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Microsoft announces Xbox Live cross-network (PSN and other networks) play

To an extent, yes. We could say that about most world leading companies, because having some form of control etc kinda comes with the territory.

But let's not pretend there isn't a difference between posting intelligible criticism based on relevant evidence, and unsubstantiated fear mongering.

Not really....MS has lost numerous antitrust cases and have a long history of anti-competitive/anti-consumer practices. Many companies as big as them do not have the same reputation or history.. Their reputation is earned. YEs there are people who look for any excuse to bash them but thats no different then sony, Nintendo etcc.
If anything, it seems like Microsoft is the one jumping on board to something Sony already had no problems with.

Honestly, what the hell is this backwards crap I've been reading all over this thread? I know they haven't cross platformed together since FF11 but I'm sure nothing changes for Sony with this news.


I wonder how exclusive content would work in the future if games start implementing this. Like when Destiny has console exclusive things for PS4 like weapons and multiplayer maps, strikes etc. Will those players just not be able to play with each other in those maps and with those weapons?

Will probably do what it does in game like CoD or BF and just kick you back to the server screen and tell you that you need the DLC.

But as I was saying earlier I hope this kind of move, leads to the end of console exclusive DLC.


um, how will the authentication and security work between xbox live and PSN ?

Dont see this ever happening personally given the previous PSN security scares, they have that stuff locked right down now.

Also op: you put PSN in the title - however that article does not mention Sony or PlayStation or PS4 anywhere.

So why did you put PSN in the title ?


This is great news!

But will this include party chat across platforms as well? I see that being an issue that Microsoft and Sony would have to "work together" on, which I don't see happening.


It's great news with one huge caveat. There has to be a chance Sony will tell them to piss off. How does it help Sony?


This is great news!

But will this include party chat across platforms as well? I see that being an issue that Microsoft and Sony would have to "work together" on, which I don't see happening.

Watching a stream of the game Paragon they talked a bit about the issues between adapting PSN voice to work with PC apps like Teamspeak and Discord so it seems up to third parties go all out and figure compatibility options for the three platforms.


This seems like a good thing until you realise a big problem. Xb1 gamers are paying to play online. Ps4 gamers are paying to play online. Pc gamers will not be paying to play online.

It is the same games, it is the same online.

If you don't think microsoft will not be locking this behind their windows 10 crap with a fee, you are pretty delusional. Sure stranger things have happened, but that is by far the most reasonable expectation to have right now.

Paid online on pc? Microsoft have tried several times before and can fuck right off with it.

Again, speculation without substances, because you think it is wrong for PC gaming to be free since console gaming is so you expect Ms to do the evil thing they are always being accused of but never really do.

Are you obtuse?

Where did I EVER say any of this shit?

Straight up troll. Especially accusing someone of collecting a paycheck because they are apprehensive to MSFT history.


But go on and keep repeating, 'why we can't have nice things'... jesus christ that is the most pathetic defense against and to try and silence speculation and wanting more info.

So yeah maybe focus on the actual details instead of baseless speculation. Speculation that is based on a bias that MS has always had, but never really plays out in the horrible way people expect it too.

Exactly. Some people are desperate to put a negative spin on every single thing Microsoft does. It's beyond pathetic. Then they try and pass themselves off as level headed posters lol.

Microsoft are just opening up Xbox Live, primarily I would say for their new console and PC initiative. While at the same time opening the doors for everyone else if they so wish.

I doubt Microsoft gain too much from this directly. But developers, publishers AND gamers do as a whole.

I agree with you, but it is sad the majority choose to bank on speculation and bias instead of waiting on details of what could possibly be good for everyone.


Excellent news. This is the direction that you want to see them heading.

The real fun part of this is when any user playing a cross platform game is suddenly included in the Xbox MAU reports.



Gold Member
So yeah maybe focus on the actual details instead of baseless speculation. Speculation that is based on a bias that MS has always had, but never really plays out in the horrible way people expect it too.

I agree with you, but it is sad the majority choose to bank on speculation and bias instead of waiting on details of what could possibly be good for everyone.

I never called you stupid or pathetic, the statement itself is pathetic, especially when you have used it to many posters on here. (I think you know what you are doing, since you like to toss out the 'collecting a Sony check' card, yet you pretend MSFT has never done anything credible to received this apprehension... hmmm).

But keep egging it on, and I am starting to feel sorry for you in a pathetic sort of way now.

People have opinions, people have apprehensions, MSFT has earned that over the past 30 years. Anti-Trust cases lost, EEE exposed by the Supreme Court, XBox Reveal (only having to 180), GFWL games lost, parity clause, and putting up the walled garden this gen they finally seem to be taking down (after losing marketshare 2-1), that is a tiny bit of where apprehension comes from. Deal with it, or move on.

