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Microsoft announces Xbox Live cross-network (PSN and other networks) play


Now that this is posible. Do the publishers would adopt crossplay? I think very few will.

I see more indies doing this than AAA publishers.


Even better news (at least for W10 gamers)




Are you obtuse?

Straight up troll. Especially accusing someone of collecting a paycheck because they are apprehensive to MSFT history.

Yeah, it is becoming more clear now.

I never called you stupid or pathetic, the statement itself is pathetic, especially when you have used it to many posters on here. (I think you know what you are doing, since you like to toss out the 'collecting a Sony check' card, yet you pretend MSFT has never done anything credible to received this apprehension... hmmm).

But keep egging it on, and I am starting to feel sorry for you in a pathetic sort of way now.

People have opinions, people have apprehensions, MSFT has earned that over the past 30 years. Anti-Trust cases lost, EEE exposed by the Supreme Court, XBox Reveal (only having to 180), GFWL games lost, parity clause, and putting up the walled garden this gen they finally seem to be taking down (after losing marketshare 2-1), that is a tiny bit of where apprehension comes from. Deal with it, or move on.

And agreeing with someone who agreed with you. Shocking.

You know, it's quite funny to see you get upset about getting called a shill for having an opinion when earlier this morning you did the exact same thing to someone for having their own opinion. You did one of those "let me fix that for you posts" adding TM to his post and then going on to say he's Microsoft PR.




So Rocket League PC can play with everyone, while each console will only me matched with themselves and PC at least at first. That's still pretty awesome. This doesn't solve the lack of universal friend system for inviting your friends from other platforms though. Still awesome news and the early signs of greatness.

I doubt this will be solved as it would involve more unified networks or solutions by all involved. Sony is rather hands off, the PC side probably couldn't care less, and MS is more occupied with Xbox/PC windows apps than anything else.


That's dope.
I hope most multiplats will take advantage of it, would really beneficial especially few years after game launch when individual platform pools are getting thinner.


You know, it's quite funny to see you get upset about getting called a shill for having an opinion when earlier this morning you did the exact same thing to someone for having their own opinion. You did one of those "let me fix that for you posts" adding TM to his post and then going on to say he's Microsoft PR.




Dat post history...


PS4 already has cross play with SFV, DCUO and FFXIV not sure of any other games wonder if Sony will do cross platform they did with FFXI but not since then I don't think.

Also what's the catch? When something sounds too good to be true it usually is.


Interesting news. It's about time Microsoft allowed PC and Xbox cross play again. I remember playing a couple games on 360 with PC's in the early life of the 360.

One thing I am waiting on is how much work this will actually be for dev. engineers and what the stipulations are.

A - is the dev engineer allowed to use Sony servers to host Microsoft games or vice versa?
B - or do they have to set up their own servers to allow crossplay between consoles?
C - Does the user have the ability to pick the servers they will use (sony, Microsoft, PC)?

If B is the case I don't see a lot of smaller or medium size developers doing this when it is cheaper to have sony or microsoft host those servers. If they get a large publisher maybe this would work better for them.

I can see larger publishers doing this (EA, Ubisoft, WB), but how much time do they want to invest in testing this to verify there are no issues between gameplay of a Xbox vs PS match?


Sounds pretty cool. Not much of a game changer for me since I don't play online a lot, but my friend is over the moon since he's the only one with a XBO while his friends have PC and/or PS4s.


At least they have the option and it helps the smaller games gain a population.

I can see developers adopting it because it also strings out the life of a game which could help to increase dlc and microtransaction purchases. If after six months you have a hard time finding a game no new players are going to buy dlc or microtransactions if hardly anyways i playing. seems like a win for developers.


Gold Member
You know, it's quite funny to see you get upset about getting called a shill for having an opinion when earlier this morning you did the exact same thing to someone for having their own opinion. You did one of those "let me fix that for you posts" adding TM to his post and then going on to say he's Microsoft PR.



Oh please, if that did not read like a PR statement in context to the thread, so I was able to easily have good fun with it, then what the fuck ever, lol. Hence the winks, lol.

Why don't you read the person you are defending's illustrious history as well. ;)


Dat post history...

And you of all people, lol. Getting in the trenches, eh?


Call me pessimistic but I don't see MS initiating this move if they had the market lead. Good move for gamers, regardless.

Perhaps we should keep them in second place permanently so they can continue fight tooth-and-nail to make things better for all of us.


Oh please, if that did not read like a PR statement in context to the thread, so I was able to easily have good fun with it, then what the fuck ever, lol. Hence the winks, lol.

Why don't you read the person you are defending's illustrious history as well. ;)

Why? I'm not the one going around calling people shills and then getting upset when I get called one.


Oh please, if that did not read like a PR statement in context to the thread, so I was able to easily have good fun with it, then what the fuck ever, lol. Hence the winks, lol.

Why don't you read the person you are defending's illustrious history as well. ;)

And you of all people, lol. Getting in the trenches, eh?

I already explained myself what I meant with that comment. He is responsive to the community. Thus the trenches.



Gold Member
Why? I'm not the one going around calling people shills and then getting upset when I get called one.

Not to sound high school, but check the post history of the one you are defending, he said it to me first (and plenty of others), hence why I countered it.

The other thread you posted about, was all good fun when people were nagging on him because it was clearly not in context to the thread and wreaked a hot point from a PR brochure, lol.

I already explained myself what I meant with that comment. He is responsive to the community. Thus the trenches.


