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Rate the Xbox & Bethesda Showcase 2022

Rate the Showcase (1 being the lowest score, 10 being the highest)

  • 1

    Votes: 23 2.3%
  • 2

    Votes: 32 3.2%
  • 3

    Votes: 76 7.7%
  • 4

    Votes: 76 7.7%
  • 5

    Votes: 113 11.4%
  • 6

    Votes: 144 14.6%
  • 7

    Votes: 187 18.9%
  • 8

    Votes: 190 19.2%
  • 9

    Votes: 75 7.6%
  • 10

    Votes: 58 5.9%
  • 0

    Votes: 15 1.5%

  • Total voters
What a meltdown! If you want Japanese games so much maybe you should get a japanese console like Switch or PS instead of an Xbox? I will never understand that mindset. Persona 5 is on PS3. Clearly you made a bad decision along the way 😅

I wonder what DarkMage619 DarkMage619 and @kingfey think about 2022? They kept repeating "wait until after the show" for those big surprise releases.
I think the show was a 7/10. They had a diverse lineup of titles and put in some work filling in gaps critics said they were missing like Japanese titles in which there were quite a few and most if not all are hitting Game pass.

They also had a show where most of their reveals were game play trailers something else people complained they never had. Ravenlok, Redfall, Pentiment, Wo Long, Diablo, and of course Starfield all look pretty promising. These were all games promised within 12 months. Let's see where those other games are after these release. Decent show.


Not much for me.

Looking forward to Plague Tale. Apart from that, meh.

Not gonna get excited for stuff that is like a year or more away.


I don't follow the Navy Seals re-post point, but I assume it's copy pasta I don't give a shit about. My opinion isn't worth reading. For a TL DR of it: Xbox's entire conference was boring. The rest is bullshit, like this entire off-year. Go fuck yourself anyway, just in case you're Greenberg in disguise. Can never be too careful.
Ha! :messenger_grinning_sweat: Ok, I actually laughed. I'll shut the fuck up now, please continue.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
I thought Plague Tale looked too much like Tomb Raider now. Should've stayed stealth/puzzle.

It was a good show after Grounded got shown. At least for game pass users.
I thought similar about PT/TR. I'll be interested to see how it plays now as I liked the first game, and will definitely try it on GP but my first reaction is that I'm not sure cranking up the violence is what the game needed.


Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

"They could have shown some of Perfect Dark / Gears / Avowed, WTF?!"

"What's the point in showing cgi trailers?"

"I know it said pre alpha but man, that looked Rough, Xbox are in trouble "

"LOL, billions of dollars for that?"

Yep! People complain about games that are really far out, people complain when there are CGI trailers, and now people complain about a conference with 99% gameplay instead of people talking while showing us games we will be playing within a year. MS can never win here. So much gameplay and a crazy amount of games coming to Game Pass including a spiritual successor to Nioh. 1/10 come again they say.


Gave it a 7. Show was too long red fall and starfeild both look pretty good. Although I think starfeilds combat looks a bit off.

Ultra Donny

It was fun, a lot of games that i will never touch, but a nice 90 minutes none the less. Got hyped for Starfield and The Last Case of Benedict Fox. i gave it a 7.
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Data Ghost

As I said in another thread, I am so sick of the tidal wave of cheap looking uninspired announcements with naff names. They are really turning me off gaming. World exclusive!: Steck - Blade of Millet. World Exclusive!: Chent - Orient of the Rhind. World Exclusive!: Talisman - Night of the Hunter. Most of this stuff I wouldn't even click the download button for, let alone bother to play for free. Rubbish looking characters, with stupid voices, accompanied by some $hite voice over trying to make the absolute tripe on-screen sound epic.

Forza Motorsport was the only game that lifted my spirits, and that's sad when you think about it.

Finally, what about the likes of Halo Infinite? Why isn't that game continually evolving? I thought it was a 'game as a service' yet all they managed to produce was an unfinished game with copy/paste locations a YEAR later than they said they would. Where has all that money and time gone?? I'm only mad because its so enjoyable to play but the lack of anything from 343 baffles me. They can't all be trying to figure out how to get co-op to work.


Steck - Blade of Millet. World Exclusive!: Chent - Orient of the Rhind. World Exclusive!: Talisman - Night of the Hunter.