And agreeing with someone who agreed with you. Shocking.
I really hope most developers hop on board with this. I have so many friends that play on different consoles. It'd be a wonderful experience to choose the console (or PC) of your choice and be able to play with everyone. As it stands right now, I always have to pick and choose which people I'm able to play with. Quite frankly, it sucks.


um, how will the authentication and security work between xbox live and PSN ?

Like it already does between NeoGAF's x86 Linux hosting and one's ARM iOS smartphone or Windows computer.

Users authenticate to their platform first, once their authenitication is complete your servers give them a platform neutral identity token within your own servers. This has been a solved problem since Quake.


It's about damn time, Microsoft. Really cool to see them finally buying in.

Hopefully many devs take advantage of it on both PSN and XBL. Now friends can play together regardless of the version they buy.

Big thumbs up from me!


um, how will the authentication and security work between xbox live and PSN ?

Dont see this ever happening personally given the previous PSN security scares, they have that stuff locked right down now.

Also op: you put PSN in the title - however that article does not mention Sony or PlayStation or PS4 anywhere.

So why did you put PSN in the title ?

I don't see why authentication and security becomes an issue. If I'm not mistaken, Most games are actually hosted on 3rd party servers with 1st party servers handling the authentication. This scenario wouldn't change in this case at all.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Very nice, assuming devs support it. Would be nice to play multiplatform online games with all my friends regardless of which platform they own (most only have one, I have all most gens including this one).
The more the merrier... I mean if you can expand the userbase, why not?

I realise this...but I just don't get the huge deal...at the end of the day it won't change much. Might help games that have low populations that's about it. Games like COD really don't benefit from this at all.


I realise this...but I just don't get the huge deal...at the end of the day it won't change much. Might help games that have low populations that's about it. Games like COD really don't benefit from this at all.

If it does that that's HUGE! So, yeah, it's a big deal for devs. As a gamer you should be happier.

Yeah, you are right! Why expand the communities. They are fine for AAA titles. Do you even think about what you type?


The one negative i'll say about this is that if Rocket League is a precedent, this doesn't actually lead to other people playing with friends on other platforms. It just means a larger competitive pool in the general matchmaking(which is obvs still great, especially in terms of extending the life of games).

Unless Sony/Microsoft/Steam reach across the aisle in terms of how their backend recognizes other platforms or third party developers start implementing their own online handles like in SFV or an MMO, it's business as usual in terms of playing with friends.
How would that be any different then now? It;s not like there not a lot of people online now, no issues every finding matches.

There are a lot of people online, but it is a big world.

If you live in somewhere like Australia, which is relatively isolated and has a low population base, having cross platform play is a big deal.


I never called you stupid or pathetic, the statement itself is pathetic, especially when you have used it to many posters on here. (I think you know what you are doing, since you like to toss out the 'collecting a Sony check' card, yet you pretend MSFT has never done anything credible to received this apprehension... hmmm).

But keep egging it on, and I am starting to feel sorry for you in a pathetic sort of way now.

People have opinions, people have apprehensions, MSFT has earned that over the past 30 years. Anti-Trust cases lost, EEE exposed by the Supreme Court, XBox Reveal (only having to 180), GFWL games lost, parity clause, and putting up the walled garden this gen they finally seem to be taking down (after losing marketshare 2-1), that is a tiny bit of where apprehension comes from. Deal with it, or move on.

And agreeing with someone who agreed with you. Shocking.

Why because you sound so full of it I think you are a Sony fanboy?

The only thing I said was that you shoul base whatever you say on actual fact and info not baseless speculation. If you think that is pathetic then I fell sorry for you.

Also I agreed with you with the wanting info part if that was serious. Too bad that on the other part of your argument on top of calling me pathetic for actually having an open mind to good things you said you are basing it on 30 years of bias and on top of that speculation.

I know all that MS has done. Most of it has nothing to do with xbox, the other stuff has just been really blown out of proportion. You seem to think you have this tiny apprehension because MS did some bad stuff some time back, but to me you sound like a conspiracy nut.

show me the details where it actually proves to me MS is screwing us with any of this and I'll agree eat my hat and whatever. Until then you are just basing you argument of calling me pathetic out of speculation supported by misleading facts.


Great to hear, but I'm apprehensive of cross-network imbalances. People have been saying for years that it's easier to play most games on PC (especially FPS's), and if this is true, it could mean an unfair advantage for PC folks in games like CoD.
So Rocket League PC can play with everyone, while each console will only me matched with themselves and PC at least at first. That's still pretty awesome. This doesn't solve the lack of universal friend system for inviting your friends from other platforms though. Still awesome news and the early signs of greatness.
Great to hear, but I'm apprehensive of cross-network imbalances. People have been saying for years that it's easier to play most games on PC (especially FPS's), and if this is true, it could mean an unfair advantage for PC folks in games like CoD.
Matchmaking restriction by controller type = Problem Solved
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