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Casey Hudson leaves BioWare


who gives a crap what cliff call gamers, the truth is hudson ruined the ending on ME3 and pretty much everything you did on the whole trilogy, im glad he's gone, hopefully he will find a job far far away from the gaming industry

This guy really played a big role in shaping some truly great games and fiction. I hope his departure doesn't hurt the company. I have high hopes for the new DA, Mass Effect and this mysterious new IP. Bioware still gets me excited.
who gives a crap what cliff call gamers, the truth is hudson ruined the ending on ME3 and pretty much everything you did on the whole trilogy, im glad he's gone, hopefully he will find a job far far away from the gaming industry

Don't buy games because they promise you more than they can give, then. Your problem is with the ending, not the actual games themselves.


not me
You can't fix a misrepresentation of a quote by misrepresenting another one. But thanks for helping perpetuate the stereotype of BioWare fans.

I'd like to think I'm a fan of many devs, including Obsidian and CD Projekt RED. Accordingly, it feels odd to me when people go out of their way to bash BioWare, usually in the hopes of propping up the latter devs. Now, that one guy wasn't saying KOTOR I sucked, so I backtracked on it, but that is indeed something that happens, hence my misunderstanding in the first place.

I don't even know what the "stereotype" of BioWare fans is. I thought it was going head over heels for the romance?


We're not talking about Walters. Hudson had minimal influence on ME4.

You wouldn't be so bitter about ME3's ending if Casey Hudson didn't make such an amazing series in the first place.

You're the reason why people like Cliff call us "cunts." The Mass Effect Trillogy was amazing, and if it weren't for the last 5 minutes of ME3 we wouldn't even need to remind people of that.

This is just childish

Learn to take an opinion and move on.
This is the guy who locked everyone out of the room just to write his own ending.

Things like these are why now i'm looking forward to ME4.
As i said, good riddance!
Wow didn't see this coming. Despite the shortcomings of ME3 (not just the ending), the series was still a joy and my favorite new IP of last gen. I wish him the best of luck.

I wonder what he'll do next.


Learn to take an opinion and move on.
This is the guy who locked everyone out of the room just to write his own ending.

Things like these are why now i'm looking forward to ME4.
As i said, good riddance!

Walters was in that room and guess what? He's working on ME4 in a semi-big capacity.


Junior Member
Don't buy games because they promise you more than they can give, then. Your problem is with the ending, not the actual games themselves.
that's a big part of the games, in part you're correct that it was my fault for believing something that up until the second iteration was fulfilling all its promises and than some, but after you put that much time in to a product to ended the way they did is painful on many levels, i felt betrayed, not that they owe anything to me but at the same time i feel they did, i believe a better job could have been done about it but what's done is done and i hope they have learned the lesson for future projects, i say, truthfully, that im glad he wont be part of the new era of mass effect games

- J - D -

He's done a lot of good at Bioware, but unfortunately going by this thread many will define him by the worst of it. I think it was Graham Taylor who said "You're only as good as your last game." He was talking about sports, but I suppose it's applicable to other things as well. I don't know if that adage is true (maybe ask John Romero), but it doesn't feel great thinking that the last complete game Hudson finished for Bioware was Mass Effect 3.

Still, Mass Effect was his baby. Thanks for the memories.


Wow didn't see this coming. Despite the shortcomings of ME3 (not just the ending), the series was still a joy and my favorite new IP of last gen. I wish him the best of luck.

I wonder what he'll do next.

That's exactly how I feel. KotOR and the Mass Effect trilogy were great games. Yes, I prefer KotOR and ME1 between those, but ME2 and 3 were still good.
Alright, so I have a pie-in-the-sky theory about this.

Remember when the doctors left BioWare? I seem to remember somebody somewhere saying something about the possibility of them signing a non-compete clause.

It's almost two years to the day since they announced their retirement, and now Casey leaves BioWare, as well.

Just something to think about.
We're not talking about Walters. Hudson had minimal influence on ME4.

This may have been missed earlier, but might be interesting to see how the game changed:

I also remember how supposedly Drew K's direction would have involved dark matter and was going to focus heavily in the Geth/Quarian conflict. This was hinted at especially in Mass Effect 2 and I believe the first novel.
This was dropped in the surrounding circumstances of his departure from the studio for the 'Starchild' and generic conflict found in ME3 that is oft connected to Mac Walters.

The files in the ME3 multiplayer beta/demo also indicated:

  • The Promethean in 'From Ashes' was central to the plot. His discovery on Mars to being the cypher on the Asari homeworld drives much of the personal conflicts in the game.
  • Kai Leng had a larger and more personal role, being someone who works in disguise with the VS that is responsible for much of the mistrust between them and Shepard.
  • The Asari homeworld mission ends with the cathedral falling apart under Reaper fire. Shepard is critically injured to where he/she is crawling. A real-time choice is offered to the player to save the VS or Liara as a Virmire 2.0. as everything falls apart around them.

