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Expert to Rio Athletes: "Don't Put Your Head Under Water"

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RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) -- Just days ahead of the Olympic Games the waterways of Rio de Janeiro are as filthy as ever, contaminated with raw human sewage teeming with dangerous viruses and bacteria, according to a 16-month-long study commissioned by The Associated Press.

Not only are some 1,400 athletes at risk of getting violently ill in water competitions, but the AP's tests indicate that tourists also face potentially serious health risks on the golden beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana.
The first results of the study published over a year ago showed viral levels at up to 1.7 million times what would be considered worrisome in the United States or Europe. At those concentrations, swimmers and athletes who ingest just three teaspoons of water are almost certain to be infected with viruses that can cause stomach and respiratory illnesses and more rarely heart and brain inflammation - although whether they actually fall ill depends on a series of factors including the strength of the individual's immune system.

Since the AP released the initial results last July, athletes have been taking elaborate precautions to prevent illnesses that could potentially knock them out of the competition, including preventatively taking antibiotics, bleaching oars and donning plastic suits and gloves in a bid to limit contact with the water.

But antibiotics combat bacterial infections, not viruses. And the AP investigation found that infectious adenovirus readings - tested with cell cultures and verified with molecular biology protocols - turned up at nearly 90 percent of the test sites over 16 months of testing.
The beaches even violate Rio state's own standards, which are much less stringent than those in California, many other U.S. states and beach-loving countries such as Australia and New Zealand. In Rio, beaches are considered unfit if bacterial tests turn up more than 2,500 fecal coliforms per 100 milliliters - more than six times higher than the upper limit in California. But Copacabana and Ipanema even violated those much higher limits on three separate occasions. The state environmental agency, INEA, did not respond to repeated requests for comment.



Additional Expert to Rio Athletes:

This is an abomination. Why the heck did some athletes fled for the Zika virus but others downright refuse these warnings. It is your health!

Screw the fact that you are probably waiting 4 years for your golden chance. You are giving the Olympics what they want. Despite where it gets hosted, sporters will come.

Next up. Hosting on Antarctica.
This is an abomination. Why the heck did some athletes fled for the Zika virus but others downright refuse these warnings. It is your health!

Screw the fact that you are probably waiting 4 years for your golden chance. You are giving the Olympics what they want. Despite where it gets hosted, sporters will come.

Next up. Hosting on Antarctica.
Olympic gold medalist is a once in a life time opportunity for some disciplines. And if you get sick Brazil is going to have to pick up the medical bill anyway.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
showed viral levels at up to 1.7 million times what would be considered worrisome in the United States or Europe. At those concentrations, swimmers and athletes who ingest just three teaspoons of water are almost certain to be infected with viruses

Wtf that's nuts


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Continue to over value your silly sport vs your health breh and brehettes. Morons.

Fox Mulder

The Olympics will pass and so will the worldwide awareness to this sad shithole. Hopefully the spotlight actually leads to some changes for those that have to live there.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
The first results of the study published over a year ago showed viral levels at up to 1.7 million times what would be considered worrisome in the United States or Europe.

Maybe this will give a Mr. Burns immunity.



is this a problem with bodies of water or are the swimming pools included with this problem?


Strange that they don't care that much about their reputation.

Who cares about reputation when you, your children and your children's children are set for life? As long as people still obsess over the Olympics the IOC will only get more corrupt.
Y'know what... fuckin good.

Let this be the straw that breaks the camels back.
Let every team that sends athletes have them end up unable to compete because they're sick as dogs.

Maybe, maybe, this will be the supreme fuck up that gets every country pissed off enough to finally make the IOC start acting like a governing body with the best interests of the games at their core.

Let every venue be closed due to some catastrophic failure.
Let every athlete, tourist, and sponsor, have some kind of negative experience at this bonfire of an event.
Have every road be closed by people protesting corruption, by police who haven't been paid, by citizens who've been moved out of their homes for this.

And then, at the closing ceremony. Have the head of the IOC, in his speech, admit... that it was an enormous fuck up. That they apologise unreservedly to the athletes, to the athletes countries, to their sponsors, to the people of Brazil, to the viewers at home, and to everyone else who had to put up with their continuing lack of judgement.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Y'know what... fuckin good.

Let this be the straw that breaks the camels back.
Let every team that sends athletes have them end up unable to compete because they're sick as dogs.

Maybe, maybe, this will be the supreme fuck up that gets every country pissed off enough to finally make the IOC start acting like a governing body with the best interests of the games at their core.

Let every venue be closed due to some catastrophic failure.
Let every athlete, tourist, and sponsor, have some kind of negative experience at this bonfire of an event.
Have every road be closed by people protesting corruption, by police who haven't been paid, by citizens who've been moved out of their homes for this.

And then, at the closing ceremony. Have the head of the IOC, in his speech, admit... that it was an enormous fuck up. That they apologise unreservedly to the athletes, to the athletes countries, to their sponsors, to the people of Brazil, to the viewers at home, and to everyone else who had to put up with their continuing lack of judgement.

Yeah to be honest I kind of feel the same - at this point I almost want as much to go wrong as possible (with the exception of, ya know, deaths), just so that there is no escaping it. Let it be the utter fucking disaster we are worried it will be, because that's the only way change is going to happen.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Imagine if every onsite NBC person got sick. The broadcasting would be a shit show of trying to coverup how bad it is there.
Are there Olympic sports where the athletes get into a natural body of water? All the swimming/diving sports are done in pools right? I'm not real up on what all events are scheduled, but I can't remember seeing a sport in previous games where people swam in a river or lake or anything.
Are there Olympic sports where the athletes get into a natural body of water? All the swimming/diving sports are done in pools right? I'm not real up on what all events are scheduled, but I can't remember seeing a sport in previous games where people swam in a river or lake or anything.

Rowing coverage begins this Saturday!
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