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Is Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4's killer app?

Single Player:







You scared bro?

Yes :(

I'm not good enough to play on a controller without aim assist. You should see me when I try to kill my team mates in Halo.

But I don't know, I'm sure I'll be fine. I do well in GTA online with free aim. And I did well in KZ3 when I played it...that was a while ago though.


The game looks amazing. GG has taken a fresh approach to the setting as well as gameplay in the Single Player. The MP has been changed back into a more traditional KZ2 like MP experience with free DLC maps, all weapons unclock from the start etc. So yes this is without a doubt a killer app. I'm really curious to see the numbers this will do
For now, yes. Regardless of how it turns out to be gameplay wise, it looks beautiful, certainly the most "next gen" thing that will be available for a while. I'm sure sales on it won't be amazing, but if PS4 buyers are looking for something to show off their new hardware, it's the obvious choice.

Between a long single player and what looks like great multiplayer, I'm certainly excited about it.

I think people are underestimating the potential sales for this title. I think that if it reaches a 1 in 4 attach rate for PS4 owners, it could easily sell 1.5 million units by next spring when all the heavy hitters start coming out. There are a LOT of shooter players transitioning from 360 to PS4. Granted many of them will pick up CoD or BF4, but given the $100 price disparity there will be a psychological thing with "why not pick up another game or two? it's not like I'll be spending more than I would have if I bought an XB1 and a single game?". I've heard this mentality already from a lot of people, picking up 2-3 games with the PS4. The few XB1 buyers I know are only picking up one game (either CoD or DR3, with a smattering of Ryse fans here and there).

I think the attach rate will be killer for PS4 during the launch window due to the price point, and that's going to move a lot of software sales. I don't want to go to hyperbolic territory but what if we see a 50% attach rate for Killzone. Then you're talking multiple millions of copies sold by spring. I doubt it will get THAT far, but the potential is there.

Only detractor is I highly doubt the single player will be as long as people expect for experienced shooter players. They said between 12 and 20 hours for both Reach and Halo 4 for the campaign and I cleared Reach in 11 hours and Halo 4 in 10 hours, and that was on Legendary for my first run of both games. Playing on anything less than the highest difficulty is likely going to make the campaign even shorter for experienced players unless they wander around exploring stuff a lot.


I fully expect KZ to be the highest rated and best selling launch exclusive. Forza might review as favorably, but KZ seems to be doing a lot of new things for the franchise and it looks like it paid off.
Holy shit @ the amount of koolaid drinking in this thread.

Killzone is the desktop linux of the gaming world/neogaf; every new iteration is predicted to be the one that will finally break out and become a smash success when in reality no game in the series has even come close to 4m sold globally.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Not for me.

I should think the fps-genre was pretty well covered at launch already, so in my humble opinion it would make more sense to launch with one more diferent kind of exclusive title instead.
I think it's their "premier launch title" but I don't think it has the draw to be a "killer app". Only time will tell, I guess.

Killer apps are equivalent to "system sellers" in my opinion. Infamous could be one, The Order could be one, Naughty Dog's next game definitely will be one. Shadowfall could be really good and pretty popular, but I don't see it ever being a "gotta play it" killer app.


I'm sure Killzone fans think it is

Looks pretty much like every other Killzone to me (yawn), with a shinier coat of paint. Admittedly the paint is very shiny, and the palette is pleasing.


Injustice topped the NPD for two months straight. Fighters are not on the outs.

During a particularly slow time period with sales spread across 3 consoles and the DC license slapped on top. Killer Instinct has little brand recognition, is going up against a ton of heavy hitters, and its only available digitally through MS.
Holy shit @ the amount of koolaid drinking in this thread.

Killzone is the desktop linux of the gaming world/neogaf; every new iteration is predicted to be the one that will finally break out and become a smash success when in reality no game in the series has even come close to 4m sold globally.

But you are forgetting the series has never been in the opportune position it is in now.


It could be, but the Killzone franchise also seems to be something that people love to hate for whatever reason, even tho the games consistently review well and average above 8 on Metacritic. I think Halo fans see it as some potential threat (it's clearly not), when the two games have very little in common, and I think a larger group just like to pan the series simply because of the platform it's on.

I'm sure there are people who have played at least one KZ title and just actively don't like it, but based on what I've seen, it's easier for people to just dismiss Killzone out of hand everytime a new one comes out than acknowledge that it brings a solid experience to the table for both single and multiplayer.

