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Horizon: Zero Dawn Trailer (Guerrilla, post-apocalyptic pre-historic adventure)


How often does something like that happen though? Not enough to concerned about it for sure.

Once is enough for me. Better to be wary until ultimately proven otherwise. I like what I'm seeing now a lot but at the same time I'm not going to let that cause me to forget that developers lie and mislead. The number of developers that don't get that reaction from me can be counted on one hand and GG, makers of Killzone, certainly isn't one of them.


Following on from a discussion in the other thread. Can you imagine this encounter when it's night time in the game? Just seeing those red lights and not being able to make as much else out. Not even knowing which enemy type it was, just knowing it was huge. And then it charges at you lol. Would be terrifying!


Will be freaking terrifying!


I did not put that as a diss to KZ2 though :). I think KZ2 is one of the best fps games with some of the most stunning atmosphere in any military shooter period. I just put that to emphasize the change the studio has undergone and commend them for experimenting.

I don't mean to diss them intentionally either. It's more of... I'm extremely happy to see them coming from FPS to open world RPG's and the FIRST RPG they do, they create something as amazing looking as this.

Also, it stems from the fact that I generally don't really like WRPG's. What I saw of this though... I want more. LOTS more. This has me interested in a WRPG.


Does anyone recognize the voice? Do we know who does it? Because my first reaction was it sounded like the mom in Broken Age, which is wonderfully done by none other than Jennifer Hale.

Am I alone here?

No idea who it is, but it isn't hale. I'm really good at recognizing her voice.


Will be freaking terrifying!

I like to imagine a raptor scenario like in Jurassic Park were you are hunting one robot while another sneaks up on you while your distracted and only seeing it's red eyes right before it pounces on you in the dead of night.

"Clever girl"


I don't mean to diss them intentionally either. It's more of... I'm extremely happy to see them coming from FPS to open world RPG's and the FIRST RPG they do, they create something as amazing looking as this.

Also, it stems from the fact that I generally don't really like WRPG's. What I saw of this though... I want more. LOTS more. This has me interested in a WRPG.

Def agree with you.

I like to imagine a raptor scenario like in Jurassic Park were you are hunting one robot while another sneaks up on you while your distracted and only seeing it's red eyes right before it pounces on you in the dead of night.

"Clever girl"

Yeah I think I am going to hunt only in the day I think lol.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
This game.

This game is going to have even more brutal player deaths then The Last of Us, isn't it? Imagine how the Thunderjaw will fuck your shit up.
Following on from a discussion in the other thread. Can you imagine this encounter when it's night time in the game? Just seeing those red lights and not being able to make as much else out. Not even knowing which enemy type it was, just knowing it was huge. And then it charges at you lol. Would be terrifying!



Will also shit my pants


Following on from a discussion in the other thread. Can you imagine this encounter when it's night time in the game? Just seeing those red lights and not being able to make as much else out. Not even knowing which enemy type it was, just knowing it was huge. And then it charges at you lol. Would be terrifying!

Holy shit. That sounds amazing

This makes me think you don't understand what melee combat is.

There needs to be a justification for melee to exist first.

So far, you're not going one-on-one with flesh fist against solid steel. The argument stops there. And you're certainly not presented with a tribe that has samurai ancestry...more of a Nordic kind.

The hunting spear is a meleeish weapon....but again, versus machines of that composition (steel, metal - no flesh), it naturally begs to have limited uses.

Now, if the game had human enemies (that you engage on occasion), or flesh animals/monsters then sure melee is to be expected. Until then I am not sure why the expectation.

There doesn't need to be justification for melee to exist. All the justification that's needed is that it's fun and satisfying, and it's the default combat system for action RPGs generally, including all of the games that Horizon lists as inspirations.

Anyone worried about archery becoming boring clearly hasn't played Dragon's Dogma. Magick Archer > *

If Magick Archer were the only combat style in Dragon's Dogma no one would like that game.


There needs to be a justification for melee to exist first.

So far, you're not going one-on-one with flesh fist against solid steel. The argument stops there. And you're certainly not presented with a tribe that has samurai ancestry...more of a Nordic kind.

