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Serkan Toto rumor: Resident Evil 7 reveal at E3, will go back to horror roots


A reboot huh?

Not sure I believe it, but fingers crossed it happens. 6 was just too far batshit insane and there's no realistic way to continue in that universe without it all going super crazy and giving everyone Wesker like powers.

It won't be a hard reboot. They have a movie with Leon and Chris next year that ties into RE7. So expect RE4 style reboot


They say this every time, though.

Jup. Not excited one bit. Their big "back to the roots" with RE6 was some forced walking in the Leon campaign at the beginning. They always promise that. Mainline RE is not going back to horror. Action is selling much more.


I think you're being biased. I'm not saying that everyone was ignorant of what the titles were like. After all, the partnership with Microsoft was a big deal that helped solidify the co-op avenue for the series and other online titles. Both also had demos, with the E3 one for RE5 and two for RE6 (Dragon's Dogma demo and a free demo).

But again, look at where sales were with 4....and then look at 5. There's something there that isn't just action, or even the RE name.

That's also going by your assumption that all those 5 and 6 players were familiar with RE prior, or even anything like the type that frequents places such as here or, casting the net wide, IGN.

Of which, I think you demonstrated how big RE's mindshare has grown in the years with your atttempt to wave away the recent REmake and 0master sales. These titles were silently put out. For a time, digitally only. And yet somehow, quite quickly, sold well for some old titles.

Somehow, it seems you're trying to compensate for what you assume is an attack on the recent installments you enjoy by the mere mentioning of just the questioning on if Capcom decided to market a horror themed RE, whether that be RE7 (unlikely), REmake2, or perhaps some other installment. I doubt the series is going to suddenly be something you don't like if Capcom made such an attempt.

Really, and I don't know how this can be made any clearer, this wasn't even something aimed at the quality or necessarily on the direction of the series. If anything, it was simply courting what numbers/revenue could be brought in from an installment that possibly isn't a mainline title or may not be what many assume automatically sells games.

Uh, what are you talking about? I acknowledged the success of the recent remasters in a previous post, even saying there was definitely an audience for them (even if I don't think it's an audience as large as the current direction). Your baseless assumption about me being some kind of hardcore fan of the current direction and threatened in some way by a return to an older direction is nonsense, since I have been been a fan of the franchise since RE2's original release.

Really, this whole post seems more of an attempt to shift this discussion into old style vs new style. Not what I was arguing at all. I was arguing against the original idea you presented that marketing was what "sold" RE5 and 6. It played a factor, sure, as it does with many game, but it was a total dismissal to other factors. A series does not get to the consistent level of success RE does without it being enjoyed by many. It was definitely a dismissal of that, intended or otherwise.


Why though? Souls developers stick with the general difficulty of their games despite the possibility of an expanded casual audience.

RE already used a limited save system so it's nothing new, and it wasn't ever a problem anyway even on Hard modes. There always were Ribbons unless someone played like a complete tool and saved far too often.

I say screw modern convention and just force people to use Ribbons again. It's a large part of the classic design.

Souls is an exception more than a rule. Not everything is Souls, in fact, not a hell of a lot is Souls outside Souls really and the few clones it's inspired here and there. You can say screw modern convention all you want, but the odds that Capcom, or most companies for that matter, will is very slim.
Burn the unholy vestigial limbs of 5 and 6 and maybe I'll care, but it makes so much money I sincerely doubt they'll let it go.

As many others have stated as well, they also tend to repeat this line at least twice before each release.
So if we go back to the roots, does that mean we'll get back voice acting, save ribbons, weird inventory management and crap controls?
"But they were good games" I hear you say
A reboot huh?

Not sure I believe it, but fingers crossed it happens. 6 was just too far batshit insane and there's no realistic way to continue in that universe without it all going super crazy and giving everyone Wesker like powers.

The series hasn't always tied gameplay to canon. RE2's scenarios are all canon in some elements. Obviously, the different ending of REmake aren't all canon, and of course Jill and Chris couldn't both be in the same situations at the same time. Birkin's Lab in RE0 was an Easter Egg despite being a playable area w/things going down at that location that are canon. It's doubtful that the STARS team and the Raccoon City survivors formulated their reports on site at typewriters, or that Umbrella has a magical box program at all their locations.

So if things were to be toned down from RE6's super strong ninja crew, then it can be done so without creating issue. The only canon elements are Chris' preparations to fight Wesker in 5. Jake's abilities are likely exaggerated, but it will take someone like News Bot to clear up if Jake has anything going for him beyond virus/micro immunity. Even with those two, things could be roped in if that's what Capcom desires without breaking their solid canon streak.

If that's what is being referred to with leading everyone into getting super powers.

If it's the matter of escalation of sequels, things can be raised on more personal stakes rather than global.

Or they can go to space. That had quite the effect on Dino Crisis.


I wonder if its possible to have a game with pre-rendered backgrounds at 4k?

And not run like ass.

I'm assuming yes as its only a screen with at most 4-5 3d models to render and most "rooms" were really small.

Because then that game could look as timeless as REmake, perhaps even moreso.

It can go back to horror roots without archaic design.