Finally, what about the likes of Halo Infinite? Why isn't that game continually evolving? I thought it was a 'game as a service' yet all they managed to produce was an unfinished game with copy/paste locations a YEAR later than they said they would. Where has all that money and time gone?? I'm only mad because its so enjoyable to play but the lack of anything from 343 baffles me. They can't all be trying to figure out how to get co-op to work.
Amen brother. They had updates for Forza Horizon 5, Sea of Thieves, Fallout 74 and TES Online but the one game that needed an update more than any other, Halo Infinite, and it’s radio silence 🤦‍♂️

Data Ghost


Amen brother. They had updates for Forza Horizon 5, Sea of Thieves, Fallout 74 and TES Online but the one game that needed an update more than any other, Halo Infinite, and it’s radio silence 🤦‍♂️
Seriously its like some of these games are put through a random name generator. I'm sitting there with no expression on my face whilst thinking to myself 'is it me? am I just jaded and grumpy??'. They evoke nothing in me, my body would have more of a response to seeing a butterfly outside the window.

I was happy with the Forza Horizon 5 update and that does look fun, however there's something going on with Halo Infinite, there got to be more to this than they have ever officially announced. At this point it just doesn't make sense that all that time, dedication, and money to such a high profile title has resulted in so little.
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6/10 for me and this is coming from someone whos gaming a lot more on their Xbox this generation as opposed to PS last generation. Yes, my Xbox Series X gets more play time than my PS5 due to Game Pass and ease of access to games. Last gen, it was all PS4 for me, because Xbox One was a disaster of a generation for Microsoft sadly. This generation around, its quite even for me, but prefer Xbox for the reasons stated above.

I know the show was focusing on the next 12 months starting from today and I commend them for it. However, they have also announced many big important 1st party titles YEARS AGO including Fable, Perfect Dark, State of Decay 3, Awoved, Hellblade 2, Indiana Jones, Everwild and so on.

And we have not seen single one out of any of these whatsoever at today's show. I understand that some of them went through rebooting/dev difficulties and stuff. But you cannot tell me that not single one has made any decent progress. I don't need any crazy long gameplay demo or anything. Just a small trailer or something of in-game glimpse. The only title we seen most of is probably Hellblade 2, they did have a few things for that over the years, so I guess they decided to not show it here.

The surprises they had were okay, nothing to crazy. I was expecting at least 1 new big project be a surprise drop from one of their 1st party studios but that was not the case. Not even a word of sneak peak on what The Coalition is doing and I know they have 2 games in development at least. I don't know, I love Game Pass and some of the games they showed, but I think being SUPER STRICT only on 12 months is a bit too much. They needed at least 1 or 2 games that were beyond the 12 month mark and it would have sealed the deal.

Diablo IV, Starfield. Lightyear Frontier. Grounded, High on Life are the 5 games that stole the show for me as far as what I want to play really bad as soon as possible.

Just my honest opinion.
This show was a 4/10 for me. The only games I'd want to play out of everything they showed was the Forza Horizon DLC and Starfield.

It's funny however that you rated the show higher and was more annoyed about the lack of info on further out games, whereas I'm the opposite. I rated the show lower but I'm kinda happy that they didn't show anything that's further than 12 months out. Nintendo generally takes that approach and I think it works for them. Yes we know of the games ..... But there's no point in showing something in detail if it's that far out.

So overall naff show but at least they will have lots stuff to show next year.... Wihh all the Activision games added too
A generous 6/10...

MS do not know how to "demo" their games, cut their trailers, choose the music/soundtracks...Their showcases are too bloated, and nowhere near as sleek as Sony's: They just always feel amateurish to me.
The content is rich and quite varied, especially in terms of Indies, but there is not a single memorable title, imo. Also, most of what was shown looks, in terms of aesthetics, rather derivative...as if the games had been made using Media Molecule's Dreams.
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Some announcements like Persona coming to Xbox, Kojima working on Xbox game, Silksong and showcase of Starfield are what puts it on the above average territory. It's still near "meh" though because a lot of other mediocre or uninteresting reveals were there. I guess because Summer Game Fest was such a shitshow this one gets a +2 by default to its actual rating.
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5 out of 10.

Found it below average.

- Lots of indie games
- Redfall looks terrible and boring
- Starfield game play and graphics didn't impress me at all.
-Years old ports of Persona games which I already played years ago. No new jrpgs.
- Kojima game announcement so early that they had nothing to show at all. just a bunch of nothing and its most likely years away.


