I consider buying another one of their consoles, literally none of their games have looked interesting to me so far this gen.

Ploid 3.0

Maybe all of these consoles getting a beefier brother and more frequently will be good for PC gaming and make better use of the higher end hardware. No more reliance on texture mods, resolution fixes, frame rate uncap mods?
that big of a jump would definitely DESTROY current xbox one owners, all of the ports would be ass

exactly. OG Xbone owners would get burned hard.

Also, is this thing going to be subsidized, or just expensive? Because I'm really wondering how much this thing is going to cost to manufacture.


I'm beginning to understand why Nintendo is skipping E3 for the NX.
Both Microsoft and Sony are going to go insane with hype and new hardware. The NX could easily get overshadowed at E3.

All this new stuff coming is probably why Nintendo has decided to wait a couple of months and have their own event where the entire spotlight is on them.

my gut tells me neither of these consoles will be at E3


Hard to Kill
One thing is for sure...

For all the people that say 'Power doesn't matter!'
a) It's clear that the smart decision-making people at Sony and Microsoft have come to the opposite conclusion, and
b) The most powerful console of this gen has utterly dominated it.

That old 'Power doesn't matter' argument looking mighty weak right now. The new truth is 'Exclusives don't matter.' That's one I can get behind.

And your point would've been totally valid if the actual consoles were the same but a catastrophic reveal added to a +100$ for the weakest of the the 2 consoles played a big roloe in there too as well as a lot of others factors
Not at all, lol.

I just like consistency in reporting, even if 'rumors'.

Quick math

PS4 NEO 4.14TF/PS4 1.84TF = 2.25
That's a set number, we have the compute units and the clock speed. 2.5 would be false and 2.3 is normal rounding.

XB1 1.32TF X 4 = 5.28TF
When we find out the ALU/Compute units and the clocks, we can draw better inference. If its said to be 6TF though, there's not need for "concern" about reporting until we get harder facts.


Wasn't there rumors back in the day of subsidizing the cost by bundling it with cable or some such?

From what I remember they seriously were looking into that at one point.. not so sure now with the Xbox Stick rumor stuff now.

Of course, that may have been tied into the whole Online 24/7 thing too.


Before PS4 and Xbone launched strong rumors suggested Xbone the more powerful.

1. How can we trust these rumors?
2. Is this fun and the way we want console gaming developing in the future?
3. Any riscs on diluting both branches?
4. What is Cerny thinking right now in his tub?

Maybe Jeff Rigby can enlighten us??

Trouble is, the sun came out, and as soon as that happened all the power clouds disappeared.
I hope the CPU is decent this time around. It would awesome to see if MS allows side-loading of UWA (Universal Windows Apps). It would be awesome to see someone port Win32 apps to it.


So let me get this straight:

2016: PS4k
2017: Xbox 2
2018/19: PS5?

The days of 10 year plans are long gone to say the least.

PS5 is probably 2019. 3 years after the nero. My guess is it will have something like 10 tflops of performance


Unconfirmed Member
all these rumours being confirmed on the same day looks more and more like a controlled leak. E3 should be fun.


lol at the article mentioning my wrong translation from the Chinese work order about the plastic housing. (Xbox One-Two) the last minute event before E3 was also my guess based on the changes at Xboxevent.com but this site was probably used for the third party event mentioned by Kotaku. I think his sources simply took that stuff tbh.



Here's what bothers me. The current Xbox hardware is absolute piss. 1.2 TF isn't it? And the new one is 6 TF now? How are they gonna make games that take advantage of the new hardware, while also not being a complete shitshow on old hardware?

Welcome to perma cross gen......been saying it in every iteration thread.

I've seen people bring up this point that with console interations will potentially come endless cross-gen games. I can see the reasoning behind that. I'm curious to see how this all plays out.


Here's what bothers me. The current Xbox hardware is absolute piss. 1.2 TF isn't it? And the new one is 6 TF now? How are they gonna make games that take advantage of the new hardware, while also not being a complete shitshow on old hardware?

