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The Project Gotham Racing Appreciation Thread


Used game shops have PGR4 for around 2.99 now.

Popped it in tonight after a very long time. Incredible game still.
Racing the ring in the rain. Can't beat it!
papersleeves said:
PGR 2 is easily my favorite racer ever. I've spent so many hours and cigarettes playing this game online. Glad I don't smoke anymore though. I had all gold medals and got 2/3 of all the platinums. I was happy to smoke all the cheaters that were using the Cerbera Speed Twelve (you could easily tell they cheated when they sucked that hard) with my legit Mercedes CLK GTR. Maybe one day I'll have the courage to grind my way to 100% platinum and finally get a chance to ride a Cerbera Speed Twelve (I know you were able to race it anyway if the guy that created the game had the car and allowed the ghost option which would let you drive a transparent Speed Twelve).

PGR had been one of my favourite racing series over the years.

I remember spending time at an after school club trying to gold medal all the races in PGR1. That and 4v4 Halo LAN parties really sold the idea of 'Xbox' to me, a hardened PlayStation warrior.

PGR2 improved upon it in every way, and to this day I still feel it was my favourite. I put the most time into it and the graphics were just incredible for 2003, particularly the Florence tracks. It was also my introduction to online racing games through Live.

Never played PGR3 as I arrived lttp on Xbox 360, and it feels a bit pointless since it's sub-HD and PGR4 improved everything.

PGR4 is a game I haven't finished and probably never will, although I still like to pop it in occasionally. It's a gorgeous game, but the dated interface is a bit off-putting. It's a shame it bombed as I would kill for PGR5 with a stylish, Kinect-powered 2012 interface and showroom a la Forza 4. They should give it the 'Crackdown 2' treatment and hand it off to that new ex-Bizarre team.


Neo Member
God damn looking at this thread is making me want to play PGR4 and Blur now. Seriously, I would love if PGR5 was made.


Love Halo, but this franchise was the main reason that I purchased both Microsoft consoles at launch. MSR is still my favorite...radio stations complete with commercials and real-time day/night cycle made it incredibly immersive for me...and even though they're just games, I was pretty bummed when Activision purchased BC, knowing that the PGR franchise was done.

Here's to you, Bizarre Creations...great show while it lasted!
See You Next Wednesday said:
That's insane! A discounted 6+ year old launch racing game still has a online community going & not even on the weekend?
Surely with this threads existance we should also organise a race weekend of some sort?


After playing a bit last night I remembered why I never got that far with this game...IT WAS HARD. Best I could do was get golds on the first level after that I was lucky to get silver. I don't even want to talk about the Bikes. I never understood how to turn a corner with those things..


thundr51 said:
After playing a bit last night I remembered why I never got that far with this game...IT WAS HARD. Best I could do was get golds on the first level after that I was lucky to get silver. I don't even want to talk about the Bikes. I never understood how to turn a corner with those things..

Same. One on one races I could get platinum on, but gold and mostly silver for everything else. Also A.I was really aggressive in PGR games.


I shit you all not, there has not been a month since the release of PGR4 where I haven't put at least a few hours in. Even the times I was off games, I'd still fire it up. It's stupid, amazing, beautiful fun.
cjelly said:
Bahaha, YES! I remember that now! I think I remember enjoying, too :(

Mat C said:
PGR4 is pound for pound my favourite racing game of the generation. Say no more, really.
Same. I'm still surprised that even with GT5, Forza 2 and 3, the game I keep coming back to doesn't have any car customisation options (save for paint) or a bazillion cars. It just does what it sets out to do perfectly. PGR4 is easily my favourite racing game of pretty much any gen, and I doubt that will change for a LONG time.

I'm yet to see a game that has the overall polish or feel of it. Everything just feels so tight, clean and... well, like a perfect video game. UI is amazing, UI music is perfect and the intro... holy shit, that intro. There's just something about UK developers that can pull off. A certain vibe, I guess. Often saw it with earlyish Psygnosis stuff and Bizarre almost always did a perfect job of it.

DAT TRAILER. Every single time I see it I want to fire up the game. Bizarre could put a trailer together like no-one else.

Love to the original posters of this thread and all contributors herein. You've done the memory of this game proud :)

BTW How in the hell did I miss this thread? That's what happens when I stick to subscriptions and rarely venture into the Gaming section proper.
Scotch said:
Dunno if they fixed this yet, but PGR4 is known to get audio glitches when installed. The music will sometimes slow down and you get cracking noises during races.

Yes, you shouldn't install PGR4 on the hard drive. Too many audio glitches if you do that.
Another issue with PGR4 is that with one of the title updates the dynamic shadows of the cars were removed (probably accidentally). Now the cars just have generic shadow blobs.
papersleeves said:
Great picture XD

I'm not implying every person who had access to the Speed 12 was cheating. Just that I enjoyed smoking those that were bad with it (and most likely cheated).
I know, I know. I was just looking for an excuse to post that picture. :p

It always makes me laugh because my own inner Jack Black comes out in times like that. Prancing around, scowling, nodding my head, swearing, giving the TV the finger, flashing the horns, basically acting like a complete idiot just because I platinumed Hong Kong cone challenge, or whatever.