10 out of 10

-new KOJIMA ip
-Diablo IV
-Forza Motorsport
-Starfield gameplay video was FANTASTIC
-Persona 3, 4 and 5R
-Overwatch 2

PS: edit because i forgot about OW and Riot , i hate both but they are beloved by many so it was a good addiction by MS.
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Moderated wildly
Redfall - I think this will surprise people. I have a Co op squad that are all over this!
Silksong game pass day one wtf
Forza...looks insane.
Grounded me and the buds looking forward to 1.0
Wo Long deffo will try day one
Diablo IV looks grim dark amazing. Buying on PC and xbox day one.
Will give overwatch 2 a fair shake.
Plagues tale looks so good and I was a huge fan of the first, can't believe its gamepass. Sick
Interested in the kojima thing
Persona on xbox and on gamepass. Big Phil locked in Yakuza first then went for the big dog. Amazing era changing work. Will play.
Starfield....Everything I wanted it to be and more. Megaton game.

All in the next 12 months...then sprinkle those indie games in-between....what a great show.

As a PC and xbox series owner with gamepass it was a great great show. 8 out of ten easy.


I would say 5.

I really didn't like the hypocrisy of Microsoft with the speech of Sarah Bond about the games for the 12 next months. And even with the lack of meaningful content (beside Starfield) in the show, i expect this statement to reveal itself another lie by the end of those 12 months so...

I feel Microsoft expect us to think it's a great show just because they throw games at us, no matter what it is, what it means deeply for the future of their hardware, about the managing of their first party games or about the next gen in general.

They're going to make people believe they listened to critics because they show us a bunch of gameplays like it's a great deal, but they won't put any release dates, and when people will complain, they will put bullshit release dates next year and no gameplay...it's always this opportunistic approach over substance and meaning.

Otherwise as always Gamepass is a great deal and i enjoy it, but i would enjoy far more no Gamepass and better games with closer release dates.


Pretty damn solid conference, in my opinion!

The biggest problem is that it confirms that, indeed, Xbox is pretty dry in terms of 1st party content in 2022.

But the presentation was great! Little to no bullshit, pretty much only gameplay trailers after gameplay trailers, everything supposedly to be realeased in less than a year!

- Redfall looks better than I expected, and I'm looking forward to it!

- Hollow Knight and Plague Tale were expected, but still great additions to Game Pass. That The Last Case of Benedict Fox seems pretty awesome too.

- Forza Motorsport looks great as expected. But doesn't excite me since I don't care for sims. Doesn't mean it's not great for those who care though...

- Wo Long looks like old gen, but I'm still excited for a new Team Ninja action game!

- I have already beaten Persona 5 on PS4, but it's definitely FANTASTIC news to see the franchise finally coming to Xbox (and on Game Pass). I might even play again because I didn't play the Royal version.

- Kojima finally announced his partnership with Microsoft! Fantastic news!

- Starfield looks absolutely amazing!!!

- Almost everything on Game Pass.

An 8/10, just because I feel like Microsoft dropped the ball for 2022. And because they didn't show Avowed! :(
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If this didn't show you why you may want to try game pass over the next 12 months...nothing will.
The concept of Gamepass is very anti-physical collecting, so it's not for me. If you're someone who always cries about games taking up your space and you don't mind giving all of the ownership to the conglomerates, then it perfect for you.


advanced basic bitch
7.5 For me. We pretty much knew all the big announcements going in. I was really hoping for some sort of big shadow drop announcement. Goldeneye remake is available today! I don't know. I just wanted to be wowed by something and it was just "good" Nothing wrong with that but I'm in no hurry to re-up my gamepass sub.


1 for me.

I went from possibly buying a Series X this year to holding off until Kojima's game comes out. No exclusives of interest to me at all really.

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
This show was a 4/10 for me. The only games I'd want to play out of everything they showed was the Forza Horizon DLC and Starfield.

It's funny however that you rated the show higher and was more annoyed about the lack of info on further out games, whereas I'm the opposite. I rated the show lower but I'm kinda happy that they didn't show anything that's further than 12 months out. Nintendo generally takes that approach and I think it works for them. Yes we know of the games ..... But there's no point in showing something in detail if it's that far out.

