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In new Captain America #1, what Steve Rogers says will change everything (SPOILERS).

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best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I mean......no?

He didn't actually play anyone like a fiddle. It was literally revisionist history. Sure, he might have done that all 'off-screen', but Steve Rogers, as we knew him in the comics, wasn't involved in any of this.

It's (kind of) like Squirrel Girl beating Thanos off-screen. Sure, it's kind of cool, but at the same time, while doing this is her 'schtick', it's most definitely NOT Steve Roger's methodology.

Come to think of it, this is also kinda gross on an actual historical scale, given the origins of Cap back in the 40s. I'm not saying aboslute reverence for the character means leaving him static or anything, but this is kinda nasty.


But wait, it's okay guys. He isn't the Nazi version of Hydra...


this is NOTHING like squirrel girl nonsense. cap actually used one of his greatest assets strategy, which weve seen him use time and again. having most of the heavy hitters in space, while new york is flooded with villains to the point that the govt relinquishes power to him, then trapping the heavies out in space? wheres the revisonist history?


"This isn't dumb because you gotta wait for the whole story"

I'll bet $5,000,000 some of you guys defended One More Day while it was happening.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Welcome to NeoGAF comic book threads. Dude...

i forgot how tiring "this is why i stopped reading comics/im glad i grew out of comics/ cape comics" remarks were

"This isn't dumb because you gotta wait for the whole story"

I'll bet $5,000,000 some of you guys defended One More Day while it was happening.

except this is clearly a story while one more day was the beginning of a directive


People called Romanes they go the house?
this is NOTHING like squirrel girl nonsense. cap actually used one of his greatest assets strategy, which weve seen him use time and again. having most of the heavy hitters in space, while new york is flooded with villains to the point that the govt relinquishes power to him, then trapping the heavies out in space? wheres the revisonist history?

It's literally all predicated on 'convenient' shenanigans from a world-altering device.

I'm not saying you can't enjoy the premise, but basing it as 'Hydra Steve is so smart!' when the world is literally engineered by a sentient being to have him be the 'Best Hydra Agent ever!1!' feels, on some level, like an ass-pull.

Some of it is just 'Cap tactics', sure, but overall, definitely not feeling it, personally.



What's the story here?

A guy left the hand to start his own cult, due to magic he got from the hand he had tenfingers on each hand, thus the name, Tenfingers. the Hand later came after him and his cult resulting in a 3-way fight between him, Daredevil and the Hand.

The creative team realized how dumb it all was and had him killed by a new villain name Vincent Van Gore that would kill people and pose them in to works of art.


A guy left the hand to start his own cult, due to magic he got from the hand he had tenfingers on each hand, thus the name, Tenfingers. the Hand later came after him and his cult resulting in a 3-way fight between him, Daredevil and the Hand.

The creative team realized how dumb it all was and had him killed by a new villain name Vincent Van Gore that would kill people and pose them in to works of art.
And then everybody suddenly forgot about Tenfingers lol


"This isn't dumb because you gotta wait for the whole story"

I'll bet $5,000,000 some of you guys defended One More Day while it was happening.

Please. People said the same thing when folks were freaking out over the Watchmen stuff in DC Rebirth and guess what? The Button part 1 was rad as hell and I want more.


Ok how about "I'm glad I grew out of Marvel Comics" since apparently saying all of comics is a hurtful statement here.

Image and Boom are great though. Love East of West and Southern Bastards.

Please. People said the same thing when folks were freaking out over the Watchmen stuff in DC Rebirth and guess what? The Button part 1 was rad as hell and I want more.
"This thing unrelated to this event was good, even though people said it was bad, so therefore this other thing people say is bad isn't actually bad."

Guys, I'm gonna blow your minds here:

You can think a specific plot twist is garbage while still waiting for the entire story.


It's literally all predicated on 'convenient' shenanigans from a world-altering device.

I'm not saying you can't enjoy the premise, but basing it as 'Hydra Steve is so smart!' when the world is literally engineered by a sentient being to have him be the 'Best Hydra Agent ever!1!' feels, on some level, like an ass-pull.

Some of it is just 'Cap tactics', sure, but overall, definitely not feeling it, personally.

