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Horizon: Zero Dawn Trailer (Guerrilla, post-apocalyptic pre-historic adventure)

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
This chance of them showing this game was producing the most hype for me before the show and now here we are.. with the most out left field gg done gone shown everyone what beautiful means AGAIN lookin ass mother fucker that looks to play baller as well.

Dig the tribal as hell chic and her baller ass hair as well.

Bought x1000 day 0 and in for the ride. I really hope it does fantastic and any follow up has coop of any sort cause gat dayum that would be fuckininsane.

E3 man...damn.


Incredibly Naive
Can we try to move on, let's keep the thread on track. I was lucky enough to meet the team working on this tonight. They seem really in love with the idea, and it really further solidified my confidence that this ip will be something special.


Yup and I'm one of them. Nothing against females. I love them and respect them. I have the best girlfriend in the world and I treat her like a princess. But playing as one in a video game I cannot.

I just cannot enjoy it and immerse my self into the world. As with most high testosterone males we want to come home from a long day at work and put on a video game and feel empowered for a short while. I just cant do that when playing as chick with big tits and vagina.

only exception is Ellie from Last of US. and I have no idea why it didn't bother me with her.

I realize I'm going to get a lot of hate for his post and probably get banned from GAF but just wanted to be honest.

i hope i don't get banned but i agree. every time i play as a female i have one hand on the controller and the other around my testicles to remind myself that i'm still male. it makes for a terrible gaming experience and must be stopped.
I just can't get over how amazing this looks...I must have watched the gameplay video a hundred times! I love absolutely everything about it. Easily game of the show in my opinion :)))


Man I can't wait. Aloy looks awesome and I'm getting serious Enslaved vibes which is sweet because I loved that game. And single player only is icing on the cake.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
i hope i don't get banned but i agree. every time i play as a female i have one hand on the controller and the other around my testicles to remind myself that i'm still male. it makes for a terrible gaming experience and must be stopped.
I was so sure this was a joke, but the opening of the post leaves me so confused...


Looks like they are stacking up nominations:

I like how the herbivores have some kind of chemical bottles on their backs, probably for chemical synthesis reasons and the long necks have a rather big solar plane on their head.

There really seems to be a system behind it, despite being robosaurs.

However, the director said the game is only targeted for 2016... :(


Felium Defensor
Had my jaw on the floor from start to finish of gameplay demo/trailer. I love everything about this. GG take your sweet ass time with this cause you must get it right.


i hope i don't get banned but i agree. every time i play as a female i have one hand on the controller and the other around my testicles to remind myself that i'm still male. it makes for a terrible gaming experience and must be stopped.

I don't get it.
Edit: ya got me


Can we try to move on, let's keep the thread on track. I was lucky enough to meet the team working on this tonight. They seem really in love with the idea, and it really further solidified my confidence that this ip will be something special.

Can you spill any more details on the game?
I like how the herbivores have some kind of chemical bottles on their backs, probably for chemical synthesis reasons and the long necks have a rather big solar plane on their head. :(

When I first saw the long necks…their heads reminded me more of an AWACS radar than a solar panel…maybe those guys are used for long range recon?


Was confirmed by accident on the Playstation E3 stage show stream that this game will have 'tons of quests'. The other fellow with him on the stage show (the same guy who debuted the game on the press conference stage), said to him "you just said there were quests in the game", there's an awkward laugh between the two with him finally saying "no no, that's alright".

Sounds like some Monster Hunter-ass Monster Hunter to me. I need it now.

EDIT: http://www.twitch.tv/playstation/v/6249998 starting @ 8:38


Was confirmed by accident on the Playstation E3 stage show stream that this game will have 'tons of quests'. The other fellow with him on the stage show (the same guy who debuted the game on the press conference stage), said to him "you just said there were quests in the game", there's an awkward laugh between the two with him finally saying "no no, that's alright".

Sounds like some Monster Hunter-ass Monster Hunter to me. I need it now.
Well it is an open world RPG.

I bet you have to do bounties and such.
The new tribal cities look so nice and the ancient cities all overgrown look even nicer. The world reeeealy struck a cord with me. I can't wait to explore it. I need to see more of this game ASAP. I'm so thirsty.

I want to explore there so bad.

sorry about shitty quality, its screencaps from my mobile
obviously near the end of the game they will have a plot twist and introduce new more dangerous enemies to both human and machine, so Aloi and her tribes had to team up with Robodinos to take down this new threat.

or so I hoped.
I like how the herbivores have some kind of chemical bottles on their backs, probably for chemical synthesis reasons and the long necks have a rather big solar plane on their head.

