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Forbes Contributor: “Why Sony Is About To Crush Microsoft All Over Again”


2020 is going to be a fascinating year for the video game industry. We haven’t had a new console generation launch since 2013, and it’s high time we got our hands on some new gaming hardware.

Sure, the Nintendo Switch launched back in 2017, which isn’t that long ago, but it set itself apart from the “console wars” by doing something entirely different from the competition. Besides, it’s entirely possible that Nintendo will launch a new Nintendo Switch Pro this year as a direct response to Sony and Microsoft’s big console releases this Fall.

Sony is launching the PlayStation 5 and Microsoft is releasing the Xbox Series X, and both systems promise to bring a big leap in gaming fidelity and horsepower over the current crop of consoles. But Sony has some clear advantages that should give it a decisive edge in the next-gen console wars.

While we still haven’t learned all about either one of these systems, including just how powerful each one is, we do know some crucial details that can help us make at least a few educated guesses.

There are a number of reasons why I think Sony will come out on top once again in the next-gen console wars. The PlayStation platform has historically had better exclusives, for one thing. Games like Bloodborne, Marvel’s Spider-Man, Uncharted 4, God Of War and The Last Of Us are all terrific, and Microsoft hasn’t been able to keep up.

Sony’s current lead with the PS4 is another reason. The PS4 has outsold the Xbox One globally, and that higher install base gives Sony an advantage with the PS5 as well.

But the real reason why the PlayStation 5 has such an advantage over the Xbox Series X has to do with the two companies’ different strategies with first-party exclusives. Microsoft has announced that its first-party games will be available across Xbox One, Xbox Series X and PC.

I think that’s an admirable plan, but it’s not necessarily the best way to sell a new console. Sure, it will almost certainly earn Microsoft good will from gamers, but why bother buying an Xbox Series X system when you can just keep playing everything on your Xbox One or PC? At the very least, consumers will have no reason to upgrade in a hurry.

Meanwhile, Sony will have true next-gen exclusives as well as cross-generation releases. I suspect games like The Last Of Us Part II will release on both PS4 and PS5, but they won’t release on PC—at least not any time soon. Meanwhile, fairly quickly we’ll start to see PS5 exclusives that can’t be played anywhere but on a PS5. PS4 owners will have a very compelling reason to upgrade, and since PS5 will be backwards compatible with PS4 they’ll be able to take their PS4 catalogue along with them. Backwards compatibility used to be an Xbox advantage, but that will no longer be the case when it comes to PS5 vs Xbox Series X.

This will give Sony a huge edge over Microsoft, not just at launch but in the first couple years of sales. And those are crucial years in which player bases are formed. Both Sony and Nintendo give consumers a solid reason to buy their video game systems—you can’t play PlayStation or Nintendo exclusives anywhere else. Microsoft is more generous when it comes to choices, but that generosity may come back to bite the Xbox Series X in the long run.

And even if Sony starts releasing some of its titles on PC—like Horizon Zero Dawnthese games won’t be released on PC until years later. So why buy an Xbox Series X when you could just have a gaming PC? The most sensible thing for consumers is a PS5 / gaming PC / Nintendo Switch combination. The Xbox just feels redundant at this point. I’m sure the Series X will be state-of-the-art and there may be other advantages it has over the PS5 that we don’t know about yet, but right now the PS5 seems like the clear choice.

Sony should be revealing more details about its upcoming next-gen system in February. Stay tuned.

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikka...-going-to-crush-microsoft-all-over-again/amp/

Someone should tell him that he’s suppose to be shilling for Microsoft.
Honestly, all these articles claiming precognition over how well any of these systems are going to do, either in raw numbers or overal financial terms, is talking out of their arse.

Sony are the market leader, made a ridiculous profit this generation, and have an incredibly strong and diverse library of games and play styles, so sure, they'll probably end up dominating gaming as usual. Even their worst selling home console is still the 5th best selling ever after all.

But past success, no matter how consistent, is no guarantee of future success.

Microsoft are really good at fucking up, and are usually the 'also ran' of gaming, but thats not stopped them before and it's not looking likely it's going to ever stop them at this point.

Gaming is a problem they're happy to toss endless cash at, in the hopes one day they'll purchase a winning formula.

