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Microsoft announces Xbox Live cross-network (PSN and other networks) play


Please. No one thinks paid online services are a good deal. They pay for it because they have no other option on consoles. If Steam started charging for such services there would be a shitstorm, but guess what? Consumers would eventually pay for it if they had no other options.

It's not enough money for me to worry about. Basically, I don't give a shit.


I don't think anyone should expect the ability to send invites cross platform anytime soon if this does come to fruition. That's probably a step too far for Sony/MS.

I imagine this would just be a case of that you could play with a random player on any platform during matchmaking, and perhaps devs might setup some sort of rivalry playlists for fun i.e. Playstation vs Xbox matches.

It's cool that it's happening, but I don't really see the megaton that a lot of people seem to think this is.
I'll use Rocket League as an example here:

You can set up private matches via a password in Rocket League and then search for that password and join that game. I don't ever see cross-platform matchmaking becoming a thing quickly, yeah. People would need to design with it in mind.

But something that already exists where everyone plays on the same servers regardless of platform (SFV not that it would come to Xbone, FFXIV, etc.) would work the same as they do now.


You mean I don't need to buy an Xbox One to play with my Xbox friends now? These guys just keep shooting themselves in the foot. First the announcement that xbox exlcusive games are coming to PC, and now this.


MS can't catch a break. Sounds like you weren't gonna buy one anyway to be fair.



I just feel this is one big joke.

why would the xbox brand give away their biggest asset like this? I cant wrap my head around it. I think this will be the last XBOX as we know it.


If the ball really is on Sony's court whether or not Rocket League and other games allow cross platform play between PS4 and XBO, Neogaf should start a twitter campaign. Come on neogaf, help break the walls down!


I don't see cross platform invites being a big problem. Street Fighter V has something similar where you can search by gamertag or player id. Each game will just ask you to create a ID for that specific game.


I think he was trying to be humorous, but this news does work both ways.

Not trying to be humorous at all. I now have even less desire to purchase an Xbox One because of this announcement. One of the biggest draws to getting an XB1 was to be able to play with my friends who haven't migrated over to PS4. With this announcement, that will (hopefully) no longer be a problem in the future.

On a separate note, it's time for CoD players on console to get owned by PC players.


How will friends lists work? Will each game have its own internal friends list?

I'm guessing there's no way to do cross-platform party chat (maybe if the PS4 got a Skype app?).


Not to be a buzzkill or anything, but how would this work with Xbox games which look and perform worse than the PS4 counterpart?

Rocket league I get coz they have the same specs, but what about a game which was like 1080p / 50-60fps on PS4, but the Xbox version is 900p / 30fps?

Genuinely asking
Cant help thinking xbox must be in such a shit state for them to do something like this. Or am i missing something ?

Probably a bit of everything.

Them not being the top dog this cycle, MS as a company moving towards multi-platform support and what we haven't gotten a bigger idea of is how much they are breaking away from the traditional console cycle.

Really this just puts the ball in Sony's and big Devs courts. MS is no longer going to hold platform silo flag so that leaves the rest of the industry to comment or make a move on it.
Not to be a buzzkill or anything, but how would this work with Xbox games which look and perform worse than the PS4 counterpart?

Rocket league I get coz they have the same specs, but what about a game which was like 1080p / 50-60fps on PS4, but the Xbox version is 900p / 30fps?

Genuinely asking

This is a huge problem and is the reason there are no pc games with online multiplayer
Not to be a buzzkill or anything, but how would this work with Xbox games which look and perform worse than the PS4 counterpart?

Rocket league I get coz they have the same specs, but what about a game which was like 1080p / 50-60fps on PS4, but the Xbox version is 900p / 30fps?

Genuinely asking

Same as games on PC, it doesn't matter. Everyone has different systems they're running on, at various different framerates and resolutions.


Junior Member
Not to be a buzzkill or anything, but how would this work with Xbox games which look and perform worse than the PS4 counterpart?

Rocket league I get coz they have the same specs, but what about a game which was like 1080p / 50-60fps on PS4, but the Xbox version is 900p / 30fps?

