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You can now play more than 250 Xbox 360 games on your Xbox One

Kind of telling when the biggest news for the XB1 is that you can play 250 X360 games on it. BC is nice to have but I'd rather have a large library of XB1 exclusives to play.

Ill also jump on the "this comment is purely flame bait" train. Anyway its kind of awesome how the xbox one became a really cool legacy platform. I probably spend just as much time on 360 titles as I do on current gen titles now aday.
I never really cared for BC on previous consoles to be honest, but going digital and the X1 environment made a huge difference ; all those 360 games feel like legit native X1 games, and you can have all of them ready to use on your HDD.

This. It's nice to see my Ready To Install list just update with new shit every now and then, especially with GwG.
It's commendable, but most of my games are still incompatible. It's the main thing holding me back from a purchase right now. Xbox division has been doing fantastically lately though and hopefully I can upgrade soon.


Hopefully we see Lost Odyssey added soon.

Oh stop it. That's simply not true.

I wouldn't say every game is unplayable due to the added latency but it is noticeable to certain degrees depending on the game. Nights into Dreams felt OK for example but Red Dead Redemption was hard to control until I turned up the sensitivity of the controls and it still doesn't feel completely right.

The v-sync forced on BC titles is triple buffered v-sync, right? That's what adds the latency, especially on 30fps titles. It was noticeable on games that used the technique last gen so it's not too surprising that it's noticeable here as well.

I only hope you guys add an option down the line to turn the forced v-sync off.

Agent X

Gold Member
Whilst this is true of PS3, it's not of either PS1 or PS2 (where they've made the conscious choice to simply resell the games to you regardless).

Why do people always act like BC would only apply to PS3 here? They sold me tons of PS1 and PS2 games digitally.

That's true. The sad part is that there are no obvious technical limitations preventing this from happening.

PS4 already has the ability to play emulated PS2 games, but only if you purchase them from the PS Store for PS4 (as you pointed out in the first quote above).

If you want to play an old PS2 disc on PS4...no can do.

If you want to play a previously purchased PS2 classic from PS3 on your PS4...no can do. Instead, you have to hope that Sony has decided to make the game available on PS4, and if so, purchase it again on your PS4.

If Sony had enabled either PS2 discs to work on PS4, or allow cross-buy for downloadable PS2 classics between PS3 and PS4, then it would have looked really good on their part. It would prove that Sony is a forward-thinking, consumer friendly company. Instead, this makes Sony look exceedingly greedy. especially when Microsoft allows Xbox 360 games to carry over to Xbox One without asking their customers to pay for them a second time.

I still have my 360 setup so I don't use this right now, but it doesn't change the fact that it's an amazing technical achievement and super pro consumer move on their part.

Fantastic way to keep Xbox gamers in their ecosystem. Comforting to know that (almost) my entire library of Xbox games is going to follow me around from console to console (theoretically) forever. If they could get OG Xbox BC going, it would be a coup for their marketing.

This is true. This is the reason why Sony needs to take steps to ensure that all of their old classics (PS1, PS2, PSP, etc.) can live on for the PS4 and future consoles. It would be a "consumer friendly" move, no doubt about that.

I know some people will say, "Sony sells well enough, they don't need to do this". Yeah, they don't need to, but they should, because when the next batch of new systems roll around, people are going to look long and hard at what these companies have been doing to ensure the longevity of their game libraries.

It doesn't matter if Sony was the king of backward compatibility in years past, and Microsoft at that time downplayed it. The reality is that both companies' stances have change dramatically in the last two or three years, and that is going to serve as the indicator for new system purchases.
Honestly, while I've felt some heaviness in some of the Gears games, what I think I noticed was that the dead zones for analog sticks don't line up between the X360 pad and settings and the X1 pad and settings and that tends to create the sensation that it's laggier when it may just be a larger deadzone on X1 sticks. Of course, you can use digital pad and/or buttons to test this theory more thoroughly, but that's just my impression. I don't feel any game-breaking or notably different input latency on virtually anything else. It would be nice if someone out there would perform legit tests between the X360 and X1 versions across many games, though...


Junior Member
Now MS should put that emulator on PC. If not then we still have to wait for Xenia 360 emulator to finish..


Honestly, while I've felt some heaviness in some of the Gears games, what I think I noticed was that the dead zones for analog sticks don't line up between the X360 pad and settings and the X1 pad and settings and that tends to create the sensation that it's laggier when it may just be a larger deadzone on X1 sticks. Of course, you can use digital pad and/or buttons to test this theory more thoroughly, but that's just my impression. I don't feel any game-breaking or notably different input latency on virtually anything else. It would be nice if someone out there would perform legit tests between the X360 and X1 versions across many games, though...

No one has done an official test but there is plenty of hints and topics about it when searching on Google. NX gamer has mentioned it multiple times and just recently John from Digital Foundry mentioned how Bayonetta isn't quite as responsive on XBO as it is on the 360. It's the v-sync that's causing the additional latency.


Not Banned from OT
Been playing Red Dead Redemption on my Xbox One, runs awesome.

Same here. The BC team at MS deserves a ton of credit I did not think it would be possible because of the Jaguar CPU. MS better be giving that team a hefty raise because they deserve it.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Dear Ferrari,

Stop being dicks.