Personally, the appeal of KZ to me has always been the political and quasi-religious struggles between the factions at work in the games. I find it far more interesting and in a lot of ways timely than most other games.
I also wonder how many only played/read about the original and are extrapolating that to the rest of the series? I got called out on questioning why people even cared about the series in another thread, but it was specifically in regards to me being baffled at Killzone 2 hype after Killzone 1's reception, which seemed to be an unremarkable FPS and now that I've spent some time with it was kind of clunky and not particularly remarkable for its time of release. 2 feels much better and got really high marks so from THAT point onwards I haven't really questioned it like I used to, even if 2 isn't quite my thing (I'll try again on a lower difficulty perhaps.) In contrast this is hitting all the right notes for me in the leadup to release, so I actually pre-ordered this time rather than going "eh, a Killzone's coming out."
The most recent two killer apps on consoles were Halo CE and Wii Sports (and MAYBE Last of Us, since I actually know multiple people who bought a PS3 for it).

Who wants to seriously put Killzone: SF's zeitgeist up against those titles?
Holy shit @ the amount of koolaid drinking in this thread.

Killzone is the desktop linux of the gaming world/neogaf; every new iteration is predicted to be the one that will finally break out and become a smash success when in reality no game in the series has even come close to 4m sold globally.

Doesn't need to be a killer app to move units at launch. Problem with previous Killzone titles from what I can tell is they were up against a massive installed based and tons of other shooters, and didn't play to the CoD crowd. Given that it's a launch title and is only competing against an arguably inferior CoD (even a lot of CoD players are saying Ghosts looks kinda /meh) and BF4 its competition is somewhat limited.

For shooter fix people are only really looking between those 3 titles at launch, and as I said above the PS4's price point might lead to some shooter fans double dipping. They'll get CoD + KZ if they're a CoD fan or they'll get BF4 + KZ if they're a BF fan. I don't know many people from either CoD or BF crowd that like to play both, so KZ has the opportunity to fill the "try something different" ich, especially for players coming from the Xbox over to PS as they've likely never played KZ before and will buy it based on looks alone.


Actually Killzone ShadowFall is moving systems since the pre-order numbers from a month ago were over a quarter of a million already. Of course I'm not missing that and I'm getting it, but the F2P games like Warframe and Blacklight Retribution I think will genuinely shock people once they actually start testing them out.


I saw Ads for "The Last of Us" & "Beyond Two Souls" everywhere this year.
NO not enough, if they want a megaton game they need to do what Microsoft does with halo and what they will do with Titan fall. Spend millions upon millions in advertising.
Holy shit @ the amount of koolaid drinking in this thread.

Killzone is the desktop linux of the gaming world/neogaf; every new iteration is predicted to be the one that will finally break out and become a smash success when in reality no game in the series has even come close to 4m sold globally.
KZSF is more like Android.
But you are forgetting the series has never been in the opportune position it is in now.

I beg to differ. The first Killzone had multiple magazine covers billing it as "The Halo Killer" at a time when Halo was by far the biggest franchise in gaming.

The perception of Killzone now is a B-Tier shooter franchise that is getting a little long in the tooth, the Timesplitters of it's era. Piggybacking off PS4 hype isn't changing that.
NO not enough, if they want a megaton game they need to do what Microsoft does with halo and what they will do with Titan fall. Spend millions upon millions in advertising.

Where do you live? They advertised the SHIT out of The Last of Us. Ads all over TV, trailers before movies, print ads and billboards.

They pushed that game hard. And along with the critical reception and pedigree of the studio, it was a tremendous hit.


Sony never has a kills app because they never flood the market with advertisements when one of there games come out.

Sony doesn't have a killer app because they have too many good exclusives that come out over time and people are interested in different ones because there was A LOT of variety. There was also a lot of saturation in the FPS market. I wonder how much better Killzone games would sold if the Resistance series never even existed.

I mean which exclusive FPS series other than Halo was on the Xbox 360 that was considered to be very well received?

Or how about how many pretty high rated, metacritic (for each genre), 1-2 millions exclusive sellers did the 360 have in comparison to their biggest exclusives (so that's Gears of War series, Mass Effect series, Halo series, Forza series..)