Genuinely asking

Uhh, how many of those games actually exist?


Not to be a buzzkill or anything, but how would this work with Xbox games which look and perform worse than the PS4 counterpart?

Rocket league I get coz they have the same specs, but what about a game which was like 1080p / 50-60fps on PS4, but the Xbox version is 900p / 30fps?

Genuinely asking

Games already have to account for random perf drops due to hardware revisions and just bad situations that someone can be in but not others on the same hardware. You also already have to deal with this on PC releases. It's not a problem. Also in terms of framerate, it's likely any game destined for the consoles would have the same FPS on both of them.


Not to be a buzzkill or anything, but how would this work with Xbox games which look and perform worse than the PS4 counterpart?

Rocket league I get coz they have the same specs, but what about a game which was like 1080p / 50-60fps on PS4, but the Xbox version is 900p / 30fps?

Genuinely asking

Name one multiplayer game that runs at 60fps on PS4 and 30fps on XB1.


You mean I don't need to buy an Xbox One to play with my Xbox friends now? These guys just keep shooting themselves in the foot. First the announcement that xbox exlcusive games are coming to PC, and now this.

How is any of this "shooting themselves in the foot".

With this move they've increased how attractive the Xbox platform is to developers. Which will give their Xbox customers more games to play and lengthened the MP lives of these games on their system.

With the 1st party games going to PC, they've upped the sales potential of all of their franchises. Which could allow for increased investment across PC and Xbox consoles. Again more games for their customers.

Also, were you ever REALLY gonna buy an xb1 and live subscription at this point?


How are people calling MS out for doing this one positive thing because they put the foot forward to make it happen. You cannot blame them if they have found out a specific way to do it because they did put the framework that will make this happen. If they didn't no one will have done it.

Please please please do not let this shit turn into a "our method of doing stuff is better" argument then we'll have people fighting over which cross-play implementation would be better and of course they'll crap on Ms even though this wouldn't have happened in the first place without their input.


This is good, if not great for everyone.
That's really cool. I hope devs take advantage of this. Online games shouldn't be as fractured as they are now. It should be buy on the device you want and play with everyone.


This is a huge problem and is the reason there are no pc games with online multiplayer



Not to be a buzzkill or anything, but how would this work with Xbox games which look and perform worse than the PS4 counterpart?

Rocket league I get coz they have the same specs, but what about a game which was like 1080p / 50-60fps on PS4, but the Xbox version is 900p / 30fps?

Genuinely asking

The same way that online PC gaming works with people who have different setups that run the same game at different resolutions, frame rates, graphics effects levels.
Would it be safe to assume that if you are a PSN user you can't party up with an Xbox Live user? Anyway, since I'm building a PC, I'm pretty sure I'm going to sell my Xbox One once that's done. No point really in owning one now outside of maybe Games with Gold.


Not to be a buzzkill or anything, but how would this work with Xbox games which look and perform worse than the PS4 counterpart?

Rocket league I get coz they have the same specs, but what about a game which was like 1080p / 50-60fps on PS4, but the Xbox version is 900p / 30fps?

Genuinely asking



Someone brought up how will patching work, which is a legit question. As a 2K player on PS4, I always see the Xbone side have to wait about 2 weeks for the same patch.

The other thing is network reliability/stability. Will opening up their network to a developers choice of multiplayer implementation impact the quality in some way?
This quote makes it sound like FFXIV isn't coming to Xbox.

"Of course, it’s up to game developers to support this feature, and Xbox Live players will always have the option of choosing to play only with other Xbox Live players."

This would make it required to have an Xbox only server and I don't think SE wants that.

You know what, I think too much emphasis is being placed on this quote. For this to work, every single cross platform game would have to have it's own special 'xbox only' servers which no developer is going to do unless they are making a game that is console exclusive to begin with.


How is any of this "shooting themselves in the foot".

With this move they've increased how attractive the Xbox platform is to developers. Which will give their Xbox customers more games to play and lengthened the MP lives of these games on their system.