When it mostly goes on eye candy. Come on, Xbox One isn't great but the games don't look like arse, just don't expect better than what you see this year more or less. Games on Neo/Scorpio will be a treat but it's not like you're going to see magic.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Quick math

PS4 NEO 4.14TF/PS4 1.84TF = 2.25
That's a set number, we have the compute units and the clock speed. 2.5 would be false and 2.3 is normal rounding.

XB1 1.32TF X 4 = 5.28TF
When we find out the ALU/Compute units and the clocks, we can draw better inference. If its said to be 6TF though, there's not need for "concern" about reporting until we get harder facts.

If it is genuinely 6TF then it's going to be a absolute beast.
Here's what bothers me. The current Xbox hardware is absolute piss. 1.2 TF isn't it? And the new one is 6 TF now? How are they gonna make games that take advantage of the new hardware, while also not being a complete shitshow on old hardware?

Higher resolution and better framerate for all games just like PC ports, and then for some games you'll get some shaders, better lighting, textures, AA, and whatever other tech developers have time to implement for PC/XBTWO/PSNEO versions.

I would think having hardware iterations closer together would do away with the cross-gen problems rather than exacerbate them.


So if Sony and Microsoft release consoles every two years. Sony will have the even years and Microsoft will have the odd years. They each will get one full year of being able to say "most powerful console on the market".
6 TFLOPs is a new console gen. Phil Spencer righting the ship here. And with x86 full backwards compatibility is guaranteed. I can't wait to see what they have for this beast of a machine if this rumor is real.

You don't have a next gen console ready for production in Fall 2017 two months after Neo rumors start. You move up announcement time table because of the Neo, but releasing a console with next-gen power is a three year process. This was started the day Phil took over I bet.
I would say that Sony were the ones who felt the need to head off a new MS console. I've always felt that the PS4K is the result of Sony getting wind of MS' plans and having their hand forced towards new hardware.


It feels like just yesterday we were speculating the Xbox One/PS4 hardware. Time sure does go fast.
A couple things...

1.) 4x more powerful? And that's not a generational gap? So I guess that's got to be largely focused on 4k resolution, right? I guess they could really get into sliders like today's PC gaming. Seems weird. And that price. Boy, that's going to be an expensive console.

2.) You know, I was pretty positive on the idea of iterative consoles, but the more this stuff starts to look like a reality, particularly if the other rumors are true and MS is going to have a half-dozen skus (From media focuses, to sticks, to powerful consoles, slims, etc), my interest definitely starts to wane. With that many options, where are devs going to be expending their time? I know nothing has fundamentally changed, and I still think console makers have the right to make iterative consoles and see how that business model works, but the amount of different skus floating around and differing power levels is starting to turn my opinion. Granted, it's all rumor and speculation right now, but I'm starting to lose my stomach for it. When I think about a world where I could potential buy 3 new consoles next year, two of which will just be iterations of consoles I already own so I could get the best possible experience, I start to think that money and energy might just be better kept with my PC. Consoles end up being an arms race where every year there's another more powerful option to buy even if the companies they're coming from are different. That doesn't sound good.


Felium Defensor
Maybe all of these consoles getting a beefier brother and more frequently will be good for PC gaming and make better use of the higher end hardware. No more reliance on texture mods, resolution fixes, frame rate uncap mods?
We can only hope. Hope for higher fidelity across all boards because of the increased performance in basic common denominator. But all them first iteration PS4s/XB1s can still hold em back a bit.
Honestly, this doesn't matter we've had parity the whole generation already so why would games look any different if there was a difference?


When it mostly goes on eye candy. Come on, Xbox One isn't great but the games don't look like arse, just don't expect better than what you see this year more or less. Games on Neo/Scorpio will be a treat but it's not like you're going to see magic.

Isn't the Xbox cpu better than the ps4 CPU? So upping the GPU performance of the bone will be perfection and still work well with the old bone just have ugly graphics is all.
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