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Destiny |OT34| Stop Hammer Time!

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I stopped about two hours ago but I'd be up for more games later tonight if people are around for it. How long will you be around? Seems like a lot of people are still raiding tonight.

Personally I don't expect to do anymore IB once Trials launches so I might as well get while the getting's good. Mainly looking for the Hunter cloak and the pulse rifle but I'd also be interested in getting an all Bad Juju Sunbreaker 6-man team going, just for the lulz.

Mistakes were made. A few non-Gaf friends sent me invites while I was cleaning my Vault. It was actually a Gaf-free train until ZW #1 and #2 joined at the end.

My tolerance for IB is 100% determined by lag. Honestly it doesn't feel much different to me from regular Crucible in terms of competition. I can't stand 6v6 but it can be a fun social experience w minimal sweatiness.

I only want to play for the pulse and hunter cloak. No helmets or chest means no reason to play on titan this IB.

6-man GAF train is the only way to play IB. How were the "fixed" loot drops in your games today? Working as intended? :p


The difference between our blind attempt at Golgoroth and how it plays it now is probably the biggest change out of any of the raid encounters for me.

Thank you everyone that joined.
My Hunter got some OK gloves and a Ghost!
A 300 Light Ghost. Bungieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee /shakes fist
Quick question: Do the existing IB emblems and shaders work for bonus rep, or do we have to buy them again?
5 Weeks of raiding on multiple characters and still no Ghost Shell.


I managed to turn 40 mouldering shards into two 300 Light Ghosts today. With a little more Space Magic they became 6 Legendary Marks! Hooray!

Weren't you saying something the other night about speculation over a November 10th Heroic raid release date? I may have confused it with crazy Counterstrike ravings so who knows. I'm ready to get this show on the road already, Normal KF is awful dull to farm.

To get to 310 you'd need to infuse with a 308 or higher primary legendary or exotic, and then infuse with a 310 legendary or exotic..

That's definitely not always the case. I got my Spindle up to 303 then infused it with a completely unleveled 306 raid fusion rifle. Spindle went from 306 straight to 310 infusing with a maxed out 310 raid shotgun. As far as I can tell there seems to be some RNG with the system (imagine that).


Any IB trains going on? It's been a while and I have no thorn, but I like the look of that Pulse Rifle.

PSN: RidliMM


Yeah I'm gonna get off for the night and wait until I can hop on a GAF IB train, solo this is making make angrier than anything has in a long time. It's laggy, shotguns are still ridiculous, and I keep getting matched with randoms who aren't doing shit. Amazingly I've won most of my games, but I'm on the bottom of the board with like a .6 k/d every time because I'm the only person usually actually trying to cap or hold territories. So frustrating.


Weren't you saying something the other night about speculation over a November 10th Heroic raid release date? I may have confused it with crazy Counterstrike ravings so who knows. I'm ready to get this show on the road already, Normal KF is awful dull to farm.

Yah that was a date the reddit hivemind dug up in the game. For what? Who knows. I'm thinking Hard Raid King's Fall.
Are IB weapons and armor from playlist dropping with the same perks as what Salad-bar is selling, or are they different?

All 3 boots have such terrible base stats. Ugh.


Increased rolls are not showing themselves.

Ever since IB came up ive more or less been playing it and all ive seen is 2 cloaks in the same match, and thats with more or less 90% win ration, if not higher.

Question: Does ALL the IB gear drop as RNG? Or only this weeks?


Yay. Joined a GAF train for Iron Banner. That was fun, but now I'm not excited for it anymore considering the drops.

I'm leaning toward just sticking to PvE stuff :/


Yay. Joined a GAF train for Iron Banner. That was fun, but now I'm not excited for it anymore considering the drops.

I'm leaning toward just sticking to PvE stuff :/

I just wanna look like Dark Souls, but fuck me when you sit there for 5 hours and get nada at the top half of the board.

Ill try again tomorrow


Steroid Distributor
So when does this Smart Loot start to kick in?

My raid haul so far is:
7 x Scout Rifles
5 x Fusion Rifles
6 x Ghost
2 x Titan Mark
2 x Hunter cape
1 x Auto Rifle
1 x Machine Gun
1 x Rocket Launcher
1 x Pulse

I got a ghost and a scout rifle in each raid completion today.
Loaded into tower for the first time post-patch.

Literally 3 seconds into the tower:

Random 1 taunts ruthlesbarbarian
Random 2 taunts ruthlesbarbarian
Random 3 taunts ruthlesbarbarian

3 randoms taunted me for displaying my void flayer mantle.

The salt is real.


Not seen one piece of IB gear drop for anyone in 8 matches, gonna end up with one piece of gear if I'm lucky by the end of the week.


I just wanna look like Dark Souls, but fuck me when you sit there for 5 hours and get nada at the top half of the board.

Ill try again tomorrow

Yeah seriously. Thanks for the invite. We should def play again, too because I feel like I could probably learn a lot from ya. But seriously you got screwed over.
Increased rolls are not showing themselves.

Ever since IB came up ive more or less been playing it and all ive seen is 2 cloaks in the same match, and thats with more or less 90% win ration, if not higher.

Question: Does ALL the IB gear drop as RNG? Or only this weeks?

Supposed to be the new way loot is distributed in IB going forward. Expect to get drops eventually but Saladfingers is there if you need him.

I wouldn't jump the gun quite yet, it's still the first day. Previous IBs never had many drops until people were well into rank 3 and 4. By rank 5 towards the end of the week drops were pretty common. Of course the overall Legendary drop rate in regular Crucible was dramatically downgraded in TTK so maybe that's affecting things.
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