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Pachter Predicts: Xbox One outsold PS4 in September (dance, you puppets)


I think we put too much stock in NPD. It's one territory. Xbox was a success last gen because of total domination of the NA market. Without that domination while maintaining the continued irrelevance in the rest of the world, even winning "a month or two" of NPD does what exactly?


Far too many people are believing his prediction as a fact. It is only 3 days and we will know and patcher has been wrong on NPD data quite often. And he doesn't know much about destiny, does not play it and actually hates mmo type games. His understanding is kinda lacking on this matter. For refrence on him not liking mmo and only playing destiny an hr and him preferring gaming on xbox one. He was on gamertag radio podcast few weeks.


If Sonys issues with online continue into the holiday, then thier reputation will take a hit especially in NA. A guy who can't play Cod or AC because of Sonys incompetence will just go and buy an Xbox, and from then on, it will be a domino effect.

I don't own either consoles, but from what i hear PSN handled Destiny fine, it has primarily been Drive Club that is having the server issues.


If Sonys issues with online continue into the holiday, then thier reputation will take a hit especially in NA. A guy who can't play Cod or AC because of Sonys incompetence will just go and buy an Xbox, and from then on, it will be a domino effect.

They're DDOS attacks. These will not last.

Secondly, not seeing it.

If someone is so into Call of Duty that they'd buy another console because the online didn't work 24/7 (if it doesn't), they're already either playing on the 360 or One. They didn't rush out to buy a PS4.
My God the NPD thread on Thursday if this happens. September is usually an awesome month for NPD in general (first of the major months in the run-up to Christmas) but if Pachter proves correct this would be shocking and meaningful news. Most of us on GAF who have a connection to the heartbeat of the industry are acutely aware that Sony, month after month is winning with powerful momentum that since launch has been this unstoppable force that Microsoft thus far has failed to surmount. For Microsoft to take a month, even just one, it could mean that perhaps they have a chance in North America after all.

Do I think Pachter is correct? I think that although he is unpopular on here and has been infamously wrong in many occasions he has access to indicators that we simply don't have so his opinion and predictions are more probable than most.

I'm excited for NPD on Thursday now. Should be a great thread.

Actually, that's patently incorrect. I know a lot about how Pachter operates...and trust me...he's just as normal as your average GAFfer who knows a lot about sales.

GAF has people who work in retail that regularly give us an update of trends in the wider market. The type of channel checking that GAF does is fundamentally more comprehensive than Pachter's channel checking.

This thread is just as silly as someone making a thread saying "Aquamarine predicts Xbox One outsold PS4 in September."
If Sonys issues with online continue into the holiday, then thier reputation will take a hit especially in NA. A guy who can't play Cod or AC because of Sonys incompetence will just go and buy an Xbox, and from then on, it will be a domino effect.

The Drive Club issues seem to have to do with Driveclub itself, not Sony's servers. I doubt there will be any issue when CoD or AC hit, at least not any moreso than you usually see. Servers are always sorta shit on the first few days of a big game.
its funny, the thing I love about PS4 is its less social lol :D

Lol well, I wouldn't necessarily disagree with you. I probably should have clarified that SP is still my favorite way to game. My previous post was specifically in response to someone bringing up the peculiar statistical phenomenon in which PS4 has a significant sales advantage but many people with both systems are reporting they have more friends on Xbone. I guess the nutshell answer could be "Xbone is geared slightly more to MP gaming, PS4 is geared slightly more to SP gaming." EDIT: Thus far, the MP games that have grabbed me the most from last gen to now happened to be 360/Xbone/PC exclusives (the Left 4 Dead series + Titanfall). So that's partially how & why I ended up with a lot more XBL friends than PSN friends, despite the fact that I love a lot of the SP exclusives on the PS3/PS4. I mean, TLoU Remaster and Wolfenstein on PS4 are the best overall games I've played on new Gen (honorable mention to Second Son), all of which are SP and didn't necessitate adding a single new PSN friend.

But, then again, I don't think excellent SP & excellent MP are mutually exclusive ideas. Sony could improve the appeal of their online/social experience & still offer great SP experiences. ;) And i don't think the better social aspect of XBL in any way detracts from Xbone's SP potential (tho it could be argued focusing on the Kinect has diverted resources/attention away from the core gamer and resulted in the hardware being gimped vs PS4...but that's not MP vs. SP...thats just MS doubling down on chasing the Wii motion control dollars ;)).


I think some people just wonder where the hell he's getting his numbers from.

Most of us base our predictions on retail reports, online rankings, and historical sales data. Add our "hunch" to the numbers and that's what people come up with.

