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Soul Sacrifice (Vita) Demo impressions

Dunno if it's been mentioned, but I noticed that you can distract Harpy by planting trees!! How cool is that?!! Any spell that grows fruit to enhance your attack/defense/speed will get her attention. If she is flying, she will land to feed, giving you an opening to hit her with a charged up attack. Wish there was something that could distract Cerberus though.

That's absolutely amazing. I imagine that this game will have as many secrets as Dark Souls. You could use the monsternip spell to distract Cerberus, but that just makes him chase you I think.

hmm are the Martyr Rewards random?
It seems so. They might be random from a pool of several possible spells, though.
So I have never played a game designed like this before. I mainly buy and play games for single player story/development, but have been playing the demo online.

Mother of God it is fun. I really didn't think I would like it, but when you get a good group of randoms, it can be awesome!

Still a little confused on the customization aspects. What exactly are the Black Rites? Are they just power ups that also have consequences?

Black rites do a ton of damage to the enemy but have a huge downside. The only one in the demo sacrifices your skin as an offering and thus you take double damage.
Black rites do a ton of damage to the enemy but have a huge downside. The only one in the demo sacrifices your skin as an offering and thus you take double damage.

Yes, basically they are a kind of last-resort offering. You get a bonus offering rewarded to you (typically a rare one) if you use it and complete the mission, but it takes lacrima from Librom to recover and use the spell again.


Thankfully Cerberus gives 50 lacrima so it pays itself off :)

I really wish that there was a minimum timer for Cerberus to stay down. It's so frustrating when he's at Orange HP, yet gets up -instantly- upon knockdown. What do you even do at that point..

Does anybody know if the charge-up attacks do more damage, or are they solely for knockdown? I've assumed they do more damage, but maybe I should just be wailing on him with the basic attack instead..


Been enjoying the demo, took cerberus down with a party of 3. Was a blast. Think I might get the full game, as the price isn't bad.


Yes, basically they are a kind of last-resort offering. You get a bonus offering rewarded to you (typically a rare one) if you use it and complete the mission, but it takes lacrima from Librom to recover and use the spell again.

Ahh, I didn't know this. Couldn't I just use it toward the end, and then play conservative ranged and get the reward?
Ahh, I didn't know this. Couldn't I just use it toward the end, and then play conservative ranged and get the reward?

Yes. That's probably the best strategy if the black rite doesn't finish them off. With the one offered in the demo its very risky to use when the boss doesn't have low health because it will appear that you will take double damage, giving Cerberus the touch of death.
The price you have to pay to undo the sacrifice (i.e. get your skin back) increases each time, though. I wonder if at some point it's virtually impossible to pay that price or if it caps out.

One question about those homing roots things that exist for each element: The description says charging them "enhances" the spell. I noticed that they go a longer distance when charged, but does it also increase attack? If not it seems the most effective to get close to an enemy and spam these roots really fast instead of wasting time charging them. Especially because the roots are spreading out like a fan and wont all hit the enemy if you're too far away.


GAF parliamentarian
Guys, I'm in love with this game. Sony would do well to capitalize on it better than they did Demon's Souls.


The price you have to pay to undo the sacrifice (i.e. get your skin back) increases each time, though. I wonder if at some point it's virtually impossible to pay that price or if it caps out.
Cost caps out at 100 in the full version.
The price you have to pay to undo the sacrifice (i.e. get your skin back) increases each time, though. I wonder if at some point it's virtually impossible to pay that price or if it caps out.

One question about those homing roots things that exist for each element: The description says charging them "enhances" the spell. I noticed that they go a longer distance when charged, but does it also increase attack? If not it seems the most effective to get close to an enemy and spam these roots really fast instead of wasting time charging them. Especially because the roots are spreading out like a fan and wont all hit the enemy if you're too far away.

Well if you have a buddy with the demo you could make a game in ad hoc/online and have him test the charge attacks while you are in ghost mode after you die. You can see everyone's health bars and the differences in attack damage when you are a ghost.

Guys, I'm in love with this game. Sony would do well to capitalize on it better than they did Demon's Souls.