Now do the same with the PS3 (for each genre) and you'll be surprised to find a large variety of exclusives on the PS3 that were well received via Meta critic and received 1 million+ sales (Heavy Rain, Modnation Racer's, Infamous 1, Infamous 2, Killzone 2, Killzone 3, Demon Soul's, MLB: The Show, Valkyria Chronicles, etc)

I think that all of this makes a little more difficult to market games. They did pretty well with Kevin Butler regarding that. I haven't seen a Killzone commercial though and they really should be pushing that game now.
So I was thinking about this while I was in the process of actually pre-ordering SF myself, that this game seems to be the only one anyone is consistently talking about from the PS4's launch lineup. Knack is mostly being written off as a generic, uninspired cute version of God of War, Driveclub has been delayed and the third party offerings are a case of personal preference for which platform to purchase on.

So what makes a "killer app"? Is it the hype surrounding the game prior to launch? The quality of the game itself or its sales numbers? Or does a game qualify if it alone makes the purchase of a new console justified? I guess a lot of people will say "wait for reviews" but what is GAF's opinion?

I would personally say a cautious yes it is, but only until Knack proves itself to be far better than it appears.

Wait for reviews. As much as I loved KZ2, GG make great looking games but have yet to deliver a truly memorable compelling campaign that shakes things up. I don't think SF is going to be that ground breaking, it seems kind of safe. Kind of a shame as I think the Killzone universe is ripe for that sort of thing.


I don't think Killzone is getting credit for the significant (to me) gameplay design changes. It is a graphical showpiece to be sure. But the footage shows wide open areas and objectives that can be tackled in a variety of ways. Everyone who has been derisive of corridor shooters or fans of Crysis probably want to check this out. I was sour on KZ after the third. But this has rekindled my interest.


Actually Killzone ShadowFall is moving systems since the pre-order numbers from a month ago were over a quarter of a million already. Of course I'm not missing that and I'm getting it, but the F2P games like Warframe and Blacklight Retribution I think will genuinely shock people once they actually start testing them out.

Wow that's one thing I didn't even consider. What if these F2P games catch on and end up being huge if Word of Mouf spreads? I myself was actually interested in trying the space ninja TPS game.


Not Banned from OT
It is the best exclusive at launch but not a killer app. It will still be lost in the shuffle of COD and BF. It will sell well because it is really the only AAA exclusive on the PS4 but is not a system seller which is the definition of a killer app. Right now price and how long this generation dragged on are selling PS4s.
I beg to differ. The first Killzone had multiple magazine covers billing it as "The Halo Killer" at a time when Halo was by far the biggest franchise in gaming.

The perception of Killzone now is a B-Tier shooter franchise that is getting a little long in the tooth, the Timesplitters of it's era. Piggybacking off PS4 hype isn't changing that.

Killzone launched mid console cycle, was coming out after Halo craze was still if full swing and being compared to it, got average reviews, ran poorly, and online console gaming had yet to hit its stride

Killzone 4 is a launch game, will very likely review well, will be the graphical showcase of a brand new console, is the only launch FPS with a non-linear campaign, and boast a huge feature set of MP options.

The circumstances are completely different.


Maybe.. It does look fantastic.. but it is also killzone, so the sales wont be through the roof. (Not knocking the franchise as i love it, but sales king which is basically a killer app, it is not.)


I beg to differ. The first Killzone had multiple magazine covers billing it as "The Halo Killer" at a time when Halo was by far the biggest franchise in gaming.

The perception of Killzone now is a B-Tier shooter franchise that is getting a little long in the tooth, the Timesplitters of it's era. Piggybacking off PS4 hype isn't changing that.

Well, Halo was never "by far" the biggest. In fact, it was never the biggest...GTA and Pokemon were bigger of that time, and Mario not far behind.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Yeah I agree, I don't think it is a killer app and I don't really think it really needs one.

The hardware is the "killer app". People are buying it because they know multi platform games will look better on PS4 for the next 5-10 years.

Well I hope that's not the reason. I know that's not the reason I'll be getting a PS4. I'll be getting a PS4 because I know there are exclusives I'll want to play on that console. Graphics won't decide which console I buy multiplatform games on. Things like, where my friends are playing and exclusive content are way more important to me.
After trying to like all of the previous Killzone games, except the psp/psv games, I'm going to have to say nope. I'm not sure what it is, but these games just aren't really that fun to play.

