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Microsoft: Xbox One leading sales in US since price cut, nearly 10 million sold-in

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I don't understand the timing of this PR statement, if they are so close to 10 mil shipped why not just wait a few weeks until it happens, unless of course its not so close after all. Anyway writing a press release about a "almost" reached shipped number seems kinda pathetic.

NPDs are tomorrow, and Sony's about to beat them...again. This has happened before. MS puts out a nice-looking statement like this the day before, then Sony wins the next day.

Edit: Beat like MS tomorrow.



Nelson pls.

Hahahahaha alrighty then Spin Dr. Nelson. You aren't doing yourself or the company you represent any favors.



Right, exactly. If you said "competition is good" during the early months of this gen, the argument would be made in reverse: the market has spoken, competition is good only in context to a product of merit.

Right now the market has spoken for two weeks, because these are insane deals. But what happens once the games come back out of the bundle and the system is $399 again? Or will MS keep it at the $349 price point? There's a lot of considerations for the long term sustainability of this surge.

Consider for example the PS2. GCN and Xbox were no where near that system, PS2 completely dominated... and that system had one of the most diverse lineups of all time. And was consistently giving consumers great deals with greatest hits games, great console prices, etc.

I just hear "competition is good" all the time as a cold hard cement statement, and I like the add the qualifier in there because it's actually neutral. :D

It's generally assumed competition means competitive offerings in the sense of something different, high quality or good value.


Gold Member
That's good news for Microsoft. If they keep the $350 bundles stocked they should move through a lot of consoles this holiday.


I know this thread is pretty much u.s related but in the UK their bundles really aren't that great. When think back in April I bought an Xbox with kinect and titanfall for £349.

Now for 20 quid less 7 months later you get just the base unit and a game. Shows they aren't really trying over here anymore And could probably go a lot lower if they wanted. But we're British and getting something cheaper that actually isn't is the norm.


i really like second-place microsoft. they've been aggressive as fuck with their pricing and gamers are consequently winning. hopefully it prods sony to drop bombs during their december event.


- Hey Major Nelson, I saw your tweet about selling 10m xboxes in the US. That's amazing, well done!
- well..actually that 10m is world wide, not just the U.S.
- oh. Well still, selling 10m is a great achievement. That's a lot of happy consumers
- well..we haven't actually sold them all to consumers yet. We've shipped them into stores ready to sell to people.
- oh. Ok I'm sure those shops will sell them soon. Still, shipping 10m out to stores takes some doing, eh?
- well..we haven't actually shipped 10m yet. We will soon though
- oh ffs.


Most likely spanked the hell out of it too, lol.

This month's NPD thread is going to be depressing as hell with no creamsugar and Aquamarine out of the picture :(

Gestault said:
It's generally assumed competition means competitive offerings in the sense of something different, high quality or good value.

Why would it even mean that? Competition in this context literally just means: anyone who is striving for similar slice of the market and you're trying to beat them. There's nothing else implied in the term whatsoever.


- Hey Major Nelson, I saw your tweet about selling 10m xboxes in the US. That's amazing, well done!
- well..actually that 10m is world wide, not just the U.S.
- oh. Well still, selling 10m is a great achievement. That's a lot of happy consumers
- well..we haven't actually sold them all to consumers yet. We've shipped them into stores ready to sell to people.
- oh. Ok I'm sure those shops will sell them soon. Still, shipping 10m out to stores takes some doing, eh?
- well..we haven't actually shipped 10m yet. We will soon though
- oh ffs.


Urgh, I kinda dislike how Microsoft is pushing this agenda of outselling. Just make good games and people will buy it.

Well if you convince enough people to think that 10 million people bought the Xbox One, you'll think it'll be cool enough to have and want one I guess.


Right, exactly. If you said "competition is good" during the early months of this gen, the argument would be made in reverse: the market has spoken, competition is good only in context to a product of merit.

Right now the market has spoken for two weeks, because these are insane deals. But what happens once the games come back out of the bundle and the system is $399 again? Or will MS keep it at the $349 price point? There's a lot of considerations for the long term sustainability of this surge.

Consider for example the PS2. GCN and Xbox were no where near that system, PS2 completely dominated... and that system had one of the most diverse lineups of all time. And was consistently giving consumers great deals with greatest hits games, great console prices, etc.

I just hear "competition is good" all the time as a cold hard cement statement, and I like the add the qualifier in there because it's actually neutral. :D

I live in a country were monopolies are prominent and rampant, no matter what benevolent a corporation may look, once they hold of the market you are down for an ugly run.

As for merits I think that is a personal choice, that is the beauty of free market people perception of value is different, that's why we have different products for different tastes. A sector of the core audience keep bringing on and on the 1080p on PS4 superior hardware, like if the only logical outcome was to buy a PS4 regardless of other factors, crazy as it sounds maybe that bullet point is in fact no that important for a lot people.


They'd deserve it. They went all out with these bundles. Got me to drop dough on the Sunset bundle. I'm loving the thing. Never thought I'd say that.

Deserved it ? As if it was a special effort for MS, a company benefiting from nearly monopolistical situations in OS and Office tools, with billions in cash reserves...

They are trying to save the XB1's ass, and what they're doing here is only costing them the price of a drop of water.


This is probably all they intend to sell in this quarter, nothing impressive.

If they can't outsell the PS4 at $349, (soon to be $329) with 2 games bundled and big releases like SO and MCC they might as well just quit.

