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Horizon: Zero Dawn Trailer (Guerrilla, post-apocalyptic pre-historic adventure)


Gold Member
Man, all those years of saying 'Imagine if this technically gifted studio wasn't working on a franchise as shit as Killzone?'

Well, all these years later, here we are. One of the top 5 games of E3. Was incredible.

Killzone is definitely NOT shit. However, if this turns out to be as good as it currently looks, it may be retired for a good while.


Horizon |OT| We Sure This is Exclusive?

Don't be silly with wishful thinking. It's made by Guerrilla Games… the same devs who made Killzone. They are owned by Sony.

Here's one last GIF of the HORIZON trailer for tonight. Tell me this doesn't look awesome.



Time to buy a PS4, chap!

The reasons to own one keep adding up. TLG with its good showing and storied history, and then this amazing AMAZING looking new IP -- as a one two punch -- Just about left me reeling. They won E3 10 minutes into their conference.
I have no nostalgia for FFVII or Shenmue and I only just like Team Ico games so this was, without a doubt, the best game shown at Sony's press conference. A female protagonist is guaranteed to pique my interest so I am excited about that.


Man, I love Guerrilla's production design/aesthetic.

I'm not really sure what this game is about but I'm always on board for what appears to be more hunting action titles.
Probably most anticipated game for me out of all the conferences. NMS and Halo are up there too, but this we hardly knew anything about so was definitely a glorious surprise.
It takes something unique to get me to want to buy a game day one

I want this game day one.

The graphics are gorgeous even if the art style is a bit generic and ugly. The concept of fighting robot dinosaurs is awesome. I won't judge the story's quality yet. But damn. I'm excited. Sony pulled out a good show and Microsoft was not easy to follow.
What is there not to understand?

It's basically Terminator/GameOfThronesWildlings

Terminator in the sense of -- technology and computers got so intelligent that they turned on humans and killed them all, almost making them extinct.

The only survivors are these small tribes, which have to resort to primitive means of living and battle (Game of Thrones Wildlings influence in looks obviously).

Then why do they look like dinosaurs? See this is why you dont start trying to make sense of it. Just acknowledge that there is no way this makes sense and roll with it.


Ok so the story looks really dumb, like the whole tribes thing does nothing for me and wtf are there giant robot dinosaurs in the first place, but a) it's gorgeous, and b) it actually looks really fun. Color me surprised.

Guessing you probably need to play the game to understand the story ;)
Don't be silly with wishful thinking. It's made by Guerrilla Games… the same devs who made Killzone.

They are owned by Sony.

Here's one last GIF of the HORIZON trailer for tonight. Tell me this doesn't look awesome.


Very aware. It was what we went through with Bloodborne as well. Finding it funny it has to be talked about even from Sony first party games
This girl would beat the crap out of TR2013 Lara.

And because robots have clearly replaced most real animals in this far-flung future. This woman likely hasn't grown up with the idea that robots and animals are fundamentally different.

It was like the stupid dear thing. I don't doubt we'll stealth kill hundreds of those. Man, I just really hate needless chatter lol

At least she wasn't slow walking while she was doing it.


Nothing really surprising about it. Guerrilla are good devs. They're giving Killzone a break to try something new, and it looks fantastic!

I always felt that Guerrilla were hamstrung by the Killzone franchise. This is the best reveal of E3 for me, all these sequels (Uncharted, Halo, Fallout, Assassin's Creed...) have got me fatigued at this point.

also what do they eat if all the animals are robots
what do the robots eat do they need to eat?
How do robots reproduce
So many questions


I knew it was something special from all the leaks, but damn, that was the best of show. If they nail that story, it's going to be amazing.


Then why do they look like dinosaurs? See this is why you dont start trying to make sense of it. Just acknowledge that there is no way this makes sense and roll with it.

Perhaps humans made the robots in the image of Dinosaurs.

and because it's a video game. Regular robots just wouldn't be as unique and have already been done time and time again.


Naughty Dog watch out Guerilla is steeping up!

Indeed. UC4 got a "okay, that's nice." out of me. Horizon made my hair stand upright. It drew me in instantly. I love creative fantasy worlds. I love merging fantasy and sci fi. I love it. It's so beautiful. It's open world. It's robot dinosaurs. I just need this. I've never been so insantly drawn to a game since I don't know when. I just love it. I love it.
You know, the fact that between TLG/FF7/Shenmue3 and that I hate shooters, and I can still look back at this and say "yeah, that was pretty fun" probably means that this game looks amazing.

So congrats to Guerrilla, I might actually play this =X


My game of the show!, loved it...plus it will get more hype due to dinosaur buzz generated by jurassic world. They should capitalize on it.
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