And I am allowed to explain myself, straight chillin'.


Looong thread to long to read it all, this is to do with the new nintendo right? NX to Cross play with Xbox and P.C, bet theyve already agreed stuff and they will hopefully get PSN on board, but yeah Nintendo


This seems like something that has been pushed by an outside source. I can't imagine that Microsoft is doing this out of the goodness of their hearts.

My guess is that apart from psyionix and rocket league who weren't going to put their game on Xbox without it. A big 3rd party like EA or Activision finally decided that they wanted to consolidate their multiplayer audience and didn't want to have to pay for seperate servers for each console.

Microsoft is also probably looking to get out of the console space and make Xbox live a PC gaming software system like steam except paid. For that to work it would obviously have to be cross platform with Pc
Also what's the catch? When something sounds too good to be true it usually is.

Don't think there's an actual catch, just... limitations. Like, voice chat only between players of the same network, performance disadvantages for players of a certain platform, or the fact that developers have to implement cross-network in the first place.


Not to sound high school, but check the post history of the one you are defending, he said it to me first (and plenty of others), hence why I countered it.

The other thread you posted about, was all good fun when people were nagging on him because it was clearly not in context to the thread and wreaked a hot point from a PR brochure, lol.


I just checked Papo's post history, and unless it's worse or something more in... it seems like a normal poster just from 2 pages, I don't see him railing on the PS4 or anything, and I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as you think it is..


Neo Member
Microsoft doubling down on their cloud business, I see.

Smart move, and, if executed well, good for developers. Bigger MP player bases are always welcome (unless there's 10 million already, but you get the idea).


Huge news. Would love to play with some old friends on Xbox One without any of us having to worry about spending more cash for any other platforms.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
I'd be surprised if we got more than say 10 games all gen that supported this. Aside from Microsofts own PC/Xbox stuff.

Minecraft would be cool though.


Looong thread to long to read it all, this is to do with the new nintendo right? NX to Cross play with Xbox and P.C, bet theyve already agreed stuff and they will hopefully get PSN on board, but yeah Nintendo

It's about MSoft lowering their walled garden and once again allowing cross play. Nintendo and Sony are already open.


So does anyone think cross-play with friends will get figured out?
Most likely the game chat channel would be the only way to talk to friends cross console. Devs could maybe do a loose party system per game like "squads" in Battlefield or something. Id say there's less than 1% chance that XBL and PSN will mix friend lists or parties though.

When people figure this out it won't be pretty. It's still a fantastic thing to be able to matchmake though.


Now ask him if it's fair console users have to pay to play the same games on the same network with the same features when PC users don't.

See how great Phil is then.

He would tell you that Xbox Live on Xbox One comes with free games every month, the same reasoning that PS+ would give.

Why are people so apprehensive to believe that Phil is a great influence on the gaming industry?


He would tell you that Xbox Live on Xbox One comes with free games every month, the same reasoning that PS+ would give.

Why are people so apprehensive to believe that Phil is a great influence on the gaming industry?

Probably but it's still a weak excuse covering up the real reason which is people want to play online so they pay.
Looong thread to long to read it all, this is to do with the new nintendo right? NX to Cross play with Xbox and P.C, bet theyve already agreed stuff and they will hopefully get PSN on board, but yeah Nintendo

You think so? I figured Microsoft would be trying to cock block the new Nintendo console if it's a threat to their market share.

But you know, however we slice it this is a great move for gamers!
Call me pessimistic but I don't see MS initiating this move if they had the market lead. Good move for gamers, regardless.

Perhaps we should keep them in second place permanently so they can continue fight tooth-and-nail to make things better for all of us.

Great news! Microsoft will not (barring a legitimate miracle) be the market leader this generation!


Now ask him if it's fair console users have to pay to play the same games on the same network with the same features when PC users don't.

See how great Phil is then.

Explain the logic...

Xbox users are perfectly fine with paying for Xbox live in order to play COD, Battlefield, Battlefront, Rainbow 6, GTAV, Destiny, the Division, Minecraft, NBA 2k, Madden, and FIFA etc, while their PC counterparts offer free MP.

But the moment a handful of 1st party games (which on MS' own console are less popular than the aforementioned games) go to PC, suddenly the fee becomes unfair?

It's not about 'fairness' it's about business. MS collects a fee on consoles in exchange for offering a service. Obviously, consumers view it as a decent deal, because it has been succesful. The free market accepted it.

MS would love to collect a similar fee on PC, but the market has already rejected it. They have to use a different business model in order to find success in that market.

People who don't like the fee on consoles could always vote with their wallets...


Most likely the game chat channel would be the only way to talk to friends cross console. Devs could maybe do a loose party system per game like "squads" in Battlefield or something. Id say there's less than 1% chance that XBL and PSN will mix friend lists or parties though.

When people figure this out it won't be pretty. It's still a fantastic thing to be able to matchmake though.

Yeah, big publishers like EA and Ubisoft may hopefully come up with with their own Origin/Uplay party/voice solutions in their own future hypothetical cross play console games. For smaller game's it's probably going to be just cross play. But who knows how widespread this will really be this gen.



Or do you mean that they make so much money from it? Guess what, Sony and Microsoft are companies and making money is their job. Unfortunately their methods are not exactly always fair.

Microsoft + Executive = bad?

GAF math always confuses me.

Microsoft are charging because they can with success which is fine but you can still say it's not fair, ask and point out why. They don't get a pass for being a business making money. Call shit out for being shit.
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