With the 1st party games going to PC, they've upped the sales potential of all of their franchises. Which could allow for increased investment across PC and Xbox consoles. Again more games for their customers.

I get that, and it's a great announcement for those reasons, but at the same time they're giving people less and less reason to own an XB1. I hope it pays off for them.

EDIT: And then there's people that own an XB1 and will now sell it because it's losing its relevance. See above:

since I'm building a PC, I'm pretty sure I'm going to sell my Xbox One once that's done. No point really in owning one now outside of maybe Games with Gold.
Love the response, lol.

The ONLY problem I foresee, is contingent on one of the consoles having hackers before the other running rampant. In fact, it happened with PC version of Rocket League initially and you could see them flying around and teleporting on PS4. I suppose if one console or the other suddenly had hackers they could disable cross-console play until it was fixed, or indefinitely if it can't be fixed.

Beyond that, I'm 100% with MS joining Sony in not having a walled garden approach to online MP experiences. Imagine the next Battlefield...


The same way that online PC gaming works with people who have different setups that run the same game at different resolutions, frame rates, graphics effects levels.
I know it's been like that for pc, but with an actual console manufacturer behind one side of the fence, would they want their fanbase to have a lesser experience than their rival competitor?


Someone brought up how will patching work, which is a legit question. As a 2K player on PS4, I always see the Xbone side have to wait about 2 weeks for the same patch.

The other thing is network reliability/stability. Will opening up their network to a developers choice of multiplayer implementation impact the quality in some way?

Those two are my biggest concerns.

The only thing I can think of for the patches would be that Xbox players would only be able to play with other Xbox players if there's a delay. Basically put into a kind of server quarantine until they get the new patch and then can play with everyone else...which is terribly unfair lol


Everyone losing their shit because 'its a bad move for Xbox', still in denial about the future of the brand I guess. It makes complete sense with the other plans they have (multiple console iterations, universal apps etc etc).


Not to be a buzzkill or anything, but how would this work with Xbox games which look and perform worse than the PS4 counterpart?

Rocket league I get coz they have the same specs, but what about a game which was like 1080p / 50-60fps on PS4, but the Xbox version is 900p / 30fps?

Genuinely asking

PC games handle it fine. You'd be at a disadvantage, but that's an unlikely example (a frame-rate disparity that significant for a multiplayer title).


I know it's been like that for pc, but with an actual console manufacturer behind one side of the fence, would they want their fanbase to have a lesser experience than their rival competitor?

They're already having it, if you're using graphics as an indicator of a good experience.


Not trying to be humorous at all. I now have even less desire to purchase an Xbox One because of this announcement. One of the biggest draws to getting an XB1 was to be able to play with my friends who haven't migrated over to PS4. With this announcement, that will (hopefully) no longer be a problem in the future.

On a separate note, it's time for CoD players on console to get owned by PC players.

How are you gonna play Halo and Forza on PS4?


Cant help thinking xbox must be in such a shit state for them to do something like this. Or am i missing something ?
You are missing a lot. For games to support this they will need to be a universal Windows app. It starts looking like this:

Rocket League would be available on:

-Xbox One

Two out of the three major platforms for RL would be paying MS royalties and fees on every purchase made be it the game it's self or even just car/dlc sales.

MS wants this because they get two out of three platforms. Devs want this because they have one huge userbase with all players combined to keep the game active and healthy. That translates into more dlc sales and lifetime of the game.

There's also the consideration that for some games Xbox and PC players will both have Xbox Live in common so they can most likely chat and party up in addition to being in the same achievement and social sharing network. That could leave PlayStation users as the odd man out of every game that supports all platforms. It not a huge deal but it will bother some people.

Microsoft is being pretty damn smart here.


The thing I am interested to see is how games like COD or Battlefield fare when matched with console players on PC. There are a lot of mods and glitches etc that people take advantage of on PC that aren't available on the consoles.

I don't really agree with the idea that Microsoft is giving away anything by allowing this to happen. If anything it shows that the company is forward thinking and always evolving their platform with the consumer in mind (the EXACT opposite to how they announced the console).


