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Horizon: Zero Dawn Trailer (Guerrilla, post-apocalyptic pre-historic adventure)


It's our world. That's the UK on the top of the picture.


And The Netherlands and Belgium next to it (y)

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I have said Laura Bailey, part ways because it sounds like her and also because Travis Willingham, her husband, wrote on Twitter that she would appear on Sonys as well (after Microsoft, she was in halo and gears). The only female character that could be Bailey was Aloy. Hence I think it's her. It isn't written in stone though, I may be wrong.

It was Bailey. Her voice has a distinctive sound to it that cannot be hidden no matter how much she tried, hahaha.

I'm betting on them being self replicating and autonomous.

Stuff like this usually ended with mad scientist or rogue AIs, or rogue AIs created by a mad scientist, hahaha.

Man, can't wait.
I keep replaying this trailer and every time I notice something new.

The watcher bot is actually a snake inside a tube - look how the tube slides when it's about to sound the alarm:


Imagine a group of them suddenly ejecting from their bodies and chasing you like snakes. Holy shit.

Nice find.


Main character whose name looks/sounds like "Alloy"?
Who is an 'outcast'?
Who has a mysterious past and will discover her destiny?

Staking a shiny pound coin that Aloy is part machine herself...
Main character whose name looks/sounds like "Alloy"?
Who is an 'outcast'?
Who has a mysterious past and will discover her destiny?

Staking a shiny pound coin that Aloy is part machine herself...
Something that I thought about too when I heard the alloy-name. But how can she be part-machine? Guess we'll have to wait for the game.


Main character whose name looks/sounds like "Alloy"?
Who is an 'outcast'?
Who has a mysterious past and will discover her destiny?

Staking a shiny pound coin that Aloy is part machine herself...

Twist: All the humans are robots and all the robots are humans trapped inside robots.
I've said it before but very few games ( Shadow of the Colossus, Dragons Dogma) make fighting such large creatures look so good and but also show the depth of the combat system. Very promising.
My theory: the purpose of the robots was to regenerate the Earth, hence their interaction with eating and possibly exhausting some sort of chemicals that help plant growth. Originally they were created just to resemble animals but at some point they simply took over
If Shinobi is around I wonder how similar this showing was to what he saw back in the day? He got basically all of it right, besides the SP and MP stuff. Only MP.


I still can't get over how PRETTY it is. The colours of the vegetation, Aloy's hair, the metal shaders from Killzone:SF, all with the snow as contrast. Sogood.gif

And the fact that this is being MADE! I mean, how 80s is this shit? I love it.

I'm not a huge fan of open worlds, though, I prefer closed but big and well-crafted arenas over endless,mostly barren and fetch-quest filled worlds.


I actually hope we can't customize her. I want to see another female character shine. Become an icon like Lara, Drake, etc. Maybe just her clothing change but even if that's not included it's okay. What clothes can cave(wo)man put on to defend from 50 foot metal dinos. Lol
My theory: the purpose of the robots was to regenerate the Earth, hence their interaction with eating and possibly exhausting some sort of chemicals that help plant growth. Originally they were created just to resemble animals but at some point they simply took over
This is a good theory
I can't remember GAF being more positive about a game lately...And I'm glad :)

This feels like a game designed to appeal to the core gamer first and foremost. An action RPG written by the guy who wrote Fallout New Vegas, with some of the staff from CDPR on board, featuring a woman protagonist, a massive seamless open world, a post-apocalyptic scenario and most of all, robot fucking dinosaurs! It just ticks so many damn boxes; it's colourful, it's distinct, visuals are amazing, the premise is striking and it's a new IP that got a strong gameplay reveal at one of the best E3s in years.
Is Horizon an RPG with choices that effects the story like Witcher 3 and Mass Effect?

They are calling it an "open world action RPG". The impression I got from the demo was the focus is very much on the action rather than the RPG. But that may have just been for the purpose of showing off the game.


They are calling it an "open world action RPG". The impression I got from the demo was the focus is very much on the action rather than the RPG. But that may have just been for the purpose of showing off the game.

I think it will be like action RPG lite, aka soul series.
They are calling it an "open world action RPG". The impression I got from the demo was the focus is very much on the action rather than the RPG. But that may have just been for the purpose of showing off the game.

I think the depth in its systems and gameplay mechanics is going to be roughly equivalent to the Mass Effect games. It's definitely an action game at heart, based on the footage and interviews I've seen. I think they seem a little apprehensive to label it too much of an RPG, so don't go into it expecting the depth of Pillars of Eternity or whatever.
how's dragon dogma game structure is like? that's the one I've seen most similar to Horizon, both features fight with huge bosses, open world, and Horizon also had concept art with multiple people taking down bosses which could be NPCs or AI teammates


So beautiful,

Also i really do hope they give her a little bit of muscle, you would think she would have a little muscle action going on lifting that cannon up. I know size doesn't equal strength but I don't think adding some muscles in a few spots will hurt.

Women don't really build muscle that way though. I lift and keep up with the fitness industry a decent amount, and most women powerlifters really aren't that big. Bulk only happens with women when they take testosterone or other supplements or PEDs. Women can have a huge squat or deadlift and still be really lean. Strong does not equal bulky in men, and definitely not in women.

Seeing more of these pictures, I really feel like the dinosaur/machine creatures would make Giger proud, though he would have had more phallic/sexual imagery in them I'm sure. But still, I'd guess that the artists had quite a bit of Giger hanging around the office, combined with dinosaur art. Looks awesome, I'm just hoping more footage comes out of E3.

Dr. Buni

That robot dino's design and some of its movements are very Deviljho-like
This feels like a game designed to appeal to the core gamer first and foremost. An action RPG written by the guy who wrote Fallout New Vegas, with some of the staff from CDPR on board, featuring a woman protagonist, a massive seamless open world, a post-apocalyptic scenario and most of all, robot fucking dinosaurs! It just ticks so many damn boxes; it's colourful, it's distinct, visuals are amazing, the premise is striking and it's a new IP that got a strong gameplay reveal at one of the best E3s in years.
Featuring a woman protagonist who isn't being used to bait perverts into buying the game, on top of that. Aloy's design is too good.


As with most high testosterone males we want to come home from a long day at work and put on a video game and feel empowered for a short while.

As a super high testosterone male I don't even need videogames to feel empowered.

My lust for real world conquest is the fire that burns in my heart.


i think it will resemble more Shadow of Mordor kind of action rpg.

I think so too. A simple skill tree, something like Watch Dogs or Far Cry 4. Not super deep but will allow you to specialise in your chosen kind of gameplay.

Is there no health bar in this game? Surely an ARPG would have a life bar and build skills and items around it?
I think so too. A simple skill tree, something like Watch Dogs or Far Cry 4. Not super deep but will allow you to specialise in your chosen kind of gameplay.

Is there no health bar in this game? Surely an ARPG would have a life bar and build skills and items around it?
I expect a lot more than that. I would bet a full skill tree - Amalur is probably a good comparison for what I'm anticipating. Then heavy crafting a la a weird mix of TLoU and MonHun. I think it'll be a full blown RPG with leveling up, choosing abilities, and increasing stats, not just minor RPG elements.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Looks great, hopefully they can keep it at a solid frame rate.


Any chance this game is out early to mid 2016 being that it's been in development for around 5 years? I think it's possible but I wouldn't mind this being a fall 2016 game with all the games coming early 2016.
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