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Microsoft also shut down departments dedicated to bringing Xbox games to physical retail


Gold Member

Activate quote 2.

Can't wait for the part when GAFers tell us how important sustainability is.
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The people answering "because PC has more sales" haven't looked at console sales in years so they don't know that times have changed since mid-PS4/XBO gen. Literally every month there's a new run of sales on console storefronts. So that's not the real answer.

The real answer (that actually only matters for PS and Nintendo), which is: Where would their digital games go if they left the console business?

They're against digital because they don't trust these companies to do the right thing in regards to their libraries and licenses.

However, the real problem here is the volatility of the console business, not physical vs digital or the out of touch 'sales' answer. Steam will arguably live on even after everyone here dies of old age. All it takes is one or two bad generations for Nintendo and Sony to leave and you're left holding onto a digital library you potentially can't access.

That's their problem.

Now what the physical owners don't understand is that they've already lost this war. Quite a few discs this gen are just day 1 download queue coasters that people will convince themselves is a real copy of the game on disc, and not just a key with half of the necessary data/broken game on it with the other half being in that initial huge patch.

Yeah when it looks like discs are just keys with half the data you need to download from a server I knew physical was dead. What happens when those servers shutdown, you wont be playing that rogue lite gow ragnarok content anyway with that disc.

Im not too worried about my digital collection on playstation having less of a digital shelf life
compared to steam, people's fear of an all digital/streaming future will spur the emulation community to get the tools up to scratch down the line.
If MS go full on digital and even further, no longer make dedicated local consoles in the next gen. I can see a good chunk of the core userbase just migrating straight to PlayStation. If you don't wanna blow a load of cash on a PC at one end and don't wanna play on cloud at the other, then unless you're content with old-gen hardware your only option would be PlayStation.

Sony would be really smart to negotiate a deal with Microsoft to absorb Xbox Live and integrate it with PSN and negotiate the release of a series of Xbox controllers on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 6.

I actually think a good percentage of this userbase will just jump to PC.

But worst case scenario they should release their own Xbox style controller to try and bring people over.

Trapper Dave

Neo Member
As someone who switched to digital at the start of this generation, I think it’s crap that if it’s true it takes away the choice for consumers.


Thank god their shill and astroturf is still alive! Think about it, without Microsoft waging platform wars on the internet what would we even come here for? Just to talk about video games?


Gold Member
It's not a nail in the coffin for MS. Sony is trending the same way. Wether you like it or not, physical is dead (of course there are people who still buy it). You're not buying the game anymore when it's physical, your buying the license to download the game.
They should have to provide a physical copy for the bigger games as long as its still the current gen. How could they stop mid gen? Or does this mean they are ducking out sooner than later?


it would be easier for microsoft become fully 3rd party and don’t bother release new console.
Why ? how this will help you in any way ?

Sony alone in the console race will mean Sony will be more arrogant and you will get a PS6 for the same specs of PS5 pro for 800$. what are you gonna do about it ? nothing and like a peasant you are going to buy it. there is no competition.

You want Nintendo, you want MS, you want whoever can join too. competition is good.

Look at Sony now, MS inst out and they are just remaking a game they released couple of years ago and calling it a remake when it has nothing to do with remake. imagine how they will milk the shit out of you when there is no competition.

Use your brain. you or anyone who think like that. no offence. but this is irritating. Just like how AMD fights NVIDIA, and how Intel try to get into the market. We win. fuck them companies. they will make money regardless anyway.
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Microsoft would be incredibly stupid to make a new Xbox on x86 hardware. There's no point anymore. If you're gonna use an AMD APU to make a video game console, just make a good front end like Steam Deck and make a little PC box. Find a way to give customer performance assurances on games with a certain label. It would be easy to test. XBox Series A 1080p, 60fps. Xbox Series B 1440p60 etc. Think about the library you could advertise having.


Mark my words: Xbox will end up being "the COD company" some years from now

They are completely destroying the brand.
I am almost all digital but I feel bad about this. Because I think Sony and Nintendo will do the same.
Wish I could say "not Nintendo" but you can see it plain as day in their coin rewards: 60 cents for physical games and $3 per digital title. They want those digital sales.


I'm hearing all the time, since last gen that Sony and Xbox games aren't even complete on the retail disc and you still need an internet connection to download the rest of the game.

Can someone please explain what the damn problem is when the disc you buy only acts as a key to download the game? What is the difference?

March Climber

Gold Member
I'm not too worried about my digital collection on playstation having less of a digital shelf life
compared to steam, people's fear of an all digital/streaming future will spur the emulation community to get the tools up to scratch down the line.
Agreed about emulation for the sake of preservation.

If the rumors about Xbox lately are true, then soon we will simply see the birth of a new Big 3 for consoles: PlayStation, Nintendo, and Steam Deck.


If they go full rental Game business it's fine, but not all places have good internet speed to provide a quality service.


Gold Member
I stupidly hoped that Xbox might be different this generation, and actually provide a decent alternative to Sony.

How fucking stupid was I.

The sooner this stupid company stops bothering trying to make consoles the better we’ll be. At least there might be room in the market for another company to come in and actually try to challenge Sony properly.
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