"Atlus publishing Soul Sacrifice II, Sony admits to "dropping the ball" with Soul Sacrifice."


in retail version, don't need to worry about lacrima/tears...you'll get a lot of em...especially when playing online
Well if you have a buddy with the demo you could make a game in ad hoc/online and have him test the charge attacks while you are in ghost mode after you die. You can see everyone's health bars and the differences in attack damage when you are a ghost.

Yeah, I know. That's quite the hassle and I hope someone else did that already. :p


Legitimately at the point where I'm going to leave any game where teammates steal my counter at the start of the match. Every time, without fail, it's why I don't hit Divine Sorcerer.
Well, I have another couple of questions:

1. Is there a difference between using a black rite and someone sacrificing you as far as martyr rewards are concerned? Does one increase the likelihood of drops more than the other? Do these things stack so that using multiple rites + sacrificing your life gives you better drops? (I assume they do)

2. I assume the scoring at the end of the of the match also influences drop rates? Anything else?

3. I noticed that you can rewrite the book when you decide to sacrifice a monster after you have previously saved it and the other way around. Why would you do that? You're obviously loosing the NPC ally when you sacrifice them, so it seems like you at least want to save the monster once, get the pawn and from here on out never rewrite the book. Is there a benefit to having the monster eliminated and not getting the ally?

4. What's the level cap? Can you max out both Life and Magic if you want to?
3. I noticed that you can rewrite the book when you decide to sacrifice a monster after you have previously saved it and the other way around. Why would you do that? You're obviously loosing the NPC ally when you sacrifice them, so it seems like you at least want to save the monster once, get the pawn and from here on out never rewrite the book. Is there a benefit of having the monster eliminated and not getting the ally?

The benefit is getting more attack points. Its obvious since you're sacrificing but I don't know any benefits other than that. Perhaps in the full game some decisions will make a bigger difference. In the demo at least, it seems that unless you play in the story-free missions and you sacrifice, you will have to go back and save. So I would replay the mission until I get all of the drops I want, then save them once.


What the... Using the self sacrifice/inferno on the Avalon Arpie gave me a time sink as a martyr prize

I actually got the Mud demon as a Martyr reward from the harpie. It seems though that the Harpie drop's the Timesand as a Martyr reward more often than the others.

hmm are the Martyr Rewards random?

As far as I can tell. I wonder if it's random with each different Phantom Quest or it's just some huge pool.
The benefit is getting more attack points. Its obvious since you're sacrificing but I don't know any benefits other than that. Perhaps in the full game some decisions will make a bigger differernce. In the demo at least, it seems that unless you play in the story-free missions and you sacrifice, you will have to go back and save. So I would replay the mission until I get all of the drops I want, then save them once.

I just find it odd that you can basically "un-save" them by re-writing the book. I don't see the point to that. I can still sacrifice the monster in a mission, get the Magic points and choose not to rewrite the book to still have it recognized as saved.
I basically wonder what the difference is between having a monster "saved" or "eliminated" in the book. A "saved" monster obviously gives me an ally. But what does "eliminated" do?


1. Is there a difference between using a black rite and someone sacrificing you as far as martyr rewards are concerned? Does one increase the likelihood of drops more than the other? Do these things stack so that using multiple rites + sacrificing your life gives you better drops? (I assume they do)
I've just checked the Japanese wiki and it said that "If you do one of the following: sacrificing an ally, be sacrificed by an ally, use a forbidden art, you'll get the martyr reward". That's all.
But what does "eliminated" do?
Makes a bad person stay dead.
I just find it odd that you can basically "un-save" them by re-writing the book. I don't see the point to that. I can still sacrifice the monster in a mission, get the Magic points and choose not to rewrite the book to still have it recognized as saved.
I basically wonder what the difference is between having a monster "saved" or "eliminated" in the book. A "saved" monster obviously gives me an ally. But what does "eliminated" do?

Trophies or some other reward for having all monsters eliminated or saved, possibly.

So, how's the demo? Anyone think the final game is gonna be good?

Fantastic. It's going to be fantastic.
I actually got the Mud demon as a Martyr reward from the harpie. It seems though that the Harpie drop's the Timesand as a Martyr reward more often than the others.