Come on, I know you guys do it too!
PGR1 was the best PGR single player game.

I love all the games, but I played the hell out of PGR1 over and over to get all Gold medals. I never Platinum'd PGR2 or 3 or even got all gold in PGR4 (darn bikes on the Nurburgring) because at that top level, they kind of feel like other racing games. The top challenges were about taking time off your lap and breaking at the right time to corner smoothly and all that proper racing stuff. Nothing wrong with that really, but PGR1 had the attitude of:

"Here's a Kudos total, hit that while doing this other challenge and earn more kudos by betting how well you do at that challenge"

It also ran at 60 frames per second (turn off rear view mirror and tyre smoke and it's locked 60fps) and had a great sense of fun around it. I liked the radio stations too, although custom soundtracks were an awesome feature to have back then too. I sort of feel sad for modern racing games, one of my favourite features of MSR was it's incredibly memorable soundtrack and I don't think I've ever listened to the default music in PGR3 or 4 (or any other racing game this gen)

I put way more time into PGR2 than I did into PGR1. But I think I had more fun with PGR1.


My favorite PGR car. I had so many miles on it, most of them from just racing on the ring against Enzos and TVRs.



Jamesways said:
Used game shops have PGR4 for around 2.99 now.

Popped it in tonight after a very long time. Incredible game still.
Racing the ring in the rain. Can't beat it!

Yeah, I picked it up for £2.50 a couple of weeks ago -what a bargain. It's definitely my favourite racer this gen and still looks fantastic, especially in the rain :O

It's a shame the online is dead.


tagged by Blackace
Shaneus said:
What *is* that? Looks amazing.
The 993 version of the 911 GT1.

You have not lived until you have used this car in PGR2. Probably the most fun car to use in the Ultimate class. The way the back kicks out around turns as the engine rumbles, so good.


enzo_gt said:
The 993 version of the 911 GT1.

You have not lived until you have used this car in PGR2. Probably the most fun car to use in the Ultimate class. The way the back kicks out around turns as the engine rumbles, so good.

In the right hands it'll be on top.

The car was for the pros, while not the fastest it was it's solid ass handling that won you the race.

That's why I used the car in my YT soundtrack vids.
PGR2 was my most played game for quite a few years (even turned me into a Flaming Lips freak thanks to a track on one of the radio stations) so much so that I never even played 3 or 4, had gotten my fill.


Neo Member
Just got done playing a some multiplayer matches on Blur, and damn that was fun. Everything about Blur is top-notch. The graphics and art-style are great, the gameplay is fun, and the fact that 20 players can race all at once is impressive.

Also, I love how I move up like 100 places on the leaderboard every race. More people need to play Blur :/
PGR4 is the single greatest driving game ever. It has everything. I love it.

Some screens to celebrate its glory:

And the last one, which is a picture of the background reflected in a puddle (same race as second shot above). Amazing!



Hey, is it possible for me to upload pictures I've already saved on my 360 to pgrnations.com? I can view them all fine, but there's no option to upload. If I can only view these on my console, I'll be sad :(

Edit: Looks like I can't. So, going through old replays now and making new photos to upload:




tagged by Blackace
Nice pictures Shaneus!

Just went back and finished I think my 5th season. Bought everything in the PGR store and got the I Love PGR Achievement :D Pictures I took along the way (note I don't know how to make proper 3D photos, It was one of the last things I bought lol):






God the FXX is so much fucking fun to drive. It just arcs through turns gracefully, and just needs that little slap every once in a while to keep it in line.


Thanks! I think my favourite is the RGT... can be finessed around any corner with any amount of traction you like. So much fun to drive and thrilling to step it out on command.

Only thing that's bummed me out is that I can't upload previously saved pictures from PGR4. Really blows because I have some awesome ones on there, but I spent some solid time working on those latest ones with the photo settings and they're probably better anyway. Turns out my TV is horrible for judging how good a photo mode shot would look!


Thanks for this thread, GAF! It made me buy PGR4. Loving it. The career mode is amazing with so many different events. The cities look alive with all the little details, great lighting and textures while the sense of speed is awesome... The game looks and sounds great even after 4 years. Such a great game and I got it for 4.95 euros.

I don't think I can go back to playing Forza 3's campaign after PGR4's. It's such a snoozefest.


I've been playing this a lot lately. I'm a boss in the Ariel Atom or the Caterham. Almost exclusively using them because they're so great.
All hail to Bizarre! PGR4 is my favourite racer this gen and Blur is one of mye best multiplayer games I bring out when friends visit.


acidspunk said:
I don't think I can go back to playing Forza 3's campaign after PGR4's. It's such a snoozefest.
As much as I love what Turn 10 have done with Forza 3 and despite how many hours I've put into it, it just doesn't have the attraction to me as PGR4 does. I've completed the racing calendar at least four or five times *after* I hit #1 rank in SP, yet I keep on doing it.

