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Horizon: Zero Dawn Trailer (Guerrilla, post-apocalyptic pre-historic adventure)


The devs did say this takes place 1,000 years in the future. They didn't say which universe however (Ours or Killzone).

Doesn’t it look like "our" world? It was just a joke and only the eyes look killzonish, but just because they are used as a gameelement (Red eyes=alert and so on). I don't think there will be a real Killzoneconnection.

I don't know if this has been discussed yet, but I need my main character to have a big ol' penis for me to enjoy the game
You will have a skillbar for that
I like her voice, I don't mind her talking at all. It also helps that she's also one of my favorite VAs being Shin-chan's voice n' all. I've always reveled in that fact LOL


Didn't aloy specifically mention batteries when shooting the 1st deer?

Naw, she says canisters and here

it definitely looks like liquid sloshing around in 'em.


Gold Member
Doesn’t it look like "our" world? It was just a joke and only the eyes look killzonish, but just because they are used as a gameelement (Red eyes=alert and so on). I don't think there will be a real Killzoneconnection.

I think the mechanical parts are inspired by Killzone and it shows. The art in Killzone: Shadow Fall was fantastic, and this brings that to a whole new level.

It would be neat if this is in the KZ Universe somehow, in the same vein as Prometheus was in Aliens.

Naw, she says canisters and here

it definitely looks like liquid sloshing around in 'em.

I did not notice that until now. Man Sony first party bringing all those "little things" in their games.


I like the fact she is talking a lot :)

Ah I have to agree on that as well. Too much talking is not needed. It looked like she was narrating her every moment lol.

But I think they did it on purpose for demo reasons, explaining for example that the small machine can detect her so she has to hide, that these machines have cannisters she is looking for etc etc. So the viewer knows what this is about a bit.

I think she wont talk as much in the final game.

"someones angry" line is also cheesy as hell :p

Typically I'm indifferent about immersion, but this game makes me want to play it HUD-less.

Every game should be played HUD less.

I even played W3 HUD less... on Death March, no mini map, no energy bars nothing. Sublime experience.
I think the mechanical parts are inspired by Killzone and it shows. The art in Killzone: Shadow Fall was fantastic, and this brings that to a whole new level.

It would be neat if this is in the KZ Universe somehow, in the same vein as Prometheus was in Aliens.

Honestly, the art from Killzone 2 and above was always just top notch. All of the enemy, level, weapon, skyboxes etc etc. Their stages are always so busy too, they don't waste an opportunity to bring some activity to the scene.

Every game should be played HUD less.

I even played W3 HUD less... on Death March, no mini map, no energy bars nothing. Sublime experience.

I think I'm going to try this :p Is Death March the hardest mode?


I think the mechanical parts are inspired by Killzone and it shows. The art in Killzone: Shadow Fall was fantastic, and this brings that to a whole new level.
Yep, that is True. Gg always Had great style/ artdesign and of course I can see the inspiration. I think I just don't need to fight against Helghast (I think you know what I mean. This is something new). But a few easter eggs or something like finding a usable Helmet while exploring the cities of the old world would be awesome.

Are there Any Infos about other tribes yet? Maybe fighting (sure) and trading will be a big part and create some replayability, depending on which tribe you chose as friend/enemy.
I like how the herbivores have some kind of chemical bottles on their backs, probably for chemical synthesis reasons and the long necks have a rather big solar plane on their head.

There really seems to be a system behind it, despite being robosaurs.

However, the director said the game is only targeted for 2016... :(

My guess is humans were running out of fossil fuels and designed these dinopowergatherers' which somehow took over and wiped most of humanity out. The dinomechs with solar panels? the dinomechs with green canisters looks like there getting something from the grass?...

Looks great but my god is the protagonist talky. She talks way too much.

Agreed the only thing I didn't like about it.

They got overly inspired by Uncharted and if your writing isn't on point it ends up sounding very bad.

Agreed. It's exactly what I thought. Def needs toning down. Almost a mix of Drake and Ellie (TLOU). Nah. She's got to be her own character for me or talk less!

The game is easily my most anticipated new IP... it looks absolutely spectacular... the character model is just amazing.

The action looks solid, the world beautiful and most importantly... original in the sense of dyno robots. Lightining is out of this world, the sense of scale is also incredible.

I just cant wait to learn more about the RPG elements. This could be a potential masterpiece and I do believe GG are on the right path.