There's probably more that I can't recall and things such as the more generic Reaper conflict and Starchild were already established, but it's crazy how different things played out from what they could have.

Edit: Dammit, I always forget the spoiler tags have to go within the bullet points and not outside the list tags. Apologies if I offended any eyes and minds.


Oh noes! He should have stayed at Bioware where he can do little to no damage. What happens if he gets hired somewhere else?



Is Mike Laidlaw still at Bioware? Cause if not then I can't remember anyone from the old Bioware's lead designers who's still in there.
Looks like EA has killed another studio.
who gives a crap what cliff call gamers, the truth is hudson ruined the ending on ME3 and pretty much everything you did on the whole trilogy, im glad he's gone, hopefully he will find a job far far away from the gaming industry
I seriously can't believe people really think the last 5-10 minutes ruined the entire Trillogy.
Is Mike Laidlaw still at Bioware? Cause if not then I can't remember anyone from the old Bioware's lead designers who's still in there.
Looks like EA has killed another studio.


Is Darrah Old Guard?

Also, people quitting to pursue other goals in life is exactly directly EA's fault.
KOTOR and the Mass Effect series will always hold a special place in my heart. Definitely near the top of my favorite games of all time list. Thanks for the memories, Casey, and good luck in the future.



Is Darrah Old Guard?

Also, people quitting to pursue other goals in life is exactly directly EA's fault.

Well, it's not a good sign when we see most of old Bioware top designers / producers gone withing a couple of years with Bioware's output being not exactly stellar all that time. Looks like the old management doesn't like the direction Bioware's taking under EA.
Well, it's not a good sign when we see most of old Bioware top designers / producers gone withing a couple of years with Bioware's output being not exactly stellar all that time. Looks like the old management doesn't like the direction Bioware's taking under EA.

My point was we have absolutely no way of proving it one way or the other besides people saying why they quit. Which they have.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I can still remember his voice describing Mass Effect in its debut video with the galaxy music in the background. Man, how time flies.

Regardless of the bellyaching over the ending of Mass Effect 3, thanks for being apart of one of my favorite IPs ever made, and one of the only two RPG series that I ever loved and cared about (that other one being Phantasy Star Online).


not me
Well, it's not a good sign when we see most of old Bioware top designers / producers gone withing a couple of years with Bioware's output being not exactly stellar all that time. Looks like the old management doesn't like the direction Bioware's taking under EA.

But ME Next is talking about bringing back a lot of ME1 stuff like exploration and the Mako. And the DA guys are all still there. If anything it looks like BW has really focused on bringing back the pre-EA feel.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
who gives a crap what cliff call gamers, the truth is hudson ruined the ending on ME3 and pretty much everything you did on the whole trilogy, im glad he's gone, hopefully he will find a job far far away from the gaming industry
Your sentiment reminds me of this.

Learn to take an opinion and move on.
This is the guy who locked everyone out of the room just to write his own ending.

Things like these are why now i'm looking forward to ME4.
As i said, good riddance!
well if you're allowed to have an opinions then I'm allowed to tell you that it's shit and childish.
But ME Next is talking about bringing back a lot of ME1 stuff like exploration and the Mako. And the DA guys are all still there. If anything it looks like BW has really focused on bringing back the pre-EA feel.

The fact that you need to stress that there's a "pre-EA feel" speaks volumes.


But ME Next is talking about bringing back a lot of ME1 stuff like exploration and the Mako. And the DA guys are all still there. If anything it looks like BW has really focused on bringing back the pre-EA feel.

I am glad they are focussing on a return to the least successful, most buggy and vacuous Mass Effect game. I do hope they have a lot of cardboard warehouses to fight through as well.

Regardless of how bad I found the ME3 ending, the very fact it had such an impact on me shows how good Mass Effect as a series was. The guy was responsible for some amazing games and stories, some of the absolute pinnacles of my gaming experience. Shame he won't be around to tell more stories, and wish him well in his new job.
My biggest gripe with Mass Effect 3 is that the ending isn't its only major fault.