What exactly is archaic about REmake? I played that game and its still amazing with its shortcomings having nothing to do with gameplay (story, characters).

Tank controls aren't archaic. They are different but not archaic.


I'm all for horror but.... PLEASE don't compromise the gameplay. I do not want to go back to static camera angles.


I'm hyped for some reason I feel THIS is the time they will finally hit that original RE. Thinking about jumping in with Origins Collections in the mean time

I'm sorry, I likely took something the wrong way/misunderstood. Not sure what I saw that made it seem like it was aimed at a modern vs classic stance. Could just be used to blanket only modern RE titles as they are can sell, and that no one looks into how they have such heavy, front-loaded sales.

And it was definitely not my intention to undermind folks enjoyment with that. Shame it seemed like it was.
I'm all for horror but.... PLEASE don't compromise the gameplay. I do not want to go back to static camera angles.

Static camera angles, as well as tank controls, I have never seen inherently compromise gameplay. They are not archaic, as I see tossed around. It's just a different approach, like isometric games. RE4 has tank controls for instance. Not once was the game compromised by this. Neither did fixed camera compromise the games that utilized them.

RE6 however did have fixed angles at certain parts (Ada's campaign a bit more frequent than the others). I disliked some/most, such as the spotlight avoiding segment. However, this didn't have anything to do with the fixed camera itself. It was rather that it was just poorly done, as were most of the instances. If they set the angle higher in that part for instance, it would have been fine.

It's something that requires commitment at a design standpoint. If you don't design the level, encounter, and whatever else involved around it, it's quite unforgiving. Compare Dino Crisis 3 with 2. Both have fixed cameras, but one followed the design through with it in mind while the other did not.

Mr Swine

Going back to Resident Evil 4 horror roots! Calling it! :)

joking, I hope it's a fully 3D game with fixed camera angles, no pre rendered


Serkan Toto rumor: Resident Evil 7 reveal at E3

very expected

will go back to horror roots



it wouldn't surprise me if it's even more action with mechs.


When did they ever leave their horror roots? RE has always been horror, it just furthered separated itself from survival-horror (which, IMO, it never was) and moved towards dramatic-horror.


Junior Member
"Horror roots" and "clean slate" could mean anything. I think tank controls and fixed camera angles should stay dead though, and I imagine they will for a franchise that's currently one of Capcom's main pillars.
what does horror even mean

cuz I know some people wont be happy until it goes back to single location, tank controls, limited saves and ammo RE1 style

like we cant even get two people to agree on what "survival horror" even is

so what the fuck are we asking for here


By "going back to its roots," I hope that means a small desert town; now tie that in with an open world, horror-centric gameplay, day-night cycles, custom weapons, etc. Basically a third person Dying Light, with BOWs, huge bosses, and crazy underground labs.

And that moonlight sonata.


I'd be ok with this game not having tank controls/fixed camera angles/prerendered backgrounds as long as RE2make does.
what does horror even mean

cuz I know some people wont be happy until it goes back to single location, tank controls, limited saves and ammo RE1 style

like we cant even get two people to agree on what "survival horror" even is

so what the fuck are we asking for here

You kind of nailed it on the head. In the end I think most want what was the core of old RE. Limited inventory, limited ammo, health and the mission of finding your way through a maze like world while surviving. Action and presentation should be much better.


Junior Member
People will probably bag on you for mentioning Souls here, but I know exactly what you mean. Bigger world than classic RE, but inter-connected with opening up shortcuts. Which is already the classic RE formula.

I've been thinking the same thing for a while. Effectively it would be the same world map formula as RE1, just bigger. It would have to be when accommodating modern camera angles.

RE1's camera angles made the mansion look a lot bigger than it is. Look at that UE4 remake video or videos of Lost In Nightmares to see what I mean.

I suspect this isn't going to happen though because it requires a degree of level design you just don't see anymore in mainstream games. Souls is almost alone in the space of modern retail console games when it comes to level design. Maybe some of Bethesda's games have similar philosophy. I think MGSV Ground Zeroes showed that Kojima Productions was at least capable of it.
- Horror game. Not action.
- Ambient music.
- Not RE6's combat system.
- No hand to hand. Enemies that you want to keep at range.
- Emphasis on weapon handling instead.
- Puzzles not only return, but are no longer Fisher Price crap. Actually require a good five minutes of thinking.
- Dynamic enemies that, like Crimson Heads, you have to take several measures to eliminate.
- No influence from Hide and Seek horror games. No lockers or beds to hide.
- Backtracking.
- Architecture.
- A map that is as much gameplay as it was in classic RE and not some giant empty space with a giant arrow saying 'Go to this one corner to leave because the rest of this area is a void/arena'.

Yeah... right.

Best friends?
Sony is the obvious choice.

MS did partner up with Operation Raccoon City doe so I can see them do it again. Also it's gonna be slim pickings on 3rd party front if Sony has CoD, Watch Dogs 2, Destiny ect. on their stage. MS has BF1 but the gotta have something else, right?


A Good Citizen
It would be a waste if they regressed back to slow horror-themed adventure games instead of taking the good ideas in RE6, refining them, and making an excellent action game.