Fans of Outrun


Dear Ferrari,

Stop being dicks.


Fans of Outrun
It's more on Sega really. They would either just need to do the work to remove the licensed vehicles (like M2 did for Outrun 3D on the 3DS), or pay Ferrari some money.

Why would Ferrari just let Sega have the license for free beyond the terms of their previous contractual agreement?
Like to be able to use my Xbox 1 account to purchase 360 games on Xbox 1 though.

I did my first 360 bc game of forza horizon 1 and had to set up a cc on 360 account just to purchase a free game. :(

Though I'm sure there was a better way, hopefully just never done it before.

Add an empty paypal.


Kind of telling when the biggest news for the XB1 is that you can play 250 X360 games on it. BC is nice to have but I'd rather have a large library of XB1 exclusives to play.

Oh yeah because it's such a big fucking pity that more than just Xbox One players can enjoy Microsoft games now.

Like it's a fucking disaster and totally anti-consumer that they aren't limiting their releases to one platform.


On note of the thread I gotta say it's been actually impressive how much they made this work. Back when I read about backwards compatibility being on the suggestion list, I considered it a nice pipe dream but here we are with 360 games running on Xbox One and it's awesome, and infact if Tales of Vesperia joins the ranks I'll probably will have to end up pulling a oneida and get one right away.
Dont know if its been posted already but it seems Splosion Man is free to Gold users on Live.


Xbox Live Gold users are currently able to download Splosion Man for free, even though it isn't officially part of this month's Games with Gold line-up.

The explodey platformer can be downloaded from the Xbox Store for nothing if you're a Gold subscriber, along with the two new Games with Gold titles Mirror's Edge and Assassin's Creed Chronicles China.

It's backward compatible with Xbox One, too, so if you've ditched your Xbox 360, you're still able to play it on Microsoft's new console.


BC is a great feature that makes buying Xbox One a lot more interesting.

I have replayed Bayonetta on One, and the game was flawless from beginning to end.
Also, I love playing some quick games of Carcassonne against the IA.And now, VF 5 FS.

Having access to all those games in one single place is very convenient.
This is a fantastic initiative by Microsoft, and puts Sony to shame when it comes to legacy support and ecosystem trust.

Now please get this emulator on the PC too :)
This is a fantastic initiative by Microsoft, and puts Sony to shame when it comes to legacy support and ecosystem trust.

Now please get this emulator on the PC too :)

Yeah they can even just release the emulator, and let PC's more powerful hardware do the hard job, the only concern is probably piracy?


Still waiting for that sweet sweet Mass Effect 2.

Have they actually brought us any multi disc games, after they announced that they are supporting those, too?


CELL also uses Power Architecture which the 360 is based on.

So it's not as impossible as people suggest.

Apples to oranges. The core of Cell maybe Power, but the rest (and most of the chip) is not found anywhere in Power arch.


It's more on Sega really. They would either just need to do the work to remove the licensed vehicles (like M2 did for Outrun 3D on the 3DS), or pay Ferrari some money.

Why would Ferrari just let Sega have the license for free beyond the terms of their previous contractual agreement?

I've been holding out hope that MS having the Ferrari license for Xbox may result in Outrun hitting BC. They seem to have been pretty reasonable about it in the past, and I think it even had something to do with Outrun Online Arcade being available on XBLA nearly a year after being pulled from PSN.


Yeah, just waiting on those early JRPGs. If Blue Dragon, LO, and Vesperia make it over, I think I'll drop my 360 for a bone S.
I'm glad they are keeping this up, it remains something I look forward to when I get to Xbox One. Oh yeah, and my not-so-unique request is also to get Lost Odyssey on the list.
Microsoft: 250 Xbox 360 games are now available to purchase digitally and play via disc on Xbox One.

Nintendo: We have no new Wii Virtual Console games to announce right now. Please choose a title from one of the 22 available on the Wii U eShop.

Yeah, yeah, I know you can play any Wii disc on Wii U, but the selection of Wii titles available on the eShop is beyond a joke, especially as the games play natively on Wii U.


Yeah, just waiting on those early JRPGs. If Blue Dragon, LO, and Vesperia make it over, I think I'll drop my 360 for a bone S.

Same here. There haven't been enough exclusives I want for me to pick up the XBO, but a couple more 360 RPGs might push me into it. And, I would like to play Halo.


Forza Horizon - Bayonetta - Red Dead Redemption made me so fuckin happy to see 'em in the BC catalogue

I hope to see Vanquish join at some point :)


Shame we have to play so many of them with input lag and additional technical issues out the ass though. Getting all 360 titles added should be the goal of course, but MS seriously need to fix a ton of the games they've already added to BC so XB1 at least functions on par with 360 when it's running the same games.
250 games via BC is a very impressive number and has come a long way from Don Mattrick's line of thinking that you're backwards if you want backwards compatibility.

As someone who invested heavily into PS3 and that ecosystem last gen it sucks that Sony hasn't offered a suitable alternative for us PS3 owners to play our games on PS4 without having to pay for PS Now or PS2 on PS4 games (fucking rip-off is what that is)

I don't care how hard it would be to emulate Cell, get your best engineers and get it done, just like MS did.
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