You are missing a lot. For games to support this they will need to be a universal Windows app. It starts looking like this:

Rocket League would be available on:

-Xbox One

Two out of the three major platforms for RL would be paying MS royalties and fees on every purchase made be it the game it's self or even just car/dlc sales.

MS wants this because they get two out of three platforms. Devs want this because they have one huge userbase with all players combined to keep the game active and healthy. That translates into more dlc sales and lifetime of the game.

There's also the consideration that Xbox and PC players will both have Xbox Live in common so they can most likely chat and party up in addition to being in the same achievement and social sharing network. That could leave PlayStation users as the odd man out of every game that supports all platforms. It not a huge deal but it will bother some people.

Microsoft is being pretty damn smart here.

Pretty much this.
Not to be a buzzkill or anything, but how would this work with Xbox games which look and perform worse than the PS4 counterpart?

Rocket league I get coz they have the same specs, but what about a game which was like 1080p / 50-60fps on PS4, but the Xbox version is 900p / 30fps?

Genuinely asking

Is there any game with that much discrepancy between them?


Everyone losing their shit because 'its a bad move for Xbox', still in denial about the future of the brand I guess. It makes complete sense with the other plans they have (multiple console iterations, universal apps etc etc).

At this point, some see every movie that MS makes as a bad move....

The console landscape is changing. MS is preparing for that.


Gold Member
I just checked Papo's post history, and unless it's worse or something more in... it seems like a normal poster just from 2 pages, I don't see him railing on the PS4 or anything, and I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as you think it is..

So are you more concerned about someone railing on an inanimate object, or calling people out for being shills?

Because the latter is what I thought the argument was really about, and if you scroll back to the original call out to me, he said I collected a paycheck from Sony, because I questioned, 'what is the catch'...

Anyways, I am over it. Always have been a PC gamer first, thus my history of using MSFT products in not only work, but gaming, to question this from being burned in the past.

You are missing a lot. For games to support this they will need to be a universal Windows app. It starts looking like this:

Rocket League would be available on:

-Xbox One

Two out of the three major platforms for RL would be paying MS royalties and fees on every purchase made be it the game it's self or even just car/dlc sales.

MS wants this because they get two out of three platforms. Devs want this because they have one huge userbase with all players combined to keep the game active and healthy. That translates into more dlc sales and lifetime of the game.

There's also the consideration that for some games Xbox and PC players will both have Xbox Live in common so they can most likely chat and party up in addition to being in the same achievement and social sharing network. That could leave PlayStation users as the odd man out of every game that supports all platforms. It not a huge deal but it will bother some people.

Microsoft is being pretty damn smart here.

Makes more sense than a lot of the posts in here.


I know it's been like that for pc, but with an actual console manufacturer behind one side of the fence, would they want their fanbase to have a lesser experience than their rival competitor?

I don't think Microsoft believes that their consumers got the inferior experience. They'll probably boast about party chat, the controller and Xbox Live Achievements™.
The thing I am interested to see is how games like COD or Battlefield fare when matched with console players on PC. There are a lot of mods and glitches etc that people take advantage of on PC that aren't available on the consoles.

I don't really agree with the idea that Microsoft is giving away anything by allowing this to happen. If anything it shows that the company is forward thinking and always evolving their platform with the consumer in mind (the EXACT opposite to how they announced the console).

I doubt you'll see COD or battlefield matching mouse users with controller users. Yeah, they do this on the PC where they basically have to but they won't be letting mouse users play against controller users on the consoles. In Fact, I doubt you'll see cross platform between PC and the consoles at all for these games. Maybe xbox vs playstation but nothing beyond that.


So are you more concerned about someone railing on an inanimate object, or calling people out for being shills?

Because the latter is what I thought the argument was really about, and if you scroll back to the original call out to me, he said I collected a paycheck from Sony, because I questioned, 'what is the catch'...

Anyways, I am over it. Always have been a PC gamer first, thus my history of using MSFT products in not only work, but gaming, to question this from being burned in the past.

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