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Papa John's testing pan pizza crust option in select Kentucky locations

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I like it better than their regular crust but I don't think it'll change anyone's minds about Papa John's. I'd rather still have Pizza Hut's pan pizza.

My toppings are also cooked more than on regular crust
I just got to try this. It's fucking bad. It's so doughy and heavy, it has the texture of savory pound cake. The new sauce is terrible too.

I wish I had read this a few days ago. 100% accurate. I think Papa Johns tried doing pan in the past, and it was very similar to this. Just garbage tier pizza.


One sprung up not far from where i live, papa john's is trying to position itself as a premier pizza experience in the uk but at £17.99 ($22) for a standard pizza they can fuck right off.


Super old news. They have this in Raleigh. Tried two times on separate dates. First time was really nice. Second was horrible,funny thing is when delivered.

The guy opened his warming bag. He had it filled to the top with them all in a new black box. He said it's really popular.

Guess I got a shitty one.


Junior Member
I don't understand the appeal of this. Who really enjoys having a super thick crust? No one wants more bread on pizza. I've always found pizza hard to swallow unless it was thin crust anyway.




Im down.

Dominos pan is, no-joke, absolutely awesome for chain pizza.

Tell me I can get that as Johns Favorite and then it's joshfreeman.gif


Bought one for my oldest daughter last Wednesday but the other three children tried it as well. Only the oldest liked it, heh. The other three younger ones deemed it "not good." Whatever.
I don't understand the appeal of this. Who really enjoys having a super thick crust? No one wants more bread on pizza. I've always found pizza hard to swallow unless it was thin crust anyway.

Plenty of people enjoy more breading on pizza, thats why more and more chains are offering it, obviously.

I've never understand why people seem to debate how they like their pizza, thats the best thing about pizza you can customize it in so many ways that it appeals to pretty much everyone there isn't a singular one BEST pizza over anything else and I think the more types you enjoy the better experiences you can have with the food. For me personally I'm an extremely picky eater and I don't like many (if any) toppings on my pizza so a way for me to mix up the types of pizza I eat is the breading, regular crust, thin crust, pan crust, ect. all taste differently even if from the same place and while some places clearly do certain types better then others in the end its pretty hard to find a BAD pizza.

So on topic, I just tried this Pan Pizza yesterday (just cheese, I don't like Papa Johns pepperoni and like I mentioned above not a fan of 99% of toppings on Pizza) and it was pretty good, I generally don't get a thin crust from Papa Johns so it was nice to mix it up for once. I certainly think this kind of Pan pizza would go great with a lot of toppings (Wish I liked those :( ) as the Pizza itself is quite thick even for a Pan Pizza. I think Pizza Huts Pan Pizza is better but I will likely try this pizza out again in the future.

On another note of Pizza, my favorite Pizza is Donatos (thin crust pepperoni is <3 ) and I live in NC where the closest one to me is 2 hours away :( I swear whenever I move again I'm making sure there is a freaking Donatos within ordering distance, I miss that pizza SO MUCH!

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I feel like Papa Johns already has a pretty thick crust.

Maybe because I'm more of a thin crust kind of guy.
Dominoes' pan crust offering elevated them from "somewhat acceptable" to "pretty decent." Papa Johns' crust is already perfect. This is my opinion on the matter.

And obviously my local mom & pop pizza joint is one hundred million times better and why would you ever eat chain pizza god what is wrong with people
(It isn't. I live in China.)


Ordered this online for in store pickup yesterday. When I got there, the cashier was shady as fuck and gave me the wrong pizza on purpose. When I told him my name he looked at box after box and then said "Josh?" while picking one up. ..I'm like "No no, it's Justin", so he keeps looking and eventually fumbles over some boxes, grabs one and rings me up nervously, not making eye contact as though he's in a hurry.

Being nonchalant, I didn't look in the box, but when I get home, sure enough I look at the side of the box and he gave me "Josh's" order. Which was not a pan pizza. But looks like that was a good thing judging by some of the responses here.

Still though. I ordered a large with pepperoni, bacon
and pineapple
and got Josh's medium with only pepperoni and sausage :/ Fuck that guy.


Ordered this online for in store pickup yesterday. When I got there, the cashier was shady as fuck and gave me the wrong pizza on purpose. When I told him my name he looked at box after box and then said "Josh?" while picking one up. ..I'm like "No no, it's Justin", so he keeps looking and eventually fumbles over some boxes, grabs one and rings me up nervously, not making eye contact as though he's in a hurry.

Being nonchalant, I didn't look in the box, but when I get home, sure enough I look at the side of the box and he gave me "Josh's" order. Which was not a pan pizza. But looks like that was a good thing judging by some of the responses here.

Still though. I ordered a large with pepperoni, bacon
and pineapple
and got Josh's medium with only pepperoni and sausage :/ Fuck that guy.

this sounds like a maymay


this sounds like a maymay

Nah he heard me. He put the Josh box back at first when I corrected him. I think they forgot to make mine and instead of saying that and me having to wait 15 mins to make a new one, he figured he'd fuck me over to get me out quicker. Poor Josh. Cashier is lucky I don't make a big deal about my food.

Funny enough tho, I've told people over the phone my name and they hear Chester, Jeffrey, Jesse, and sometimes even Jason. But never Justin smh.

Sometimes I figure I speak at a low volume so I should speak louder but I honestly feel like a dick saying it loud and slow like I think the person is hard of hearing. Now I usually just say something like "it's Justin, like Bieber or Timberlake." and people laugh because I'm black lol.
Nah he heard me. He put the Josh box back at first when I corrected him. I think they forgot to make mine and instead of saying that and me having to wait 15 mins to make a new one, he figured he'd fuck me over to get me out quicker. Poor Josh. Cashier is lucky I don't make a big deal about my food.

Funny enough tho, I've told people over the phone my name and they hear Chester, Jeffrey, Jesse, and sometimes even Jason. But never Justin smh.

Sometimes I figure I speak at a low volume so I should speak louder but I honestly feel like a dick saying it loud and slow like I think the person is hard of hearing. Now I usually just say something like "it's Justin, like Bieber or Timberlake." and people laugh because I'm black lol.

I've worked at a pizza place taking calls.

Trust me, you're not being rude by speaking slowly and loudly. The phones aren't always the best, the place is loud, and a ton of common names sound very similarly. I usually have to ask customers once or twice to repeat, which sometimes pisses them off.

"Justin like in Timberlake" is a great idea, though.


Eating this now. Was nervous given some of the responses here, but this is actually pretty good! The crust is maybe a bit too buttery, but it was surprisingly light and the outer edge was nice and crispy. I tried two. One all cheese and one with pepperoni. The pepperoni one tastes slightly better... I think the spicy meat cuts some of that butteriness from the crust.


The real test comes the day after though... Little Caesar's Deep Deep Dish suffers from poor day-after pizza. Dominos and Pizza Hut fare a little better. We'll see how Papa holds.
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