If I had to nitpick one thing (and considering this is pre alpha I shouldnt) it is that there is just a tad bit of LOD issues in the distance (look at the treeline on the right in the scene where the game starts showing gameplay. Thre trees on the left get some shadow LOD as the camera pans.

Yeah. LOD here and there. I hope they tidy this up. I noticed it on UC4 too.


Yeah. LOD here and there. I hope they tidy this up. I noticed it on UC4 too.

In all honesty I couldnt for the life of me notice LOD issues or pop in in UC4 demo... I even made a post about it after being so impressed by that fact :S

As for the Horizon protagonist talking, again I have to say it is mainly due to demo reasons I believe.
In all honesty I couldnt for the life of me notice LOD issues or pop in in UC4 demo... I even made a post about it after being so impressed by that fact :S

As for the Horizon protagonist talking, again I have to say it is mainly due to demo reasons I believe.

Well its there and my eyes are fucked (over 40+) lol.! Look from the 4x4 part. Happens on some building and I think just as it pulls to close up before they see the truck on the bridge. I think a few other times too iirc.

It's neither here nor there and I'm not complaining but I def noticed it.:)


Is this supposed to be open world? Awesome if true!
Yep, more details:
Horizon Zero Dawn is set in a lush, beautiful open world where nature has reclaimed the ruins of a forgotten civilization. It is a world where mankind is not the dominant species, and highly advanced machines sit at the top of the food chain. You play as Aloy, a young outcast from a tribal society, who has learned to hunt the machines. Intent on unraveling the many mysteries that surround her, Aloy embarks on a quest that will lead her to discover her own destiny.

Along the way, Aloy will face off against an entire menagerie of machines – some traveling in herds, others roaming in solitude, all of them presenting a formidable danger. You will need to learn their behaviors, attack patterns and weak points in order to survive. You must use the beautiful environments to your advantage, and employ stealth, agility, and cunning to approach your prey unseen.

Of course, you won’t be hunting unarmed in Horizon Zero Dawn. Aloy is capable of combining natural materials with machine parts to turn them into ingenious weapons, ammunition, traps, and tools. By cleverly using the right items at the right moment, you can exploit weak points and bring down even the largest machines. Unfortunately, the most dangerous machines aren’t necessarily the biggest…

  • A Lush Post-Apocalyptic World – How have machines dominated this world, and what is their purpose? What happened to the civilization here before? Scour every corner of a realm filled with ancient relics and mysterious buildings in order to uncover your past and unearth the many secrets of a forgotten land.
  • Nature and Machines Collide – Horizon Zero Dawn juxtaposes two contrasting elements, taking a vibrant world rich with beautiful nature and filling it with awe-inspiring highly advanced technology. This marriage creates a dynamic combination for both exploration and gameplay.
  • Defy Overwhelming Odds – The foundation of combat in Horizon Zero Dawn is built upon the speed and cunning of Aloy versus the raw strength and size of the machines. In order to overcome a much larger and technologically superior enemy, Aloy must use every ounce of her knowledge, intelligence, and agility to survive each encounter.
  • Cutting Edge Open World Tech: Stunningly detailed forests, imposing mountains, and atmospheric ruins of a bygone civilization meld together in a landscape that is alive with changing weather systems and a full day/night cycle.


you guys think that we will fight other humans or even biological beasts instead of just machines?

IIRC from what i understand there are multiple tribes across the world, and you can help them out or they can turn against you if you do something that hurts them. Not sure if there's a big human antagonist behind everything or something though.

Sounds right up my street.

you guys think that we will fight other humans or even biological beasts instead of just machines?

Umm, maybe not. I imagine the world will be pretty desolate and lonely. I think it would be a jar to fight humans too much as well when there is the opportunity to fight against so many different types of dino-mech.


I just wanna know what the robots use that green juice for

My guess is that its biofuel or something similar. You can see some of them eating grass.
I assume they are robots that mimic animals and other lifeforms. Eating is far more sustainable than recharging at a port or something.

Cant wait to read more about this. I remember Guerilla had an insane story for Killzone but it is never flushed out in the game. I believe Guerilla wants to be storytellers and I hope they get their chance.
even after the KZ3 & SF butchering


I can't get over how amazing this game looks. I keep looking for anything I can find on it. So blown away by this game.

Was confirmed by accident on the Playstation E3 stage show stream that this game will have 'tons of quests'. The other fellow with him on the stage show (the same guy who debuted the game on the press conference stage), said to him "you just said there were quests in the game", there's an awkward laugh between the two with him finally saying "no no, that's alright".