He's basically doing Cap stuff as a villain and using the skills he already had to control everyone like puppets over the course of a year. I can obviously understand not liking it, but nothing has been an "ass-pull".


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
It's literally all predicated on 'convenient' shenanigans from a world-altering device.

I'm not saying you can't enjoy the premise, but basing it as 'Hydra Steve is so smart!' when the world is literally engineered by a sentient being to have him be the 'Best Hydra Agent ever!1!' feels, on some level, like an ass-pull.

Some of it is just 'Cap tactics', sure, but overall, definitely not feeling it, personally.

its not hydra cap is so smart, its cap is so smart. whether he was hydra or not, non of what happened is out of the realm of what cap is capable of. he could have done the same thing while he was regular. and he has. if you arent feeling it, thats fine, but none of what happened in 0 is based on convenient shenanigans any more than any other event in comics

Are comic threads always like, i usually hang around Comicgaf(the community)

pretty much. random comic threads are about 75 percent reaction.
Don't really get people freaking out of this. It's obviously just more of Cap's made up reality and is a convenient reason why he wasn't acting like hydra agent all these years.

Selvig hinted as much in the actual book. Saying that maybe this time, Kobik did more than alter Cap's personal reality.
Those spoilers aren't just comic dumbness. Comic dumbness is fun or silly or just head scratchingly stupid, like Tenfingers a few pages back. This is just... nauseating. And I'm not even a Marvel fan, so don't mistake this for fanboyism "not muh cap" whining. If Cap was always a Nazi, but his heroics still happened, then the only interpretation is really that both sides are the same and heroism is just a matter of which one of those effectively indistinct sides you're on. This is further backed up by the Allies literally rewriting reality to win the war but leaving the Holocaust in and keeping WW2 the most brutal and bloody war in human history on top of that. Both sides caused the holocaust! How fucked up is that! Everyone is equally shit, so punching a Nazi is just as bad as when a Nazi punches you. Suoerheroics are futile because at the end of the day everyone is just as bad as everyone else maaaaan.

What the fuck, Spencer? How priveleged do you have to be to be sending that kind of message?
What the fuck, Marvel? How fucking stupid do you have to be to make that guy your Captain America writer?
Nah the button stuff is still dumb

No you're dumb


Those spoilers aren't just comic dumbness. Comic dumbness is fun or silly or just head scratchingly stupid, like Tenfingers a few pages back. This is just... nauseating. And I'm not even a Marvel fan, so don't mistake this for fanboyism "not muh cap" whining. If Cap was always a Nazi, but his heroics still happened, then the only interpretation is really that both sides are the same and heroism is just a matter of which one of those effectively indistinct sides you're on. This is further backed up by the Allies literally rewriting reality to win the war but leaving the Holocaust in and keeping WW2 the most brutal and bloody war in human history on top of that. Both sides caused the holocaust! How fucked up is that! Everyone is equally shit, so punching a Nazi is just as bad as when a Nazi punches you. Suoerheroics are futile because at the end of the day everyone is just as bad as everyone else maaaaan.

What the fuck, Spencer? How priveleged do you have to be to be sending that kind of message?
What the fuck, Marvel? How fucking stupid do you have to be to make that guy your Captain America writer?
Look at this guy, he doesn't even blindly eat up whatever shit Marvel feeds him in a vain attempt of waiting for a satisfying ending that will never happen. What a fake comic nerd.
Do most of the people complaining even read comics or recaps or anything? Or just complaining?
I feel like if most of the people would read up to date they'd really enjoy it. *Shrugs* it's dope af to me. I think the twist within a twist within a twist is a tad ridiculous but secret wars was amazing and even more ridiculous so I'm down to see how this plays out.
Those spoilers aren't just comic dumbness. Comic dumbness is fun or silly or just head scratchingly stupid, like Tenfingers a few pages back. This is just... nauseating. And I'm not even a Marvel fan, so don't mistake this for fanboyism "not muh cap" whining. If Cap was always a Nazi, but his heroics still happened, then the only interpretation is really that both sides are the same and heroism is just a matter of which one of those effectively indistinct sides you're on. This is further backed up by the Allies literally rewriting reality to win the war but leaving the Holocaust in and keeping WW2 the most brutal and bloody war in human history on top of that. Both sides caused the holocaust! How fucked up is that! Everyone is equally shit, so punching a Nazi is just as bad as when a Nazi punches you. Suoerheroics are futile because at the end of the day everyone is just as bad as everyone else maaaaan.