This, they just haven't been good enough to deserve that description. And there's little reason to think it'll be different now.


Killzone has the potential to be a killer app due to being one of the few PS4 launch day exclusives but it also largely depends on if the game is actually fun.

The way the game is shaping up I am a little concerned about the game being all flash and no substance.

I have been following Killzone topics on here and mostly ever topic is drooling over the graphics and thats it. The game looks amazing and truly is one of the few titles releasing on either next gen system that I would consider next gen worthy.

With that said I have not seen any gameplay first impressions praising the gameplay or improvements made to the series.

Mostly every preview I have seen is describing ShadowFall moving away from the linear nature of Killzone 2/3 and also the custom matchmaking options for multiplayer. Yet I havent seen any first impressions from reviewers on whether the game was fun from the little bit they played.


Well I hope that's not the reason. I know that's not the reason I'll be getting a PS4. I'll be getting a PS4 because I know there are exclusives I'll want to play on that console. Graphics won't decide which console I buy multiplatform games on. Things like, where my friends are playing and exclusive content are way more important to me.
If I really care about the MP then yeah, but if that's secondary or not even a factor then I could barely give less of a damn where they're playing, I want what's best for me. Exclusive content can be murkier, if the situation puts me off I may deliberately avoid a version BECAUSE of that, doubly so if it's just some timed crap anyway (time DLC exclusive for 360? Fuck you I'm buying Skyrim on PC anyway) but there's still ports or something that's free and possibly isn't on other platforms BECAUSE of policies that get in the way, TF2's been practically frozen in time on PS3/360 relative to the PC version because PC's the only place it can really exist and be what it is, though maybe that will change with PS4.


343i Lead Esports Producer
If I really care about the MP then yeah, but if that's secondary or not even a factor then I could barely give less of a damn where they're playing, I want what's best for me. Exclusive content can be murkier, if the situation puts me off I may deliberately avoid a version BECAUSE of that, doubly so if it's just some timed crap anyway (time DLC exclusive for 360? Fuck you I'm buying Skyrim on PC anyway) but there's still ports or something that's free and possibly isn't on other platforms BECAUSE of policies that get in the way, TF2's been practically frozen in time on PS3/360 relative to the PC version because PC's the only place it can really exist and be what it is, though maybe that will change with PS4.

Like what?


I would say yes. At least as far as this launch is concerned. If Killzone wasn't there, then I'd seriously be doubting purchasing a next gen console right now.


Well, all things considered it is. But if there would be more exclusives and games in general on launch I doubt it would. Still not gonna judge it before I play through it.


Killzone has the potential to be a killer app due to being one of the few PS4 launch day exclusives but it also largely depends on if the game is actually fun.

The way the game is shaping up I am a little concerned about the game being all flash and no substance.

I have been following Killzone topics on here and mostly ever topic is drooling over the graphics and thats it. The game looks amazing and truly is one of the few titles releasing on either next gen system that I would consider next gen worthy.

With that said I have not seen any gameplay first impressions praising the gameplay or improvements made to the series.

Mostly every preview I have seen is describing ShadowFall moving away from the linear nature of Killzone 2/3 and also the custom matchmaking options for multiplayer. Yet I havent seen any first impressions from reviewers on whether the game was fun from the little bit they played.

The kill animations, powerful weaponry, the OWL (for zip gliding), sound design, good open world map design, and teammate spawning will make the game fun and hectic.



You know you like that power. You will never see these awesome kind of kills from a CoD game... for a while.

The only thing I'm not to sure about are the maps. I personally hope that recoil is fixed up down the road.
I would be utterly flabbergasted if SF was the KZ that "elevated" the series, or was the game that the series deserved this whole time, 'cause as far as I'm concerned, Killzone 2 was and is FPS nirvana to me.

I'm not expecting GG nor anyone to top that game. All I know is that out of the heavy hitters, KZ's brand of gameplay is special and the one I'd opt for everytime.

As for the lacking sales, I'd say it's because of the grey area that it sits in as a franchise. As brilliant as it is, it's never really had that x-factor/bullet point, especially from a marketing perspective. BF has its large scale battles, halo has its pedigree and the fact that it was the first to the punch; and CoD has its instant gratification and twitch factor that appeals to a, ahem, "certain crowd" :). KZ has never really had that blatant differentiator.
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