Having ME3 begin with the Reapers already invading the shit out of everyone but keeping the fake-branching and related stuff like Citadel until the very end hugely downplays the immense power gap between the Reapers and the Galaxy's civilizations that ME and ME2 worked so hard to hype up. Why are they taking so long if all they want is exterminate everyone? Why do we see Husks ten times more than we see actual reapers? Why were people reluctant to drop all the bullshit and just fight the OVERWHELMINGLY MORE POWERFUL common enemy? Why was Wrex an ass? Why has TIM beccome so stupid all of a sudden? Why were the quarians on a war campaign against the Geth in a time like this? You can't just say "politicians are dumb", you'd have to be completely oblivious to what GUARANTEED EXTINCTION means in order to make the sorts of decisions NEARLY EVERY SINGLE LEADER IN THE GALAXY was making. Why were the Geth painted as completely innocent? I mean, I love how they became likeable in ME2, but in ME3 they practically became Mary Sue: The Race. Why is there so much diplomatic unrealistic bullshit in this game? Is this The Phantom Menace? That is even more baffling when you consider how one of the few things that could leave Shepard really pissed off even as a Paragon were the Council reports.

Mass Effect was a game about exploration, the mystery of an extinct race and ship-aliens that wanted to wipe out everyone for reasons "we can't comprehend". Turns out that the game is mostly being about resolving petty (in the grand scheme of things) disputes by shooting stuff, with no exploration even though the game begins establishing a McGuffin that would be perfectly suited for such a thing, Protheans being revealed as a race of warlike jackasses and only via on-disc DLC (don't you think it's a bit odd that no one, even the Asari, ever discovered anything remotely indicative of those aspects of their culture?) and nothing else, so no mysterious progenitors arc for you, and the backstory for the Reapers is basically G0T0's story but with no rational justification and a billion plotholes. You're damn right the ending was beyond our comprehension, Sovereign!

If Hudson was such a "legendary game designer" his game wouldn't be giving me so much ammo to attack it with.

Ugh, there's so much more... I didn't even mention Kai Leng... I think you get the idea. IMO, ME3 should have ditched the fake branching and multiple "pitstops" and gone straight on to the meat of the plot - a different, better plot, like the dark matter thing - only to approach the final act by branching out in writing *and* gameplay, giving you multiple unique approaches on how to end Shepard's arc and thus make it feel like the choice was meaningful.
Its getting increasingly harder for me to care about what is going on at EA. They seem to be on a self destruct course. For many years their name was dirt with a few exceptions but then around 2006 they started turning things around. It was their second golden period. They were putting out new IP, some were significant and added to gaming culture. Even their old IP which those chose to come back seemed to be good again. Then towards the end of 2011, things took a horrible turn once again.

While Casey Hudson was in charge of how Mass Effect III ended and ultimately ruined the franchise, its clear he and all of Bioware was under pressure to get the game out the door. just wish the best for everyone and leave it at that.



No, really. Who gives a shit what a developer thinks of you? You are the customer. You have the money. They are the creative, the content producer. You judge what they make. Do you not understand how this works? I get that some people go overboard but come on.
Yup, because how dare BioWare try to reclaim their status. Don't they know they sold out?

All things considering, I don't much mind the majority of their post-acquisition output. I'm just surprised there are ardent fans acting like exploration is something that's exclusive to the pre-EA reign.
No, really. Who gives a shit what a developer thinks of you? You are the customer. You have the money. They are the creative, the content producer. You judge what they make. Do you not understand how this works? I get that some people go overboard but come on.

People not liking ME3 is not why he quit.


Casey Hudson said something along the lines of "ME3 wont have just an A, B, C ending" before the game released, they talked a lot about choices impacting the ending. This ended up all being a lie, the ending of ME3 gave you one of three choices, each was colour coded either Blue, Green, or Red, and shared multiple scenes of the ending montage just in different colours, you're choices throughout the series didn't have any effect at all.

The ending regardless of colour choices was also just rather shit, didn't explain much, and just kind of ended with a few scenes of whatever colour and then ended finally with a big pop up saying continue you Mass Effect adventures in future DLC. The Extended Ending added on to this and was less shit, but it still left a sour taste in many peoples mouths after the first two great games, and left Bioware in a bit of a pickle as seen with the new Mass Effect game where they don't want to pick a canon ending to continue past ME3 which means any future game will seemingly be before or during the events of the Shepard Trilogy.

Thanks for the info :)

And wow..... this is horrible :/

Red Mage

He then led the team in the development of the Mass Effect trilogy, an award-winning series that I and many others consider to be one of the most important science-fiction universes of our generation.

...at least we know no egos were bruised during the split.


Wtf is this?

Dragon Age Inquisition looks great. People should be cautionary approaching it still, but this is ridiculous.

I agree. It's true that a lot of talent has left BioWare as of late, but I'm also of the mind that there are still some writers working there that are worth supporting.

As much flak as he's gotten, I think David Gaider is still a pretty competent writer. Same goes for Weekes, whom GAF loves for Mordin (among other fan-favorite ME companions).
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