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Microsoft announces Xbox Live cross-network (PSN and other networks) play


『Inaba Resident』;198314848 said:
Wow, this is great. Guess Xbox is gonna get FF XIV now?

I misinterpreted the comment. Yeah, it's possible. They still need to drop the Xbox Live sub though for people to play XIV. Yoshida was highly against that since PSN isn't required on PS4 to play.


This is where I see it getting sticky.

MSFT had dented Sony's marketshare last gen, got brazen and put up the walled garden, getting their asses handed to them this gen, now they want to bring their wall down and pretend to hand Sony a ball in which Sony has always been doing all along? Something is not adding up fully, other than MSFT wanting back some of the pie they lost.

Need more info.

And quite sad that gamers, even on here, think they innovated something, and Sony/Nintendo were behind the times in this regard.

WTF. These is the type of response that let me know we can't have something nice. There is nothing about this that is evil, bad for us in any way. But leave it to guys like you to give it that 'Ms is evil' spin. FFS

This is a good thing all around. Uniting gamers so they can play their game together regardless of console, but no that a bad thing. I guess you only care about who gets credit for what or who's on top instead of what is good to us as gamers all around.

When is that Sony check rolling in?

This sounds awful.

One of the reasons I detest playing MP on the PC is because I am always at a significant disadvantage - I use the 360 pad.

Now it seems like the only good reason to play consoles is dead in the water.

I hope this doesn't shoot off.

XBL vs PSN? Sure.

XBL vs PC? Fuck no.

Is this really a reason why this is a bad idea? FFS learn to play with the K/M or just go with the controller. Get better and stop giving stupid reason to hold good things back!

FFS GAF you break my heart sometimes with this stupid shit.


This sounds awful.

One of the reasons I detest playing MP on the PC is because I am always at a significant disadvantage - I use the 360 pad.

Now it seems like the only good reason to play consoles is dead in the water.

I hope this doesn't shoot off.

XBL vs PSN? Sure.

XBL vs PC? Fuck no.

Do you honestly think developers and publishers are going to allow games out the door that a large chunk of the population are annoyed by playing because of being heavily unbalanced due to control method?

hao chi

Awesome news. Hopefully something like Splinter Cell or Left 4 Dead 3 will release soon and implement crossplay so I'll have something I can play with my brother, or add crossplay to Rainbow Six.
- Universal basic income
- Universal basic housing with included small subsistence greenhouse for every household
- Universal free physical and mental healthcare
- Universal free utilities and internet
- Driver-less free high-speed mass transit
- Banning of fossil-fueled transports, and personal vehicles within cities
- Free access to education at all levels
- De-popularisation of the 'work to survive, work is the meaning of life' mindset
- Reliable workforce automation wherever and whenever possible, with complementary re-education of displaced workers into any other occupation
- Legalisation and government-monitored manufacture and distribution of recreational drugs
- National economy where majority of providers and services are dedicated to eco-friendly entertainment, tourism & recreation, scientific research and exploratory ventures for the betterment and fun of humanity
- 100% national renewable power coverage with fossil fuels being stockpiled for emergency only
- Transparency and streamlining of government and the legal system on all levels
- Establishment of an entirely unbiased, incorruptible, objective and popularised worldwide news-reporting entity
- Ban of public ownership of automatic and semi-automatic firearms, with soft disarmament of the populace from any pre-existing owned firearms through government-set monetary incentives and temporary bounties
- Disarmament and demilitarisation of the police, along with stricter recruitment policies
- Removal of the death penalty and restructuring of the jail system for better rehabilitation of criminals for possible safe reintroduction to society
- Creation of a government-endorsed, corporate-sponsored non-lethal yet Unreal Tournament-esque professional arena weapon-fighting "bloodsport" emulating in modern times the Coliseum of ancient Rome without the deaths, of which the inevitable resultant myriad of corporate-invented non-lethal products for effectively subduing ring opponents will be the new equipment outfitting the police force nationwide, and from which the already-educated champions of these events will be the regular pool of recruits for said police force
- Cross-corporate-network multiplayer gaming announced
- Affordable VR
- Cross-platform Pokemon AR MMO with Pokemon Amiibo migratory drone swarms
- Reality is now virtually Pokemon reality
- Total immersion


holy fuck, hahaha. This is quite the utopia. I wish it were real.


Gold Member
WTF. These is the type of response that let me know we can't have something nice. There is nothing about this that is evil, bad for us in any way. But leave it to guys like you to give it that 'Ms is evil' spin. FFS

This is a good thing all around. Uniting gamers so they can play their game together regardless of console, but no that a bad thing. I guess you only care about who gets credit for what or who's on top instead of what is good to us as gamers all around.

When is that Sony check rolling in?

I'm sorry. I am an adult that has been gaming for 30+ years.