What the fuck, Spencer? How priveleged do you have to be to be sending that kind of message?
What the fuck, Marvel? How fucking stupid do you have to be to make that guy your Captain America writer?

Well said
Those spoilers aren't just comic dumbness. Comic dumbness is fun or silly or just head scratchingly stupid, like Tenfingers a few pages back. This is just... nauseating. And I'm not even a Marvel fan, so don't mistake this for fanboyism "not muh cap" whining. If Cap was always a Nazi, but his heroics still happened, then the only interpretation is really that both sides are the same and heroism is just a matter of which one of those effectively indistinct sides you're on. This is further backed up by the Allies literally rewriting reality to win the war but leaving the Holocaust in and keeping WW2 the most brutal and bloody war in human history on top of that. Both sides caused the holocaust! How fucked up is that! Everyone is equally shit, so punching a Nazi is just as bad as when a Nazi punches you. Suoerheroics are futile because at the end of the day everyone is just as bad as everyone else maaaaan.

What the fuck, Spencer? How priveleged do you have to be to be sending that kind of message?
What the fuck, Marvel? How fucking stupid do you have to be to make that guy your Captain America writer?

I somehow had not thought of it like that (re the holocaust stuff). I know they always say they've been planning X for years, but this does not seem like a thought out, long planned and well plotted storyline. Hickman's Secret Wars it ain't.



I'm not sure why people keep theorizing you have to know nothing about comics to think this shit is extra dumb.

It's possible to think this is especially nonsense, not because comics are never nonsense, but because Cap was created by two Jewish men and used frequently, specifically as a symbol of anti-fascism. The choice is deliberate, dumb, and insulting. Edginess just for the sake of it isn't cute or super clever, particularly when it's covered in some of the most obvious and tired tropes in all of comics.

Reading comics should just make it even more obvious how many layers of lame this is, not be an excuse to handwave it as "just more of comics being comics."

Or what Poodlestrike said.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Those spoilers aren't just comic dumbness. Comic dumbness is fun or silly or just head scratchingly stupid, like Tenfingers a few pages back. This is just... nauseating. And I'm not even a Marvel fan, so don't mistake this for fanboyism "not muh cap" whining. If Cap was always a Nazi, but his heroics still happened, then the only interpretation is really that both sides are the same and heroism is just a matter of which one of those effectively indistinct sides you're on. This is further backed up by the Allies literally rewriting reality to win the war but leaving the Holocaust in and keeping WW2 the most brutal and bloody war in human history on top of that. Both sides caused the holocaust! How fucked up is that! Everyone is equally shit, so punching a Nazi is just as bad as when a Nazi punches you. Suoerheroics are futile because at the end of the day everyone is just as bad as everyone else maaaaan.

What the fuck, Spencer? How priveleged do you have to be to be sending that kind of message?
What the fuck, Marvel? How fucking stupid do you have to be to make that guy your Captain America writer?

you need to learn to separate hydra and nazis. both facist organizations, different ideologies


Do most of the people complaining even read comics or recaps or anything? Or just complaining?

I don't get the question. The subjects of complaints are why I don't read them any more. The only comics ive read recently are the two renew your vows series and smallville. Every time I look into something else I get turned off by one thing or another.

D i Z

Honestly, this actually seems pretty interesting. If the care is taken this could be some compelling stuff.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Just read the spoilers. So if I got this straight:
1: Nazis won the war, Steve Rogers became a Hydra agent. (Original Nazi timeline)
2. Allies used a cosmic cube to change history, Nazis lost and Steve never joins Hydra. (Revised Ally timeline)
3. Red Skull uses a cosmic cube to switch Steve back to the Nazi timeline version, operating secretly in the current Ally timeline.