So overall naff show but at least they will have lots stuff to show next year.... Wihh all the Activision games added too
Good points.....if it didn't happen EVERY year. It's always 'next' year!


Yea it was a solid 7. There was A LOT of great stuffing coming (to Game Pass) over the next 12 months, but the show felt a little disjointed and lacked a couple more nice surprises.

But Starfield looked absolutely amazing. It's the first game I've seen that truly looks next-gen.

Also, people saying they're only interested in a couple games shown... some of you must spend all your time on this forum trolling and not actually playing games.
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Moderated wildly
The concept of Gamepass is very anti-physical collecting, so it's not for me. If you're someone who always cries about games taking up your space and you don't mind giving all of the ownership to the conglomerates, then it perfect for you.

Yeah, I don't have much room anymore and if a game is really important to me I will buy it but that is rare, most games I'm one and done now. Too many games to play and too little time.


thats what i was saying. they could have showed something for the more bigger 1st party stuff but we got nothing!

It's just a bit of a transition phase. If they are moving towards not showing projects until within 12 months of release, for the most part, you just have to start somewhere. In the end it will result in much more exciting summer shows. They could still do teasers and project reveals a bit further out at game awards, etc.
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I think they did the right thing. XBOX liked to dazzle with cool CGI trailers for games that might come in 6 years, nice looking but devoid of real meaning, since the games might change completely in this time. Another bunch of cool trailers would make me very cynical.
As is, it wasn't as exciting, and I can understand that real fans of XBOX would enjoy any bit of info even on games far off, but at least it was real solid stuff. Hopefully they keep this tradition more or less. Big showcase next year they will hopefully show more.
And we have another showcase, expect to see more gameplay and details. Last year they put some more interesting info into second show, for some reason.


Some good, a lot of meh. Honestly, I like indie games, but I tire of these showcases that start out with a bang, and then showcase indie titles for about an hour, only to then go back to some heavier hitters near the end. I'd rather them just break them up into two different things at this point. It sucks the air right out of the showcase.

Even some of the games that look good need to have gigantic asterisks beside them. Like Starfield. Will it be a complete mess? Or Diablo IV. Will it be riddled with MTX and other issues? Then we have a Kojima announcement for no reason whatsoever. It's nice that they're pairing up. But since Death Stranding 2 is most likely a thing, we won't see any substantial information out of this partnership for years.

I knew Banjo wouldn't be there, because that rumour was easy to discredit. But the lack of a Goldeneye remaster was odd. I guess that's coming later.

I don't know. Some good stuff in there. I like the way Forza looks, and Starfield does look fun for what it is. Some of the indie titles do look fun as well. I guess I'm just less excited for some of these games because all the ones I'm looking forward to feel like they're decades away at this point (Indiana Jones, Wolfenstein 3, Perfect Dark, Avowed, etc.).


I need to reiterate how exceptionally jazzed I feel by Spencer showing up to give his "we hear you" speech to fans of Japanese games at this show. Normally we would get it through annual interviews, and now we get to see the bossman himself saying that bullshit on a stage again. This time, while presenting multi-platform games as if they were some sort of significant response to fans who spent a decade and a half wanting Xbox to keep putting money into new 1st party Japanese games.

Remember Lost Odyssey? It'll be 15 years ago soon. Scalebound? Cancelled 5 years ago. What do we have now? Phil himself boosting a mundane show with his presence, about to figuratively drop the other shoe since we've spent an hour+ waiting for something exceptional or immediate. Only now he presents a multi-platform Team Ninja game, implying a special relationship around it. We get a multi-plat bundle of old Sega ports, and a phoned in Kojima call talking about vaporware cloud possibilities just like Crackdown 3.

Can we get AAA 1st party games made in Japan? More than one per generation? How about low budget JRPGs? Blue Dragon had sequels on DS that never got ported to Xbox. Why not? Who holds that IP?
Is Itagaki willing to make Xbox games? What about Hajime Tabata? Koji Igarashi is making Bloodstained games with kickstarter funding, and Xbox seemingly has nothing but money to contribute. Where's the disconnect? Nihon Falcom is nearly as old as Microsoft itself. It's legacy and influence has been huge. It thrived on PC development. It has IP. It struggled to expand or target multiple platforms over the years. It's probably cheaper than the cost of feeding Greenberg. Why are we not seeing more acquisitions over there?