I seen a torrid history of MSFT and their bullshit with gaming switcheroos to not think there is genuine humbleness behind them, and not the same old EEE. I felt the same way towards Sony when they announced the PS3, and did not pick one up until years later.

But go on and keep repeating, 'why we can't have nice things'... jesus christ that is the most pathetic defense against and to try and silence speculation and wanting more info.

Yea but this is across platforms not just xbox and pc I don't think Nintendo or Sony have that

Oh but they do! ;)
lol It did for today.

Nintendo's policy on this matter won't really matter until they get the same high-profile games.

The fact that people still have the incorrect assumption of their policy just goes to show that this will only become a "huge benefit" if there's an accompanying "huge" title to showcase it. Otherwise, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Do you honestly think developers and publishers are going to allow games out the door that a large chunk of the population are annoyed by playing because of being heavily unbalanced due to control method?

Most people don't actually care what control method opponents are using. Hell, people have been able to use adapters to play Halo with KBAM on OXbox and the 360. It didn't set matchmaking on fire.


MS is the king of PR. Sadly, many of their fans are delusional and live inside a walled garden, so this is something new to them.



Junior Member
This sounds awful.

One of the reasons I detest playing MP on the PC is because I am always at a significant disadvantage - I use the 360 pad.

Now it seems like the only good reason to play consoles is dead in the water.

I hope this doesn't shoot off.

XBL vs PSN? Sure.

XBL vs PC? Fuck no.

Gigantic says Hi.

Games where it makes sense, others you can choose to stick with XBL players. How's that an issue?


Dot Hacked
Shame this didn't happen years ago, coulda saved/extended Phantasy Star Universe's life & playerbase. Great that the games of today will have shots at longer, healthier lives though!


Yea but this is across platforms not just xbox and pc I don't think Nintendo or Sony have that

They do with a few games, it was listed a couple pages back.
Cross-Network/Platform games on PS:

- Dreii - PlayStation 4, PS Vita, Wii U, PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android
- Pure Chess; Wii U, 3DS, iOS, Android and PS
- Cubemen 2; Wii U, Linux, Mac OS, PC and iOS.

I don't see why Sony would say no when they already allow cross play with every other platform.


This sounds awful.

One of the reasons I detest playing MP on the PC is because I am always at a significant disadvantage - I use the 360 pad.

Now it seems like the only good reason to play consoles is dead in the water.

I hope this doesn't shoot off.

XBL vs PSN? Sure.

XBL vs PC? Fuck no.

You will have the option to restrict games to Xbox players only, right in the announcement. Rocket League already has an option to restrict players to your specific platform.


I'm sorry. I am an adult that has been gaming for 30+ years.

I seen a torrid history of MSFT and their bullshit with gaming switcheroos to not think there is genuine humbleness behind them, and not the same old EEE. I felt the same way towards Sony when they announced the PS3, and did not pick one up until years later.

But go on and keep repeating, 'why we can't have nice things'... jesus christ that is the most pathetic defense against and to try and silence speculation and wanting more info.

No, always believing MS is the big evil corporation that is out to get us when none of the times people have exaggerated this have never come true.

I agree with one thing though:

wanting more info

People are reaching epic levels of conspiracy with their stupid speculations without any real info at all. So if you are going to call me stupid and pathethic then apply it to yourself to since you seem to value all the speculation without any real info that's been going around.

MS is more than one department and more than one time. Phil Spencer has only been positive about and doing good things for Xbox since he came in. So maybe judge him by what he has done or wait for some info, don't call him out for what MS did in the past that is not even related to Xbox gaming.


Great news and all but this is useless if you can't party up with friends or even chat.

While that would be ideal, the lack thereof would hardly render this useless. Given that the online populations of some series can be healthier on other networks (i.e. RE on PSN vs Steam), I'd love to cull from their numbers rather than play with no one at all.

EDIT: I know my example isn't exactly relevant to this particular scenario, but it's the only one that comes to mind right now :p
WTF. These is the type of response that let me know we can't have something nice. There is nothing about this that is evil, bad for us in any way. But leave it to guys like you to give it that 'Ms is evil' spin. FFS

This is a good thing all around. Uniting gamers so they can play their game together regardless of console, but no that a bad thing. I guess you only care about who gets credit for what or who's on top instead of what is good to us as gamers all around.

When is that Sony check rolling in?

Is this really a reason why this is a bad idea? FFS learn to play with the K/M or just go with the controller. Get better and stop giving stupid reason to hold good things back!

FFS GAF you break my heart sometimes with this stupid shit.

This seems like a good thing until you realise a big problem. Xb1 gamers are paying to play online. Ps4 gamers are paying to play online. Pc gamers will not be paying to play online.

It is the same games, it is the same online.

If you don't think microsoft will not be locking this behind their windows 10 crap with a fee, you are pretty delusional. Sure stranger things have happened, but that is by far the most reasonable expectation to have right now.