They're getting pretty crazy with Cap's story right now and I get the feeling they're digging a hole that they'll later want to get out of, but I can't lie. The idea of the 'normal' timeline actually being an alternate one to avoid nazi rule is a neat one. The way they arrived at that conclusion was convoluted, though.

The execution was rough but I'm cool with it. The good guys found a way to win and they won. Just because Cap turned out to be a shit guy in the original timeline doesn't mean he's any less of a hero in the revised timeline. Just gotta find a way to undo what Red Skull did.
The convoluted explanation is probably due to Kobik the cosmic cube screwing around

It has to be- doesn't make sense for Steve to have originally been evil and the cosmic cube was used to make him the good guy...otherwise, what was the point of Kobik?

I like the idea behind this story, but all the Kobik shit is just dumb. It should have just been Red Skull (with Prof. X's powers) mentally fucking up Steve Rogers' memories and making him think he was a Hydra sleeper agent.
you need to learn to separate hydra and nazis. both facist organizations, different ideologies
This is like separating Trump voters who voted for him because of racism and Trump voters who voted for him in spite of racism in the sense that no I fucking don't they're both equally awful.
I wish the internet was around for stuff like Crisis, Kraven's last hunt, and the OG Secret Wars
I should look for usenet posts on AoA. I didn't use the internet at the time, but people probably complained about that.

"This isn't dumb because you gotta wait for the whole story"
This isn't really the point being made, at least not mine.
The point is that dumb twists are dumb but they don't really matter in the grand scheme of things, because they only stick until the next dumb twist, meanwhile what matters most is the execution of the story told between these.

Superior Spider-Man is a great example of this: it's a bad premise, brought about by a powerfully moronic twist, and yet the series is pretty good.

Edit: on this specific twist and how tasteless it is, Poodlestrike makes a really good point, though.



::didn't read the comics, is pulling all of his reactions from his ass::


I should look for usenet posts on AoA. I didn't use the internet at the time, but people probably complained about that.

This isn't really the point being made, at least not mine.
The point is that dumb twists are dumb but they don't really matter in the grand scheme of things, because they only stick until the next dumb twist, meanwhile what matters most is the execution of the story told between these.

Superior Spider-Man is a great example of this: it's a bad premise, brought about by a powerfully moronic twist, and yet the series is pretty good.

No it wasn't.


People called Romanes they go the house?
He's basically doing Cap stuff as a villain and using the skills he already had to control everyone like puppets over the course of a year. I can obviously understand not liking it, but nothing has been an "ass-pull".

its not hydra cap is so smart, its cap is so smart. whether he was hydra or not, non of what happened is out of the realm of what cap is capable of. he could have done the same thing while he was regular. and he has. if you arent feeling it, thats fine, but none of what happened in 0 is based on convenient shenanigans any more than any other event in comics

Depends on the definition, but this entire arc definitely has elements of it. Less on Cap personally, maybe, but definitely with stuff like the cube gaining sentience and looking at Red-Skull Papa.

But hey, they sell comics, so on that level, I get it. And that's cool, right up until it encounters stuff like this:

This is further backed up by the Allies literally rewriting reality to win the war but leaving the Holocaust in and keeping WW2 the most brutal and bloody war in human history on top of that. Both sides caused the holocaust! How fucked up is that! Everyone is equally shit, so punching a Nazi is just as bad as when a Nazi punches you. Suoerheroics are futile because at the end of the day everyone is just as bad as everyone else maaaaan.

On some level, I'll give Marvel the benefit of the doubt in that they probably didn't think about stuff like this in any great detail.

But that doesn't change how potentially gross this all is.

In all honesty, I'm also of the mind that this is just another layer to Cap being messed with, but at the same time, how many times do we need to mimic inception before things go downhill?

you need to learn to separate hydra and nazis. both facist organizations, different ideologies

That doesn't change the underlying point, though? Especially with the backstory of Cap, and the allegory of Hydra being in bed with the Nazis (right up until they apparently aren't, now)


It's possible to think this is especially nonsense, not because comics are never nonsense, but because Cap was created by two Jewish men and used frequently, specifically as a symbol of anti-fascism. The choice is deliberate, dumb, and insulting. Edginess just for the sake of it isn't cute or super clever, particularly when it's covered in some of the most obvious and tired tropes in all of comics.