Sounds like some Monster Hunter-ass Monster Hunter to me. I need it now.

EDIT: http://www.twitch.tv/playstation/v/6249998 starting @ 8:38

Thanks for posting that interview. It was great.
I'm sure some of this has been detailed, but I'm just watching this interview with two of the guys from Guerrilla (Herman Hulst [studio head] and Matthias de Jonge [game director]) and have noted some details:

  • They describe it as an open world action RPG, a "seamless open world"
  • Aloy is the main character, she is around 20 years old and a machine hunter by profession. Pronounced 'A-loy'
  • It's set around 1000 years after an apocalypse, nature has reclaimed the world and the tribes have only ever know the presence of these machine creatures
  • Has been in development for 4.5 years. Was in production with a small team before Shadow Fall shipped, most of the them moved over to help finish that and then the whole studio came back to Horizon and it's been in full development for 18 months. Currently in pre-alpha
  • Uses the same engine as Shadow Fall
  • Resources harvested from enemies are used to craft things such as new weapons, ammo, tools etc
  • "By far the biggest game we have ever made"


I'm sure some of this has been detailed, but I'm just watching this interview with two of the guys from Guerrilla (Herman Hulst [studio head] and Matthias de Jonge [game director]) and have noted some details:

  • They describe it as an open world action RPG, a "seamless open world"
  • Aloy is the main character, she is around 20 years old and a machine hunter by profession. Pronounced 'A-loy'
  • It's set around 1000 years after an apocalypse, nature has reclaimed the world and the tribes have only ever know the presence of these machine creatures
  • Has been in development for 4.5 years. Was in production with a small team before Shadow Fall shipped, most of the them moved over to help finish that and then the whole studio came back to Horizon and it's been in full development for 18 months. Currently in pre-alpha
  • Uses the same engine as Shadow Fall
  • Resources harvested from enemies are used to craft things such as new weapons, ammo, tools etc
  • "By far the biggest game we have ever made"

In development for 4.5 years? Wow, this is going to be big.
I'm sure some of this has been detailed, but I'm just watching this interview with two of the guys from Guerrilla (Herman Hulst [studio head] and Matthias de Jonge [game director]) and have noted some details:

  • They describe it as an open world action RPG, a "seamless open world"
  • Aloy is the main character, she is around 20 years old and a machine hunter by profession. Pronounced 'A-loy'
  • It's set around 1000 years after an apocalypse, nature has reclaimed the world and the tribes have only ever know the presence of these machine creatures
  • Has been in development for 4.5 years. Was in production with a small team before Shadow Fall shipped, most of the them moved over to help finish that and then the whole studio came back to Horizon and it's been in full development for 18 months. Currently in pre-alpha
  • Uses the same engine as Shadow Fall
  • Resources harvested from enemies are used to craft things such as new weapons, ammo, tools etc
  • "By far the biggest game we have ever made"

Well this last point doesn't mean much considering they have generally made linear FPS games, but I have no doubts about their ability to create a large and beautiful world.
Aloy's voice sounds really familiar, any clues on who the voice actress is?
I have said Laura Bailey, part ways because it sounds like her and also because Travis Willingham, her husband, wrote on Twitter that she would appear on Sonys as well (after Microsoft, she was in halo and gears). The only female character that could be Bailey was Aloy. Hence I think it's her. It isn't written in stone though, I may be wrong.
Well this last point doesn't mean much considering they have generally made linear FPS games, but I have no doubts about their ability to create a large and beautiful world.

Yeah; in terms of scope this was obviously going to be their biggest game ever, but I didn't know whether he was perhaps referring to team size or budget or whatever, so I thought it was worth noting.


Gold Member
Everyone arguing if it's univers is bassed on ours or the killzone one... and nobody noticed... it happends in the Zelda Universe??



Zelda x Monster Hunter confirmed.


I keep replaying this trailer and every time I notice something new.

The watcher bot is actually a snake inside a tube - look how the tube slides when it's about to sound the alarm:


Imagine a group of them suddenly ejecting from their bodies and chasing you like snakes. Holy shit.
Aloy is the main character, she is around 20 years old and a machine hunter by profession. Pronounced 'A-loy'

I love this little detail. Like the word alloy has been saved through oral tradition as something important enough for people to be named after. Probably was used a lot before before the apocalypse. Maybe the original robots were made from some special alloy?
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