So how are Pachter's numbers so far from almost every prediction out there? Where is he pulling these numbers from? Is it from a legit source and the rest of us are horribly, horribly, wrong?

You would think that Pachter has to have better sources than us, seeing as he is a professional analyst.


If Sonys issues with online continue into the holiday, then thier reputation will take a hit especially in NA. A guy who can't play Cod or AC because of Sonys incompetence will just go and buy an Xbox, and from then on, it will be a domino effect.

Sony does not have issues with online games this is a driveclub specific problem and I think there is more to it than just server issues. CODGhosts/BF4/TlOU/KZSF FFXIV/DCUO are all online and operational.

Purest 78

Last Time I checked the white ps4 bundle outsold every x1 sku on amazon this year. So is he trying to that all x1 sku have sold just around 200k the entire year on amazon. I find that extremely hard to believe


Actually, I think it shows determination.

Why aren't free games a great way of competing, as long as they are quality titles?

Free games are fantastic for consumers but a long-term problem for Microsoft. You don't want your consumers expecting deals and waiting on them.

This may shock you, but giving games away for free isn't really an inherent good for a company's bottom line.

I'm sure it is cheaper for Microsoft if it is a 1st party game, but that week prior to Destiny's release must have been expensive.


Free games are fantastic for consumers but a long-term problem for Microsoft. You don't want your consumers expecting deals and waiting on them.

I'm sure it is cheaper for Microsoft if it is a 1st party game, but that week prior to Destiny's release must have been expensive.

It's worth it in the long run as they gain the mindset that Xbox is the best place to play games.
Return of the king baby! 😉

But seriously... It is possible, Xbox seems to be preferred system for a lot of online gamers (top destiny players are on Xbox) and a lot of 360 owners still have to make the switch.
I think some people just wonder where the hell he's getting his numbers from.

Most of us base our predictions on retail reports, online rankings, and historical sales data. Add our "hunch" to the numbers and that's what people come up with.

So how are Pachter's numbers so far from almost every prediction out there? Where is he pulling these numbers from? Is it from a legit source and the rest of us are horribly, horribly, wrong?

You would think that Pachter has to have better sources than us, seeing as he is a professional analyst.

Pachter is a professional analyst for a LOT of companies. He doesn't spend very much time on these kind of predictions...he has a lot to get done every month.

So yes, an intelligent GAFfer is indeed more well-informed.


Neo Member

Somehow I doubt it.
What good will a new fire do when the massive "360's US marketshare" bonfire didn't fix PSN.

The massive 360 market share *did* arguably "fix" the PS4. Sony came out swinging with the PS4's hardware design. So, one step at a time. To be fair to Sony, improving a global network takes time (and money, which is in short supply at Sony despite the wildly successful PS4/PS+). Still, it does appear Sony has rested on their laurels a bit after MS screwed the pooch so badly on the Xbone launch and allowed Sony's superior hardware design an opening to steal a lot of buyers early on. But, this is a marathon not a sprint. So, lighting a fire under their ass may be just what Sony needs to get it in gear.


I did mean it's good for us.

Microsoft is a rich company, they'll survive enticing potential future customers for awhile.

Just because they're rich, doesn't mean that they could do this indefinitely. They have fiscal budgets each fiscal year, as an example.

How does it being desperate make it a bad precedent? Do you not like bundled games?

Because consumers won't be purchasing the console without a bundled game or two. And how long can Microsoft actually sustain this?
Because consumers won't be purchasing the console without a bundled game. And how long can Microsoft actually do this?

People invest a lot of money into consoles.
Microsoft will make their money back. Don't you worry about their finances Biker, you just enjoy the free games.

I am not seeing how bundled games is a bad precedent. You shouldn't be so conerned.
People invest a lot of money into consoles.
Microsoft will make their money back. Don't you worry about their finances Biker, you just enjoy the free games.

I still am not seeing how bundled games is a bad precedent.

Well software is supposed to be the counterpart to the loss-leader hardware. When you start giving both away at a loss, your bottom line starts looking less appealing. Obviously it's not the end of the world for them, but they need to make the system desirable as a value proposition without an additional freebie


Oh Michael.

That's a bold prediction.

I think he's wrong as usual.

We will see, the NPD thread is going to be really interesting.
Just because they're rich, doesn't mean that they could do this indefinitely. They have fiscal budgets each fiscal year, as an example.

Because consumers won't be purchasing the console without a bundled game or two. And how long can Microsoft actually sustain this?

I'm sure they could manage to sustain it as long as they felt they had to. At least until they've felt they've caught up enough.

You still haven't explained why free games and bundles are bad. They might not be the best for a company financially, but it's more than good for the consumers who reap the rewards.
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