Not sure how excited I can be for this.


I just want Resident Evil to control like MGSV, with a lot less running involved and more elaborate interior spaces. That's my dream.


- Horror game. Not action.
- Ambient music.
- Not RE6's combat system.
- No hand to hand. Enemies that you want to keep at range.
- Emphasis on weapon handling instead.
- Puzzles not only return, but are no longer Fisher Price crap. Actually require a good five minutes of thinking.
- Dynamic enemies that, like Crimson Heads, you have to take several measures to eliminate.
- No influence from Hide and Seek horror games. No lockers or beds to hide.
- Backtracking.
- Architecture.
- A map that is as much gameplay as it was in classic RE and not some giant empty space with a giant arrow saying 'Go to this one corner to leave because the rest of this area is a void/arena'.

Yeah... right.

my man

too bad it ain't happening

hopefully re2make will be enough to satisfy me
- Horror game. Not action. No,I like action
- Ambient music. sure
- Not RE6's combat system. Worst suggestion yet
- No hand to hand. Enemies that you want to keep at range. NM,spoke to soon
- Emphasis on weapon handling instead. Not sure what you mean by that.
- Puzzles not only return, but are no longer Fisher Price crap. Actually require a good five minutes of thinking. Alright
- Dynamic enemies that, like Crimson Heads, you have to take several measures to eliminate. Sure
- No influence from Hide and Seek horror games. No lockers or beds to hide. Okay
- Backtracking. Only if done like in RE4, where changes take place.
- Architecture. And Pavement?
- A map that is as much gameplay as it was in classic RE and not some giant empty space with a giant arrow saying 'Go to this one corner to leave because the rest of this area is a void/arena'. Okay

Yeah... right.

Score: No one wins.
what does horror even mean

cuz I know some people wont be happy until it goes back to single location, tank controls, limited saves and ammo RE1 style

like we cant even get two people to agree on what "survival horror" even is

so what the fuck are we asking for here

It's likely more to do with the atmosphere and how the gameplay interacts with the horror elements.

All the modern RE games have some scary looking BOWs, some scarier than anything out of the survival horror ones. RE6 has, hands down, the best designed enemies from a visual standpoint. There's also some locations/level designs aimed at a horror angle.

Yet none of the encounters really match up with that atmosphere. There's likely a lot of reasons. The over-the-top absurdity of the situations/narratives (even by RE standards). The loose movement controls. Enemies highly susceptible to CQB. Many wielding weapons, particularly guns that cause a more frustrating tinge to the situation than anything else due to how the game wants to be played. Body models looking bright and sterile on the ground and poor textures all around keep the player from being drawn in. Overall encounter design.

Truly, the only parts of the game that sort of nailed the horror atmosphere were the rasklapanje (and only on certain characters) scenarios and this part in Jake 1 where you're in a hall full of mannequins, one creepily defaced, that unfortunately is just exactly what it is on the surface.

It has been demonstrated in this thread alone that there are those who want the classic stylings from the top down. Most I would argue would rather just want the horror elements to actually come across to them through the game, rather than just be merely a coat of paint.

Unfortunately for RE6's combat system...it doesn't seem like something that can really be done in conjunction. Being able to race around while also flipping, sliding and such and ultimately be able to go toe to toe with fists doesn't support it.

That doesn't mean variations can't work. A combination with the survival items with counters, as well as contextual dodges, could bring the game down to a human level with the odds being a little more stacked for example. But exactly as it is just seems too much of a contrast.

In the end, not everyone is going to be happy here. RE6's combat system is great for mercs and games for general, but won't do well with everything slowed down even marginally. The game also being intentionally cheesy while trying to present itself seriously also doesn't work well by the same game's example. Either commit to the ham (RE4) or just let it come about naturally (VA work in RE1 or poor regional translations). Couple all of that with the series having 3-4 different paths (mainline action, horror remakes, middling Revelations, side shooters), and the divide in the base is going to get worse.


Pretty much, you're never going to please the huge gap the fanbase has with one game. All Capcom should worry about is a quality product.

Pretty much, yeah. I think Revelations 2 is a good step in finding a middle ground, I will say, though. It's not there yet, and still obviously leaning in one direction over the other, but it's a good step.


I feel excitement for this series for the first time in years. The Revelations games have been pretty good, but I want a big budget, actual survival horror, solo RE game.
Pretty much, yeah. I think Revelations 2 is a good step in finding a middle ground, I will say, though. It's not there yet, and still obviously leaning in one direction over the other, but it's a good step.

Yeah, but I honestly think that Capcom will never give the revelations series an AAA budget :(
Still it would be nice I guess.


But then it would not be any kind of (small)reboot

New characters pleace, no goverment agents, no Umbrella, no STARS, no BSAA, i know Resident Evil can create awesome fresh characters
I think you misunderstand a soft reboot. Soft reboots don't throw out all the previous material they just start new storylines and kind of ingnore/coexist with previous events. If you've see Xmen days of future past or the new Star Trek films they do the same thing. So Leon and Sheva can star in RE7 and not be tied down by previous game events because it's a new continuity in a manner of speaking.
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