Sad Phil GIF by getflexseal

The Alien


Thought it was a good, but in some ways underwhelming, show. Everything shown was for release in the next 12 months. Which is good but limiting. They do have a second showcase this week...so we'll see what else they chat up soon.

XBox pacing in this show was not great. Too much time with Forza and As Dusk Falls.

Redfall looks good. Nice start of the show.
They gave more gameplay. Some really interesting things coming (especially to GamePass (Scorn, Plague Tale 2).


Went with 5/10.

I've never bought into the Xbox ecosystem but was pretty impressed with what they showed last year and the prospects of gamepass. This show however was more like the Xbox conferences of previous years. Just a lot of it looks really generic to me with no unique selling point and rather trying to check a bunch of boxes. I understand that if you're already on Gamepass that this was a pretty cool show. But very few titles that they presented would I actually pay money for. It's really cool that Silksong and Plague Tale are Day 1. I did think the new Squanch title, Pentiment and Cocoon looked like a lot of fun, but the games that were supposed to hit big fell really flat for me. Starfield could be really good but definitely looked like a Bethesda game and Fallout 4 really burned me after absolutely loving 3.

Good for Gamepass owners but nothing showed that tells me I need to get an Xbox now.
Well, 38% of people think it's an A
it is what I said the great the vast majority think it's between 10 and 9. Neogaf seem completely blind to everything concerning Microsoft.
If you add that the vast majority of those who follow that account are Sony fans, it's clear how well the conference went.
A pool with 111k (now) votes is not to be underestimated
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it is what I said the great the vast majority think it's between 10 and 9. Neogaf seem completely blind to everything concerning Microsoft.
If you add that the vast majority of those who follow that account are Sony fans, it's clear how well the conference went.
A pool with 111k (now) votes is not to be underestimated

How is it the "vast majority" when the second option down (B) has nearly the same amount of votes
How is it the "vast majority" when the second option down (B) has nearly the same amount of votes
I wrote "the vast majority think it's between 10 and 9"

The vast majority thinks that it is between those two rates (both very high) and among all the votes the highest in any case is that of the highest vote A or 10.
111 thousands people who follow Geoff which seem no to be very popular among the Xbox fans. I posted it because the result is really different from the 900 votes of the neogaf pool
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It wasn't your usual hype building show, but on the other hand every one of the games are coming soon, and they had a lot of actual gameplay. I actually find it refreshing. Sure I would have probably gotten hyped with "in-engine" demos or CGI trailers for a bunch of 2024 or 2025 games, but that's ok. I actually hope they continue to stick to the "here is our next 12 months" kind of show. I am actually excited about more games than most from the show, so I voted 8/10
it is what I said the great the vast majority think it's between 10 and 9. Neogaf seem completely blind to everything concerning Microsoft.
If you add that the vast majority of those who follow that account are Sony fans, it's clear how well the conference went.
A pool with 111k (now) votes is not to be underestimated
GAF doesn't really represent normal consumers. Many here predicted Switch would fail and Xbox both as a brand and the XSS specifically wouldn't make it. Opinions from the majority here should be taken with a grain of salt.

Kagey K

And this shit

Slaps HARDER than this Xbox showcase & extended showcase combined

Mostly games you can play on Xbox as well and not coming until 23.

Timing might be better because it's shorter, but you could edit this (the multiplatform stuff) into the Xbox showcase, and it wouldn't really make it better.
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Moderated wildly
This shit

And this shit

Slaps HARDER than this Xbox showcase & extended showcase combined

The first 30 minutes of that video is star wars kotor 2 announcement by a mobile dev, Korean booty slasher, tiny Tina, gta 5, forspoken, rainbow six wackness, Alan wake remaster, ghost Tokyo, guardians of the galaxy, that battle royale vampire game, deathloop again, and I'm now 30 minutes in.

How is that back to back bangers, you've literally shown the worst example possible. I'm not even bothering with the second video lol. That first video was trash.
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Mostly games you can play on Xbox as well and not coming until 23.

Timing might be better because it's shorter, but you could edit this (the multiplatform stuff) into the Xbox showcase, and it wouldn't really make it better.
yeah because the Xbox showcase & the extended showcase was already bad to begin with. Come on you really want to go there?? Xbox showcase was full of console launch exclusive, the games I can play on the PS5 as well
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