There really seems to be a system behind it, despite being robosaurs.

However, the director said the game is only targeted for 2016... :(
That was what everyone who kept up with threads here knew
I think that the nature of the Killzone games forced GG to follow certain themes and styles. All the Helghast had to remind of you of Nazis and and they had to have some kind of gas mask on their face. With Shadow Fall they got some weird variations (like the cat face one) but at the end of the day they were limited in what they could do. I mean it would be weird if the mechs in Shadow Fall were robot dinosaurs.

I could picture them having a working meeting to decide what to work on next and saying "anything but Space Nazis, we're sick of Space Nazis." Then they came up with the wackiest thing they could think of that could let them go nuts on design.

No, seriously. I can totally see the first few months of internal round tables being filled with awesomeness. Everyone is like fuck it, random melding of contrasting ideas and complete opposites of kz. I see lots of laughs and high fives during that time haha. Was probably really enjoyable and refreshimg for the devs, which I hope is something that carries over into the soul / heart of the game.


Gold Member
Killzone:Horizon:Zero Dawn

This is Vekta 200 years after Shadowfall.

The Overall look of the game is just Perfect and absolutely believable. Aloy looks so "normal".

The devs did say this takes place 1,000 years in the future. They didn't say which universe however (Ours or Killzone).



So beautiful,

Also i really do hope they give her a little bit of muscle, you would think she would have a little muscle action going on lifting that cannon up. I know size doesn't equal strength but I don't think adding some muscles in a few spots will hurt.
Didn't aloy specifically mention batteries when shooting the 1st deer?

She just calls them "canisters."

So beautiful,

Also i really do hope they give her a little bit of muscle, you would think she would have a little muscle action going on lifting that cannon up. I know size doesn't equal strength but I don' think adding some muscles in a few spots will hurt.

But she can't have muscles. She doesn't have testosterone. Just big tits and a vagina.


Junior Member
So beautiful,

Also i really do hope they give her a little bit of muscle, you would think she would have a little muscle action going on lifting that cannon up. I know size doesn't equal strength but I don't think adding some muscles in a few spots will hurt.
Idk man, she looks pretty stocky to me. And she seems young as well. I think they nailed her look.


I don't know if this has been discussed yet, but I need my main character to have a big ol' penis for me to enjoy the game

The Lamp

Yup and I'm one of them. Nothing against females. I love them and respect them. I have the best girlfriend in the world and I treat her like a princess. But playing as one in a video game I cannot.

I just cannot enjoy it and immerse my self into the world. As with most high testosterone males we want to come home from a long day at work and put on a video game and feel empowered for a short while. I just cant do that when playing as chick with big tits and vagina.

only exception is Ellie from Last of US. and I have no idea why it didn't bother me with her.

I realize I'm going to get a lot of hate for his post and probably get banned from GAF but just wanted to be honest.

I'm sorry you feel weak whenever you play as a woman.

Good fucking grief.

Edit: lol awesome tag
After the reveal of TLG...i was in awe...and then I saw Guerrilla Games coming up...was never into Killzone :/ so was like ehh...
But after they showed the trailer I was like holllllllllly chit this is amazing i want to play that!! really excited for this game


The game is easily my most anticipated new IP... it looks absolutely spectacular... the character model is just amazing.

The action looks solid, the world beautiful and most importantly... original in the sense of dyno robots. Lightining is out of this world, the sense of scale is also incredible.

I just cant wait to learn more about the RPG elements. This could be a potential masterpiece and I do believe GG are on the right path.

If I had to nitpick one thing (and considering this is pre alpha I shouldnt) it is that there is just a tad bit of LOD issues in the distance (look at the treeline on the right in the scene where the game starts showing gameplay. Thre trees on the left get some shadow LOD as the camera pans.
I thought the voice sounded amazing :)

Guerrilla Games is one of my favorite devs, their art and technical skills are just bleeding edge as far as I'm concerned. It was always a shame storytelling became the "weak link" (which is even more sad considering how great the lore actually is). Here's hoping they can seal the deal on that as well, and just fire on all cylinders.

Probably a really stupid obscure question that I really shouldn't care so much about, but has it been confirmed that it's using their "Madder" sound engine? The sound in Shadows Fall was just soo damn good, having that be in a game like this would be soooo damn sweet.
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