It also baffles me that I play PGR4 more, despite F3 having more depth with tuning, customisation and whatnot. I guess it's because everything it does, it does perfectly with just the right amount of content. While F3 does a lot of things ridiculously well, it doesn't do everything to that level. Bizarre created a complete experience, and for that I thank them.


I started PGR4 again over the weekend, such a great game still.

Even if we get another PGR it won't be the same, Bizarre created such a great franchise that I can't see who could carry it on :(


Shaneus said:
It also baffles me that I play PGR4 more, despite F3 having more depth with tuning, customisation and whatnot. I guess it's because everything it does, it does perfectly with just the right amount of content. While F3 does a lot of things ridiculously well, it doesn't do everything to that level. Bizarre created a complete experience, and for that I thank them.

It is just tracks and weather variations.

Think about it for a minute and you will see it is the reason. You have greatest environments with great amount of great tracks and with changeable weather that creates both unprecedented tension and immersion.

Any PGR would be perfect even if it had only 10 cars and corresponding tracks. From the first to the last game.

Tracks are the battlefields, cars are just weapons. You can have the best and fanciest weapon in the world, but without battlefield that weapon worths nothing.

I hope that current developers will soon begin to understand the sheer importance of the tracks for lifespan of the game.


Suzzopher said:
I started PGR4 again over the weekend, such a great game still.

Even if we get another PGR it won't be the same, Bizarre created such a great franchise that I can't see who could carry it on :(
It's very possible a future version may be headed by ex-Bizarre guys.

But I'm not getting my hopes up. :(
amar212 said:
It is just tracks and weather variations.

Think about it for a minute and you will see it is the reason. You have greatest environments with great amount of great tracks and with changeable weather that creates both unprecedented tension and immersion.

Any PGR would be perfect even if it had only 10 cars and corresponding tracks. From the first to the last game.

Tracks are the battlefields, cars are just weapons. You can have the best and fanciest weapon in the world, but without battlefield that weapon worths nothing.

I hope that current developers will soon begin to understand the sheer importance of the tracks for lifespan of the game.
Coudn't agree more. Developers need to put lots of time into making the tracks great. Bizarre made city tracks work perfectly, with a much better flow than other racers. Tracks need to be detailed in the enviroments, have a nice racing line and be very varied in setting, landscape and weather/day cycle.


amar212 said:
It is just tracks and weather variations.

Think about it for a minute and you will see it is the reason. You have greatest environments with great amount of great tracks and with changeable weather that creates both unprecedented tension and immersion.

Any PGR would be perfect even if it had only 10 cars and corresponding tracks. From the first to the last game.

Tracks are the battlefields, cars are just weapons. You can have the best and fanciest weapon in the world, but without battlefield that weapon worths nothing.

I hope that current developers will soon begin to understand the sheer importance of the tracks for lifespan of the game.
Spot on. They definitely get my vote for having the best variation of tracks and locales, despite the actual number of them being fairly average for a racing game.

This is why it baffles me why Turn 10 don't focus more on the track content of the Forza series. If they spent anywhere near as much time on selecting/creating tracks as they did modelling cars, they'd have the perfect game. Honestly, I'd rather have half the number of cars and double the amount of tracks to drive them on.
Xun said:
It's very possible a future version may be headed by ex-Bizarre guys.

But I'm not getting my hopes up. :(
I've always hoped for a Crackdown-esque revival of PGR a la Realtime Worlds/Ruffian... but sadly I don't think it's going to happen. Especially considering that it looks like MS is investing heavily on the Forza brand on both FM4 and the open-world title.
Jamesways said:
Used game shops have PGR4 for around 2.99 now.

Popped it in tonight after a very long time. Incredible game still.
Racing the ring in the rain. Can't beat it!

I used to love this serious, especially PGR2. For some retarded reason I stopped playing after PGR3 but managed to pick up PGR4 for $3.99.

AND I LOVE IT! Still stinks what happened to Bizarre Creations though.


Shaneus said:
Honestly, I'd rather have half the number of cars and double the amount of tracks to drive them on..

Everybody who plays racing games for more than 3 weeks after initial release would. But that audience is not the core for achieving high-sales numbers.

Cars are what attracts general audience and make for tasty reviews and pleases the media and general public. Cars are main casual-audience selling point because cars are object of wishes for ordinary people. Driving games create an illusion where Average Bob can drive Ferrari, Lamborghini, Mercedes and Porsche. OK, maybe not Porsche.

Because of that tracks have become less important in overall picture and developers gladly accepted that. Tracks takes more time to create, licensing tracks can be expensive, traveling and visiting real-life locations is also expensive, detailed tracks are pain in the ass to program resources-wise and *saving* on tracks looks like a viable solution. Hell, who am I kidding. It IS a viable solution.

I will never get bored of highlighting original F355 Challenge game (PS2 version). One single car. 10 tracks. And Magic Weather engine. Magnificent, magnificent game.

However, emphasis on cars - and Forza does it deliberately, from Jalopnik to Top Gear, it is all about the cars - and trends in modern marketing and promotion will leave all players who seek for their tracks unsatisfied. And unfortunately, that tide will be hard to stop.
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