This gen, with the new studios they've bought, the insanely cheap game prices they're offering and the sheer volume of good will they're generating/purchasing from the gaming press (lets be fair, is there really a difference there?) may well finally have them buying the golden ticket to the success they've always acted like they've had.

Meanwhile Nintendo will Nintendo and make stacks of cash while seemingly not know what decade it is, or that any form of gaming exists outside their own stuff.

They will probably do really well, might rewrite how the entire industry works, have a slim chance of fucking up massively, or could end up doing great in complete isolation to any other trends in the wider gaming space.

Anyone that tells you they know how next gen is going to go down, who is poised to be the 'winner' or 'change gaming as we know it', is full of shite basically.
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RSI Employee of the Year
I mean, he is right, shilling or not. Only those will want to buy a Series X who want to play MS exclusives and hates gaming on PC. That includes me. And if it will have much better hardware than PS5 then it will be also better for third party games.

You, me, and especially this writer, don't know.

Incidentally, he's not shilling. He's flamebaiting for clicks. That's different.


You, me, and especially this writer, don't know.

Incidentally, he's not shilling. He's flamebaiting for clicks. That's different.
What is that we don't know? Among the things I mentioned the only thing that we can't possibly know is if he is shilling or not. And TBH I don't even care if he does or not.
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Neo Member
Clickbait, but the PS5 will obviously sell better than the next Xbox.

The thing is, with the rise of the subscription services and MS putting its games on several platforms, hardware sales is not the only indicator of success anymore.
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Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier

Nvm its Forbes
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Gold Member
Am i crazy or they put out an article where they said the exact opposite some time ago.

What a bunch of bipolar clueless people...
Or lets just wait for both consoles to come out and ignore clickbait articles. These articles are made to stir the pot. So why jump in? Just ignore it. Stop posting them. Don’t give them the attention


Suffers from extreme PDS
Imagine putting all that time into an article that no one will read? That person probably wasted an entire afternoon writing that garbage and no one will even open the page!

But Sony will crush Microsoft again! Somehow selling 50 million consoles on the back of Don Mattrick is getting crushed 😂😂😂
Clickbait, but the PS5 will obviously sell better than the next Xbox.

The thing is, with the rise of the subscription services and MS putting its games on several platforms, hardware sales is not the only indicator of success anymore.
It is when discussing install base.


He is probably right but still... you can't take Forbes too seriously.

As far as I am concerned PlayStation has hurt their most faithful customers with some of their most recent moves. The leaks about games going to PC, crossplay, cross-save, not answering MS's acquisitions in kind. The loss of several key popular PlayStation execs...

The move away from big conferences is also disappointing, E3 2015 and 2016 were great memories and the new 'state of plays' are (in a word) shite.


Same argument. Different day. Ok Forbes I’ll submit.

Yes I’ll buy a PC for $1000 and a PS5 for $500 to get access to the same library I could get for just $1000 if I buy a XSX and PS5. (Sure I could use that extra $500 to buy games but this way I get to stick it to Spencer. Grin your way through this you bastard-I’m going to Micro Center!!)

Yes I’ll take the time to research motherboards and graphic cards to come up with the perfect future-proof but still budget-friendly PC build. Then I’ll order the parts and wait a week for them to arrive so that I can spend 4-6 frustrating hours putting it together and waiting on the phone for tech support when I could just drive over to Best Buy and pick up a XSX.

(Remember when I was the confused grandparent who would be hopelessly confused by the name of MS’s new console? Well I am now magically no longer that according to Forbes it seems. I am now a tech savvy millennial with a full working knowledge of graphic card benchmarks and RGB lighting. I wasn’t literate enough to read the name of MS’s new console on a box but I now can interpret all of these PC build instructions and online self help forum posts. Gee that’s awesome. Thanks Forbes. 👍)

Also I will definitely trade the ease of plug and play on XSX for the hassle of PC gaming in my living room and force myself to use a mouse and keyboard to compete in PC multiplayer lobbies (with a wireless keyboard mouse combo balanced on my lap) when I would prefer to use a controller.

Are we good now? Did I get it all right? Fantastic. Now if I don’t need to placate you any further Forbes I’d love it you’d just leave me in peace with my consoles and stop recycling this tired ridiculous argument.
Honestly, all these articles claiming precognition over how well any of these systems are going to do, either in raw numbers or overal financial terms, is talking out of their arse.