No timesand or mud demon but two lighting axes in two consecutive matches using the combo, inferno+sacrificed from NPC.
I've just checked the Japanese wiki and it said that "If you do one of the following: sacrificing an ally, be sacrificed by an ally, use a forbidden art, you'll get the martyr reward". That's all.
I see, thanks. Sounds like something you would read in an instruction booklet. Not really sure if I trust that this is really 'all', but I guess I'll just assume it is. :p

Makes a bad person stay dead.
Alright, so if I don't care about this little narrative driblet I'm better off saving them.


I just find it odd that you can basically "un-save" them by re-writing the book. I don't see the point to that. I can still sacrifice the monster in a mission, get the Magic points and choose not to rewrite the book to still have it recognized as saved.
I basically wonder what the difference is between having a monster "saved" or "eliminated" in the book. A "saved" monster obviously gives me an ally. But what does "eliminated" do?

Later on story branches depending on who you have saved and sacrificed.

I've heard that Saving/Sacrificing changes what 'route' the story takes? I imagine certain missions you can only do with one or the other?

Beaten :)


The AI partners are so incompetent. Every time they take even a sliver of damage, they immediately go to heal themselves. I thought that the Cerberus sorcerer would be more aggressive since he has Dark Arm II, but his damage output is about the same as one of the Neutral Arm sorcerers. Do these guys get better if you increase your affinity with them? And do they ever get/use Black Rites?
Just beat Cerberus twice in a row with a good team of randoms! I was being a good team player by shielding Cerberus's charging attacks and healing dudes when needed. That mortar egg attack thingy is pretty good for a ranged attack, but sucks when you miss.

The second time around, everyone died near the end and asked me to sacrifice them. All those sacrifices ended up killing Cerberus. Still haven't gotten any Timesand yet. I really want that golem summon!

For those of you who can beat Cerberus regularly, what's your setup? I've been using Stone Edge/Stone Fist/Ice Shield and Mortar/Mortar/AOE Heal. Thinking about swapping out one of the mortars for a homing attack...


Remember to not delete the demo file if you want to transfer the save file. Obvious, but I know at least one person who forgot about it.


Can anyone who has played the full game give the advantages and disadvantages of going Devil or Holy on the arm? Is is basically the same as the demo just scaled higher? Any special abilities or things gained in the full game on the full 100 levels?


Can anyone who has played the full game give the advantages and disadvantages of going Devil or Holy on the arm? Is is basically the same as the demo just scaled higher? Any special abilities or things gained in the full game on the full 100 levels?
There are sigils with additional bonuses for arm levels, like more attack if you have devil hand lv 4 etc.
Also if you go full chaos like me (99/1) prepare to be 2 shot killed by the strongest bosses. Holy guys might to less damage but without them the later quests are insanely hard for teams made only from glass canons.

You also get Forbidden Arts by getting Chaos/Holy level 20 and 40, so it's best to go for 40/40 first and start dropping levels when you're near the total level 100 limit.


There are sigils with additional bonuses for arm levels, like more attack if you have devil hand lv 4 etc.
Also if you go full chaos like me (99/1) prepare to be 2 shot killed by the strongest bosses. Holy guys might to less damage but without them the later quests are insanely hard for teams made only from glass canons.

You also get Forbidden Arts by getting Chaos/Holy level 20 and 40, so it's best to go for 40/40 first and start dropping levels when you're near the total level 100 limit.

Thanks thats what I was looking for, I am currently 13/7 which is easy to shift one way or the other, but didnt want to go one way and find out that I was missing something and have to un level 50 levels lol
How many stone weapons in the demo? I have the axe and the fist, and those are very close range offerings. Makes it a bit tough not to get slapped by Cerberus at least once or twice. I wonder how much easier he would be if the entire party at least had stone axe. I never really know what to bring for him because of my lack of stone weapons.

I keep thinking I've seen all the offerings the demo has to available and then I get something new. Last night I got a volt axe, and a plant sword(which is pretty cool).


How many stone weapons in the demo? I have the axe and the fist, and those are very close range offerings. Makes it a bit tough not to get slapped by Cerberus at least once or twice. I wonder how much easier he would be if the entire party at least had stone axe. I never really know what to bring for him because of my lack of stone weapons.

I keep thinking I've seen all the offerings the demo has to available and then I get something new. Last night I got a volt axe, and a plant sword(which is pretty cool).
Just those two normally, although you might be able to find more with Martyr drops.
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