SCEA isn't doing a very good job with the PS4, they should be more aggressive when it comes to bundles,etc, this is a key market and pretty much the only place where the XO still stands a chance.

November will likely go to MS with a decent margin(unless GTAV bundle is insanely successful), December will be more interesting.


" Shortly, we will have sold in to retailers more than 10 million Xbox One consoles."

That's pretty vague.
Sony could say the same for 20 million mark if "shortly" means "few months where console sales are strongest".
Sounds like by Black Friday and December
Return of the king. Well deserved.

what does this even mean?

there are 12 months in a year. Somehow winning two months (granted they are huge sales months ) out of 12 means the king has returned?

you ignore them getting their ass handed to them the rest of the year?


Why would it even mean that? Competition in this context literally just means: anyone who is striving for similar slice of the market and you're trying to beat them. There's nothing else implied in the term whatsoever.

When people say "competition is good"? Yeah, there is in the sense that it means options, and people will tend to choose what they like.


Do you use adblock? Careful how you answer that

I'll answer that. I always get local ads on thr top and bottom of the page and thought that was ingrained in the GAF programming code to get additionala revenue ala youtube. Lately, offers me to join a single Christian Dating site im Canada, go figure :p. Alright I won't derail this thread. Sorry to see Ray banned, but tid GAF. GAF gotta operate like a well-oiled machine.


This means nothing in terms of beating the ps4, they have had a great season (MCC mm aside) though so fair play.


I don't think it's as impressive as they want it to be.

But regardless, hopefully this means Sunset Overdrive sold well. Looks like a great game, and that bundle should have helped.


- Hey Major Nelson, I saw your tweet about selling 10m xboxes in the US. That's amazing, well done!
- well..actually that 10m is world wide, not just the U.S.
- oh. Well still, selling 10m is a great achievement. That's a lot of happy consumers
- well..we haven't actually sold them all to consumers yet. We've shipped them into stores ready to sell to people.
- oh. Ok I'm sure those shops will sell them soon. Still, shipping 10m out to stores takes some doing, eh?
- well..we haven't actually shipped 10m yet. We will soon though
- oh ffs.

well that made me chuckle. good one


"Shortly, we will have sold in to retailers more than 10 Million"

When it's 'shortly' to have 10 million shipped? 1 year? 1 Million? In January?

To triply sales during 2 weeks after a pricecut and great bundles and 'to lead next gen sales during these 2 weeks at the start of November and with the upcoming debut of their main exclusive IP this gen sounds good, let's see how much does it last and if it happens outside US too.


Yes, shittier hardware should sell well at a lower price point with pack-in games.

MS done a good job capitalizing on Soony's laziness over the past year. Sony's first party games done a good job being average to mediocre too.

Bangin' year for the WiiU though.


Why didn't they just wait before actually reaching the ten million figure before releasing this PR. The timing seems suspicious to me; preemptive of something.

It's just feel good news that might rub off on consumers and lead to more sales. Positive vibe does wonders.


Gestault said:
When people say "competition is good"? Yeah, there is.

Why? How are you pulling that out of air?

I can tell you for a fact that's nonsense too because we've actually had this debate with many other GAFers when they say 'competition is good.' And it's never, ever about the "quality of the competitive products." Not even once in the literal decade+ I've been having that argument on GAF. It's always some starry eyed wishy-washy stuff about how the companies do better for consumers when someone is breathing down their neck.

You have to be the first person I've ever heard interpret it that way, and it's a very convenient interpretation.

I live in a country were monopolies are prominent and rampant, no matter what benevolent a corporation may look, once they hold of the market you are down for an ugly run.

As for merits I think that is a personal choice, that is the beauty of free market people perception of value is different, that's why we have different products for different tastes. A sector of the core audience keep bringing on and on the 1080p on PS4 superior hardware, like if the only logical outcome was to buy a PS4 regardless of other factors, crazy as it sounds maybe that bullet point is in fact no that important for a lot people.

Everyone has a history with companies dominating. But one company doing significantly better than other is not actually a monopoly or anything like it. There's still tons of gaming companies out there that are providing viable alternatives, they're just not doing as well. Not the same concern.

As for your second comment, that's really not something I'm going to dig into here. I know you're an XBO guy and whatnot, but the issue has nothing to do with whether some players find merit in it. Most of the market did not early on, and that was because of its price, the decisions around it and more. That is the definition of a free market working. We can't say we want a free market and then decry it when it does its job :p

Not that you're doing that, but it sounds a bit like you think the market speaking so loudly on XBO was some indictment on your own preference toward it.

Oh yeah, forgot about that stuff going down.

*sigh* Gonna be the worst NPD in ages :(


what does this even mean?

there are 12 months in a year. Somehow winning two months (granted they are huge sales months ) out of 12 means the king has returned?

you ignore them getting their ass handed to them the rest of the year?

Maybe it's a start for X1 to lead ;).


So all the outlets are reporting it that MS have sold 10 million Xbox ones in the same breath as the ps4 having done it months ago.

MS have stuffed the channel, 7 million in stores compared to 5.5 to customers.

So they are maybe at 8 million to customers compared to 10 million in stores.

Lies and spin.


Deserved it ? As if it was a special effort for MS, a company benefiting from nearly monopolistical situations in OS and Office tools, with billions in cash reserves...

They are trying to save the XB1's ass, and what they're doing here is only costing them the price of a drop of water.

Deserve the win for a couple weeks of making the XB1 a very worthwhile offer. Jesus Christ.
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