Sony are the market leader, made a ridiculous profit this generation, and have an incredibly strong and diverse library of games and play styles, so sure, they'll probably end up dominating gaming as usual. Even their worst selling home console is still the 5th best selling ever after all.

But past success, no matter how consistent, is no guarantee of future success.

Microsoft are really good at fucking up, and are usually the 'also ran' of gaming, but thats not stopped them before and it's not looking likely it's going to ever stop them at this point.

Gaming is a problem they're happy to toss endless cash at, in the hopes one day they'll purchase a winning formula.

This gen, with the new studios they've bought, the insanely cheap game prices they're offering and the sheer volume of good will they're generating/purchasing from the gaming press (lets be fair, is there really a difference there?) may well finally have them buying the golden ticket to the success they've always acted like they've had.

Meanwhile Nintendo will Nintendo and make stacks of cash while seemingly not know what decade it is, or that any form of gaming exists outside their own stuff.

They will probably do really well, might rewrite how the entire industry works, have a slim chance of fucking up massively, or could end up doing great in complete isolation to any other trends in the wider gaming space.

Anyone that tells you they know how next gen is going to go down, who is poised to be the 'winner' or 'change gaming as we know it', is full of shite basically.



Everyone seems to be overestimating the difference between a next generation only game and a game that will be able to be downgraded enough to work on past generation consoles.

The difference, especially in the first few years is not as big as people think.

Better graphics, higher resolution, quicker load times, more enemies and more enemies etc are all that we can expect to see and all can be done over 2 generations of consoles.

The reason I know this..... Pc gaming.

You can reduce graphics that much you can play games on garbage pc's and you can crank up the settings to make it look amazing.

I feel bad for you if you believe it is any different at least the first few years.

I'd love to be proven wrong as I'll pick up whatever I need to so I can play the games I want to play.


Microsoft does not care who sells more consoles this gen, only fanboys do. It's all about long-term revenue.
So why bring out a console at all? Why not just let people buy Sony's console?

I will say that Forbes has written some ridiculously spectacular rubbish regarding gaming, so I would take this with the smallest grains of sand. I think Microsoft sending out the idea that console sales do not matter (and its fans buying into that horseshit) is a far better indicator of how fucked they might be than anything Forbes has to say.
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Sony Net Worth: $45 Billion

Microsoft Net Worth: $760 Billion

Interactive chart of historical net worth (market cap) for Sony (SNE) over the last 10 years. How much a company is worth is typically represented by its market capitalization, or the current stock price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding. Sony net worth as of January 28, 2020 is $89.9B.

They are a very hot growth stock at the moment...
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Interactive chart of historical net worth (market cap) for Sony (SNE) over the last 10 years. How much a company is worth is typically represented by its market capitalization, or the current stock price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding. Sony net worth as of January 28, 2020 is $89.9B.

Google Lied to me (I'll assume MS is now higher too)

Still, they are no threat to MS at all. In fact, MS should just buy them out and have both consoles.


Google Lied to me (I'll assume MS is now higher too)

Still, they are no threat to MS at all. In fact, MS should just buy them out and have both consoles.
MS went over a trillion a year or so ago, not sure where they are now...
But both are doing quite well, Sony being a Japanese company held its value down for a long time due to the economy there.


MS went over a trillion a year or so ago, not sure where they are now...
But both are doing quite well, Sony being a Japanese company held its value down for a long time due to the economy there.

Sony are doing okay now. But there was a time when they were very special.

When I was a kid, if it wasn't Sony, it was trash :messenger_grinning_smiling: My Walkman, TV, VCR, and Hi-fi were all Sony. The kings of electronics.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
He is probably right but still... you can't take Forbes too seriously.

As far as I am concerned PlayStation has hurt their most faithful customers with some of their most recent moves. The leaks about games going to PC, crossplay, cross-save, not answering MS's acquisitions in kind. The loss of several key popular PlayStation execs...

The move away from big conferences is also disappointing, E3 2015 and 2016 were great memories and the new 'state of plays' are (in a word) shite.

Next week when Sony presents the PS5 nobody cares about those complains anymore. And after Sony has presented their PS5 exclusives for 2020 and beyond, all this meme will be everywhere.

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I'm hoping Sony releases they're exclusives on PC also. Then I haven no reason to buy a PS5 either. Then it can only be PC + Nintendo. Come on Sony you can do it. Release those exclusives on PC
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