The hunting spear is a meleeish weapon....but again, versus machines of that composition (steel, metal - no flesh), it naturally begs to have limited uses.

Now, if the game had human enemies (that you engage on occasion), or flesh animals/monsters then sure melee is to be expected. Until then I am not sure why the expectation.

Well the world they've been creating obviously contains technology. We know nothing about other machines or other tribes at the moment so I can speculate (which is the fun part about all this mystery) and request laser edged swords to slice off parts of armour from the machines.

I have no idea how that would work but I don't care, would just love to see it :p


Well the world they've been creating obviously contains technology. We know nothing about other machines or other tribes at the moment so I can speculate (which is the fun part about all this mystery) and request laser edged swords to slice off parts of armour from the machines.

I have no idea how that would work but I don't care, would just love to see it :p

If you mean Metal Gear Rising kind of swords ---- I don't think that's going to happen. Nor do I think it will fit the theme of rudimentary weapons with tech mods - which is what we're presented with. It's possible that we get some sort of sword variation w/ a mod however. Also, when we talk about melee, we're talking hand-to-hand, fist/kicks type combat. Swords = sword gameplay. If we include anything that involves close encounters into "melee" the term becomes too ambiguous. When we say melee combat we look at something like Uncharted/TLOU/Batman Arkham Asylum melee.

Imru’ al-Qays;168994107 said:
There doesn't need to be justification for melee to exist. All the justification that's needed is that it's fun and satisfying, and it's the default combat system for action RPGs generally, including all of the games that Horizon lists as inspirations.

Lol there should. It's not fun and satisfying to punch a 1-ton high-tech metal beast and expect to make a dent with your bare fist - that's an even greater of a stretch than what's already provided (high-tech arrows+bow). As for the other justification you provided - what nonsense is that? You can be inspired by a number of things, not verbatim everything there is. Everything serves a purpose.


Gold Member
If this game is successful, they should make a monster-hunter multiplayer MMO type game in the next sequel.

Imagine clans from different factions (like WoW) warring against each other and trying to bring down mecha-dinosaurs as a team? Would be sick.

Hell no. Like Yahtzee (ugh) once said about Dragon Age: it's a straight-line Tetris block wiping out four big fat rows of demand for traditional single-player RPGs. If this game goes MMO I'm out.


I noticed after she kills the first Watcher that spotted her she still has her melee weapon drawn until she switches to the bow. If there were no melee attacks/abilities I think she would had just immediately sheathed her melee weapon again after killing that Watcher.
I was watching the gameplay reveal again and you can see in the part where she is fighting the dino T-Rex, when she runs back to the rocks and jumps there is something in the air. That does not look like a dino so would be cool if that could be used as a way to travel in the game.
I do wonder if maybe the melee weapon isn't on her loadout is because you can have like, one melee equipped and the loadout is for all the ranged weapons that have a more utility focus. I'm not fussed either way as I'm happy for the game to focus on ranged, was just a thought that struck me.
Really hope their livestream shows what they were showing behind closed doors, if not more. In a perfect world they'll show us some close ups of the long necks waking around in the distance so we can get some scale on them.


This game definitely needs swords, spears and other melee weapons besides bows and the ropecaster. I want to slash and stab these creatuers too, like free-climbing on them and stabbing them in the head like in Dragon's Dogma/SoTC.


Τhat was just his interpretation of a couple of concept art images the press was shown. That doesnt mean it is accurate.

But highly encouraging to say the least :)
Well they do show a large city in the trailer so it's probably safe to say there's something like that in the game.


I hope there will be mounts, I want to ride a Robodino.

I'm almost sure that there will be something like that. A huge open world without a faster way of moving would propably pose a problem and it just would be a huge missed opportunity all around if they don't do it :D

Bold One

Hey GAF!

Mark Norris, Senior Producer on Horizon Zero Dawn here. I just wanted to say thanks so much for the kind words from many of you on the thread here so far, and that some of your questions (but definitely not all!) will be answered over the course of the next couple days.

One thing I can confirm for you is that every single shot in the demo video was taken from in-game, and those locations are discoverable over the course of your journey.

I'll let you get back to the regularly scheduled speculation :)

You got a source for the music, bro?
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