Doesn't that strengthen the moral? That even the most noble icons are corruptable? That even the people and institutions we trust most should be questioned? That evil can be found anywhere, at any time?

The point of this story - which #0 keeps hammering in - is that the world trusted Captain America blindly, and by the time they realize they'd handed the reins over to a fascist dictator, it was too late.

Pair this with HYDRA Cap's backstory - that a good, decent child with the potential for greatness is twisted into a supremacist simply due to a different set of circumstances - and you have an incredibly relevant story.

Like, that's what America is living through right now! We said things will work out, people will make the right choices, our institutions will protect us, and suddenly we wake up in a fascist nightmare.

How is Captain America not the right canvas for that story?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I'm not sure why people keep theorizing you have to know nothing about comics to think this shit is extra dumb.

It's possible to think this is especially nonsense, not because comics are never nonsense, but because Cap was created by two Jewish men and used frequently, specifically as a symbol of anti-fascism. The choice is deliberate, dumb, and insulting. Edginess just for the sake of it isn't cute or super clever, particularly when it's covered in some of the most obvious and tired tropes in all of comics.

Reading comics should just make it even more obvious how many layers of lame this is, not be an excuse to handwave it as "just more of comics being comics."

Or what Poodlestrike said.

insulting? because theyve taken an established character in a direction for a story? this isnt some new status quo. and given the directions that cap has gone down over the years, considering the fact that hes the same man with a dream despite it being a little obscured, i think the character he was during time runs out to be more insulting to the ideologies of captain america, than hydracap is. hydracap at least retains some means of self. time runs out cap was more willing to kill a former ally than to try to assist in preventing any deaths he could
I wondered why this thread seemed to be so popular all of a sudden. Oh boy.
These spoilers are something else for sure but I'm not following Secret Empire nor Cap so who knows... I'm content reading Thanos, Nova and Daredevil, the rest of the Marvel line just doesn't interest me right now.
Bring back Jemas.
No it wasn't.

People always say "but it turned out good!" for shit like this and it's completely missing the point. The point is that things like this, Superior Spider-Man, the Watchmen showing up in DC, etc are all just desperate attention grabs because Marvel and DC are convinced that nobody will buy comic books unless they provide some "shocking" twist every 6 months. They are a symptom of how fundamentally broken the comic book industry is. Although most of them don't turn out to be good stories because it's really hard to write a good story when your base is "what can we do that will shock people enough to spike comic book sales for a few months?"


Doesn't that strengthen the moral? That even the most noble icons are corruptable? That even the people and institutions we trust most should be questioned? That evil can be found anywhere, at any time?

The point of this story - which #0 keeps hammering in - is that the world trusted Captain America blindly, and by the time they realize they'd handed the reins over to a fascist dictator, it was too late.

Pair this with HYDRA Cap's backstory - that a good, decent child with the potential for greatness is twisted into a supremacist simply due to a different set of circumstances - and you have an incredibly relevant story.

Like, that's what America is living through right now! We said things will work out, people will make the right choices, our institutions will protect us, and suddenly we wake up in a fascist nightmare.

How is Captain America not the right canvas for that story?

Exactly. Secret Empire 0 was great-chilling even when you see what happened to the heroes in space.


Depends on the definition, but this entire arc definitely has elements of it. Less on Cap personally, maybe, but definitely with stuff like the cube gaining sentience and looking at Red-Skull Papa.

But hey, they sell comics, so on that level, I get it. And that's cool, right up until it encounters stuff like this:

On some level, I'll give Marvel the benefit of the doubt in that they probably didn't think about stuff like this in any great detail.

But that doesn't change how potentially gross this all is.

In all honesty, I'm also of the mind that this is just another layer to Cap being messed with, but at the same time, how many times do we need to mimic inception before things go downhill?

That doesn't change the underlying point, though? Especially with the backstory of Cap, and the allegory of Hydra being in bed with the Nazis (right up until they apparently aren't, now)
Cosmic cubes gaining sentience isn't a new thing and her connection with Red Skull comes from it being the cube he used in the past.
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