Paid online on pc? Microsoft have tried several times before and can fuck right off with it.
WTF. These is the type of response that let me know we can't have something nice. There is nothing about this that is evil, bad for us in any way. But leave it to guys like you to give it that 'Ms is evil' spin. FFS

This is a good thing all around. Uniting gamers so they can play their game together regardless of console, but no that a bad thing. I guess you only care about who gets credit for what or who's on top instead of what is good to us as gamers all around.

When is that Sony check rolling in?

Exactly. Some people are desperate to put a negative spin on every single thing Microsoft does. It's beyond pathetic. Then they try and pass themselves off as level headed posters lol.

Microsoft are just opening up Xbox Live, primarily I would say for their new console and PC initiative. While at the same time opening the doors for everyone else if they so wish.

I doubt Microsoft gain too much from this directly. But developers, publishers AND gamers do as a whole.


This is where I see it getting sticky.

MSFT had dented Sony's marketshare last gen, got brazen and put up the walled garden, getting their asses handed to them this gen, now they want to bring their wall down and pretend to hand Sony a ball in which Sony has always been doing all along? Something is not adding up fully, other than MSFT wanting back some of the pie they lost.

Need more info.

And quite sad that gamers, even on here, think they innovated something, and Sony/Nintendo were behind the times in this regard.

That is actually the most understandable/logical reason I seen posted yet.

If you look at it as Xbox One don't exist anymore & MS is making Windows 10 their gaming platform you would easily see that they need to remove the restrictions that they had based on Xbox being a console & make UWP a place that PC devs would want to make games for instead of the old way of making PC games.

This mean that someone can buy a Windows 10 STB & not worry about not having anyone to play against that they know.


Gold Member
No, always believing MS is the big evil corporation that is out to get us when none of the times people have exaggerated this have never come true.

I agree with one thing though:

People are reaching epic levels of conspiracy with their stupid speculations without any real info at all. So if you are going to call me stupid and pathethic then apply it to yourself to since you seem to value all the speculation without any real info that's been going around.

MS is more than one department and more than one time. Phil Spencer has only been positive about and doing good things for Xbox since he came in. So maybe judge him by what he has done or wait for some info, don't call him out for what MS did in the past that is not even related to Xbox gaming.

Are you obtuse?

Where did I EVER say any of this shit?

Straight up troll. Especially accusing someone of collecting a paycheck because they are apprehensive to MSFT history.

If you look at it as Xbox One don't exist anymore & MS is making Windows 10 their gaming platform you would easily see that they need to remove the restrictions that they had based on Xbox being a console & make UWP a place that PC devs would want to make games for instead of the old way of making PC games.

This mean that someone can buy a Windows 10 STB & not worry about not having anyone to play against that they know.

Yeah, it is becoming more clear now.
Faced with the alternative of people abandoning the platform as it continues to struggle against the PS4, what choice did Microsoft really have but to open things up?
Exactly. Some people are desperate to put a negative spin on every single thing Microsoft does. It's beyond pathetic. Then they try and pass themselves off as level headed posters lol.

Microsoft are just opening up Xbox Live, primarily I would say for their new console and PC initiative. While at the same time opening the doors for everyone else if they so wish.

I doubt Microsoft gain too much from this directly. But developers, publishers AND gamers do as a whole.

It isn't really, MS has a very shady history...that is a fact. People are correct to look on them with caution, they are the masters of underhanded dirty tacics. Yes not everything they do is bad, but MS has themselves to blame for their reputation.


It's about time, I don't know how that userbase wasn't more up in arms when big games like FFXIV skipped the platform entirely due to their walled network.


Kinda makes me want to bring back all the posts defending the practice in the first place, security issues all sorts of reasons, but meh let's just enjoy more options


I wonder how exclusive content would work in the future if games start implementing this. Like when Destiny has console exclusive things for PS4 like weapons and multiplayer maps, strikes etc. Will those players just not be able to play with each other in those maps and with those weapons?


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Nintendo's policy on this matter won't really matter until they get the same high-profile games.

The fact that people still have the incorrect assumption of their policy just goes to show that this will only become a "huge benefit" if there's an accompanying "huge" title to showcase it. Otherwise, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

They have had some high profile games, just they didnt sell well on Nintendo consoles.

Maybe something like this will help those games sell on Nintendo consoles. Instead of that same person buying that game on another platform just for a bigger online community.
It isn't really, MS has a very shady history...that is a fact. People are correct to look on them with caution, they are the masters of underhanded dirty tacics. Yes not everything they do is bad, but MS has themselves to blame for their reputation.

To an extent, yes. We could say that about most world leading companies, because having some form of control etc kinda comes with the territory.

But let's not pretend there isn't a difference between posting intelligible criticism based on relevant evidence, and unsubstantiated fear mongering.


Wow some pretty huge news here and great for the gaming industry overall :) hope good things come from this in the future too.
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